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25th of Ymiden 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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25th Ymiden 716
Elyna had a feeling that the Smith was an early riser and so she’d set off from the barracks before dawn with an intention to catch him. He had provided her with his home address, but not the name of the forge he worked in, so if she wanted to see him, she had to see him at home. In her usual attire, but hair pinned up and away from the base of the neck, she hurried up the cobble streets, paying little attention to the world as she went. The woman felt as though she could fly, the birds were singing, the sun was shining and she was happy. A smile pulling at the corners of her mouth that would not cease. Late in the trial, she would return back to the home on the hill and she would see Malcolm. Like a schoolgirl, she was excited to see her paramour once more. It was the same excitement that fizzed through her blood and caused her to walk with her head held high and shoulders back, long strides carrying her quickly through the city. She was determined.
Reaching the right district though, she felt the shadows starting to slip over her armour and beneath her happiness. It was impossible to see Vakhanor and not be reminded of Bjorn. The guilt of his death circled, always ready to strike. She rubbed her fingertips over the ring on her finger. She wasn’t alone, she didn’t need to carry all the guilt of the world, she tried to remind herself. But in her heart, the guilt of Bjorn's death refused to budge. No matter what anyone said, it was her responsibility. She had failed the Smith and his brother.
It was her the final thought that stopped her in her tracks, in the shadow of Vakhanors door. She swallowed, her excitement and joy dimmed in her chest, like a candle blown out. The Skyrider chewed on her bottom lip and gathered her courage. Hand curled into a fist she knocked twice on the wooden door and waited. Hearing noises inside she hurriedly reached up ensuring that her hair covered her forehead, or as much of Pre's mark on her skin as it would.
Last edited by Elyna on Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:23 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 379
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Preparing for a long day ahead Vakhanor was just finishing making porridge and a packed lunch. He'd made less than he had hoped in the time that he had, all the work he had meant he needed to eat to prevent himself getting ill. The smith had little in the way of fat filled foods and had to be careful to ingest enough to not get too skinny.

"Bjorn your food is rea-" he wearily turned to call for the boy out of habit. Sleep deprived nights had made him momentarily delirious, Bjorn was gone.

Swallowing his pain Vakhanor steadied himself against the counter, loneliness crept in the forefront of his thoughts. He'd been around a lot of people, done a lot of things, drunk a lot of wine and yet even all that could not drain away the guilt. Knock, knock, knock the sound of light tapping came from the door. Who in the world was awake at this hour?

"Hang on!" Vakhanor called, scrambling to put on his breeches. Unless it was a random drunk at the door, he did not expect to have a visitor at this hour in the morning, most were asleep and if they weren't they didn't generally go to see other people. Could it be one of the chicks he met at the pub?

Shirtless and half awake the smith answered it "Lady Elyna," he said, somewhat surprised by her sudden appearance at his door. It'd been at least ten trials since he'd seen the woman last "What are you? Why?" he began to say and eventually decided it didn't matter, she'd come this way for something "I was just getting ready to go to work, I um. Please come in," he offered quickly dashing off to run around the house, tidying away his mess.

Small and quaint in its appearance, it was a little home built of wood with a simple table, some chairs, a kitchen, a toilet, one bedroom and a bedroll laid out next to the fireplace. Militaristic in its simplicity there was little decoration short of a sword on the wall and a small toy jacadon in the corner that used to belong to Bjorn. Clean, if not for the small collection of scattered paper crumpled across the floor where Vakhanor had gotten angry with drawing the outlines of daggers over and over again till he got it right.

"I'll clear a space on the table, sorry I've been trying to figure out how to design this stupid bloody dagger. Drawing isn't my strong suit. Been working on the design for days," the smith hesitated frantically trying to clear his drawings away. Cutting, scraping, shaving, getting it wrong, drawing it again; the process had been tedious and yet somehow he had eventually got a close result to the one he wanted.

"You can't stay long because I need to go to work, unless you're coming with me. I can offer you breakfast though if you'd like, it's nothing fancy but it's what I've got."
Last edited by Vakhanor on Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:51 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 522
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Elyna hesitated at the door, it was impossible not to notice the Smith’s lack of attire and she wasn’t quite sure where to look. Eyes fixed behind him on the wall, where a child’s drawing had been pinned. Something in her heart crumpled and it suddenly seemed like a bad idea to visit, the joy was seeping out of her boots and into the dull dead earth beneath her feet.

