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The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway.

Ymiden 6th. The Untold.
Continues from here.

It was strange to think that he was hesitant to leave the Untold, now that he knew he could. This festering miasma of blinding colour and deafening noise might have been horrific when he'd first arrived, thrust carelessly through Vri's portal, but he'd since grown at least somewhat used to it. The impossible geometry, while still enough to make him stumble once or twice, was just another aspect of this dimension he had to accept. Hard as it was to believe, though he knew he absolutely didn't belong there, he'd still grown somewhat accustomed to it. Perhaps he'd even grown to see that there was a certain elegance to it. The endless possibilities, the raw potential that seemed to be bottled up in here. Was this what the Immortals had seen, when they created the Orbs? A whole dimension to be claimed and sculpted and designed as they pleased. If only he could spend more time out here. He was half Immortal, after all, apparently. Could he find a way to do the same?

"I've got a scent," Cold said, snapping him from the reverie and drawing the others a tad closer. Through a brief bit of scent-sharing he found he could feel it too. Distant and faint, but distinct, somehow. Body scents were another thing he was still struggling a little to comprehend properly. Of course everyone smelled different from each-other, but how could you possibly pick out that scent from something on the ground? How did you pick it up here, too? It must have been a spirit thing. The same way that Archailist had been able to cross massive distances to find Faith again in the twisted mess of the Beneath. Tio smelled especially... different. Distinctly wrong. Like tasting the difference between beef and pork, he just didn't smell like any regular person was supposed to; perhaps that was what made it so easy to find him.

Sage still hovered nearby, staring at him with rapid blinks from all seven eyes. Though it regarded him with an unreadable expression, he felt confident enough to know that it would follow him now, even after their little handshake. As the other wolves and Vabina gathered around him, hopping from one scorched rock to the other on the blasted field they'd finally stopped at, Sage weaved between the rocks in fluid motions, dancing through spaces far too small for it to possibly fit. He finally knew what it reminded him of; though Sage was now undeniably canine after attempting to copy Grey's appearance, it moved like a slug, slipping through the air without moving its legs and squishing itself through tiny spaces like it lacked bones. "Come on, then. It's time." There was a sense of compression that shivered through them all, like crouching very low... and suddenly the colours stretched and blurred past them as they whirled through the Untold.

This time when he appeared, his feet met solid floor immediately. Solid floor. To think he'd actually be thankful for solid damn floor, even if it was the deck of a ship. "Tio!" he called out at once, Sage suddenly shuddering into existence just a short distance away in a smudge of black that almost matched its glistening obsidian form. "Tio, I know where we're going. Sort-of. Oh, uhh. This is Sage. It's... I don't know if it's harmful or not, honestly, so just keep an eye on it." The mismatched creature, half-canine with several human-like arms hanging from the top of its head like hair and a random splattering of glowing purple eyes poking from its black glistening form, made a greeting noise like three different voices overlapping each-other in a poor attempt at harmony. "Pack your things, because... if I'm correct, erm. This is going to be a point of no return for us."
Last edited by Nir'wei on Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 667
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Re: The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway.


Tio's ship was... well, shipshape.

All bits of damage had been repaired, all loose items strapped down, and every sail taunt and ready to fly. Had it been a real ship that used real wind to move the arc would have been soaring off into the ocean already. In short is was as ready for the voyage into the deepest depths of the Untold as it could be, and that at least gave Tio an excuse to feel unrealistically confident about the likelihood that this mission to the Great Beyond would succeed. Whatever lay between them and was he presumed from the name was the world of the dead, he was pretty sure that having a ship the size of a small town at his back would help him smash through it.

To his credit he only jumped a little bit when Nir'wei and his pack of canine companions popped out of thin air right besides him once again without warning, this time with some kind of black wolf-slug thing with a crown of arms and spots of purple eyes. Tio stared blankly at it for a few moments, then sighed deeply with remorse. "Of course, another wolf. I suppose I should have seen that coming." Why was it always wolves with Nir? Couldn't he have befriended another squirrel instead? Even so he forced his nerves to one side and approached Sage, shaking one of his hands protruding from his head. "Welcome aboard Sage. My name is Captain Silver, the ruler of this dreamscape. Make yourself at home, there's lots of space to go around." He turned to Nir'wei and the rest of his pack. "Same for all of you actually. Everything is ready to go, so aside from the captain's quarters over there," he pointed to a large temple-like building at the top-back of the arc, "you have the run of the place. Go wild."

