Company Member Count: 1
Leader: William Dovecraft
Founder: Huron the Pale
Additional Members:
Contract Specialization: Supernatural
# of Completed Contracts:
Current Defensive or Resource Gathering Duty: Fracture Hunting & Study
# of City Defenses Completed:
Outlying Village: Arbor's Vigil (Needs to be rebuilt)
Requirements for Joining: 25 Meditation, 25 Combat OR Supernatural-related Skill
History of the Company: Founded in Arc 689 by Huron the Pale, The Compass was a short-lived mercenary company with a handful of specialized mercenaries. Huron was the wielder of Pallor, a steel zweihander from Rynmere which William found seemingly by chance in a weapon shop. When Huron arrived in Yaralon, he took up work with the local mercenary factions, and earned a name for himself, eventually founding his own Mercenary Company. Their interests were more esoteric and unique among the Yari, earning a respect for themselves through their valor and strength where they chose to apply themselves, but earning the ire of the people as they were rarely there to defend Yari when it was in need, instead gallivanting off towards personal adventures in dereliction of the duty the Yari felt was owed to them.
Returning from an adventure in Western Idalos one day in Arc 705, Huron went mad, dueling all who would stand against him. It was an Ithecal that struck down the wounded warrior, leaving his sword behind, where a handful of warriors took up the blade only to die Arcs later in a grand adventure where they met a twisted fate. Eventually it ended up in a smithy, a Grudge blade nobody would dare buy. It remained there until Saun 718, when William Dovecraft purchased it.
Once upon a time The Compass was in possession of a small village now in ruins from lack of sponsors, many Trials to the West of where Withersfield now stands. It was called Arbor's Vigil, and it stood upon the edge of the Bastard's Grove, felling the trees of the forest for a long house that has since vanished to time. In 706 the remaining members of The Compass all mysteriously vanished, leaving the village deserted with no signs of combat. Now, all that remains of Arbor's Vigil is a scattered, rotting foundation as well as the well, filled with refuse.
As of Saun 718, William discovered and newly legitimized the faction by the right of the sword he wielded, and took possession of the land, intending to one day rebuild it to its former glory.
Additional Information: Supernatural contracts include everything from Fracture hunting to Monster, Rogue Mage, Ghost, & Spirit hunting. Those joining must have a respect for Cassion and Ashan, but worship is not required. Note: Domain Mages are only allowed to join if they are seeking to give up their Sparks. Practices are fine, so long as blasphemies of the soul are avoided.
Business Plan Information (For the Business Subforum Moderator)
- Character Name: William Dovecraft
- Current Wage: 2gn + 2gn (25 Melee Combat (Zweihander)) +5gn (Business)
- Profession's Main Skill: Melee Combat (Zweihander)
- Leadership Skill: 0