• Solo • That science thing that's about animals.

Oram's letter examination to start his course of study in zoology

46th of Zi'da 721

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That science thing that's about animals.

46 Zi’da 721

Oram had been unaware of his own fingers tapping his knees until the secretary, Lisa Freedman, called his name. Emerging from his preoccupied thoughts, peering down at the restless digits, the hunter wondered how long he had been sitting like this. All his life he had been an outdoorsman, a man of action, of motion, of constant contact with the elements and awareness of his surroundings. Now he found himself confined to a small space sheltered from those elements, where concentration counted for more than perception, and where the resources needed were to be found inside his own head. It was all as nerve-wracking as it was unfamiliar.

Someone had put to Oram that, now that he was Chief Ranger and Council Member, that he should secure for himself formal qualifications to bolster his legitimacy. The traveler personally cared little for what others thought of his legitimacy, but he also recognized the need to accept that, if he was to hold an office and lead others, then he must contend with how others perceived his suitability to his role. He had therefore registered at the University for a letter by examination, followed by a course of study for a certification. The subject he had picked for this qualification was zoology; first, because it was relevant to his work; second, because it was a subject he already felt he knew a good deal about, and thirdly, because it was the department of the Professor Jasper Seams, the professor he knew best and felt most comfortable around.

It was Professor Seams that Oram now rose at last to meet with, leaving behind his uncomfortable knee-tapping perch in the Science Department’s lobby to find the strange little Sev’ryn’s office. The first time Oram had visited that office had been in the company of Darius Baer. On that occasion, the two of them had found Seams crouching atop his chair in an odd pose, eating fruit. The hunter’s subsequent couple visits had been less jarring, and as he opened the door on this occasion, he found the professor standing at his window, his manner indicating that he had been expecting Oram.
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Re: That science thing that's about animals.

I am the very model of a scowling man in general

The little Sev’ryn professor gave Oram a civil but reserved greeting and asked the hunter to get comfortable. Seams then immediately launched into the matter at hand. ”Our purpose today,” he explained, ”is to verify that you have an adequate, Letter-level knowledge of zoology already, so that you can continue on to study for a Certificate.” Seams leaned forward for emphasis. ”Given our previous work together and your background and status, I’ve conferred with Professor Drumpf as well as with Chancellor Manyon and Dean Wagstaff to devise an approach. We are all equally aware of both your immense practical knowledge of animals and also your lack of prior academic training.”

Oram nodded to let the Professor know that he understood. Sensing that there was more, he waited.

”The Viden Academy stakes its reputation on academic rigor,” Seams continued. ”It is important that those to whom the institution awards even the most modest qualifications show an appropriate degree of academic achievement and proficiency.”

Oram felt his mood sink on hearing these words. He was no scholar. He could count on his hands the number of books he had ever read, and two of those fingers would be the Introduction to Science and the Fundamentals of Zoology that Seams had recommended to him when he had signed up for this course of study. Those books had not been easy for the hunter to work through, in spite of his familiarity with the latter’s subject matter. They were dryly written and used terminology that sent Oram thumbing through a glossary every few sentences. The hunter could furthermore probably count the number of reports or papers he had ever written on one hand without bothering his thumb. As to lectures he had attended, or examinations sat: he could count those on his fins.

”It’s not quite as grim as you might fear, though” Seams reassured, noticing Oram’s expression. ”Dean Wagstaff and the rest all agreed that it would be appropriate for me to examine you orally, informally for today. Something more akin to an interview. Know, however, that the Certification exam you will be expected to take at the end of the coming Cycle will be a formal written one, with all the attendant bells and whistles and footnotes. Professor Drumpf and/or Dean Wagstaff will administer it. So expect to be hitting a lot of books in the near future. And please come to me with any questions you might have during your studies. Understand?”

With an apprehensive gulp, Oram nodded.

Seams smiled, then settled into the chair behind his desk. The Professor’s smile, unlike those of Jim, was actually reassuring. The Sev’ryn continued. ”So, Oram Mednix, tell me what subjects you plan to study and seek a qualification for.”

Oram tilted his head back and surveyed the office’s ceiling while he composed a response to the open-ended question. ”Zoology,” he answered after a trill, matter of factly. ”The scientific study of animals.”

Seams nodded. ”Zoology is a pretty big field, of course, with lots of branches. Can you tell me the names of some of those branches that your especially interested in, and explain what they are?”

The Chief Ranger took a breath to organize his thoughts, but it was a question he was prepared to answer. He just hoped he remembered the terminology from Fundamentals of Zoology correctly. ”Well, as a hunter and a Ranger, I guess I’m most interested in understanding animal behaviors, and also their habitat and how they interact with and affect that.” He paused a moment, realizing that Seams was waiting for something. ”Ethology and ecology, I think those are called. Ethology is the behavior one?” he finished tentatively.

To his relief, the professor nodded. ”It might help to remember it this way: ‘Ethology’ and ‘ethics’ come from the same root. What other branches?”

