OOC Info Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

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Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

In this thread I'm going to record all currently available odd jobs, bounties and rumours for chasing. They will have a post each and I will keep this thread updated in a "rolling programme" manner (in other words, one gets taken, I replace it).

As a community, these rules are meant to promote thoughtful player interaction. Please respect them. If you have an issue / suggestion regarding these, please let me know!
  • No more than 2 items from this thread may be claimed at any time.
  • The way it works is: You post to claim the item. I edit to say "approved" and I edit the post in question. That "holds" the item for you for one week
  • Within one week from the day I edit your claim to "approved" you must post again with a link to the thread. Anyone who claims an item and doesn't start it within a week will have their claim negated.
  • One you've provided a link - I will edit the original item list again, to include the link. I will then delete your posts, to keep this thread clear.
  • When you have completed the thread - please post here again to let me know - I'll edit the listing to move your item to the "Completed" section. Then, you're good to claim another.
To Claim:

Code: Select all

Name of PC:
Claiming Item: 
Solo or Collab (who else if so)
To Link

Code: Select all

Name of PC(s)
To Finish

Code: Select all

Name of PC(s)
Link to finished thread

word count: 266
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Re: Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

Odd Jobs
 ! Message from: Francine
"It's my father's birth-trial soon and I want to make him a gift but I have no skills in anything crafty or creative. I'm hoping someone will help me, maybe teach me!"

Modnote: This could be a straightforward thread where you teach someone - or you could make it an exchange of skills - or something entirely else.
 ! Message from: Fol'ika
"I need to do some construction work, but I'm lacking materials and skills. I need someone to gather skins and wood and then make a playhouse for my children. Will pay what I can!"

Modnote: You could focus on one aspect of this - the gathering, the hunting, the building - or you could cover all of it!
 ! Message from: Kriina
"I'm going to be traveling soon and I need to have some clothes made - I hear that the weather is awful further north, so I'd like a thick fur lined cloak. I don't have much money, but could provide some training?"

Modnote: You could use this as a chance to develop a new fauna for Desnind, then hunt it and turn it into a cloak!
 ! Message from: Du'iba
"I seem to be allergic to everything. I've got a constant cold, my nose is always running and my friends call me 'sneezy'. Can no one help?"

Modnote: Medicine, alchemy, or a complete panacea - up to you!!
Claimed By: Devin
 ! Message from: Moira
NEW: "My teenage daughter is driving me to my wits end. She absolutely refuses to listen to anything I say and sneaks off to be with some foreigner from Quacia and swears they're in love. Nothing I do seems to help! Will someone please talk some sense into her? She's only sixteen!"

Modnote: Find a way to reason with the girl or improve her behavior. Maybe something else is going on?
 ! Message from: Lore'ja
NEW: "To put it bluntly, my tree house needs work. The roof leaks, the floors are ruined and if I have to spend one more hot season with jammed windows, I might lose my mind. Anyone willing to help a single mother of four with some home repairs would be SO appreciated."

Modnote: Construction, design, engineering could all prove useful.
 ! Message from: Kaidonis Ki'hadi
NEW: "So fun'y s'ory. - Was a' shore, ya? Saw the mos ra'jo woman IN MY LIFE. Tu'ns ou' she's one of th'os Eidisi, wouldn' e'en look ah a silv'a blood, like myself. Did'n like the way ay' talk, bu' she's my la'y luv, ya know?"

Modnote: Help the Biqaj impress his lady love. Improve his speech, give him cultural tips, play matchmaker. You'll think of something.
Completed Odd Jobs
Odd Jobs
 ! Message from: Setri
"My house has been over run by rats! We're infested! I can't go back there, please help me!"

Modnote: What's causing the rats? Up to you - is there something else going on here?

Completed by Rakvald: here
 ! Message from: Shotoki
"I need help with my garden! It's growing wild and there are some really strange looking plants that I don't recognise. Ideally, I'd like to build a kitchen garden with raised beds and stuff. Will pay for the help! Thank you!!"

Modnote: Why not use this as an opportunity to develop some unusual Flora for Desnind? Good chance for skill building at gardening or construction, maybe!

Completed by Joran & Rakvald here
 ! Message from: Orsoni
"My aunt died and I've been left her bee farm. I have no idea what to do - please help. You can choose something from her estate as payment"

Modnote: Simply help out, and choose an item / curio (an item available to individuals no higher than Tier 7, usually) - or maybe the item you choose is haunted. Maybe the bee farm is.

Completed by Dula here
 ! Message from: Nio'no
NEW: "My ol' mare needs new shoes put on, and I'd nail them myself, but my back isn't what it used to be. I'd be happy to pay someone who could help sort her out before those hooves start bothering her."

Modnote: Animal Husbandry, animal training, or mount knowledge possible. Feel free to get creative.
Completed by Rakvald here.
word count: 723
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Re: Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

 ! Message from: Bounty 01: Thieves Afoot!
Someone has been targeting businesses in Desnind and breaking in to them to steal money and goods! This must be stopped!

Difficulty: Moderate
Requirements: Multiple threads
Notes: May be solo or collab.
Reward Yes.
 ! Message from: Bounty 02: Pet-napping
Over the past few seasons, there has been a spate of animal thefts - people are stealing pets from homes. Horses, cats, even a child's pet mouse! What's going on!?

Difficulty: Moderate
Requirements: None
Notes: May be solo or collab.
Reward Yes

 ! Message from: Bounty 03: Sabotage!
A local business has been targeted with sabotage! Someone's spreading rumours about their goods/ services and staff. They've even gone so far as vandalism!
Difficulty: Moderate
Requirements: Multiple threads
Notes: May be solo or collab. YOU decide the business (please let me know in your sign up) and the nature of the sabotage.
Reward Yes
 ! Message from: Bounty 04: Hiding In Plain Sight
There are rumours that there is an Aberrant mage hiding out here in Desnind. This dark and evil type of magic must be stopped!

Difficulty: Moderate
Requirements: Multiple threads
Notes: May be solo or collab. May be true or not.
word count: 205
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Re: Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours


These will be forthcoming. Placeholder post.
word count: 7
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Re: Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

New ones added. Rakvald - are you still doing that one up there?
word count: 12
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Re: Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

Name of PC: Dula!
Claiming Item: Orsoni's Odd Job
Solo or Collab (who else if so): Solo
Curio obtained: gallery/image/17227 (asking permission) (a detail about it is the metal is rusty and old, some of the glass is cracked? To make it less fancy and more unique/ cannon as well)
 ! Message from: Pegs
Approved! Link me when you're done.
word count: 62

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Re: Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

Name of PC: Dula
Claiming Item: Will's Odd Job
Solo or Collab (who else if so): Sila (collab)
(I am so ready for this one! I have an idea already.)
 ! Message from: Pegs
Approved, link me when you're done!
word count: 41

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Re: Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

Thanks for your patience!! <3
word count: 5
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Re: Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

Name of PC(s) Dula
Item: Orsoni Odd Job
Link to finished thread viewtopic.php?f=217&t=19604
word count: 19

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Re: Desnind Odd Jobs, Bounties & Rumours

Name of PC(s) Dula and Sila
Item: Will's Odd Job
Link: viewtopic.php?f=217&t=19607

We are getting things moving!
word count: 24

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