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Posts: 77
Joined: Tue Apr 26, 2016 6:58 am
Race: Tunawa
Profession: Raider
Renown: -30
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1



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All the Threads!

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Want to write with a jerk of a shark? Rend is a Tylon Mer, which means no legs and he won't be coming willingly on land. He does occasionally communicate with people without trying to murder them. Sometimes. So if you just want to meet a Mer, we can do that, he's also available to be your opposition any time you're in or on the water. We can either play that sort of thread by ear, or if you want to work it out ahead of time, that's fine too! I do not mind taking a loss, rather a decisive ass-kicked sort of loss or a darn they got away and I didn't get to eat them sort of way. That said, you still need to work for it, Rend is no pushover!

Too many teeth for you in the above? How about a Biqaj fisherman! Nivasi is most often seen around Cyrene Bay in Andaris, but if there's coastline or a river you can access from the water, you might find her there. If you really want it's possible I can come up with a hook for her to go inland, but she's only really happy at sea. She tends to be stand-offish, cautious and a bit cold when she first meets someone. Underneath that she's a good-hearted dreamer, she just knows the world is a dangerous place for a woman alone.


Tose, as she goes by, is most often found wandering the woods around Desnind, hunting to help feed her people. She is kind and helpful, and in all honesty rather naive. There have been no great losses in her life, and she's never encountered a person who'd meant her any harm be it physically or mentally. She reveres nature as most of her people do and honors most of the old ways and tales of the Sev'ryn.


Shesha is a bit of an ass if we're being honest here. She is arrogant, racist, brash and quick to anger and has enough martial skill that this can't be just ignored by most. She is also extremely territorial and protective of anything she deems to be hers. She knows she's still a relative novice and is currently focused on training so she can be a more effective conqueror and expand the Eternal Empires borders. Just... just really deserves a punch in the nose most of the time..


Nimrah is not technically approved yet but whatever you're not the boss of me, I do what I want. Until she's been looked over in the NSF, I cannot thread about magic, but I reckon if anyone wants to run into her to either set the scene for a future encounter, or because they want to meet one of the least talented and most unenthused whores in Etzos, I'm game!

Somewhere Else

Do you have a really complicated ungodly plot? I am probably keen to help or hinder it as you need! Really want to run into a character but they're in the wrong area? This is good to know! Travel takes awhile, and I am not averse to it, I just need to justify it and write up to it IC.
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