• Placeholder • Mittens and Turtleneck Sweaters

7th of Ymiden 722

Stronghold of education and learning, this fortress is in one of the coldest areas of Idalos and home to many knowledge seekers in a variety of disciplines. However, unknown to most, below the city are those who suffer for the sake of science. While all are welcome, not everyone will be treated as they expect.

Moderators: Pegasus Pug!!!, Avalon

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Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2016 10:54 pm
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Mittens and Turtleneck Sweaters

7th of Ymiden 722

7th Ymiden, Fortress
There is a buzz of excitement among the seamstresses, tailors and merchants of Viden; a shipment of exotic fabrics has come in and the shipment is much larger than had been expected! Some of these fabrics are very unusual indeed and there are many shops who have more than they need - sales ensue!

word count: 60

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