He clapped his hands together and rubbed them excitedly, a fox-like grin forming behind his mask. "Well then, no time like the present! Let's get going shall we? Point the way and we'll be off!" Nir'wei would find that the moment he or one of his companions pointed somewhere Tio would nod his head in that direction, and with a mighty lurch the ship would suddenly jet forwards towards it at a surprisingly high speed.
word count: 404
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Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

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Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway.

For a brief moment he opened his mouth to say something, but instead he decided to just let it snap shut again as the glistening black creature gripped Tio's hand in its own... and started to shudder, what little defined edges it held melting away until its 'muzzle' had pulled back into a near-featureless blank slate of a faceplate, broken up only by the asymmetrical collection of beady purple eyes, and two of its arms twisted and slowly lost their fingers, curling back onto themselves into a familiar pair of almost ram-like horns. It was a poor copy of Tio's face, especially since it still held a mouth of sorts, but as the rest of its body changed as well, turning paws into hands and feet, slinking its tail back inside itself, he couldn't deny there was some awful kind of resemblance there. "Yeah... it was kinda just imitating me. I'm still not sure if it actually has an 'original' form, since it changes all the time." The creature's jaw snapped open, revealing an inky black maw littered with teeth in the same way a barrel of water could be filled with apples; they bobbed about on the surface, swirling around each-other with the currents of its own amorphous body. "Also, it still doesn't really understand words yet. Apparently it communicates through violence and aggression." He was only slightly joking. Before Sage could demonstrate that, Nir gave a sharp bark and it took the hint, slinking back to him under the watchful eyes of the four other wolves.

"Captain Silver, eh? I'll stick to Tio if it's all the same to you." Frankly, he still wasn't entirely sure what to make of him. At least he was eager, though whether it was out of a genuine wish to help or not, he really couldn't tell. Not through that damn mask. His ship was damn nice, though. Utterly huge and imposing, but when he thought about it, his own dream had created a perfect rendition of Rharne city. Were all Dreamscapes this obscenely big, when they took on a shape like this?

He'd need to explore it sometime. Or ask for a proper tour, if he could. "Head that way, to start with," he said while nodding straight upwards, immediately lurching slightly on the spot as the boat immediately jerked forwards. There was no wind - how did it move so fast?! Oh, right. Space didn't work right. How quickly had he managed to forget that, when confronted with something that looked at least slightly familiar in the world he'd known? "But you know where we're going isn't... normal. Even for this place. We need to head outwards. I know that sounds really dumb, but that's the best way I can even come close to describing it." Emea was strange. Too strange to be conveyed in conventional language. "Sage knows the way, but he has a very... unorthodox way of explaining it. You're gonna have to let him bite you." He'd been bitten... what, four, five times now? The long-term implications of whatever-the-hell they did during it was something he really didn't want to think about. Sharing his being with an alien just to get directions. "It gives you visions... almost like dreams, while your ether crosses over."

"All I really know is, we need to go beyond, to this thing. A Gateway. One of the bridges between the Untold and somewhere even further out. I don't know if there are other ways out as well, but that's the one it used to get here."
word count: 620
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Re: The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway.


Tio watched in abject shock as Sage seemed to melt into a new form before him. An all too familiar white bone mask rose up to meet him, this one dotted with purple eyes and a mouth with a disorderly mess of teeth. In only a few seconds the black creature had assumed a monstrous parody of his own image. "That's-..." Tio began to say, but trailed off as he realized that he himself didn't really understand what word he was looking for to describe it. Creepy? Terrifying? No, nothing like that. It was...

"Adorable!" He cried out enthusiastically, darting around Sage to look at it from every angle. "Damn, a handsome bugger now isn't he? Way better than his last form. You know I haven't seen my own face in decades! I'd nearly forgotten how dashing I am." An unfortunate effect of one of the many curses Delroth had heaped upon him was that he no longer had a reflection. It was nice to see his own face again. "The eyes and teeth are a nice touch too. They really bring out the colour of the jacket. Very fashionable. Alright I've decided, I hereby promote Sage to the rank of first mate!" He clasped the eldritch horror's shoulder cheerfully.

