To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)


11th of Ashan 719

Seated on the shores of Lake Lovalus, Rharne serves as the home of the Lighting Knights, the Thunder Priestesses, and the Merchant's guild. This beautiful trade city is filled with a happy and contented people who rarely need an excuse to party.

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To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)

11th of Ashan, 719

Since the small riot a few trials before the people had been on edge. Though it had been quelled it did not stop people from having been injured both mild and severe nor did quelling the riot stop people from being angry. And angry people could do volatile things, things like stabbing their drug dealer with his own laced knife then running off with their free stash.

Though they would likely be surprised the stash only made them more sober than they’d ever been before and their addiction gone, for better or worse. If they had stayed even a few trills they would have seen the dealer smile before he began to call for help as he collapsed to his knees and all around him people began to panic.
The Order too, had been kept busy seeing to all their new patients and the men and woman moved as quickly as they could through the quiet rush of people and regular check ups. It was easy to miss people in-between and their were only so many Order members to go around but everyone would not when the woman came in near hysterical, higher than a kite and barely understandable.

"Been stabbed! Stabbed! The blood! Dying! Help, help him please!" The woman screamed, a bit of drool coming from her lips as she stumbled into the building. Immediately two Order members raced toward her in an attempt to help but hysterical she crawled back. "No! No! You don't know! He stabbed! He did it! Stabbed!"

Frantically she began to point to the door but it was at that moment her body began to convulse, the two holding her down calling for help to any who where nearby. "Someone get a sedative, now!"

"Where is she bleeding?"

"It's not hers!"

"Send someone out to check the streets! And get me a bed with straps!"

It was as if chaos had entered when the woman did for two more strangers walked in, both calling for help as they dragged in a heavily bleeding man who looked like he was nearly unconscious. Another call for more hands went at as everyone struggled to get the two new patients where they needed to be the Order becoming less a place of peace and healing and more of screaming and shouting.


Alright, so here we go. This is a "set-up" post to get us started. The drug dealer is indeed our stabbed man here and he was stabbed with an unknown substance. How Gen finds out he is a dealer is entirely up to you, could be he is a well known face, however you want to play it so go hog wild! I'm very excited to be writing with you and let me know if you have any questions!


  • You are free to control random NPCs but I control both the dealer and our girl who is ODing.
  • You can help both patients or only one, it is up to you.
  • Never determine the outcome of your actions, thats what I'm here for :)


I will be responding on May 1st. Let me know if thats enough time for you :)
[*]Have fun, I know I will!
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Re: To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)

Gennadiya was quickly drawn to chaos occurring in the front hall. The recent trials had been a bit hectic but Gennadiya had worked with her fellow Order member to keep the wounded cared for and at this point had just returning from her meal. She had been moving at her normal graceful pace as she came out from the back, but when the screaming had started she had picked up her pace. She didn’t run, but moved at a rush walk. Running tended to cause panic, and left one trying to get ordinated and their breath back. Her pace got her there only slightly less quickly, but left her prepared to react.

Her normally friendly face grew sad as she watched the drugged up lady having a freak out in the middle of the lobby. Gennadiya recognized the behavior even from a distances. Before she could get there Marta and Clairan arrived to try and help the woman. Both of them were letting the woman’s panic affect them. The young woman watched as there was a fight of limbs as the young woman tried to escape from the help she was asking for.

The young woman was screaming about ‘a him’ being stabbed. Gennadiya looked around and while there were a few patients who had come out to see what was happening none of them were bleeding. Someone else was running forward with bandages to the drugged up woman. As far as Gennadiya could tell the girl wasn’t the one stabbed, and having been in a similar state a time or two in her past she realized that while she had lost most of her capabilities to communicate she was doing it to the best of her ability.

In the space of a couple second Gennadiya recognized that someone else, outside was stabbed and that was who she wanted to help. Just then the girl collapsed and someone called for a sedative. Gennadiya was paused and then spoke up.