Oram thought a bit more. ”Well, I have to dress animals sometimes, or even examine their insides to gauge things like diet, so anatomy, I suppose. Biogeography. Where animals live. Also, how they and mortals in the settlements interact.” He frowned, thinking for a few trills. ”I don’t remember the name for that branch. It was …somethingzoology?”

”Anthrozoology,” Seams answered. ”It’s a pretty obscure branch, but a worthy one, in my view. One of the few science branches where you’ll find more sev’ryn like me studying it than eidisi.”

The Professor peered at Oram a moment with what looked like a friendly expression. The hunter was actually starting to think this examination might not be so bad after all. The next question came: ”Since you are planning to study zoology, tell me this: What is an animal?”
Last edited by Oram Mednix on Tue Aug 22, 2023 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 800
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Re: That science thing that's about animals.

I’ve information animal and animal and animal

What is an animal? Professor Seams had asked the question so simply and quietly, and yet it stopped Oram in his tracks. It was something so obvious and intuitive that he found it hard to explain.

He remembered, however, that there had been a brief introductory discussion of exactly this question near the beginning of the Fundamentals of Zoology. He had paid only scant attention at the time he read it, and he struggled to recall it now. Trying stall, he muttered: ”W-well. Animals are living organisms that can move around freely…” The words “locomotion”, “appetite”, and “sensation” came to his mind. ”…that have sensory organs and the need and ability to eat external food, I guess.” He shrugged. ”As a hunter, I always just thought of animals as living things that yielded meat.” He paused. ”I have no idea what an animal is,” he concluded in defeat.

To his surprise, Seams grinned as if pleased by the answer. ”On the contrary, I think that, like everybody else, you have a perfectly good intuitive idea of what an animal is. Scientists try to give the terms they use precise technical meanings, often only with partial success. Your description of what an animal is is as good as any. Tell me, are mortals animals?”

Oram thought a moment. Humans had all the traits he had just described, including the meat bit. However…”Some share those traits I just listed,” he said, ”Cadouri certainly do, as do humans, but tunawa don’t, nor do yludih. And we supposedly all have different sorts of souls. So I guess not.”

Seams wrote something down, then thankfully changed the subject. ”You mentioned meat. Tell me, what, biologically speaking, is meat?”

Oram thought a moment, trying to remember the way the book described things. ”Meat is a…tissue, I guess? Well, it’s mostly muscle. That’s a sort of tissue, right?” He searched the professor’s face for approval, but Seams’ expression remained neutral. The hunter pressed on: ”Mostly muscle. But also some fat and maybe some connective tissues like cartilage. So a group of tissues that’s predominantly muscle.” he added hastily.

Seams nodded. ”Tissue, indeed,” he mused cryptically, as if to himself. Then, somewhat more pointedly, he asked: ”Do you remember what the study of tissues is called?”

Oram did not. ”Tissue-ology?” he ventured lamely, which brought a chuckle from his examiner.

”Histology” supplied Seams. ”That one is pretty obscure, as well.”

The examination continued, and to Oram’s great relief, moved onto topics he was far more knowledgeable of: the breeding cycles of various animals, their diurnal habits (the hunter even got to use the word ‘crepuscular’), dietary habits, food chains, how various animals overwintered. He was even able to startle Seams by pointing out that bears didn’t strictly hibernate, a revelation which caught the sev’ryn gratifyingly off-guard. It was nice to find the shoe, however briefly, on the other foot.

Oram was able to explain the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates, and some other basics of taxonomy. It turned out the Chief Ranger’s knowledge of invertebrates was generally rather spotty, compared to that of vertebrates. He did happen to know quite a bit about locusts, as Professor Seams would have expected from past experience, as well as about bees, which was new to Seams and appeared to impress him, especially when it came to Oram's understanding of bee ecology and human-bee interactions.

Seams would sometimes write something down, leaving Oram to wonder whether he was doing well or poorly with his answers. The Professor wrote a particularly long note after their discussion of bees, which the hunter hoped was a good sign. After a few eternal-seeming trills of writing, the sev’ryn looked up and said: ”Alright, we’re nearing the end. I want to ask some anatomical questions.”

As with most other things, Oram knew quite a bit about the innards of fish, mammals, birds, even turtles, but nearly nothing about those of invertebrates. He did at least remember that the study of insects was called “entymology”. Thankfully, Seams did not dwell on these issues, nor reproach him for his inability to say the first thing about the digestive systems of squids or earthworms. Instead he asked:

”I’ve heard people say that a cow has three stomachs; is that true?”

Oram smiled as he thought a bit how best to reply. ”I’ve heard that, too,” he said. ”It probably depends on how exactly you count stomachs, but my first inclination is to say ‘no’. Cows have a very large stomach with several compartments or lobes, but they don’t have several distinct structures like a crop or a gizzard. But it looks like just one stomach to me. And I’ve seen a few.”

Seams made a quick note this time, then asked his next question:

”Name three bones or skeletal features that other animals have that humans don’t.”
Last edited by Oram Mednix on Tue Aug 22, 2023 11:57 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 839
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Re: That science thing that's about animals.

