• Solo • The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time

Seira gets caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Seira Shiryu
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The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time


25 Saun, 716

Seira sang the scale several times as she gathered up her things. She found that doing so was a good way to warm up her voice before giving a performance. And she had learned the hard way that warming her voice up before a performance was important after giving one a few years back that had resulted in several trials with a horribly sore throat, and a voice so hoarse that she could barely speak, never mind sing.

Taerin barked once, diverting her attention. The young dog looked hopeful, and eager. It seemed like she was asking Seira if she could go with her. Seira chuckled. It was a good idea. Crowds usually liked watching her perform tricks to the music Seira played. But after giving it a few trills worth of thought, she decided against it. She was going into Lowtown to perform today. Normally, she avoided going into Lowtown, if she could. It was a lot more likely that she would be mugged there. Should that happen, at best, she would lose her day's earnings, and likely her hang drum, as well. But she could also be injured, even killed. Going into Lowtown was rarely worth the risk; especially since the people who lived there were less likely to be able to afford to toss a few coins at a street performer.

"Not this time, Taerin." she told her friend as she bent down and scratched the dog's ears.

"It's not safe for you to go with me this time."

Taerin barked again, and Seri came in to see what was going on. Seira told her where she was going, and why she didn't want to bring Taerin with her. Seri frowned, but she promised to prevent Taerin from trying to go with her. But she made her feelings plain; she didn't like the idea of Seira going into Lowtown, either.

"I don't have a choice." Seira muttered softly.

"Jonir's been trying to ambush me the last several times I've performed. But if I head into Lowtown, I think I can lose him. His parents won't let him go there."

Jonir was a bully from school. He liked to target the smaller kids in their class. But his favorite targets were the kids who didn't have anyone to stand up for them...like Seira and Seri. He never bothered them at school; he was too smart for that. If he did, the teachers would put a stop to it. But outside the school yard...they were fair game. And lately, he had taken it into his head to ambush Seira after a performance and steal any money she had earned that day. She wasn't strong enough to put up much of a fight, so more often than not, he succeeded.

"We're not desperate yet, but if he keeps stealing what I earn, we will be. But if I play in Lowtown for a while, he'll lose interest before too long...he always does."

Seri nodded, but she didn't look any happier about the idea of her sister facing the dangers of Lowtown. Seira finished getting ready, said goodbye to her twin, and left.
word count: 542
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Seira Shiryu
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The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time


On her way to Lowtown, Seira decided to stop at the market. Since she was going into Lowtown, she thought it might be a good idea to buy a weapon. Even if she didn't know how to use it, simply having one might keep people from trying to mug her. But buying a weapon took a certain kind of courage that Seira wasn't sure that she had. When she first tried to approach the displays that had weapons for sale, the merchants shooed her away, telling her to go pester someone else, or threatening to summon a guard to arrest her for shoplifting, or pestering the paying customers. So, in order to gather the courage she needed, and give herself some time to come up with a plan, she began to browse through some stalls that were selling musical instruments...something she did know a lot about.

It wasn't her intention to buy an instrument, but when she found a beautiful fiddle made out of a nice, dark wood, she couldn't resist. At first, the merchant didn't take her seriously when she asked to buy it. It took her unpacking her hang drum, and playing a quick song to prove that she was a bard, not just some stupid kid. Even then, he didn't believe that a kid like her could afford such a fine instrument. It took a small fib about it being her birthday, and having birthday money to spend to finally convince him that she could afford the fiddle.

He tried to interest her in a drum, too; not a hang drum like the one she already owned, but the kind made out of a tanned animal skin stretched tautly over both ends of a cylinder. Seira hesitated over spending so many nels on something other than the weapon she had set out to buy. But after careful consideration, she realized that she could afford it. And the instruments would be a lot more useful than a weapon she didn't know how to use. Learning how to play more instruments would give her more options when it came to her street performances. In the long run, it would earn her more money than knowing just one instrument would. Especially if she could gain enough skill with the instruments to be able to offer lessons in how to play them.

The merchant gave her the opportunity to try both instruments, and she did. Despite not knowing hoe to do them justice yet, she did like the nice, clear sounds they produced. So she counted out the 80 GN for the fiddle, and drum. Nels, and instruments exchanged hands, and the transaction was complete. Seira packed up her new instruments, and left the stall.

This time, when she approached a near by weapon stall, the man who had sold her the instruments vouched for her. The weapon seller gave her a dubious look, but did not try to shoo her away again. Seira glanced at several blades, but it must have been obvious that she had no idea what to even look for, because after a while, the weapon seller approached her with a friendly smile.

