• Memory • Swim Away

A younger Korva makes a decision

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Swim Away

22nd of Vhalar, 713
*Speaking Rakahi
*Speaking Common

Rivan stared at Korva, jaw set as she stared listlessly into the water, net long since dropped at her feet rather than in the water. But she couldn’t seem to tear her eyes away, not even when he called her name. She wish he’d stop for just a minute, she knew he was worried, could see it in the look on his face, the way his voice lifted but they all bled together. Finally she managed to pry her lips open, closing her eyes to avoid looking at him and seeing the disappointment.

“Nothings wrong, just tired.”

“Yer always tired.”

“It’s been tiring days.” Korva finally snapped, tired of the line of questioning he’d bothered her with all day. Annoyed she drifted to the larger nets, checking for weakness as though she hadn’t three times that day already. The knots biting into her hands with how tight she gripped them, no doubt leaving fine splinters to bother her for days to come.

“Ain’t gonna tear unless ya actually used it but yer too busy feeling sorry for yerself!” He followed, snarling as she continued to ignore him, unable to see the hurt cross his features as she slipped by him from the umpteenth time that day.

“I ain’t feeling sorry, fish brains! I’m sad!”

“And I ain’t?!”

“It ain’t the same!”

“I’m not the one letting it happen!”

Korvas anger left in place of the cold that seemed to never leave anymore, Rivans own face stricken but his mouth either couldn’t or wouldn’t move to form an apology and the woman would never let him apologize for it. He was right. It was her fault, and she had known that but now he did too. She licked her lips, eyes slipping shut as she turned away, swallowing down the bile, “I’m feeling sea sick, love, don’t want ya to see me chucking up chunks, go on. I’ll be down ‘fore bed.”

“Kor…I…” But whatever he was going to say was drown out by Korva launching herself over the side of the boat with a splatter splash. When she popped up her arms were already moving in quick, jerky strokes, legs kicking hard as she pushed herself away from the boat. To distract herself she tried to remember what her ma had called the swimming but all she heard was the roar of the water around her ears. If she was lucky U’frek would take her so far away she’d never have to hear any words again.
**Made by the wonderful Kes
word count: 448
ન'ઊળઇ૯ ૧એ૪ઇ૮ ઔનઌઈઇ પઇ, પબ ઇબઇ૮ ૯રશ૧ મકઇ ૧એબ. --Korva
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Re: Swim Away

*Speaking Rakahi
*Speaking Common

By the time she’d bothered to come back the sky was littered with stars, all wishes people wouldn’t get, she thought as she dried her hair with her shirt, tossing it to the ground carelessly as she moved below deck to their room. The swim had left her cold on the outside, wanting to curl up in bed but the thought was frozen at the sight of him in bed. Because his face was nearly clear. Every other time he looked at her he couldn’t hide the silver of gold always shinning around everything else. There were lines that seemed etched into the planes of his face she never remembered seeing and couldn’t recall exactly when they’d come but she knew why they wouldn’t leave. Knew why his lips could never pull a smile as wide as they used to, the edges of it tainted by worries. Only in his sleep, like now, could she see all of the man she loved.

“I love ya, ya know that right?”

“Mm, sleep love, talk tomorrow.” Rivan murmured drowsily, not bothering to open his eyes. A fond smile crossed her lips as she smoothed out the last of the creases in his forehead with a fingertip. A sleepy returning smile, a kiss to her fingertip and he was breathing heavily again, used to her night time wandering of late. The biqaj wanted nothing more than to curl up with him but she also couldn’t ignore the deep, petty urge to smoother him awake. Gritting her teeth she pressed her lips to his forehead, lingering longer than she wanted, eyes closed to hold back tears that weren’t there anyway. They’d been dried up, drained for near the last arc.

When she stands to get her cloak, something hard lodges in her throat but it doesn’t stop her from slipping above deck, where her ma has been waiting. She’d seen her when she’d slipped below but she hadn’t wanted to talk, now Korva wasn’t sure she could hold it all in.

“Ma, I—“ The words never finished, her ma’s arms opening wide for Korva to burrow in. She felt like a child, the warmth of the embrace making her want to sob but she knew if she did her resolve would break.

“Yer alright, little cuttlefish,” there was heavy sigh, “the ship leaves in the morn if yer dead set on this.”

“Ya know I can’t stay ma,” Korvas voice cracked, nails digging into her ma’s back as she clung, “it’ll kill us both. I don’t wanna hate him.”

“Ya always were dramatic,” fond words but the older Biqaj didn’t argue, “Lets go get yer stuff.”
**Made by the wonderful Kes
word count: 471
ન'ઊળઇ૯ ૧એ૪ઇ૮ ઔનઌઈઇ પઇ, પબ ઇબઇ૮ ૯રશ૧ મકઇ ૧એબ. --Korva
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Re: Swim Away

*Speaking Rakahi
*Speaking Common

“Now ya know ya can write whenever ya want. And by that I mean all the time, ya hear?“

“Never learned to write ma—“ The lying words were cut off with a sharp smack to the head that nearly made her see more stars but she knew better than to rub at it. The familiarity of the routine was comforting, as was the fact that she’d be too far away for her ma to smack her when she told her tales in her letters.

“Ya tell me the wrong place and have me sailing half-way ‘round Idalos and I’ll keel haul ya if yer lucky, ya get me?”

“‘Course ma, wouldn’t dream of it.”

“Lying little bilge rat! I’m being serious, yer gonna tell me where ya are each port or I’ll have all of—“

Korva corvered her ma’s mouth with her hand and swiftly kissed her cheek, “Love ya too, ma, when I settle I’ll have someone write ya, ‘kay?”

“Ya better, and for the love of U’frek come back home when yer done with all this.”

In that she couldn’t lie to her mother, at least not with words, a shrug was all she could give, avoiding eye contact. If she came back what would she be coming back too? Right now the thought was too much, too soon, there was no satisfactory answer she could give but she wouldn’t look back when she crosse the plans to board the ship, languid smile on her lips though her eyes stayed rimmed silver as she introduced herself to old acquaintances.
**Made by the wonderful Kes
word count: 281
ન'ઊળઇ૯ ૧એ૪ઇ૮ ઔનઌઈઇ પઇ, પબ ઇબઇ૮ ૯રશ૧ મકઇ ૧એબ. --Korva
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Re: Swim Away

This thread is being claimed for Training Purposes and shall be reviewed soon
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Re: Swim Away

Thread Rewards




Oh man, Korva's fiance will not be happy once he wakes up. You write the angst and hurt Korva goes through so well. I could feel her pain as she said goodbye to her mother. You can feel the mother's love for her daughter as she struggles. It was beautiful, well written, and a joy to read. As a small aside, just a friendly reminder to try at hit closer to 1500 for solo's. I've read many of your other threads, and low count isn't something you do much, if ever, so just a simple reminder. :D Enjoy your rewards!



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Skill Knowledge:
Deception: Lying by omission
Discipline: Stopping yourself from crying

You are entitled to up to four more knowledge's. If you would like more feel free to send me a PM and we can add them to your review!

If you have any questions feel free to PM me regarding your review! Your review request can be found here.
word count: 172
Kesindir: "Spoken word in Rakahi"
"Spoken word in Common"
Others: "Spoken word"

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life." ~ Henry David Thoreau
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