Cylus 25th, Arc 718
Xander jolted awake, covered in sweat and breathing heavily he could have sworn he heard a scream. Had he been having another nightmare? The Baron rolled onto his side, rubbing his forehead as he noticed. Celeste was gone and the bed was empty where she should have been laying. Perhaps she had gone to check on the twins and he had just managed to sleep through their cries but it didn't feel right. Normally she woke him, told him. He sat up, the sound of the scream still haunting his mind and worry creeping into him.
So the wolf rolled out of bed, feet gently landing on the cool floor. He rubbed his eyes clear of sleep and headed for the twin's room, he fully expected to see Celeste there, standing over the crib. Instead there was nothing as he pushed the door open, no sound and no wife just a room with an empty crib. It wasn't so bad maybe she had taken them to be fed. At least that was his thought until he saw it.
The web covering the windows was bigger than any he had seen before, it was from no normal creature. Xander's jaw tightened as he advanced in, looking at the empty sheets in the crib. He looked again at the feathers only now connecting them to form the words, "Come to Ivorian or lose them forever." The noble stepped back from the crib, the cobwebs a clear connection to who he now believed the culprits but he refused to believe it. Dizzy and struggling for air the wolf stumbled out of the room and began to search dipping in and out of every room he found.
He must have searched the whole house but it was fruitless as they were all empty. This was no cruel trick this was real. Bare foot the wolf walked out into the driveway, looking towards the stables it was the last chance maybe they had gone there or maybe one of them had seen something. The Baron entered the stables looking around and gulping heavily.
"Celeste, are you here?" He shouted it and looked in each stall, checked the empty carriage and every alcove. "Celeste?" His cry grew desperate as he kicked a pile of hay, dropping down against the wall and burying his head in his hands. It was his fault, he had caused this by messing with the damned webspinners. "Why her?" He murmured under his breathe as he sat there, unable to find composure and balance his emotions.
Xander jolted awake, covered in sweat and breathing heavily he could have sworn he heard a scream. Had he been having another nightmare? The Baron rolled onto his side, rubbing his forehead as he noticed. Celeste was gone and the bed was empty where she should have been laying. Perhaps she had gone to check on the twins and he had just managed to sleep through their cries but it didn't feel right. Normally she woke him, told him. He sat up, the sound of the scream still haunting his mind and worry creeping into him.
So the wolf rolled out of bed, feet gently landing on the cool floor. He rubbed his eyes clear of sleep and headed for the twin's room, he fully expected to see Celeste there, standing over the crib. Instead there was nothing as he pushed the door open, no sound and no wife just a room with an empty crib. It wasn't so bad maybe she had taken them to be fed. At least that was his thought until he saw it.
The web covering the windows was bigger than any he had seen before, it was from no normal creature. Xander's jaw tightened as he advanced in, looking at the empty sheets in the crib. He looked again at the feathers only now connecting them to form the words, "Come to Ivorian or lose them forever." The noble stepped back from the crib, the cobwebs a clear connection to who he now believed the culprits but he refused to believe it. Dizzy and struggling for air the wolf stumbled out of the room and began to search dipping in and out of every room he found.
He must have searched the whole house but it was fruitless as they were all empty. This was no cruel trick this was real. Bare foot the wolf walked out into the driveway, looking towards the stables it was the last chance maybe they had gone there or maybe one of them had seen something. The Baron entered the stables looking around and gulping heavily.
"Celeste, are you here?" He shouted it and looked in each stall, checked the empty carriage and every alcove. "Celeste?" His cry grew desperate as he kicked a pile of hay, dropping down against the wall and burying his head in his hands. It was his fault, he had caused this by messing with the damned webspinners. "Why her?" He murmured under his breathe as he sat there, unable to find composure and balance his emotions.