“You can’t administer a sedative to someone on a drug over dose.” She called out as she was almost there to help. “You might finish her off by adding more drugs. We need to get her restrained and get the drugs out of her system.”

It was just then that a man was brought in by Xath and Preslan. The two men were carrying him gentle but quickly. Gennadiya rushed over as they moved towards the one of the portal beds that had been brought out when the girl had started screaming that he had been stabbed. “Bandages.” Gennadiya shouted as followed the injured person. The first thing she needed to do was to determine where he had been stabbed and how deeply. She made a mental note that the man wasn’t out cold yet, but neither was he alert.

Gennadiya heard a gasp from behind her. She looked up as the matronly Vera came up beside her the woman was pale white. “What is it Vera?” Gennadiya asked wondering what she was missing as she looked over the body.

“That is the man who caused Tomish death.” She said even as Gennadiya and the man were rushed away. Gennadiya didn’t pause as she began to put pressure on wound to slow the bleeding, and even as her mind began to process how to stop the stabbing based upon what she had observed.
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Re: To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)

11th of Ashan, 719

Gennadiya brought some sort of direction when she came in right before a few white cloaks came in to help oversee. Strangely they seemed not to truly care for the stabbed man, not because his straights were not dire but because the woman had abruptly stopped seizing and was trying to fight her way to the room the green cloak and her patient were in. That's when she began wailing.

"I need him! Bring him back you thieving whore!"

Her body still shivered and though there were several people attempting to pull her away somehow or other the woman was able to throw them off and nearly get into the room until the door was slammed in her face, two gold cloaks helping get the stab victim on a gurney. Outside there was thumping as the commotion continued, a shriek of rage finally jerking the man upright.

"Wha--" He groaned when he looked down at the knife, eyes rolling, "laced..."

It was a barely a whisper, and the moment he spoke the commotion outside ceased as if his voice was a directors calling for the end of a scene. Both gold cloaks began to strip the man, using his sudden alertness to their advantage to get a clearer view of the stab wound. The blade still left in and the shirt ripped to not agitate it.

One of the gold cloaks, a female, immediately began directing her companion, "Gauze, water, needles, and tweezers now!" To Gennadiya she jerked her head, "When I pull it out you both are going to stop the blood flow. We don't know how long he has been bleeding but he can't lose anymore blood."

"Wouldn't matter if he did."
The male gold cloak said not as quietly as he could have, his gaze darting disdainfully to the man. The other woman did not disagree though her hand did hesitate as she made to take out the dagger. As if she too wondered whether or not it was worth it to save the man.


I will be posting again 7th or sooner if you post before then!


  • You are free to control random NPCs but I control both the dealer and our girl who is ODing.
  • You can help both patients or only one, it is up to you.
  • Never determine the outcome of your actions, thats what I'm here for :)
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Re: To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)

While the world had stopped being absolutely chaotic it was still a rush of activity. Vera hadn’t moved from the spot where she had made her dramatic statement. Gennadiya looked back at the woman, still trying to remember what had happened to her son. It was hard because Gennadiya was new here so there were many things that she just didn’t have context for, and instead having lived through it with the woman she had only heard something about it. Gennadiya instead of wasting effort turned her attention to the woman on the ground who was now calling after her.

The woman was to desperate and to focused on that man. Why was he so important to her? Was it her husband, maybe, but it seemed wrong, there wasn’t any terms of endearment used and even in her current state she most likely would be using a pet name. No she just refereed to the stabbed man as him. Gennadiya’s eyes narrowed as she thought she began to understand. This woman was desperate for the man who gave her what she considered life. This had to be the man she got the drugs through.

Gennadiya in that flash of a moment remembered her own drug dealer from all of those arcs ago. In all honest once she had gone to the streets, she hadn’t been coherent enough to really say who what they looked like. Gennadiya’s had been a woman, she always wore green, and they were billowing pants. She remembered those pants very well, but other than a fuzzy remembrance of dark hair, and green eyes, she could really have said much more. She only came when Gennadiya was high or desperate.

