• Out of Character • Roster: Hot Cycle 718

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Roster: Hot Cycle 718

Hot Cycle 718
Welcome! I'm very excited that you decided to play in Desnind/Magani. Here you'll have a place to find other characters looking to plot and play in the cities of Desnind and Magani. Each roster post will include information about your character. You are REQUIRED to post in the Player Roster for each cycle you plan on playing in Desnind/Magani. Even if you never actually end up posting in the city, it helps the Prophets to know who is in the city.
For the Roster
Character Name:
Tax Option:
Blessings and/or Curses:
Character Likes:
Character Dislikes:
Reason For Being In Desnind:
Character Goals:
Extra Information:

Code: Select all

[b]Character Name:[/b] Your character's name, silly!
[b]Race:[/b] What race is your character?
[b]Tax Option:[/b] What tax option will you choose? Please see Desnind Lore.
[b]Blessings and/or Curses:[/b] If you have any blessings or curses, please list them here. Note that those known to be cursed by Faldrun will be immediately exiled from Desnind.
[b]Character Likes:[/b] What does your character like to do?
[b]Character Dislikes:[/b] What does your character hate doing?
[b]Reason For Being In Desnind:[/b] Is your character a resident? Visitor? Amnesiac? Wandering prostitute?
[b]Character Goals:[/b] IC and OOC, what do you want to accomplish this year?
[b]Extra Information:[/b] Tell the mods how much you love them!
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Roster: Hot Cycle 718

Character Name: Enrick Maze
Race: Human; Sev'ryn, Biqaj Mix
Tax Option: I pick Two
Blessings and/or Curses: None
Character Likes: Fishing, Swimming, Light Drinking
Character Dislikes: Choosing sides
Reason For Being In Desnind: Visitor
Character Goals:
IC: Meet Mamma Moseke, Learn more about Sev'ryn heritage, and develop some combat skills
OOC: See how Enrick develops and learn more of his Sev'ryn half, also setup the first few stepping stones for his Ose-bori quest.
Extra Information: I friggin love every mod so much, especially Ent since he is going to put up with me this Cycle. :P
 ! Message from: Eclipse
Well hello there! Welcome Mr.Maze to the eclectic wonderland that I have claimed as my home *coughs* if you need anything, have any questions or would like to ask for modly things, let me know! I will love you enough for both Ent AND Myself... *sideways glances at the Tree Dad jealously*
Last edited by Ricky on Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:02 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 155
"Every side attacks ya, when y' don't take sides."

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Roster: Hot Cycle 718

Character Name: Ria. Qit'ria.
Race: Sev'ryn
Tax Option: 2
Blessings and/or Curses: No blessings or curses from immortals. Cursed by a Ghost though, oozing sores on chest.
Character Likes: Hunt, dance, be mean to Enrick.
Character Dislikes: Talking, city folk, sitting idly
Reason For Being In Desnind: Giving birth to her baby
Character Goals: Hunt everything in the bestiary. Raise baby.
Extra Information: I love you, like a distant cousin.
 ! Message from: Eclipse
Welcome home my dear! You've already gotten me involved in a story line for your sores on your chest. I'm excited to keep that going. As well as see how she acts through the other event's going on around the city. (Don't Worry fire event will be up soon)! If you need anything let me know!
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Roster: Hot Cycle 718

Character Name: Noah
Race: Avriel
Tax Option: 1
Blessings and/or Curses: nope
Character Likes: Play with the local children
Character Dislikes: Violence
Reason For Being In Desnind: Local birdwoman
Character Goals: Help birth the anti-christ!
Extra Information: I love you, no really, I love you
 ! Message from: Eclipse
Don't be afraid to ping me if you need anything Noah! I'm excited to see you make more dev stuff for us! And I can't wait to see how Noah acts in the Hunting event! I'm already in love with her! Keep up the good work!
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Roster: Hot Cycle 718

Character Name: Rose Greenwood
Race: Sev'ryn/Human
Tax Option: 2
Blessings and/or Curses:N/A
Character Likes: Working in the medicine house, gathering wild herbs and making remedies. She doesn't mind a bit of hunting either.
Character Dislikes:Those that disapprove of her more northern of style medicine.
Reason For Being In Desnind:Resident
Character Goals: I'd love for Rose to find her Sev'ryn familiar and maybe become closer with Sev'ryn culture.
Extra Information: Love you guys!
 ! Message from: Eclipse
If you'd like help with Rose finding her Familiar, you can talk to me about some idea's you are thinking about. (or Ent if you're more comfortable with him) I want to make sure that we try to at least hit one goal for everyone in the next few seasons!
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Re: Roster: Hot Cycle 718

Character Name: Ellen’wyn
Race: Half Sev’ryn and half birb.
Tax Option: 2
Blessings and/or Curses: None, but Cassion’s is a WIP.
Character Likes: Hunting, exploring, plotting revenge on Noth, and making out with Enrick.
Character Dislikes: Noth *shakes fist* ...and croutons.
Reason For Being In Desnind: Wanderig prostitu—I mean, returning resident with Enrick and Ria.
Character Goals: Delve further into the dreams with her familiar, play around with Ellen’s fragile mental and emotional state, revive Niv, and build her combat skills while figuring out a plan to get back at Noth for being a very bad birdie. Oh and attempt to kill Ria’s baby—teehee.
Extra Information: Fashionably late registration, but happy to be here.
 ! Message from: Eclipse
Just let me or Ent know if you need any help with anything! I'm more than willing to have a go at any idea's that you might have!
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Re: Roster: Hot Cycle 718

Character Name: Cuauhtemoc
Race: Ithecal
Tax Option: 1 Please
Blessings and/or Curses: N/A
Character Likes: Build things, take things apart, explore, read, climb
Character Dislikes: Sitting still
Reason For Being In Desnind: Wanderer
Character Goals: Just grinding and exploring this character concept.
Extra Information: NO MOD BOMBS PLEASE.
word count: 50
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