The Red Iyo have been around an entire arc, but with the advent of the coming season of darkness, Cylus has given rise to new worries. Why have the Iyo's eyes and lights turned red? Is something wrong with them? Most natural scientists and members of the Oludibo Cikkaken have assured people that it is merely a fluke, a strange effect of the Ether Storms that plagued all of Idalos in seasons past, and that there was absolutely nothing else that was different or otherwise sinister about them.
Then came the Doomsayers, a cult of aggitators or saviors, bent on exposing the Red Iyo as the spawn of no other than Audrae herself! They warn of a coming invasion, a dark war, at which Audrae will dance and fight at the vanguard, spreading darkness and bringing all of Desnind to ruin and darkness for all eternity.
It is a time for choosing sides, and deciding where you stand on Desnind's future. Will it's people give in to paranoia and fear, or will they trust in their elders?
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What do you think? Are the Red Iyo here to destroy us all, or are they as a passing mutation of the Ether Storms?
What is your favorite color? [color=#]Put color code in here with the name of the color![/color]