Now she began to understand why everyone was unconcerned. This man tormented and ruined people’s lives, and now she remembered about Vera. Her son had tried to fly while on drugs. They had found his body in the streets after he had jumped off a building much higher up the city.

Gennadiya looked at Vera. “Remember you son, help this girl. You need to get the her system flushed, she won’t like but a laxative will help clean her system out.” She said firmly. Before the door closed Gennadiya could see Vera nod her head and start ordering some other green cloaks to get the necessary herbs. Gennadiya was still trying to hold bandages in place as two gold cloaks came in to help.

The man suddenly sat up an began to talk. Well that was a good sign, he hadn’t lost that much blood, but soon would if they didn’t move. With gentle care Gennadiya helped with the removal of the shirt. A pair of scissors easily cut the shirt to the stab wound and then beyond. Gennadiya was following instructions and grabbing for the bandages to help stop the bleeding when one of her fellow order members said something startling. Gennadiya looked at the other two full in the face seeing the dilemma facing them.

This man was responsible for many deaths and many more lives being ruined. Here he was dying. Gennadiya was sure of that. The man would die if they did nothing. Gennadiya asked herself in the split second of thought. Did she want to save this man? The answer was no she didn’t. She looked around and in her heart thought though. If she didn’t that would mean she chose to kill this man. She chose to stay the hand of mercy. She chose not to heal.

Gennadiya spoke into the silences. “Is this man a drug dealer?”

The two gold cloaks looked at her in surprise. The man final spoke. “I forget you are new. Yes he is. This one is as slippery as an snake.”

Gennadiya looked towards the woman and meet her eyes. She appeared to have the same hesitation. That cemented Gennadiya’s decision. She walked up with the bandages and set them to the side. “I will hold him while to extract the knife, Olivasa.” She said to the gold cloak who a moment before had been in charge. “We are children of healing, we heal all who come to us.” She said to the older woman and then looked at the man. “I will help this man, I ask that you stay and help me.”

“Why.” Olivasa asked.

“Because I have made mistakes, maybe not as bad as his, but if I don’t help him I have made myself his judge. I stop being a Healer. Healers help others, if we make sure he is survives and then hand him over to Knights fine, be we will have done our job, and honored our callings.” Gennadiya looked at the other two to see if they would help her. She carefully put her hands to hold the patient down while Olivasa’s hands hovered over the blade. Gennadiya’s blue eyes looked up into Olivasa’s eyes. The sapphire blues were filled with a determination and anger, not at the gold cloaks but at the man on the table. She might heal him but she wouldn’t forgive him.

Regardless of the gold cloaks decision she was ready to either work to stop the bleeding or to remove the dagger her self if needed.
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Re: To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)

11th of Ashan, 719

The drug dealers face flickered with could be a smirk or a smile at the discussion going on around him and if either gold cloak pressed a little too hard on his wound in response, who would know?

Outside the room Vera and the other Order members tried to get the woman to swallow a laxative and take her to a room. But the Order would catch no breaks today as yet another stab victim was brought in, though this one was a self inflicted wound and it was Knights who carried him in. Their group was followed by two more being carried in though judging by their rolling eyes and pallor they would not be long for the world.

And it was true, no more than they had entered the facility did they breathe their last with little time to be mourned as the next stab victim became priority. Mostly because he did not want to be save.

“No! Lemme go, damn you!”

“Sir please—“

“If you save me I’ll stab him again! I swear I will!”

It was complete and utter chaos followed, all heard through the door though none of the occupants still, Olivasa’s gaze steeled as the words reached her ears. The calls and times of death, the roars of the second stab victim.

With something like satisfaction she pulled the knife out with little care, tugging it to the side and out of Gennadiyas’ hands. When she was done she tossed it to the floor with a loud clatter.

“What have you done?” The man snapped, staring at the enlarged cut but her shouts overpowered his words. Her expression devoid of any regret.