After Nir'wei explained the Sage needed to communicate the way to go by biting him Tio considered it for a second, then nodded his head in understanding. "Well I've heard of weirder ways of navigating. Okay then big guy," he rolled down his sleeve and offered it to Sage "bon appetit. Show me the way to go."

Sage glanced over to Nir'wei's pack, silently asking whether or not it was okay to bite, and when he didn't receive any snarls to warn him not to he took Tio's wrist and bit down hungrily. Tio yelped in pain like a kicked puppy and grit his teeth as his nerves seared in sharp agony, but forced himself to keep his arm out anyway. "Owowowowowowow. How long is this going to ta-..."

An image flashed through his mind's eye. He saw a spiraling column of greeny-gold gas that slithered up into the sky, passing through a number of different planes of reality and fusing with other streams of gas, like tributaries flowing together into a river, until it came to an end at the steps of a colossal jade archway. Was the archway the gate Nir had mentioned? Come to think of it he had seen a column of gas that looked just like it passing through somewhere not too far from here.

"Alright alright, I got it." He hissed between winces, prying Sage's mouth off of his wrist. "There a river of golden green gas not too far from here that flows up to your gateway. The styx stream I think it's called. If we get to that we can catch a ride on it all the way there." The ship lurched slightly as it turned a few degrees to head straight towards the stream. "I should warn you though that the styx flows through quite a number of realities, and beyond the first couple I have no idea what to expect. This journey might take a little while. Let me know if those noses of yours sniff out any shortcuts while we're on the way."
word count: 572
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway.

At times like this, there was really nothing to do but stare in confusion. It was unclear whether Sage really understood the praise or not, but then again he'd never responded well to things like praise or encouragement. The hearty slap on the shoulder made it twist a little, some unholy noise like its three distinct voices were all trying to make separate noises at the same time, and one of the arms currently sticking from the top of its head suddenly twisted and did the exact same to Tio's other shoulder, mimicking a hearty slap of approval, albeit with considerably more force. "You never did mention what's going on with the whole lacking a face thing here, by the way. You're going to need to fill me in on that." Actually, that was one part of a whole list of questions he currently had, but he was reserving those for a more appropriate moment to ask. If they were going to be spending a lot of time together, and more importantly, he was going to be setting his life in this man-- this thing's hands, he needed to know more about it, not just the ship.

Once Sage had finished 'giving directions', it relinquished its grip, licking up some of the traces of blood left on its teeth and flexing its new 'hands' with curiosity. The fingers were too large, and they held one too many, but in other ways it seemed shocking the amount of detail it was able to create, all the way down to small creases, scars, marks and imperfections. After a moment it grew bored and devolved itself into a practically amorphous mass of asymmetrical limbs ending in hands, feet, paws and hooves, before slowly rearranging itself once more into something that almost looked like an otter, but with a wide flat body ending in four webbed feet, the mouth and bill of a duck, and a wide, flat tail that slapped heartily on the ground. "Never seen it make that shape before," Nir'wei said with a slight tilt of his head. Make a note of that for later, he asked Archailist.

Okay, now he was just getting sidetracked from the important things. "I don't know any shortcuts. I don't think. I'd need to ask Sage, and I'm... well, I'd rather not for now." His lips pressed to a thin line. "I think I learned one of those other Mortalborn powers you were talking about earlier." It'd come with the same tingling ache somewhere deep inside as the first ability, but it had felt a lot... worse than the first one. "I felt Sage. I mean, I really felt Sage. Everything about it. What it could do, what it did, what it... for a brief taste, it was like I could feel what it was like to be Emean. That chaos, that madness. A creature of energy and imagination." He'd seen into the mind of something that was not mortal. "It was uncomfortable for both of us."