“I—I’ll wait,” she turned back to the sunny streets of Andaris before spinning back as the generous offer was made, “oh! No…thank you Vakh, honestly I don’t want to make you late for work, I can walk with you?” She carefully ignored his frantic attempt to tidy but her gaze fell inevitably on the toys left behind by Bjorn. She pulled in a breath and shoved hands into her pockets. Guilt was impossible to out run. It was one of those emotions that had a tendency to follow wherever she went, leaping out of the shadows at the slightest opportunity.

The Skyrider wrestled with herself and finally stepped inside, running her fingertips over a single design left on the table, “would you make me one?” she asked suddenly and picked the drawing up. The blade look simple, but deadly, “I’m happy to commission it from you…how long would it take?” She was aware that she was asking too many questions, and speaking too fast and set the drawing back down again, retreating to the open door.

“I’ll walk you to work and…explain why I need a wedding gift…” she chewed on her bottom lip, cheeks flushed.
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Gathering his effects Vakhanor was in a world of his own, trying to make sure that he had everything for the day "Yeah...sure. You can tell me when we get there," he said, not really paying attention to what he was saying or Elyna. Focused on getting out the door the smith wolfed down his bowl of porridge as if it were a beer, grabbed his satchel, a shirt and two towels; one of which he flung around his neck.

"Sorry to say to you sweetheart. We're running," he informed her with a large playful grin as he took a cup of water on the table and chucked it over her, along with the other towel. Bright eyed and excited for a new work day the smith seized the Skyrider's hand and rushed her out the door. He didn't have long, the shock would pass soon and he was enjoying winding Elyna up. Letting go of her Vakhanor quickly locked the house and bolted off before she had the chance to slap him.

The noble had shown up at his doorstep looking like a ghost and Vakhanor didn't have time to mope around, he had customers to serve and nobody liked a whiner. People were always far too wrapped up in their own lives to give a damn about the problems of a random blacksmith.

"If you can catch me maybe I'll consider that gift you were talking about!" he called back to her, far to amused with himself. Never in a million years had he thought that he'd throw water over a noble, she would probably be furious with him and whatever punishment she had in store he probably deserved it.

"Oi! Vakhanor, keep your voice down!" the sound of a tired old lady's voice came from one of the village windows.

"Sorry Miss Gertrude!" the man replied still grinning, "Rest easy!"

Gertrude had been one of Vakhanor's neighbours for almost as long as he could remember, she was a stern woman with greying long hair and beady green eyes that looked like they had seen too many winters. She'd say hello from time to time and try boring Vakh out of his mind about how to grow sunflowers and occasionally ask him about his work. A lonely woman, he considered it likely had he been around more they would have been closer friends and although he enjoyed his brief chats with the woman, he wasn't overly fond of the idea. He could not help but smile as he heard the woman mutter something along the lines of "Young people these days."

"Catch me if ya can!" he called back to Elyna with the same warm smile he had worn when they had first met on the boat, then turned to run off again.
Last edited by Vakhanor on Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 476
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Hovering at the door Elyna turned back to the Smith to receive a face-full of water. She’d lifted her hands in defence and so it splashed down her sleeves, across her nose and forehead and slid, cold water slipping down her neck. She grimaced, nose wrinkling as surprise faded and gave way to humour. There wasn’t time to retaliate as she was bundled out of the door, shaking her head into the towel as she scrambled to mop up the worst of the water.

Then Vakhanor was running away and she stared into the dust cloud he’d left behind, blinking. A slow, impish smile spread over her features and towel gripped firmly in hand she sprinted after him. Boots pounded over the cobblestones as she raced after him. He had two advantages, longer legs and knowing where they were going. But Elyna’s sole advantage as a warrior was her speed and she was an accomplished runner. She settled into an easy rhythm, arms and breath moving in synchronisation with her legs as she gave determined chase after the red-haired man.

She discounted his head start as only fair, he wasn’t after all a professional warrior and she had spent more than her fair share of breaks chasing down the underworld of Andaris. A laden cart edged out of the side-street and she jumped, feet landing on the edge before she could extend a stride over the piled apples and leap from the far corner, knees bending as she landed hard. A few green apples rolled from the side, bounding on the sidewalk as shouts followed her.

“Sorry! Sorry!” She called back over her shoulder. But the Skyrider was quick to straighten and hared after the man, arms stretched as the distance started to close, as though to tag him. As though they were children, playing a game.

“You stop right there Smith!” she called, laughing.
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Rushing down the pathway, Vakhanor could hear Elyna closing in behind him as she raced through the markets getting in the way of the poor fruit merchant. "Careful!" he called back to her, sure not to hinder too long. Much to his surprise the woman was fast and despite doing this most days for the last six years of his life she was catching up to him.