“Leave him to the Knights and they can help him. Our calling is to heal but if we heal him we kill more. Today alone he’s helped kill three, and destroyed countless others. Think of Vera, she’ll never look you in the eye if you save him with what he did to her son!” Olivasa hissed, she shook her head and stepped back after, “I’ve done all I can stomach to help him. There are others who needs us more than someone who should have been left to the streets he ruins.”

The gold cloak swept out without another word, leaving Gennadiya and other gold cloak alone to struggling with patching up the wound. But it was not blood that began to ooze from the wound. But a thick, viscous yellow liquid that reeked of tar. Immediately the male gold cloak sniffed closer then pulled back. He knew what it was, the smell of drugs was always unmissable with rehabilitation patients. He knew that if he didn’t flush it it was likely to cause him to overdose or create an infection that would likely kill him anyway. None of this stopped him from reaching for the need and commanding Gennadiya.

“Hold it closed while I begin the sutures.”


I will be posting again 14th or sooner if you post before then!


  • You are free to control random NPCs but I control both the dealer and our girl who is OD-ing.
  • You can help both patients or only one, it is up to you.
  • Never determine the outcome of your actions, thats what I'm here for :)
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Re: To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)

Gennadiya listened to the commotion outside and sighed. Her heart ached at the cries and calls coming from the foyer of the clinic, especially given who was currently on the table. She closed her eyes briefly and offered a prayer to Moseke and Ymiden, before opening them and looking at Olivasa and meeting her eyes. Gennadiya watched as anger filled those eyes. Irrational and self-righteous anger.

Unfortunately Gennadiya didn’t anticipate Olivasa childishness. Which is exactly what she did as she intentionally made the wound bigger when pulling the blade out. Gennadiya looked at her with sorrow, and a bit of disappointment. To have decided not to help would have been one thing, but to behave this way made her no better than the man she had just tried to make sure would die.

Gennadiya jumped to her work and worked to stem the blood to get it clotting so that he wouldn’t loss anymore. She listened as Olivasa tried very hard to justify herself, and her actions. Gennadiya understood the woman and her trial. There was a very real part of her that said leave the man, let someone else take care of him, or if they have time they could help him. She hated men like him, and when this was done she would eager hand him over to the Knights, the incidents here in the clinic alone would get him in jail.

Her feelings weren’t the scale here. She was called to heal, and healing was blind. She would help those who needed help. It wasn’t her place to determine who lived and died, it wasn’t her place to determine who had life. If she did that where would it stop, when would she stop serving the Immortals, and respecting there judgement. No she wouldn’t tempt fate, if this man died it would not be on her head, and despite what Olivasa said other people’s death wouldn’t be on any of their heads. People had the right to choose for themselves. As a former drug addict herself she hated the woman who helped her, but she didn’t blame her. Gennadiya had made the choose, no one forced her. So even if this man died those same people would find a new source of drugs. So her choosing to kill him wouldn’t make that much difference.

Gennadiya let go of the cloth long enough to wrap the gold cloak woman in a hug. “I can’t agree with your choice sister, but I love you still. Go where you can help.” Then she turned back to the patient.

Gennadiya smiled in gratitude at Tomalin as he checked the yellowing ooze. A sign that this idiot used his own product. Following his instruction, she held it closed so that he could begin the necessary stitches while she also worked to clean up the wounds from the ooze. That needed to be extracted from the wound as much as possible. She kept cleaning the wound to avoid contamination. Other green cloaks rushing around supplying them with the clean cloths and fresh water. The two worked together as the gold cloak who chose to stay stitched the patient together. He worked to save a life, but not make it pretty. If this worked out the man would have scares.
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Re: To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)

11th of Ashan, 719

The cleaning and stitching of the wound seemed to help bring the man back to lucidity and he watched with something like disappointment as Tomalin stitched him up both loosely and with little bedside manner aside from his quick brusque manner. If not for the green cloaks helping he would not have flushed the wound at all, let alone stitched him properly. But to show the green cloaks anything worse than his current bedside manner would set a precedence that was not good for the Order. Still he finished then snipped, waving out the helpers and handing bandages to Gennadiya. "You'll cover it for now, give him the rest of the directions. I'll go see if them have a handle outside and the rest of you with me. Move him to an outpatient room when you're done and--"

"Thank you." The words, though soft, cut through through Tomalins speech like a knife through butter. The tense silence that followed prompted the drug dealer to speak again, "Truly, I owe you my life, so thank you."