Nir'wei suddenly shook his head to stop thinking about it. "Styx Stream. Styx Stream. Yeah, that doesn't sound ominous at all." The name did it a disservice, to be honest, in the brief glimpse they got of it as the blur of Emean landscape around them solidified into a single huge column of swirling energy. Flashes of off-colour lightning flashed within its churning mass, and for one horrible moment he was almost reminded of the soul tornado above the Cathedral of Dreams. "Are you sure this thing is safe for the likes of us?" he shouted over a rising screech, like one continuous rumbling sheet of thunder rolling right over their heads. "Shouldn't we go below the decks or something?" Vabina's huge claws scratched wood as they buried into the ship's deck and the four wolves crouched low, huddled closely together in the shadow of the titanic column.
word count: 669
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Re: The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway.


Tio let out an "oof" and nearly staggered over as Sage mimicked his slap on the shoulder. Spirits that thing packed a wallop! It felt like being hit by a sack full of bricks! "Wow, that's-... that's quite the punch you're packing there buddy." He wheezed out, still smiling despite the way his shoulder howled in protest at the treatment. "Shapeshifting, super strength and some form of telepathy. You are going to be really useful on this journey!"

When Nir brought up the question of how he'd gotten his mask Tio hummed thoughtfully. "Well I don't think I ever let this slip when last we met, but at the time I was working for Syroa. You know how it is; when a super hot demon lady rolls up and asks you to do a favour for her it's hard to say no. Anyway there was an... incident... where I found out that wearing an Immortals mark comes with a nasty little drawback that they don't exactly like to advertise, so I decided to leave her service. She uhh-..." He gestured to his face. "She didn't take it too well. How about you? Who'd you piss off to wind up looking so festive?"

As Nir'wei revealed that he'd felt Sage Tio gasped in revulsion as his mind jumped to the completely wrong conclusion. Then when the Sev'ryn elaborated on what he'd actually meant he sighed in relief. Oh thank the spirits he hadn't meant he'd... no, no thinking about that! That way led only to nightmares. Still the description of this unique power of his was rather interesting. "You created some sort of bond with Sage then? Curious. Did it feel the same as when you siphoned power from Faldrun, or do you think we're dealing with a completely different ability here?" He tapped a finger to his chin as he pondered the matter for a few trills, and then held out a hand. "Try and do it again with me. Think about the same things you thought of last time, feel the same emotions, and lets see if anything triggers the ability to activate again."

It wasn't long before the Styx Stream flashed into sight, and Tio laughed madly when Nir asked if it was safe. "For Sage and I? Sure. For you and your pack however?" He shrugged. "Only one way to find out isn't there? Hold onto your fur ladies, we're going in!"

His ship smashed into the stream like a rock on calm water, sending ripples of gas and energy rolling off in all directions. For a few seconds they were submerged within the glowing pool of chaotic energy, and Tio whooped in delight as the power of it washed across him. For an Emean like him the Styx Stream was invigorating. There was a mighty lurch as the current took hold of them and the ship was forcibly moved to follow the same direction as it, and a few trills later there came another splash as the deck emerged from the gas again.

"Yeah! Let's do that again!" Tio bellowed with exhilaration, grinning like a loon from ear to ear. "There's naught left to do now but sit back and enjoy the ride I suppose. One of you man the crows nest for a while and keep an eye out for anything dangerous. The rest of you might want to try some sightseeing: I guarantee you'll see some things you'll never find on Idalos."
word count: 601
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway.

Sage made a loud screeching noise, comparable to a bird's scream. "Yeah... useful." Nir'wei still had his doubts, even after everything he'd done to try and 'train' the creature to obey his orders properly. Some had stuck. Others were still a long way off. "It doesn't really know its own power and tends towards over-aggression." Even as he spoke, Cold's firm glare at the creature seemed to set it off; a low, deep rumbling started in the back of its throat, overlapping with a snarl, then back to rumbling, almost like purring. The three distinct voices it possessed could also make different noises, entirely independent from one-another, as if it had three different voiceboxes packed into one. Even now he couldn't tell whether that meant it was happy or frustrated; such simple cues should have been able to help him encourage or reprimand the correct attitude towards the other wolves and lay down the foundation for a healthy relationship. It was a damn cornerstone!