"Will this be your first weapon?"

It was phrased as a question, but the man's tone suggested that he already knew the answer. Knowing that he would be able to tell if she was lying, Seira didn't even bother to try.

"Yeah...is it really that obvious?" she asked with a rueful grimace.

"Yes, but don't worry about it. You're just a kid. No one would expect that you would know anything about weapons at your age."

Seira scowled at the comment about her being "just" a kid, but she didn't bother denying it. The man chuckled at her annoyance.

"You want to look at the smaller weapons. Someone your size isn't going to be able to manage the bigger ones. Especially a girl like you."

At Seira's deepened scowl, the man was quick to continue.

"I don't mean to offend you. But what I said is nothing but the truth. Girls tend to have less strength in their arms than boys do, unless they've worked out a lot to build up their muscles. Work like that shows."

He gestured at his own arms. They were huge, maybe even thicker than her legs. And they were very muscular. It was clear than the man knew what he was talking about, so she decided that his words weren't really an insult.

"The larger blades are a lot heavier than the smaller ones are. Without the proper arm strength to wield them, you'll tire easily, especially in a long fight. And it will be easy for an opponent to knock the sword out of your hands. What you want is a smaller blade. Something like this tanto, here."

Seira remembered how difficult it had been to carry Vivian's sword when they met each other during her friends' "treasure" hunt; it had been so heavy, it was all she could do to just lug the thing around. Using it in her poor attempt to attack one of the bandits they'd encountered had taken all the strength she had.

She eyed the weapon the man showed her carefully. The entire thing looked to be close to 2' long, shy only by a few inches. The blade itself took up most of that length, and was maybe a bit longer than 14". It gleamed silver, and looked very sharp to the eyes of the untrained girl. The hilt was black, and had a leather grip with a diamond pattern on it. The sheath beside it was black as well, and had a beautiful design etched into it. Seira admired the weapon's deadly beauty.

"This weapon is well made. It will serve you well in a fight. But I won't try to lie, and tell you that it is the master work of some well known swordsmith. My son made it. He's hoping to open a shop and sell only weapons that he makes himself some day."

Trust didn't come easy to Seira, but she decided to cautiously accept what the man was saying on face value. He didn't appear to be trying to cheat her.

"How much do you want for it?" she asked at last.

"It's a good quality weapon, so 24 GN is a reasonable price for it."

Twenty four gold nels seemed like a lot of money to Seira, but then weapons seemed like a thing that should be expensive. And a good instrument would cost a lot more than that. So she nodded.

"I'll take it."

The man smiled.

"Can I interest you in a set of throwing daggers, too? You'd get five in a set. If you can learn how to use them well, they will be a hidden sting that can counter the disadvantage that a smaller blade will have against an opponent with a longer one."

That made a great deal of sense to Seira. But after buying two instruments already, and wanting to buy the tanto, she wasn't sure she could afford anything else. She had some nels saved up, but most of what she earned went to feeding her and Seri, and keeping them in decent clothes, so they wouldn't drive people away with their ragged appearance.

"How much?" she asked again.

"It depends on the quality, just like with any weapon. An average set would cost you 2 GN. A good quality set would be 4 GN, but the blades would be sharper, and they would hold their edge longer, so you wouldn't need to sharpen them as often. Their balance is also better, so it would be easier to throw them with more accuracy once you got the hang of using them."

Seira added the cost up in her head. She'd already spent eighty gold nels on the instruments. But the tanto was less than she'd expected she would have to pay for a decent weapon. Combined, the tanto, and throwing daggers would cost her twenty eight gold nels. She would be able to afford it as long as she was careful about what she spent for a while.

"I'll take a set of the good quality throwing daggers, too, please."

Nels exchanged hands once more, and the weapon seller handed Seira her new weapons. Then Seira made her way home to drop off her new instruments before making her way to Lowtown.
word count: 1440
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Seira Shiryu
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The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time


As soon as Seira set foot in Lowtown, she noticed the differences. There were no cottages such as the one she and Seri lived in. Only small, dingy looking apartments cramped together, and piled up on top of one another like a child's building blocks. Children played in the streets, screaming at one another as they ran around underfoot, getting in the way of adults that eyed each other suspiciously as they went about their business. Some of them kicked the kids who got in their way aside roughly, and no one tried to take them to task for it. It was like being in a completely different world...and not one that Seira liked, or felt safe in. She reached for the tanto she wore hidden under her cloak. Despite the fact that she didn't know how to use it, simply feeling the hilt reassured her a little. These people probably didn't know how to use a weapon any more than she did, and if that were the case, then just the sight of the blade might make them think twice if they decided to attack her.

