The Soul Piper

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The Soul Piper

【 Cylus 2nd, 718 】
Mood: Calm
Location: Field
Thoughts: I miss Mom
Company: Himself
Theme: Desperado

【 The sea air hit his face as he stared out into the vast expanse of water and sky. This place would always be home for him, no matter where he went in Idolas. There was something about it that always seemed to calm him.

I could have been that this was the one place he could find solace in his life. he came here to relax, to unwind from the stress of his immortality. This place hadn't changed, even now. As he sat there he felt a hand on his shoulder, turning to see the face it belonged too.

He smiled as his mother had finally made it. She had been in Ne'haer with his father but left a little earlier to meet him here. The two exchanged words and sat, popping a bottle of wine and reminiscing about his adolescent days.

He never got the chance to be alone with her like this, as both his parents were usually with him. He never noticed the worry she hid behind her smiles till now. He couldnt believe how strong she was to keep going knowing what was to come. He wished, as sad as it is to say, that he was never born.

She always seemed to reassure him though, that what he feared was just a dream. That them dying was just a nightmare he was experiencing. Yeah, that's exactly what it was, just a bad dream altogether. His reality was that they were alive, just off in a different land working as private guards.

His mother wrapped her arms around him, reassuring her son everything would be alright. 】

word count: 289
Time doesnt heal anything, it just teaches you how to live with the pain


Defiance: Windy Aura:
After his initiation, Solomyn found that a soft flow of air radiates around his body, fitting to him like an airy glove. To those who touch his skin, they will feel as if something is blowing on them with gentle breaths. Even sitting still, the airy aura will dance around him making his hair and attire move.

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Sybil Malach
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Re: The Soul Piper


Sibyl's existence was tangential here.

Something lured this fragment of the dreamer here. Something that was, in a sense, entirely accidental. Sibyl wasn't able to fully control where the winds of the dreams took the dreamer. It was all, simply, out of control, during the duration of rest. Something half remembered. But this lure, was the stain of family and camaraderie. Of soothing healing through close contact with loved ones. Something that Sibyl had not felt in a very long time.

How long had it been, since either mother or father had been seen?

Like a child just outside of the window, Sibyl could only watch, as Solomyn, the more dominant dreamer, lived out his comfort. It was something almost foreign to the entity, as it flickered. Sibyl was a weak fragment of its originator. Its light was a dull glow, much like the embers of a dying campfire at a solemn evening. Its body was almost transparent like a crystal, its form crackling and popping silently as it tries to maintain physical form. Something kept the being together, but it was confusing to say what, exactly, could be doing such a thing, outside of the sheer emotional stains of this dream itself. As though Sibyl's dreams were entirely dependent on the sensations of others. And this dream, was like a siren call, to the entity. A beacon of refuge, although it was for a different person.

The temptation was clear.

A hand reaches out, as the figure is washed with the scents of the sea. A foreign, salty smell. Something that scalded the hairs of Sibyl's nose, but something that was new. Something that was welcome. Its booted feet settle on the wooden floor, as it glances at its hands. Fizzling and popping in static. Entering a world which could only be observed before. It simply watches the two speak, and make merry with talking. Awkwardly standing, its light, cloaked frame utterly non-threatening. Though perhaps, quite a bit surprising, having slipped between the veil.

word count: 340
"No mass graves."

-Vri 720, scolding Sybil for disposing of necromancers.

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Re: The Soul Piper

【 Cylus 2nd, 718 】
Mood: Calm
Location: Field
Thoughts: I miss Mom
Company: Himself and Someone else
Theme: Desperado

【 It was truly a beautiful moment for him. He was with his mother, after dreaming she had died and he had to live his life with some strange woman in chains. He was glad that his parents were alive, even if they traveled a lot due to their professions.

He didnt mind though, as anytime spent with either of them or both of them was appreciated no matter what. His mother would ask him things such as when he would make her a grandmother, or if there was at least a woman in his life......or a man. She was an overbearing mother, but he didnt mind.

Though all the while, he couldnt help but think that for some reason he was being watched. Looking out his peripheral, he couldnt see anyone, but the feeling was strong enough to garner his attention. It would be odd for him to be caught off guard out here anyway.