"Stop thanking me."
Though Tomalin didn't elaborate it was clear what he meant if his glare was anything to go by: 'don't thank me I did it because I had to not because I wanted to.' With that he made to head out, leaving Gennadiya to finish any remaining tasks, the door shutting slightly harder than needed behind him.

"And what of you?" The man was strangely even toned for someone who had just been stitched up, "Will you take my thanks and the burden of knowing anymore deaths also have our name on them?"

He even began to sit up, leaning forward though his eyes flicked to the sill quieting chaos outside the door. Where the man still raged about stabbing him again, where bodies were being taken away for they would breathe life no more. The longer he looked at the door the more the sounds seemed to echo in the room. As if taunting Gennadiya to say she could've stopped that from happening again. Whether he was testing her patience or genuinely curious was hard to tell. "I seen you forgive the other woman but would you forgive yourself if another victim of mine came in today? If I walked out these doors and into prison to cause another inmate to die. You could've stopped that but you didn't. There will be justice as you wish there would be."

He spoke with great surety and was right. Drug dealers were a dime a dozen and drugs in prison were usually more rampant than in the streets. His voice grew stronger still, sitting up casually as if he hadn't just gotten life saving stitches and been poisoned with his own drugs, eyes clear and green. "Will the woman out there forgive you? For saving me when no one saved her son, when I will no doubt take other sons. Will you save me if I come again?"

The last words softened, piercing and taunting. Outside the sounds grew louder again, not enough to drown out his voice but surely enough to ring in Gennadiya's ears, to try and sink in like poison and wait to see if she would truly stand by what she had said or if she would falter as many had though it did not seem he begrudged them even if the disappointment had been clear on his face earlier.


I will be posting again 21st or sooner if you post before then!


  • You are free to control random NPCs but I control both the dealer and our girl who is OD-ing.
  • You can help both patients or only one, it is up to you.
  • Never determine the outcome of your actions, thats what I'm here for :)
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Re: To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)

Gennadiya understood Tomalin’s reluctant to accept the thanks from the man. Many good healers were uncomfortable with thanks and praise, but coming from this worm wasn’t warm and fuzzy. Neither of them wanted to help, but they both understood where their oaths lay. Gennadiya put down her cloth as Tomalin finished, and put her hand on his check and bowed her head to him, giving him and unspoken honor and thank you. He gave her a week smile and then left to help with the other crises.

Gennadiya began to clean up the mess on the table and instruments, even as the man tried to sit up. She to would have preferred to leave him to the Knights, but she didn’t want the equipment to become contaminated, and if they weren’t cleaned right away they wouldn’t be ready when there was a need.

Her blue eyes glanced over at the man, who was becoming more and stranger with each sentence. Her gaze was hard as she glanced at him and then turned back to the work she was doing. She could hear him and hear the sounds coming from the room but she continued her work. She finished cleaning up and putting things in order as he asked the final question and the noise seemed to rise to a crescendo.

Gennadiya looked at the tray for a moment and then picked up the tray to take with her. She turned and looked at the man. Her gaze was no longer hard, but it wasn’t kind either. Her gaze was academic. “Can you promise me that by letting you die, no one would ever had done drugs again? Can you promise me that by not putting you in prison the drug trade in there will suddenly dry up?” Gennadiya’s gaze was mocking as she looked back. “No you can’t.”

She took on last look around and noticed the blade, she went over and picked it up and moved to leave and then paused. “I once lived on the streets, my life consumed by drugs. It was a choice I made, I can tell you that if my drug dealer had died suddenly I would have found a new one, her death wouldn’t have phased my addiction. I can also tell you that my friends would have also just found someone else.” She tilted her head. “So to answer your question I will heal anyone who come through that door needing help. I made a promise when I became a healer, I also made a promise when I changed my life, and I will adhere to my promises.”

