Hunting skill tiers

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Hunting skill tiers

Hello, so the hunting skill is great, and while it's overview gives a lot of ideas for how a hunter may operate, the skill tiers tell us very little of what is possible at any given level. So I've taken it upon myself to work on those tiers. I've also included the old fishing tier descriptions, since that skill has been wrapped up in hunting. Thanks in advance for taking a look:

=Skill Ranks=

==Novice (0-25)==
<p style="font-size:14px">This represents the point where the hunter has barely grazed the surface of entering the profession. The hunter will struggle to find prey, but may occasionally have a lucky break where prey wander into their vicinity or into one of their traps. At novice, the hunter is able to recognize tracks and at times the direction the tracks are leading, but little beyond the obvious passage of a creature. The type of creature or person that the tracks belong to, as well as other details will often escape them. In addition, a novice has only a minimal idea of what a particular animal can do. They may have some vague awareness of weak points in a common animal's anatomy, but rarely will it be precise enough to engender easy kills. The hunter in this stage if they rely on their skill for food will go hungry more often than not.

A Novice fisherman is capable of occasionally catching a fish, with little to no pattern of recognizable success. While any level of fisherman can use any of the main forms of Fishing, Novices typically find the most success with Angling. Novice Fishermen are able to find standard fishing locations, use simple bait, and know the most basic of casting techniques. Often they go breaks between successful catches, and will typically have more failures in the form of lost bait, tangled lines and nets, and loss of tools.
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==Competent (26-75)==
<p style="font-size:14px">At this level the hunter can both follow game trails to find prey, and also approach animals with increasing confidence in their ability to get in a position to take them down. They can follow the tracks of a individual creature for a few miles and hours before he trail will go cold or losing track of their quarry. The Hunter can now reliably catch food for their self. The hunter can reliable hunt medium prey, anything larger is a risk to the hunter without assistance. Of the more common animals in their preferred hunting grounds, a hunter will have a good awareness of the vital targets of their prey, and know how to put them down mercifully and without trouble so long as their combat skills are on par with the threat level of the creature.

At Competent, Fishermen typically have found a few favorite fishing spots, recognizing that they have a higher rate of success there. They've learned that changing bait for different types of fish is ideal, as is the weather and time of day. Competent Fishermen have gained the ability to Fly Fish as well as use nets for commercial fishing. They are able to recognize when a new location is working, when a bait is popular, and other such patterns. They've learned how to use different casts to achieve different results, be it for a distant cast, beaching cast, curved casts, etc.
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==Expert (76-150)==
<p style="font-size:14px"> These hunters can track a trail that is a few trials cold, and are able to identify most common animal tracks as well as those they have encountered before. They also have gotten good enough to determine the gender, provided they have awareness of the creature's physiology. There are few animals and creatures they're incapable of stalking, or making a safe enough approach to get in a position to bring them down. They have absolute precise knowledge of their typical quarry's weak spots and vital targets, and their ability to put down their quarry is now only bottlenecked by the danger posed by the creature and their combat skill. The only animals that the hunter has trouble with, are truly massive animals that are scattered across the land, which for whatever reason are capable of enduring the blows of a singular hunter's weapon.

At Expert, fisherman can adjust their techniques to not only catch a specific species of fish, but also chase after specific individuals. These might be particularly large fish that have been spotted, or those of an unusual coloring for their species. At this level, recognizing patterns in their own success and failure is second nature, and they have begun seeking out more specialized and difficult fishing locations. They're able to cast further and more accurately, almost never get a snagged line or net, and are just as much a part of the water as the fish themselves. Net fisherman will often find their nets full at this level, and anglers throw back the smaller ones to catch them later when they've grown.
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==Master (151-250)==
<p style="font-size:14px">A Master hunter can find a trail that has gone cold for even a good portion of the current season. Few quarry can evade their attempts to track them, and persistent masters will rarely be thrown from the trail unless exceptional circumstances such as supernatural abilities or other mitigating factors come into play. Even animals they aren't familiar with will give up some of their secrets and nuances to the master hunter, which are visible in their tracks and the way they leave their trail to follow. By now, the natural world has little in the way of secrets from the hunter, and they can very nearly intuit the position of vital targets on any creature that is of natural origins. While their skill is still bottlenecked by the combat ability of the hunter, their lethality is greatly enhanced by their skill at hunting, and can carry the day in a dangerous hunt.

At Master, the fisherman is unparalleled in their ability to capture any fish. They seek the largest, most elusive fish in the most dangerous of locales. These fishermen are invisible to fish, their hooks always unseen, their bait always specially picked for the target. A master Angler can reel in enough fish in a day to feed a village, and a master netter can feed an entire town. They know the importance of conserving fish populations, of mentoring lesser fishermen to not destroy habitats, and that fishing is just as much about meditation and becoming one with the waters as it is to feed oneself and others. These men and women have caught named fish of legends, though some might call them sea monsters, and saved areas from starvation. Their names inspire entire generations to take up the rod, the net, and the spear.
</p style>
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Re: Hunting skill tiers

This looks very good.

Most small animals are caught with traps, not with actually hunting with a bow or spear. Effectively shooting a rabbit is hard since its so small and fast. So may mention that novices tend to rely on traps more often then physical tracking and killing. Maybe also mention the animals aggressiveneness, or maybe divide between natures hunters and prey. A bobcat or cougar aren't big animals, but are harder to hunt and kill then a deer which is double their size.

Over all it looks good and helps clears up the levels.
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Re: Hunting skill tiers

I like it a lot - my only wonder is whether novice is possibly too skilled? I mean - this is someone who has never set foot in the wilderness (potentially) - never hunted, never built a trap.

Other than that (and I might be wrong, I just know how useless I'd be!) - looks good!
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Re: Hunting skill tiers

Hey Fate and Faith.

The trapping of animals is included in the original write-up. I'm not entirely sure how to include a mention of that aspect here, but I did remove mention of the size you can expect to successfully hunt from novice.

Faith, I'm not sure how to balance being entirely useless at hunting and wanting to give a person an opportunity to independently working on the skill with small breadcrumbs of success. The balance I've sought after here, is to give them a chance for success but to note that they will often expect to fail. I'm not sure how to make it more clear than I have?

Thanks for the feedback people, please keep the conversation going.
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