
The greatest band of thieves on Idalos.

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Tio Silver
Wiki Worker
Wiki Worker
Posts: 1274
Joined: Thu Apr 13, 2017 3:04 pm
Race: Immortal
Profession: God of Curses
Renown: 665
Character Sheet
Character Wiki
Plot Notes
Personal Journal
Point Bank Thread
Wealth Tier: Tier 6




RP Medals




Idalos is full of magnificent treasures; from piles of gold and gems to magical artifacts and rare pieces of art. Unfortunately most of those treasure have already been found and claimed by people who don't deserve them, who horde them away in vaults and palaces where they can't be used or properly appreciated. It would be a tragedy for these treasures to remain locked away by those unworthy of them, but the ordinary thief does not possess the skills to liberate them.

Thank the Immortals then that some thieves are extraordinary.

Kleptés is a band of highly-skilled thieves that aim to become the richest, most notorious criminals in the world by stealing the greatest treasures across the four corners of Idalos. Utilizing stealth, cunning, and a collection of unusual talents and magical powers, they break into banks, temples, palaces or any other secure location and steal the most prized possessions out from under the owner's noses (when things actually go according to plan of course.) There are no laws binding the members of Kleptés together, and ever member understands that if things go horribly wrong it's every man for himself. Yet at the same time a mutual respect for each others skills and a common goal unite them, and allow them to work together to pull of heists nobody else can. There may be no honour amongst thieves, but there is at least class.


Kleptés was created in Zi'da 717 as the inadvertent result of a jailbreak gone wrong. A pirate by the name of Graeslin gathered together a small group of skilled thieves in Etzos and bullied, blackmailed or bribed them into helping her to free her imprisoned crew from the custody of the Black Guards before any of them could spill the location of her treasure. While the jailbreak went well at first the plan ended up falling apart and the situation dissolved into chaos, however during the confusion three of the thieves slipped away with one of Graeslin's artifacts; an orb that allowed the user to open portal crossing vast distances.

A few days later these three thieves (Tio, Oberan and Toan) met in secret, and realized that by combining their unique skills and the power of the orb they could teleport to any country in the world and steal whatever they wanted! The three of them agreed to band together, and called their new organization Kleptés after the dragon in the famous fairytale.


A safehouse somewhere in Etzos probably. I'm not sure where yet, but I'll get one ready soon.

It should be noted that although the headquarters are in Etzos, members are not required to actually live in Etzos or even anywhere nearby. Thanks to the orb distance isn't really an issue, and so members usually just communicate via mail and only meet in person when it's time for a heist.


The only thing Kleptés believes in is that each and every one of its members should become as rich as physically possible. There are no laws or codes of conduct that members need to obey, but there are a few unsaid guidelines that members should consider following if they want to stay in the group for very long:
  • You don't have to like each and every one of the other members, but don't go deliberately looking for trouble with them. Treat them with professional respect, and do not allow your personal grievances to affect heists.
  • All members who takes part in a heist should get an equal share of the rewards, unless someone really did not pull their weight or deliberate caused trouble for someone else. Participation in a heist is by no means mandatory.
  • Any magical artifacts or one-of-a-kind items belong to the one who found it or who put in the most effort to obtain it. However they are expected to use it for the good of Kleptés as a whole whilst on organisation business and lend it to other members as needed.
  • Try not to resort to unnecessary violence. Stealth and guile are preferable to brute force.
  • Do not sell out another member for profit. You stand to make a lot more money as a member than you would make by betraying them anyway, so what's the point?
  • Do not tell anyone that you're a member of Kleptés.
  • Do not invite anyone else to join Kleptés unless they've proven themselves to be a very good thief.


Kleptés does not really have any proper organisation or ranks. All members, from the oldest veteran to the newest recruit, are officially considered equal. Status is determined entirely by the respect you earn for yourself among the other members, and all important decisions such as what prizes to go after, who to invite to become a new member and what actions to take against threats, are decided by a vote.

Name: Tio Silver
Code Name: Taboo
Character Sheet

Name: Oberan Brackling
Code Name: Magician
Character Sheet

Name: Toan Dimitrios
Code Name: Rat
Character Sheet


It Looks Good on Paper | 40th Zi'da, 717
A band of criminals are brought together to plan a jailbreak.

Not So Good in Practise | 40th Zi'da, 717
The big jailbreak goes horribly wrong.

Thick as Thieves | 41st Zi'da, 717
Tio, Oberan and Toan meet up to form the beginning of Kleptés.

word count: 919
Fast Facts
Noticeable quirks your character can see when threading with Tio.


Tio floats in the air, usually just a foot off the ground.


Tio wears a scary looking gauntlet on his right hand that is clearly magical. It creates explosions.


Tio has a masked alter ego who leads The Court of Miracles.

Enchanting Voice

Tio's voice has hypnotic properties.

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