Gennadiya turned to leave. There were others who needed help. “I just hope that you can follow my example and see the errors of your ways. The world could use more people trying to right the wrongs they left upon the world.” She walked towards the doors and the waiting Knights. She was honest with herself and if the man had died of his wounds she wouldn’t have mourned, but she wasn’t ashamed of sticking to her beliefs. A true belief was only real if others tested you, and she really did believe in healing all who came for help.
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Re: To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)

11th of Ashan, 719

As Gennadiya spoke, the man began to smile, "I suppose neither of us has all the answers then."

When she finally began to share her story his eyes softened and he hopped off the counter. As he did so the din from outside finally quieted, calls of relief could be heard as patients stabilized, seizures stopped, and all seemed relatively still for the moment. There was something to be said for sharing her story though the man knew if would have no effect on someone like him, he strayed far too long. Perhaps he could be saved but it would take far more than this to save him. Briefly he closed his eyes, recalling another version of him already healed with a similar wound to the one on his body now. Though strangely this wound was already gone as he began to dress. "I thank you for sharing you're story and for healing me."

Just as Gennadiya did he began to to move to the door as well, holding it open and giving her shoulder a squeeze as he did so. When he did Gennadiya would perhaps feel the slight tingle of something like magic and even if she did not she would not doubt see the sapling growing where his palm had touched, his bright green eyes twinkling happily.

"I hope if you see me or another again you will hold these oaths, Gennadiya Lyosha. Know that all you heal will only help you grow and spread you compassion. You've made me so proud already and I know you will continue to in the future."

With these parting words the man stepped through the door ahead of the healer but rather than appear in the main hall the moment he stepped through the frame he was simply gone. As if he'd never been there to begin with. It would leave the healer with a day that had started so strange but now the nearly empty lobby seemed standard, most not even remembering or caring of the stab victim who had come and gone with the chaos of the day.


I will review after your next post or by the 30th (whichever comes first).


  • You are free to control random NPCs but I control both the dealer and our girl who is ODing.
  • You can help both patients or only one, it is up to you.
  • Never determine the outcome of your actions, thats what I'm here for :)


So sorry about the last post again! I enjoyed getting to do this and I hope you enjoyed it as well :) Let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
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Re: To Heal or Not to Heal (Gennadiya Lyosha)

Gennadiya felt a large amount of surprise as the man stood up. True he wasn’t bleeding out anymore but he also wasn’t on anything to the numb the pain. She looked intently at the man now and saw that he no longer had the wound and his clothing was restored to normal. She was halted in her movements by the strange events.

Something unique was occurring on this trial and Gennadiya began to have some idea of what might be going on. It was confirmed as she felt the man touch her should and with his departing words. The young Lyosian woman bowed her head at the Immortal of healing as he walked past, and with that he and the chaos was gone.

Gennadiya stood in the doorway of the room now looking around to restored order. She felt her shoulder tingle and then reached over and lifted the edge of her dress. On her shoulder she could see the image of a tree placed there. Gennadiya felt herself gasp, not in surprised but to surprise the tears and emotion that suddenly descended upon her. She let go of her neck line and pulled out a handkerchief and pressed it to her mouth even as tears slowly dripped down.

With a haste that was unknown for Gennadiya she moved through the halls to the gardens at the back of the clinic. She still didn’t run, but raced. With the handkerchief still pressed to her mouth and tears racing down her face she emerged into the simple garden. There she collapsed onto one of the benches.

Gennadiya felt the turmoil of her emotions, but she breathed in the fresh air of the garden. Slowly her heart beat returned to normal and she felt a calm come upon her. It was hard to explain, but to have your beliefs justified by the one who had taught them to you as a bit overwhelming. Now she had received the honor of Moseke’s mark. She was one of the chosen to help spread her domains.

Gennadiya sat for a time just enjoying the peace of the world around. Then with a broad smile she stood up and returned to her work.
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