Shaking his head and instead listening to the tale of Tio's new fashion accessory, a slight half-smile lit his face. "Sounds like Syroa needs to die, huh." Some time ago, talking openly about the murder of Immortals would have felt unthinkable. Now with all the facts laid out in front of him, his own little list was growing almost hilariously long. "Me, I got into an argument with some Rynmere soldiers. About eight warships full of them. They weren't planning on letting me out alive and I died fighting them. Along with all of them." He nodded to the four wolves huddled nearby, and Vabina currently licking a paw. "After my death Vri appeared and revived me, saying he had a task, which I accepted since disagreeing would have likely meant he'd return me to nothing." The smile grew a little wider as he remembered watching Karem and her pack ride in straight afterwards. "Karem was there too. Vri killed all the soldiers that hurt me. And Karem ate their souls." Yeah, that was a sight he would never forget. "I don't really know why it was necessary to revive me like this, honestly, but I'm hoping that it's not a permanent thing."

Lifting a paw up and staring at it for a long moment, trying to conjure up the same feelings as he had before, he pressed it to Tio's upraised hand. Before, he'd been trying to imagine understanding Sage. Knowing what he felt. Knowing what he was. Going beyond language, beyond even basic empathy... beyond minds, beyond souls. When he felt that familiar tingling growing in his chest, like a flickering flame touching the palm of his hand, he gently held it tight and pushed it towards Tio. Disclosure. The flame blossomed like a flower into an eye, peering deep inside his mind, burning with uncomfortable heat, bordering on searing, until Tio pulled his hand back voluntarily. As long as that link was maintained, though... he could see. Small things on the surface, the curses like black blotches, then large blue bubbles sparking with white energy that somehow confirmed his long-held suspicions behind Tio's strangely comprehensive understanding of magic. That didn't stop something seriously glaring from going unnoticed. The map itself of Tio's connections was so undeniably wrong in a way he couldn't explain, on a level he couldn't really understand. He's not human. That was enough, if Tio hadn't already, to make Nir'wei break the touch and sever the seeing, leaving a lingering uncomfortable ache, as if he'd just seen Tio naked in a way that went much, much further than just skin. "Let's never talk about that again."

Honestly, it had never crossed his mind exactly how the mortal body would deal with such immense amounts of energy; however, would Vri really throw him into the chaos of Emea without some kind of protection against its alien nature? He really hoped so.

Smashing face-first into the Styx Stream was the equivalent of being submerged in acid. Pure, burning acid that melted through his skin but left it entirely untouched all the way down to the core but left behind every bit of intense burning. His screams were briefly lost in the torrent of the energy field, unable to see, unable to hear as they rode its waves, before once again they burst from the surface. Lying face-first on the deck with tears freely streaking down the sides of his muzzle and still shuddering as brief flickers of pain lanced through his body, all the way down to the bones and sometimes from right inside them, he checked himself and found that he was, at least, still alive and wolfish. The searing pain didn't linger for long once they'd left the stream, though just the memory was enough to make his legs threaten to collapse underneath him a second time. The others were scattered in various states of pain, but Tio's ship had shrouded them enough to avoid losing anyone to the immense currents.

There was no doubt without his help, and more importantly his ship, Nir'wei never would have been able to ride the Stream and emerged the other end in one piece.

"Archailist, you're on crows nest. Grey, forecastle." The two were the most reliable and went without query, the spirit-squirrel climbing the rigging with ease and the wolf taking his seat right at the edge of the bowsprit. Everyone else was free to do as they pleased, Myrth and Cyshe chatting animatedly as they pointed out various sights whizzing by in colourful blurs, while Cold and Squeak promptly spread out to explore the ship. The notable exception of Vabina. She sat right where she was, the huge lightning cat making a low rumbling noise as she watched Sage continue toying idly with its form, suddenly adding a pair of antelope antlers to the top of its head. "We're never taking a trip like that again."
word count: 1022
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway.


Tio stared at Nir'wei in genuine shock as the mortalborn casually mentioned that Syroa deserved to die like it wasn't a big deal. Damn... he hadn't realized the hippyish-looking guy had such a side to him. "Yeesh, that's a bit of an over-reaction don't you think?" He asked, a little taken aback. "I mean yeah it wasn't a pleasant experience, nor were her other curses, but it's not enough to deserve being straight-up murdered over. Maybe she's done some worse stuff to other people, but frankly that's not my business. I'd settle for just a bit of humiliation really." His thumb traced idly over the hilt of his sword. "Now if it were Lisirra I'd say it was fair game, but it's all a matter of opinion in the end. Everyone, from the staunchly devout to the adamantly atheist, would claim the world would be a better place without at least one member of the Immortal pantheon. Who's to say whose opinion is right in the end?"