For all he could see it was nothing but grassy fields and a large expanse of water. For the time being, he would brush off the feeling and not allow it to ruin this sacred time with his mother. The two reminisced on the times he would snoop around town, always sticking his nose where it didnt belong. She was glad that his curiosity turned into a fulfilling profession for him.

He was glad he could help others, and right some wrongs that others couldnt. He felt happy hearing the praise from his mother, only wanting to make his parents proud of the man he was. 】

word count: 281
Time doesnt heal anything, it just teaches you how to live with the pain


Defiance: Windy Aura:
After his initiation, Solomyn found that a soft flow of air radiates around his body, fitting to him like an airy glove. To those who touch his skin, they will feel as if something is blowing on them with gentle breaths. Even sitting still, the airy aura will dance around him making his hair and attire move.

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Sybil Malach
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Re: The Soul Piper


The entity let out a breath. It was fully visible, though seemingly just out of Solomyn's periphery. It walked about the place, slowly. Considering of what this place was. It dripped with the feelings of 'home' and 'safety'. But to Sibyl, it was entirely foreign. The sensation of the dream is what lured the dreamer in to this place. It simply allowed Solomyn to carry out this dream without any true interruptions. Yet. The entity offered a tilt of the head, as it fizzled from the strain of sleep. It continued to watch. As though more curious, than anything, of Solomyn's safe space. The man at this most comfortable. It was a sensation that bled into the dream through impulse. Something that Sibyl, in some headspace or another, vied for. As though Solomyn had ready access to something that the entity did not.

The floorboards creak, as the figure steps forward. With eyes once half-lidded, the ethereal entity's eyes slowly widen, as though caught in the act of something it shouldn't have done. After all, this didn't feel like a dream, that fact is utterly unknown to the entity, as its boot slowly raises from the ground, as though that could take the action back. Its figure's glow begins to die down, as the humming silently snaps. Its figure far more corporeal, as the dreamer enters a deeper level of sleep, and concentration wanes in the waking world.

"Oh. Uh. Sorry." The entity says, as it places its foot elsewhere, on the creaky floor. The jig's up, so the dreamer may as well introduce itself, it seems. Eyes slowly sliding between the two. Awkwardly. It's clear the figure poses no outward threat, between its waify build and its overall atmosphere, but its appearance could be shocking, to the unprepared.

word count: 308
"No mass graves."

-Vri 720, scolding Sybil for disposing of necromancers.

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Re: The Soul Piper

【 Cylus 2nd, 718 】
Mood: Calm
Location: Field
Thoughts: I miss Mom
Company: Himself and Someone else
Theme: Desperado

【 As he and his mother thought of the days of his youth, he heard it, the fizzle and snapping as if something had broken behind them. Whipping his head around his ethereal silver eyes barrelled into the figure that was with him and his mother. How the hell did she get so close without him feeling her approach?

Who was she, what did she want, why was she here, where & when did she arrive?! All these questions flooded his mind as he rose from his spot and turned to her, fist clenched and mouth fixing to tear her to pieces. "You better have a damn good reason for intrudi......." he began only for his mother to put her tall son in a choke hold, kicking his legs in order to bring him to a level in which she could grab him.

"Sorry bout that sugar, my son can be very overprotective of me and his daddy at times......" she said flashing a smile to the woman, then punching Solomyn clean across the face. "Have you lost your mind Solomyn?! I don't recall raising my son to speak to people like that?!"

The 6ft 2 Biqaj picked his throbbing jaw off the floor as he looked at his mother with shock, only to be met with a gaze that only a mother could give her child when they had done wrong. She turned to the new face and smiled once again. "Again I apologize for my disrespect son, my name is Naomi, Naomi Boudreaux. That rude bastard over there is my son, Solomyn."

Last edited by Solomyn on Sat Apr 27, 2019 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 282
Time doesnt heal anything, it just teaches you how to live with the pain


Defiance: Windy Aura:
After his initiation, Solomyn found that a soft flow of air radiates around his body, fitting to him like an airy glove. To those who touch his skin, they will feel as if something is blowing on them with gentle breaths. Even sitting still, the airy aura will dance around him making his hair and attire move.