Seira found a likely spot where she would be out of the way while she gave her performance, and unpacked her hang drum. Some people were curious enough to stop, and watch what she was doing. When she was ready, she began playing the introduction to a bawdy song she'd heard played commonly at one of the rougher taverns in the city. It seemed like it was the type of song that would appeal to a crowd like this one. And it did catch the attention of people nearby.

But when she started to sing, she could barely get the words out. And when she tried, she couldn't help but turn a deep shade of crimson. It wasn't that she didn't know the song. The song was a popular one, and she had heard it many times. But the song spoke of flirting bar maids, and low cleavage, and drunken revels...weird, and confusing adult stuff that made Seira blush when she heard it, never mind tried to sing about it. The crowd laughed at her as she sang. One of them jeered at her, telling her that she was no bar maid, and that she should stick to stuff a kid like her should know about. The man meant it as ridicule...but he did have a point. Seira sang the song through, partly out of sheer stubbornness, and partly because to do anything less would mark her as a coward to these people, and cause them to lose interest in her. But as soon as it was over, she switched to a rousing adventure song about a Biqaj seeking treasure on the high seas. It was the right choice. The crowd loved the lively song, and soon those who knew the words were singing right alongside her.

She sang until she felt her voice start to roughen. She was thirsty, but she hadn't thought to bring any water with her to quench her thirst, and she didn't really trust anything she might find here. Knowing that to press her voice any further was to risk injury to it, she finished the song she was singing, and ended her performance. She thanked the crowd for listening, and packed up her instrument as they dispersed.

As Seira gathered up her earnings, she didn't pause to count them, but she did note that it was much as she had expected; not much. She didn't want to tempt fate, and risk someone deciding to mug her, so she hastily made her way to the gate that marked the passage from Lowtown into Midtown. The gate was shut, and a small crowd that was quickly growing in size had gathered at the gate, demanding to be allowed to go through. Seira thought that that was a stupid demand; it seemed very unlikely that the guards would listen to "mere" commoners like themselves, and drawing the attention of guards who were already alert to some perceived threat, and likely in a bad mood because of it seemed like an even more stupid idea to the young girl.

Somewhere in the distance, someone began screaming. That was all that it took to turn the confused, and anxious crowd into a terrified mob. But the soldiers were armed, and most of the crowd was not. It was no contest. Seira had no intention of being arrested for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nor did she want any part of the beating that was likely the best that these people could hope to get if they stuck around. So as some of the soldiers descended on the crowd, Seira made herself scarce. Lowtown was filled with nooks and crannies that a small girl like herself could fit into. It didn't take her long to find a promising hiding place, and tuck herself into it. She'd wait until the commotion died down, and try the gate again later.
word count: 855
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Seira Shiryu
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The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time


So many dead. Men, women, children...it didn't seem to matter to the soldiers who were now in control of Lowtown. No one was safe. Seira bit her lip to muffle a laugh of sheer hysteria. Safe? Nothing was safe anymore. The entire world had gone mad. Soldiers pulled entire families out of their homes, and slaughtered them like pigs. Seira didn't recognize the uniforms they were wearing, but that didn't matter. Soldiers were soldiers whether they were skyriders, or Iron Hand, or anything else. And the soldiers were supposed to protect the people...weren't they? That's what she had been taught in school, anyway.

School seemed very far away to Seira; impossibly far in both distance, and time. She had quickly lost all sense of time as one trial turned into another...and another. Sleep was a thing of the past, just as safety was. Seira managed to survive the slaughter by staying hidden. She didn't live in Lowtown, so she didn't have a place to call home here. She moved from one hiding place to another, never staying in any one place for too long. And "sleep" only came when she had exhausted herself to the point of passing out in whatever bit of shelter she had managed to find for herself. Even then, it was a troubled, fear filled sleep plagued by nightmares that ensured the little sleep she did get was far from restful.

Food was just as scarce as safety and sleep were. Seira ate what she could find when she could find anything, but the little money she had earned during her performance was quickly running out. And what little she had left wasn't worth much when the people who had food were desperately hoarding it for themselves. Seira could understand that sentiment completely, and she vowed to herself that if she managed to survive this nightmare, she would insist that she and Seri keep a larger supply of food for themselves. They didn't earn enough that they could afford to allow food to spoil before they could eat it, but they needed to keep at least a season's worth of food in reserve...just in case.