Her cool hand touched against his bare back and he turned to her "Sorry darlin'. I fight dirty," he said, giving her a sly smile and grabbed her using the strength he had garnered over the years to lift her into the air. Holding her there for a moment he looked up at her in surprise, she was heavier than he expected.

His thoughts flashed back to when he and Rhea had been friends and a brief touch of sadness brushed across his features. They too used to run around laughing like idiots while Bjorn chased after them as fast as his little legs could go. The smith shook his head, now was not the time to think of sorrow, smithing required patience and a calm mind. Shadowing his pain for his other job Vakhanor lifted his expression and carefully placed Elyna behind a fish stall. "Oi" the baffled the owner was about to object before Vakh interjected "She wants to buy something from you, she has a fondness for fish," his smile widened "it's just around the corner, take a left. large sign. Meet ya there" Vakh said quickly, testing the noble's manners as he darted off in the direction of the forge.

Victorious in his conquest to see Elyna cheerful for once, the smith felt like he had achieved a small victory. Albeit a little out of breath, the woman had given him a run for his money.

"You alright Vakh?" Sheiyira, the tailor just across the road called out to him with a raised brow. She was another soul he'd know for a while who occasionally popped in to entertain Bjorn for a few bits until having to return to her shop.

"Yeah! Just... Routine," he replied waving over to her as he unlocked the shop door.

The woman laughed and rolled her eyes "Make sure you finish before the flock come to find you," she said, sinking back into her shop "Later." Sheiy had been kind to Vakh over the years, she had grown to refer to all of the women in his life as the flock of geese quacking their way down the streets from dawn till dusk. Vakh had liked the analogy, he thought it was fitting and had become partial to the odd bit of banter with the woman. It was nice to know somebody else his age.

"Later," Vakh returned, looking to see where Elyna had got to.
Last edited by Vakhanor on Wed Jun 22, 2016 12:58 pm, edited 3 times in total. word count: 476
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It was an undignified yelp that accompanied the Skyrider as she was picked up, off her feet like a doll. There were ways that she could have wriggled free, but she resisted the urge to drop like a stone. She didn’t feel in any danger from Vakhanor, the man was simply showing off. He was far taller, and far stronger than she was and so she waited until she was unceremoniously set back on her feet and turned to face the vendor. She swallowed the small piece of pride she had left and offered the stranger a smile.
“White fish, please. Something salted?” And handed over her coin as the man wrapped it in linen.

She carried her purchase at an arms-length, the smell threatening to cause trouble. Maybe it wasn’t just beef that caused a problem for the unborn child, perhaps this was going to be the fussiest eater in the whole of Idalos. By the time she’d made her way through Vakh’s directions, her face had lost it’s colour and she was glad to set her unwanted prize down to the side, downwind before she turned to the Smith, brow raised.
“Pick me up again, and you’ll lose a finger,” she warned, half-playfu. She wasn’t a toy to be picked up and deposited. Although it wasn’t a new scenario to the petit woman. When she’d been younger and more inclined to carouse the various Inns of Andaris, it had been a common occurrence. Men apparently felt the need to physically lift small women. She’d left more than a few with bruises and the more persistent offenders with scars.
She cast a careful eye over the forge and her smile crept back, “this is where you work…would you make me a dagger?” She ran fingertips down her nose before recoiling at the smell. The fishy scent had spread.
Searching for water she found a bucket and quickly washed her hands without asking.
“I did what you said…” she glanced over her shoulder at the tall man. “I found him…Vakh…I’m getting married, to the man I love. Will you come to the wedding?”
There’s was a strange friendship. Too close, too fast. But she liked the Smith and his steadiness.
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Half expecting her to do more than grant him a warning for his antics the smith shrugged, his grin still plastered across his smug features "You're cuter when you smile, you feelin' alright Elyna?" His eyes wandered to the fish for moment and he wondered if she didn't like them after all, he'd figured being a woman of the sea she might be more affiliated toward the things, apparently not. Removing the fish from the room Vakhanor quickly went outside and placed it on one of the benches. It was likely that one of the poor homeless children would pick the thing up and take it, but that was alright. The half-blood would pay Elyna for the little amount of hardship she'd caused him.

"Yeah sure what do you nee- wait that's yesterday's it's-!" he was about to warn her that the water was filled with blackened water, it would be much good for washing her hands as he still needed to clean it out. Elyna went ahead and did her own thing anyway. What was she asking for a dagger for anyway?

Defeated and short of time the smith shrugged it away and was quick to try heating up the forge. Lifting one of the satchels of coal, he placed it beside his stool and started to feed the fires. A hammer reining down upon expectations, Elyna suddenly mentioned getting married. So she'd finally found the man she loved?

