• Closed • Planting Thoughts and Strawberries

Genn and Verbena meet and harvest medicinal herbs and strawberries.

Beyond the city of Rharne lies the Stormlands, which is home to a number of farms, forests, fields, Lake Lovalus, and the River Zynyx. This subforum also includes the Stormwastes to the south.

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Planting Thoughts and Strawberries


Ymiden 35th 720AV

Verbena was not enjoying Storm’s Edge. The stone walls encircled a noisy crowd of merchants, knights, and healers and the only colours were found on sigils and flags. The Tunawa escaped the confines of the fortress to the Mistral Wood given any opportunity. As it was, Knives and Verbena’s food wagon had been popular and Verbena was harvesting vegetables and herbs from her mobile greenhouse faster than she could grow them. It gave her the perfect opportunity to escape Storm’s Edge, searching for seedlings and wild herbs.

So far, Ymiden had been warm and mild, but storm clouds had been brewing and the farmer’s whispers were that typical Ymiden storms were imminent. Worried there would be few mild days left for foraging Verbena was making the most of the beautiful weather. She’d had Knives collar the Dollop that morning and was watching the two stuff their faces with breakfast. They were always especially ravenous on mornings they were collared, as if anticipating a long day’s work. Dollop had two pails, filled with dirt, ropes and stones, hanging from the hames.

Between the hames hung a pulley with a rope threaded through it that reached to the horses hooves. Tying one end around her waist the Tunawa grabbed the other rope and began to slowly pull herself up the horse’s steep side. She felt herself lift off the ground and soon she was whizzing upwards past a dun coloured hock, rubbed against a shoulder and up over the withers. Untying herself at the summit, the horse’s withers, she looped both ropes to the hames.

She grinned to herself as she gazed about the bustling center of Storm’s Edge. More than once she had set off atop Dollop’s neck only to have someone grab the mare thinking it had freed itself. Each time she reveled in the open shock and awe on their face. She had gathered, by their sheer absence and people’s reactions, that Tunawa were not as common here as in Desnind and to see one ride such a large creature even more surprising. It made sense, since most of the Tunawa mounts in Desnind were smaller creatures – and likely where the Rharnians got their Tunawa legends. Desnind was a different city; a city of trees and nature where a squirrel or a toad could move about freely in a familiar environment. Here in Rharne, there were no trees for a squirrel to ricochet up and too many people for their nervous energy and no swamps or bogs for a toad to mud bathe in and too many thoughtless feet to navigate. The domesticated horse however had both the temperament and size to move about Rharne unmolested or incapacitated. Not to mention the strength, and motivation, to carry my plants Verena added to herself as she glanced up at the sleeping Peacock atop her wagon.

Verbena gulped as she gazed along the mane she’d have to tightrope walk. But a toad or a squirrel would be much easier to mount, she lamented. To walk along a thin still branch, even if it wafted slightly in the breeze, was nothing compared to a mane shake. Lowering herself on her hands and knees she was glad for the broad thick neck of the Fjord breed. Though it hadn’t been planned and she’d cursed this difficult walk all the way from Rharne to Storm’s Edge, she was grateful for the mare’s stout size once she’d seen the many long slender necks of the knights horses.

She gripped mane strands in her fists and kneeled on the broad neck slowly working her way up towards the horse’s ears. Each grip and tug drawing her nearer to the bridle, and the secure seating behind the ears. Verbena focused her eyes on the goal, refusing to be intimidated by the distance to the ground. Eventually, she made it up to the bridle and the reins tucked into the headband. Straddling the neck behind the ears, Verbena untucked the reins and wiggled herself into position.

She had learned upon arrival of the dangers of Storm’s Edge, and though she had made it to the fortress in relative safety she’d been admonished for going too far from its safety alone. Fortunately, the OOA was present in Storm's Edge and she had often seen their capes coming to and fro from the woods and the fortress. She’d since found that at least one of them was often available and willing to accompany her on a harvest. As a new member of the OOA, for the most part fellow members seemed as eager to get to know her as she was to get to know them. Verbena wasn't familiar with this type of group mentality and assumed the friendliness was extended to all folk.

Clicking to Dollop, the mare forlornly left her breakfast to the younger Dew and followed Verbena’s guidance towards the medical building. With many horses frequenting the grounds, the crowd maneuvered about the mare with indifference – not noticing the almost invisible form of the Tunawa behind her ears. Verbena whistled and chirped as they padded towards the medical set-up, her mind already leaping through trees and rolling in dew, far from Storm’s Edge palisades.

“Yohoo!” She called into the building, throwing her voice as she would in the forests canopy, “Mistral Woods? Plants?”
she broached in her halting common.

OOC: Verbena is speaking in common.

~Credit to Phobius
word count: 930
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Gennadiya Lyosha Doctor
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Re: Planting Thoughts and Strawberries

Gennadiya Lyosha

Planting Thoughts and Strawberries
Ymiden 35th 720AV

Genna had discovered that she needed to get out on this particular trial. She didn’t particular care for going out into the woods or searching for herbs. That was why there were gardens but the fortress was short of extensive garden space and also the little bit that had been planted was still growing, and there were plenty of plants that just preferred the shade. Thought the real reason was she needed to just get out of the Fortress for a while. It was a beautiful summer day. A glory to Ymiden.

Genna was in the surgery finishing her final preparation to head out to the forest. She wore a plain brown skirt with a cotton long sleeve shirt. Genna was fair skinned and really didn’t want to have to treat herself. She also had a pair of sturdy gardening gloves next to her wide brimmed straw hat on the table. While the city woman preferred more colorful clothing so also very much dressed for her activity. Her hair was pulled away from her face so that it formed a nice ponytail and even at that moment she was wrapping it into a bun so when she placed the hat on it would all be contained.

Right then a voice piped in from the doorway. Genna and one of her brother healers who was holding a basket, and sheers for the blue cloak, turned and looked. There wasn’t anyone in the door and the two moved towards the door. Genna was confronted by a horse in the door way and the Lysorian woman came up short her eyes wide in surprise. She then looked between the ears and saw the newest Tuwana member of the order.

“Good Sunrise. Am about ready” Genna said in broken Xanthean. Genna firmly placed the wide brim hat on her head and then turned pulled on her gloves and took the basket and sheers before turning back to the horse and its rider. Genna was a little unsure what to do in this situation. She was familiar with talking with Tuwana, and Oonah often would ride on her shoulder if they needed to go a distance, but she had ever walked with a horse before.

“Should we go?” Genna asked as she left the medical building. As they were preparing to leave the young human woman was surprised when a middle aged man stepped out of another building and came across the open space towards them. A frown crossed her face as they watched the man approach. He was handsome and wore a masculine version of the straw had she was wearing. Unlike her though, he wasn’t wearing gloves though his skin and hair were as fair as her own. “Hello Father.” Genna said as he approached a smile on his face. She turned to Verbena. “Father this is my order sister Verbena.” Then in Xanthean. “Verbena this my Father Kolya.

“Can I come with you two today?” He asked. Genna shot a look over at Verbena. Her father sudden visit had made her life interesting and his interest in her hobbies was nice, though often he was in the way. He wouldn’t be a lot of help here except to carry things but he also wouldn’t be in the way.

“Sister, can he come?” Genna asked implying she was okay but didn’t want to speak for her.

Human Female

25 Arc old
Platinum Blond Hair, Blue Eyes
Ymiden and Moseke Mark

Blouse and Skirts Today
Single braid with wide brimmed had

“Part of the healing process is sharing with other people who care.”
~ Jerry Cantrell
word count: 617
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