Seri. That was yet another source of fear for the young girl. She had left her sister safe at home in Midtown...but what if Midtown wasn't any safer than Lowtown was now? What if the soldiers were killing people there, too? Was Seri even still alive? Would she ever find her sister again in the chaos that would result if the entire city was under attack the way Lowtown was? Seira needed to believe that her twin was safe...needed it like she needed air to breathe. But there was no way she could be certain of that. Not when she didn't even know if she would live to see another trial...or another break.

Seira's eyes burned with exhaustion as she crept towards the gate that led into Midtown. She didn't truly believe that she would find it open anymore...she wasn't sure if she believed that the gate would ever open again. But she still had to try. The thought of finding her twin was the only thing that still kept her going.

She darted from the dubious shelter of a collapsed apartment to duck behind a pile of corpses that had been shoved to one side. Dully, Seira realized that they had been killed recently. The bodies hadn't started to smell yet, and some of them still bled slugishly. That meant that whoever had killed them might still be here. She couldn't stay long.

Her entire body tensed as she searched for any sign that someone else living was nearby. There were none that she could find. That didn't reassure her any, though, and she quickly found another hiding place. This time, it was a tiny alley between two apartment buildings. Bit by bit, she edged her way closer to where the gate was. The weight of her hang drum was a comforting one; she had no idea how she had managed to hang onto both it, and her weapons, but she had. The tanto had saved her life more than once, the sight of it frightening off a would be attacker looking to steal what little she had, and the hang drum was a reminder of the sane world she had left behind when entering Lowtown. She was so certain that she would find it still closed that when she finally got there, it took her several bits to realize what she was seeing. The gate stood wide open for all who wished to pass through it.

Part of her wondered if it was a trap. What if some of the soldiers had opened the gate to lure unsuspecting people to try and approach the gate...leaving themselves wide open to attack? Seira wanted no part of their trap. So she stayed where she was hidden; waiting, and watching, not daring to hope. One break passed. Then a second, and a third. People passed through the gate into Midtown with no resistance. No one sprang out of hiding to kill them as they neared the gate. Finally, Seira decided to risk it. She darted from one bit of cover to the next for as long as she could. When she reached the open area, she hesitated until she saw yet another ragged looking man pass through the gate unharmed. Then she gathered the tattered remains of her courage, took a deep breath, and ran through the gate herself.

It took her several trills to start breathing again once her was through the gate, and tucked away behind a parked wagon. She was still alive. No one was in sight, but this side of the gate looked...normal. There was no sign of any of the devastating damage that had been done to Lowtown. The desperate need to find her sister overrode her caution, and she broke cover to race towards home as fast as she could.

Seri was there, waiting for her. She was there, and safe...and just as terrified for her as she had been for Seri. Seira could see her sister's need for answers. But Seri's eyes narrowed as she took in the battered, exhausted form of her sister. There would be time for answers later. Seri grabbed Seira's arm, ignoring the flinch the sudden move caused, and bustled her sister into bed. Answers could come when Seira was rested enough to give coherent ones. Seira murmured a weary thanks as her sister took over. Sleep took her the moment her head hit her bed.
word count: 1127
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The Wrong Place at the Wrong Time



Blades (Tanto): Matching the Size to Your Size
Deception: Birthdays can Explain an Excess of Coin
Detection: Knowing when to Leave
Detection: Something Isn't Right In Rynmere
Detection: Using Others as Guinea Pigs
Endurance: Working without Sleep
Thrown Weapons (Knives): Hidden Danger
Thrown Weapons (Knives): More Expensive means Better Balance
Singing: Choosing the Songs for the Audience
Singing: Knowing when to Stop
Stealth: Hide to Sleep


+1GN, 1SN, 7CN for Performance
-80GN for Fiddle and Drum
-28GN for Weapons
+1 Fiddle
+1 Drum
+1 Good Tanto
+5 Good Throwing Daggers



+2 Fame For Performance (Would've been more, but most of your clients likely died)

- - -

Sorry this took so long.

I liked this thread- I'm pretty sure I caught all the costs, but let me know if I missed anything.

I enjoyed it, but it was a pretty good and interesting take on the Rynmere revolution from an outside source. I especially liked how you wrote the traders, and her interaction with them.

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM. Thank you!
word count: 210
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