Feathered Visitor at the Glass Temple

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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Feathered Visitor at the Glass Temple

Ashan 29 721

Spring was not quite so in the air as Goku would have hoped. The cold start of the season left much to be desired in terms of budding trees but the hopeful hybrid was happy that the worst of the cold was behind him. He was excited for spring because it was typically a time for new beginnings. After working tirelessly he yearned for something new to break away from what he felt was an overly simple life. Goku’s feelings were what brought him to the temple. He came seeking knowledge about higher powers of the world and to try finding purpose.

The first thing Goku thought of when he arrived was “so that’s why they call it the glass temple. I was expecting glass but not a building as beautiful as this!” He stood in awe outside the doors just taking in the view until he was bumped into by someone trying to get inside.

Goku said, “Oof, sorry about that” and hurried on inside. He would then look around until he found something interesting. He did not really know what to expect since religion was an area he had never explored before today.

Goku wore his best condition clothing for his visit. It was formalwear that had only been worn on one other occasion and that had been two arcs ago. It hugged his body tightly especially around the biceps and back since he’d developed a noticeable bit of muscle in recent history. The top of his shirt was parted aside revealing some of Goku’s chest where the rune of naming could be seen; this would be the only indication that he was a mage as he had no mutations.

Goku bore no weaponry and his hair had been slicked over to the side in the only hairstyle that he knew how to do. The smell of pine lingered around him from some related labor he’d done the previous day. Once inside, his gaze would wander around to take in not only the building but also the kinds of people that spent their time there. There was so much to take in that he felt he could spend an entire hour people watching if left to his own devices.

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Re: Feathered Visitor at the Glass Temple


"Hey, look out!" The person that he'd bumped in to said as Goku made his way into the Temple. The man in question was tall, blond-haired and very handsome. Piercing blue eyes glared at Goku for a moment and his lip curled at the sight of Goku's wings. Then, the man stormed away, obviously unhappy about something.

Once inside the Glass Temple, Goku would find himself in a place of calmness and serenity - it was strange to think that anyone so angry could possibly have come from there - and, most of all, the place was quiet. There was a faint scent of incense in the air, but the Ashan sun poured through the glass windows and the room was awash with colours and light.

"Hello!" The voice came from nowhere Novice Detection and, for a moment Goku would be forgiven for thinking he was hearing things. "Hello?" It came again. Then, Goku realised that the voice came from ... "I'm down here!" ... approximately seven inches off the floor.

"Ah, there you are!" The tiny tunawaImage looked up at Goku with ancient but smiling eyes and a welcoming expression on his bark-covered face. "I'm Stan!" The tunawa exclaimed and then jumped up on to one of the pews, and again on to the back of the pew so that he was closer to Goku's height. At least, this way, the half-avriel didn't need to crane his neck quite so far.

"Welcome to the Glass Temple. I don't think I've seen you here before? I am the High Priest here, in the Glass Temple and it's my pleasure to serve in that capacity." He seemed very friendly, and gestured around the Temple very proudly as he spoke. "Now then, young man. What brings you to the sight of the Immortals to-trial?" Having asked his question Stan waited to hear Goku's answer.

OOC: Sorry for delays here - I've fallen behind because of the War stuff. I'm catching up now though! Thanks for your patience :)
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Re: Feathered Visitor at the Glass Temple

Goku looked at the man who stormed away while wondering what that guy’s problem was. Goku thought, “It is a busy place, of course you would get bumped now and then.”

The half avriel was too busy thinking about that man and nearly jumped in surprise when he heard the voice come out of nowhere. He let a startled sound which would echo throughout the temple. Was it a ghost? No, it was a tunawa! Goku felt relieved when Stan introduced himself and also a little ashamed that he had made so much noise. He had a feeling that this was not going to be the last blunder he’d make totrial.

He appreciated that the tunawa had decided to greet him because otherwise Goku would have just walked around for a bit and looked around. He likely would have interrupted someone’s prayer by talking with them as well.

Goku said in a quiet voice so as to not disturb people even more, “Pleasure to meet you Stan. I am Goku and I’ve been living in Scalvoris for as far back as I can remember. I came here totrial to learn more about the immortals and find one, or some, to dedicate myself to. The thing is… I am not very knowledgeable about the immortals and what the implications would be for worshipping one over another.”

Goku thought he should’ve told the tunawa about the things he was interested in, because he felt that those details might matter but he did not want to overwhelm a stranger with long drawn out information. This was his first religious experience so he wanted to take Stan’s lead on things instead of imposing.

OOC: not a problem at all. I am fairly busy nowadays too :)
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Re: Feathered Visitor at the Glass Temple


Stan seemed rather like an unflappable sort of fellow and he merely watched as Goku made some sort of strange noises. He didn't comment, just waited for the moment to pass and then he listened to what the winged visitor had to say. He nodded, thoughtfully, and then he gestured to Goku. "Follow me," he said, "if you would be so kind." It took a while for Stan to get places, because he was small, but he moved as quickly as he could and he led Goku to a place where he could survey the whole Temple.

"Every Immortal is worshipped here," Stan said. He smiled at Goku. "And I am very positive about people worshipping them. But, young man, whatever prompted you to think 'to-trial, I'm going to go to a temple and find an Immortal to worship?' exactly?" It was an unusual way of thinking, Stan thought. "Worship usually comes from the heart, and the heart is prone to doing things for a reason."

He looked at Goku and smiled, kindly. "So, before we talk about Immortals, why don't you tell me about yourself? Who are you and why did this trial happen this way? Why didn't you come here yester-trial to pick an Immortal to worship?" Looking at the Temple with an element of pride in his eyes, the tiny tree-man spoke. "Most of them wouldn't like such an apparent logic-based decision. Some of them would appreciate it." That was true enough. "But know that they demand true worship, not lip service and sometimes, in rare moments, they'll actually interact with mortals like us." He glanced then to the doorway, to the area where Goku had bumped into an angry man.

"Sometimes. So, tell me," Stan said, "if you would. Why do you feel that this is something you need to do?"

He then waited, patiently, for the answer.
word count: 322
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Re: Feathered Visitor at the Glass Temple

Sorry to see you haven't posted....

Hi Hi!

Since this thread hasn't been posted to in a while, I'm unsubscribing from it. If you return, however, and want to pick it back up just drop me a pm. I'll be more than happy to either pick it up straight away, put it in my waiting list if I'm at capacity, or ask another mod. Either way, it'll be no problem but I might not notice if you just reply.

Thanks! Hope to see you posting here again!

All the best,


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