GREETINGS FELLOW NERD AND WEEBS ALIKE, you can call me by my internet persona (OOC only of course) mortling although my friends just call me morty [I KNOW YE'LL ALSO CALL ME THAT, they alway do

] so what can i say about myself, hmmm? Well im a pretty easy going and open minded guy (if a bit crazy

that has a knack for making shit up and day dreaming, i'v always had an affinity with the fantasy genre across all platforms and that's why im on this site which i must say is very detailed and the lore thoroughly written (i mean, the fuckers even have their own calendars and languages [i think i'v also found a language translator as well {AHHH, BRACKET-CEPTION}]) anyway enough with the introductions, farewell and may we meet on the other side of the screen.