After Nir'wei concluded the story about how he'd become a wolf Tio shuddered a bit, chilled by the mental image of a host of souls being devoured by a pack of wolves. What a nasty way to go. "Yikes. I can't say I've heard much about Karem before now, but from now on I'm grouping her in the scary deity pile." No way did he like the sound of someone who thought nothing of having her pets eat people's souls. Just one more Immortal he needed to keep a wide berth away from.

It was with an almost whimsical curiousity that Tio had suggested Nir'wei try connecting to him. A large part of him simply hadn't expected it would work, or underestimated the uncomfortable sensation Nir had mentioned.

But then came the sensation.

Tio was a man of masks in more ways than just physical. The body he wore, the persona he portrayed and even the very name Tio were all originally fakes; illusions and alias used by a yludih child to disguise himself among humankind. Not even he himself knew who he really was beneath the character he'd created. Somewhere along the line Tuihobri, the little yludih more who'd been afraid to look in the mirror, had become so buried beneath the larger-than-life character of Tio he'd created to protect himself than he'd become trapped there, swallowed by his own phantasm, and Tio had stolen his reality from him. Add that to the corruptions of the sparks, the curses and the madness of exile, and it was no surprise that his soul was a raw, messy place.

And yet for a few immensely uncomfortable seconds Tio had the horrifying feeling that Nir'wei could see him! See all the splinters, dirt and decay that marred his soul! Unbidden memories of his initiations, curses and greatest failures flashed through his mind, accompanied by a sense of vulnerability and shame so intense it physically winded him! It was invasive! Wrong! A breach of privacy on the deepest level!

Tio broke off the touch seconds after it had begun, withdrawing his had away as if wounded and breathing heavily. There was no sign of his usual good cheer or exuberance anymore. He was just... angry? Afraid? Somewhere between the two, he couldn't quite find the word for it.

"Agreed." Tio replied sharply, turning away and stalking of to the captain's cabin without another word.
word count: 601
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.
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Re: The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway.

Nir'wei fixed Tio with a flat stare. "It sounds to me like she doesn't take rejection all too well, shoving that thing on your face for refusing to take her power; how do you think she's going to react when you try and outright humiliate her as vengeance?" Remembering that this was the Immortal of Fury, it didn't sound like a sound plan. Even less sound than his. "We're beyond the ears of any Immortal out here, you know; Vri said so himself. There's no point watching your words here. The truth is, the world would be a better place without a lot of them. There's only one that I know that actually cares about mortals; the rest, frankly, can go to the void." He'd heard stories of Moseke, saving the lives of all Sev'ryn at the dawn of time, but on the same level he'd prayed, over and over for aid during his mother's slow and torturous decline, to no avail. Various Immortals had slipped in and out of his life at various times, most often requesting and occasionally even demanding tasks from him, before pissing off somewhere else without even the slightest hint of how to help them... or, for that matter, why he really should. "Opinion doesn't matter. Not in this." He smiled suddenly; something that looked quite horrifying on the face of a feral wolf, with lips pulled back to expose his teeth. "They must be judged by the laws of natural order and survival. The strong eat the weak. The cunning eat the stupid. The fast eat the slow. It's the way of the world, after all." Nir'wei barked a sharp, animal laugh. "It's the logic they use to push around all the mortals, after all." They were the ones enacting their own opinions upon the world. Who should rise, who should fall, all to their own personal preference.

"You watch how quickly they all change their tunes, when they find something greater than themselves has set its eyes on them. How quickly the virtuous rise to glory and the corrupt fade to obscurity." He would, when they returned to Idalos. When he saw Karem again. "Oh, don't worry about her. She's got a... well, yes, she does have a bit of a dangerous streak to her, but she's the kindest Immortal I've ever met... hell, one of the kindest people, period." There was a genuine peace in his voice as he thought back to the first moments he'd actually met with her. "That wasn't an ordinary situation."