Soot clung to Vakhanor's frame as he stood, stilled by his envy for her fortune. A solemn trill of silence passed, eventually the information had finally set in and he snorted a laugh "Good girl," he was proud of her "It would be an honour, when is it?" He wondered if her invitation had been mercenary. They had been friends for a short time and he thought it odd to him that the bride would out right ask for a gift from him. Weddings weren't really his scene and he very rarely participated in occasions, but he would make the effort and settled on the assumption she just wanted to buy a dagger from the shop.

"We have plenty of decent daggers if you need one. If you're short of coin though Elyna, I've enough to buy ya one if that's what is troubling ya, It depends when the ceremony is. I've already got a large project that I'm starting on that is probably going to consume all of my time over the next few days," he half-lied. Vakhanor had already come up with an idea of what he wanted to give to the married couple, but not like this, this was weird. Nothing really came for free and paying himself for his time seemed a little far fetched, it was an interesting thought none the less, something he couldn't do often. As for his work, whatever Vakhanor had hoped to achieve that morning was going to be a slow process, with Elyna around he was getting very little done.
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The Skyrider was less than impressed by the quality of water and resorted to wiping blackened hands on her breaches. At least the fishy smell was gone. She tried to gauge the Smiths reaction but at his laugh she relaxed and returned to grinning like a fool. She lent back, carefully against the work bench, painstaking in her attempt not to disturb anything in the workshop. The scent of coal made her sneeze and once she recovered she straightened, brows raised.
“The morning of the thirtieth,” she explained quickly. There was something in his words, an exaggeration that had her tilting her head and she realised that he probably wasn’t too busy to make something for her. But why would he tell a half-truth? She ran her tongue over the edges of her top teeth and considered her answer carefully.
“Perhaps a dagger from the shop would be better then,” she agreed, unwilling to call Vakhanor on his bluff, “I have coin,” she smiled “I am a Skyrider after all, we do get paid,” the woman approached and laid a gentle, if still grimy, hand on the Smith’s arm, “I’d be really happy to see you there Vakhanor, I’d be really honoured if you would attend.”
It was then that she retreated and spent a careful amount of time surveying the wares he had on offer, careful not to touch and leave smudges on the carefully polished items. Maybe a dagger wasn’t the best idea? Maybe giving Malcolm a weapon would send the wrong idea for a wedding gift. Without thinking she ran her thumb over her bottom lip, considering her options and leaving a trail of soot on her mouth.
“Vakh…you’re a busy Smith, but do you stamp metal?” She returned to the man, and lent in to whisper quietly to him.
“Is it possible? Could you make that, or do you know someone that would?”
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Glad she had not questioned him further Vakhanor relaxed. Blackened by her touch Vakh's arm now too was covered in soot, not that he cared, it'd be everywhere by the time the day was out. Unable to fully halt his preparation for he'd been going back and forth, preparing his tools to finish crafting the hilt of a sword that he'd promised a man a few days ago. Crafting a blade to its potential was a slow process, with Oberyk on vacation he had to be careful how much he took on at once. Returned from fetching a new pale of water the smith watched the dame eye over his work.

Nervous of the young woman's judgement he placed the bucket beside the anvil and waited for an opinion. He received none, instead Elyna came close... to close for comfort. She'd requested a metal stamp from him, it was possible for him to make but with the few trials he had to make his own present for her he would have to work overtime to complete the commission "I'll work on it," he muttered softly, captivated by the light in her copper tinted eyes.

Breaking away from her gaze the smith took a clean rag from the side of the anvil and wiped away the soot from her mouth "You'll poison yourself if you're not careful," he said, trying to get rid her of all the muck. It was okay for him to be covered in crap but it wasn't good practice for a lady "It'll be bad for the wedding."

He pulled away again and wandered toward a book filled with a list of jobs that he needed to do along with a few extra notes, writing in Elyna's request. "Alright," the smith finally caved, "Would you be happy if I made a set of throwing knives? They're a little smaller than daggers and if I work longer hours I might be able to do it for you." He chose not to mention how long he would be confined to these four walls with little sleep and likely a lack of nourishment. Her second request was reasonable, but not something he was adept at "Or I could find a jeweller that will do that for you, I'm not great at it" he offered. Vakhanor wasn't good at lying and he kept enough secrets as it was, he figured she wasn't dumb enough to buy that he didn't have the time but he wanted to do something nice for her.
Last edited by Vakhanor on Thu Jul 14, 2016 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 437
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