…and I can spell out that infernal nonsense ‘pterygiophore’

Three bones or skeletal features found in some animals but not humans. Oram hated these sorts of come-up-with-x-examples questions, and he had to wait for the initial flash of dismay to pass before his mind calmed down and he realized that he could almost certainly do this. He had at least one example ready to hand, as it was something he had lately been researching for non-academic reasons. ”A baculum” the hunter answered. ”Bears have ‘em, humans don’t.”

The Professor nodded approvingly. ”What other animals can you think of that have a baculum?” he prompted.

Oram thought a moment of animals he had hunted and skins, whose insides he had seen. ”Rats, muskrats, pretty much any rodent I think,” he replied after a couple trills. He frowned while attempting to recall more. ”I don’t think cows do, since we were talking about cows earlier. Wolves and dogs do. Martens and weasels do. Wolverines, too.” He chuckled for a moment when he recalled his wolverine adventure with his brother. ”Rabbits don’t.”

The hunter looked over at Seams to see if he wanted more, but apparently the Professor was satisfied. ”That’s one,” the sev’ryn said, holding up a thumb. ”What other examples?”

Oram thought a moment. ”Tail bones?” he offered. ”Tail vertebrae, whatever they’re called.”

”Caudal vertebrae,” Seams announced. ”Humans *do* have a structure called a ‘tailbone’ or coccyx. Some anatomists interpret it as a vestigial bit of caudal vertebrae, although that is controversial.”

Oram frowned and harumphed. He had thought tail bones would be a good example. After a moment, he thought of something else: ”Those bony plates in the shell of a turtle. What are they…? Dermal plates.”

Seams nodded again. ”Indeed. Dermal plates. Humans definitely don’t have those. Alright, very well-”

Oram thought of something else just then. ”Oh! And fin bones!” he added brightly, pleased with himself. ”You know, dorsal fin bones.”

Seams looked up, startled, from the note he had begun to write, then smiled. ”I was actually going to give you the caudal vertebrae, but yes, pterygiophores are another excellent example.”

Oram gaped at the strange word. ”Terawhat?” he asked.

Seams smiled indulgently. ”Pter-y-gi-o-phore,” he repeated, enunciating.

Oram regarded the sev’ryn blankly for a few trills. ”Fin bones,” he said at last.

The Professor chuckled. ”Fin bones, indeed.” He fell silent as he wrote quite a bit. At length, he looked up at Oram and said: ”Conngratulations, Chief Ranger Mednix. You are to be awarded entrance to study for a Certificate in Zoology by the Viden Academy, Scalvoris Campus, as well as a Letter, pending completion of the former.”

Seams turned more stern. ”Be advised, you have a lot of work to do between now and when you take the examination for Certificate. That is one of the reasons I wanted to schedule this exam early. That examination will be written, and you will be expected to be proficient in the correct terminology. Seams allowed himself an amused smirk. ”You might even be expected to be able to spell ‘ptyergiophore’.”

Oram groaned, but also managed to return the smirk. ”Thank you Professor,” he said, as realization and relief washed over him. And excitement. He couldn’t wait to tell Osric about this!

”I’ll enclose a study list with the admission paperwork,” Seams continued. ”There is a standard list, but I’ll pencil in a couple extra items for you. I strongly urge you to make good use of your time through the coming Cycle and study the material seriously.” Seams stood up.

Oram rose, too. ”Of course, Professor,” he answered. The hunter knew that he had work to do, some of it what academic types might sneeringly cal “remedial”. He didn’t care about that, though. ”And thanks again.”
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Re: That science thing that's about animals.

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Notes/Warnings: This is a thread for Oram's entrance exam into his Letter-cum-Certification that he registered for ages ago. I'm finally working through some very old placeholders. Oram is registered at the Scalvoris University for Cold Cycle 722, but as I mention in thread, Professor Seams decides to schedule Oram's entrance exam a bit early for reasons alluded to.

Thread: That science thing that's about animals.
City/Area: University of Scalvoris (Viden Academy)

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Wealth Points: Knowledge is a treasure more priceless than gold.
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Re: That science thing that's about animals.

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  • Language: Scalveen

Oram Mednix


Although Oram is very knowledgeable about animals in a practical sense, and has a lot of observational learning under his belt, he still is disarmed by the academic side of zoology and its various branches. I was a bit surprised at the terms he was pulling out of his hat at some points, wondering if he'd pulled up a wiki article before his interview. But it's conceivable that he did some homework prior to his appointment.

I did find it odd that Oram was aware that Yludih were not flesh and blood. Be careful, because that's a very well kept secret and not something he'd know for certain unless he saw it himself.

Otherwise, was a good and interesting thread. I look forward to Oram's course in Cryptozoology and even Xenozoolog! Emeyan Beings!


  • XP: 10


  • Science: Zoology has numerous branches
  • Linguistics: Words with shared roots often also have shared meanings
  • Science: What an animal is
  • Science: Tissuology is the study of hists. Something like that.
  • Science: Pter...Ptery...Screw it! Fin bones.
  • Writing: Writing proficiency is essential to academic success
word count: 195

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