Just as this wasn't. Seeing, stretching, feeling in a way that didn't make sense, yet pushed into his head regardless, burying thoughts under such a mental flood of information. Individual pieces at the surface, vague sensations were the best things he could pick out moments before the contact was suddenly broken after mere seconds, and the moment it was, the burning stopped, leaving a dull ache in its wake where the eye had once been. What the hell was he? What had he seen? Like slowly waking from a dream, nothing but the pieces that he had managed to identify slowly blurred and vanished from his memory, but the ache in his chest and the throbbing in his mind refused to let him stop thinking about it. How wrong it had looked. Like staring at a beautiful masterpiece crafted from the corpse of a friend he knew intimately.

The moment Tio vanished into the captain's cabin, Nir'wei hooked both paws over the edge of the ship and vomited. Slimy off-colour ectoplasm trailed the boat's wake.

With the ship running by itself, he presumed, and nothing to do but keep watch until they arrived at the Gateway, Nir'wei joined Myrth and Cyshe at the side of the boat, Vabina always looming nearby but in an almost casual, offhand manner that made it seem like she just happened to be sitting within about three paces at all times. Emea spun by in a twisting manic haze that he'd never truly sat down and enjoyed until now. World after world after world, trees made of sparkling glass and mountains made of perfectly polished metal. Hollowed-out husks of things that he couldn't even begin to describe, but at some point could have been giant beings several times larger than even the titanic ship they rode upon. A few more Orbs, hanging high in the sky like blackened suns, a few cracked and broken and leaking multi-hued light or black acrid smoke, sometimes both. "Is there such a thing as evil, Cyshe? Or is there just the things we don't know yet."

"Of course there is." She seemed perplexed. "Would you see the Flameborn as a creature with a potential for good? Would you see them as a being that, with the right upbringing, could become noble and righteous?" Even one of those things, claiming to be reformed... he knew that she was right. "There is evil here. But evil is not a person, remember that. It is a force, as natural as good and everything between the two. Blow out a fire, because it burns and destroys, and you blow out the light in the darkness that others use to see." This was all very well and good, but it didn't really answer his question. "You want to know whether Tio is evil?" Oh right, mind-reading.

She made a right show of it, putting a finger to her lips in deep thought. "Do you really believe you're in the right position to pass judgement?" Well, no. "Then it doesn't matter what he is. You can only judge him by what he does. So far, he's done nothing but try to help. I'd say from that virtue alone, he's worth more respect than you're giving him now, questioning him every five bits." Well how could he not, after his actions at the Cathedral?! "Oh right, that." How had she forgotten that? "I wasn't there, remember? Besides, evil doesn't show remorse. No matter how false it might be. He's not evil, whatever you think you can see in his soul. He's not necessarily good, but he's not evil." That sounded... mildly comforting. "Just stop trying to make sense of the world and enjoy it for a moment. Court can take recess. Look at the pretty rocks!"

The rocks were pretty; familiar-looking purple crystals growing sharply in every direction, creating vast landscapes and mountains of cloudy magenta and smoky byzantium. It felt so easy to lose himself in trying, and failing, to pick out all the details in its multi-faceted surface. Who could have thought the trip to Hell itself could be so serene.
word count: 1158
We return to where we started, and pass onwards into history.
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Re: The New Chaos XI. The Empyrean Gateway.




Knowledges:Deception x5
Storytelling x4


EXP:15 XP not to be used for magic


Yes, indeed!


Another great thread, this series is one of the best I have read so far. In fact the only one I can think that is better, to me personally, was this story I believe Ashling did about this owl-man she was trying to save. Top tier for sure and I'm so glad to grade this! My favorite bit of dialogue from Tio was the bit about the Immortals, how everyone has a different opinion on who should die-- even the atheists. Very well said. Enjoy King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard on DULA TV!


Knowledges:Tactics x4
Rhetoric x3
Meditation x2


EXP: 15 XP not to be used for magic




I love the thought of Tio smelling(tasting?) like the difference between pork and beef. That made me laugh. Once again ya paint pictures in my mind, it's very beautiful and well done. I can tell you have had so much fun writing this! Enjoy dude!

P.S. Your 719 thread list hasn't been updated since Ashan. Just thought you would like the heads up.

word count: 232

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