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Re: The Soul Piper


The scene itself was enough to make the apparition flicker. Stepping back, it falls flat on its arse. Sucking in air through its teeth, it tries to backpedal, as the large man begins to make his approach. The loud words enough to shock it into being utterly confused, and completely terrified of the towering man. The dreamer raised its arms up, as though expecting to be hit, or worse. Fully not expecting the turn of events, of the man's mother turning to their side. And instead, expecting this to get ugly. And very much quickly.

With wide eyes, Sibyl peeks around, as it is spoken to by the matriarchal figure. The absolute impact of the throws and the punches was something that the entity curled a look of discomfort towards. Not judgement, but just plain discomfort. Everyone had their way of raising a kid. And dealing with an overgrown one with a temper that short... Sibyl wasn't going to judge. Even if this fragment was of the dreamer's baseline personality, among all else. A blink of the eyes is given, as it musters a response, "Oh... Sorry. I don't know how I came here." It says, confused. It shakes its head, as it says, "I was on my way home. I got lost, somewhere."

As it was directly engaged, the form began to become more solid. Becoming less like a flickering candle in the wind, and more like a semi passable person. The marks of youth was on this person. By all means an adult, but one that had simply not passed into the 'real' adult years. Adult by age, perhaps, but not by experience. It was wearing clothing ill fitting for this climate. A long cloak, and layered clothing beneath. It looked like some sort of apprentice scholar, or scribe. Sibyl simply glanced between the two, with green eyes. A loss for words, to be sure.

"My name is... Sibyl. Malach." Comes the awkward phrasing. Eyes glancing towards Solomyn, nervously. A harsh swallow, as the conversation continues, "No, truly... I must be more careful where I wander. My apologies."
word count: 354
"No mass graves."

-Vri 720, scolding Sybil for disposing of necromancers.

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Re: The Soul Piper

【 Cylus 2nd, 718 】
Mood: Calm
Location: Field
Thoughts: I miss Mom
Company: Himself and Someone else
Theme: Desperado

【He winced when struck by his mother, but was fine with it. This new person didnt seem all too threatening, but instincts where instincts. It was a natural reflex for him to get defensive.

His mother took the girl by the hand and brought her over to where the two had been sitting, looking out into the vast expanse of water. Sol nodded at the woman and continued to stare out into the blue landscape. "So where do you come from....Sybil was it? I haven't seen you around here before." he asked, Naomi fixing the girl something to drink.

Handing the cup to Sybil Naomi looked at them both then to Sybil. "Are you new here, or maybe its that we missed your face. Scalvoris is a big place after all. People are bound to get lost in the sea of faces around here." she added as Sybil was in the hot seat now, and both mother and son were interested in hearing her answer.

Solomyn's silver eyes dug into the girl, looking for any note of a lie, he was a private investigator after all, and looking for truths and lies was something he did, even if he didnt know it. He was just as curious as his mother to know who this woman was, seeing as she had interrupted his time with his mother. She would be lucky that his mother saved her from a verbal beatdown. 】

word count: 261
Time doesnt heal anything, it just teaches you how to live with the pain


Defiance: Windy Aura:
After his initiation, Solomyn found that a soft flow of air radiates around his body, fitting to him like an airy glove. To those who touch his skin, they will feel as if something is blowing on them with gentle breaths. Even sitting still, the airy aura will dance around him making his hair and attire move.

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Sybil Malach
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Re: The Soul Piper


The immediate first few things that Solomyn could notice about Sybil, would be the sheer amount of effort it's taking to properly communicate towards himself and his mother. It was as though Sybil's breath was drawn out from the lungs, as the dreamer was speaking, only managing slight sentences, before needing to pause to breathe. The dreamer's flesh was paper white, as though exposure to the sun was a rarity. It was likely that this person was a foreigner, given the immediate differences in the needs surrounding sunlight and the skin. Aside from that, however, Sybil was somewhat of a mystery. Obviously a foreigner, but it's clear that there's just no real reason for the dreamer to be here, and approaching the two. It was like a severe disconnect between intention, and circumstance. Hinting perhaps, at an aimless wander.

Sybil rubs at the side of the head, at being asked that question by Solomyn. A slow blink crosses the eyes before simply settling on, "I wander... From place to place." Comes the answer. It doesn't fully answer his question, but it seems to by the closest thing to an answer the dreamer even has, to that question. A slow blink of the eyes is given, curiously, before turning to Naomi, "I am new here... Yes. I did not know this was... Scalvoris, until you had said it, I'm afraid." The dreamer says, with a calm, evenly paced voice, still somewhat uncertain, glancing between Solomyn and Naomi, as though utterly curious at what's even happening, "Beg pardon... It is some what hard to... Focus. For some reason... I feel tired. I know not why, but... Simply, I do." Comes Sybil's explanation.

There was no resistance given, to Naomi pulling Sybil along. It was as though there was absolutely no force of resistance was behind Sybil's limbs, easy to simply drag along at her leisure. It wasn't long, before the dreamer was among the two, in a more conversational distance.
word count: 339
"No mass graves."

-Vri 720, scolding Sybil for disposing of necromancers.

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Re: The Soul Piper

【 Cylus 2nd, 718 】
Mood: Calm
Company: Mother and new woman
Theme: Desperado

【 His gaze never left the newcomer, not trusting them, not knowing exactly what would happen with them around. His parents were renowned for being famed warriors and investigators, so they were bound to make some enemies. He was concerned that this Sybil woman was an assassin hiding behind naivety.

"So you mean to tell me you've been traveling without knowing where you were going? Seems rather stupid if you ask me." he questioned, shooting a disapproving glare her way, before turning to face the ocean. He looked back at his mother who seemed to be fascinated with the woman.

He wasn't surprised though, that was the type of woman she was. Always caring for others whenever she could. Never taking her own safety into account. That was one quality that annoyed him, but she was mom, so he couldnt be all that mad.

As he sat and watched her ask all kinds of question, playing in the woman's hair, Solomyn's ears caught a faint sound, one he didnt expect or want to hear. It was subtle, but it was there, the rustling of chains. It couldnt be, he wouldn't believe that was what he was hearing. He stood up, and looked around, checking the horizon for the source.

"Did you all hear that?" he asked, which at this point the sound was a little clearer now. 】

word count: 245
Time doesnt heal anything, it just teaches you how to live with the pain


Defiance: Windy Aura:
After his initiation, Solomyn found that a soft flow of air radiates around his body, fitting to him like an airy glove. To those who touch his skin, they will feel as if something is blowing on them with gentle breaths. Even sitting still, the airy aura will dance around him making his hair and attire move.

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Re: The Soul Piper


The dreamer's lips part, as if to try to say something. Yet the only thing that leaves their throat is static. The rigid pain shooting down their esophagus seemingly akin to swallowing the bile of another. The dreamscape begins to warp and shift, as vertigo begins to take over. Sybil reaches towards their head, as though to try and steady their thoughts, but brutally falling short. Their mind spins in place, as they try to think. But there's nothing other than the static, overwhelming their mind. Trying to reach out, Sybil's fingers begin to freeze over, killing the flesh straight to the bone. Their lips quiver, as their breath begins to become visible. Ice begins to pour in, from the very sides of the dream itself, threatening to overtake it all. And in one singular moment, everything flash freezes to a complete halt. Like an explosion from an atom bomb, all is, in one singular instant, stopped from existing.

Sybil's eyes slowly blink open, as they rest in bed.

Letting out a slow breath, they simply grasp at the bridge of their nose. Their head throbbing with an unbearable pain. Perhaps it was the dream, perhaps it was the drinks had the night before. But in the end, something was simply not right. Their mind fluttered, as the memories of the dream began to obscure itself, reading more like a distant memory than anything else. Their eyes finally open, as they pull up to a sitting position on the bed. Eyes slowly glancing from side to side, they seemingly struggle with even trying to think without some pulse of pain searing through their skull. Pacing out their breath, Sybil simply takes the easy way out, slipping out of bed, and meandering towards a pitcher of water, simply thinking the ordeal to be nothing more than the results of a particularly strange hangover.
word count: 316
"No mass graves."

-Vri 720, scolding Sybil for disposing of necromancers.

NPCs: Karlsson, Margaret
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