• Solo • [Treth] Last Light

89th of Zi'da 717

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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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[Treth] Last Light


89th Zi'da, 717

Tei'serin winced as she limped slowly into her living room, and selected a book to read before easing herself into the chair beside her desk. After what Thorin did to her the trial before, she couldn't even breathe without pain, never mind move. It felt as though her bruises had bruises. Her mother wasn't much better off. And it was all because he had gotten angry when Meiarin had had a nightmare. Keiaris had woken them up when her younger sister was too scared to go back to sleep. Tei'serin and her mother had taken turns holding the young child while they both sang to her quietly. Unfortunately, it hadn't been quietly enough. Their voices had woken Thorin, and he wasn't happy over having his rest disturbed. When he wasn't happy, no one was.

Going into the village for school was impossible. Tei'serin didn't think she would be able to mount her horse much less ride all the way to the village. She had had no other choice but to ask Sorin to ride into Treth for her, and let them know that she was too "sick" to teach this trial, and would likely be for the next several trials. Sorin was happy to have something he could do to help, so he jumped at the chance. He even sought the doctor out, and let him know that Tei'serin wasn't going to be able to treat her patients for a while.

Since Tei'serin was unable to leave the house until she had recovered from her injuries, she was going to make the most of her situation. And that meant getting as much studying in as she possibly could. Learning about new herbs could only serve to improve her skills as an herbalist, so why not do it when she couldn't be out treating her patients? It wasn't the rest her mother wanted her to get, but Tei'serin knew that she would go mad if she was forced to spend all of her time in bed. With that thought in mind, she made herself as comfortable as she could manage, and began to read.

Herbal infusions and herbal decoctions are similar in many ways. At the most basic level, both remedies are made by boiling herbs in liquid. That liquid is usually water, but that isn't always the case. But where an herbal infusion involves the soft parts of a plant such as leaves, and flowers, an herbal decoction uses the hard or woody plant parts such as roots, bark, seeds, berries, and mushrooms. Since this is the case, longer brewing times are required for making a decoction.

To make one, you add a handful of the root, herb, or mushroom you wish to make a decoction out of to several cups of water and bring it to a boil. Once it is boiling, turn the heat down and allow it to simmer for at least thirty bits. This extracts the useful benefits of the desired herb and adds them to the water you are brewing with. The longer the herbs simmer, the stronger the resulting decoction will be. For this reason, allowing the herbs to simmer for five or six breaks rather than the minimum amount of time required will result in a much stronger, more beneficial decoction.

Tei'serin took careful notes on what she was reading. She realized that she had been making decoctions in the past without ever realizing that she had been doing so. But the new information, such as the fact that they needed to simmer rather than boil, and that five or six breaks was an ideal simmering time for them would be very useful to her.

The truly skilled herbalist knows that while teas, infusions, and decoctions are all very useful, there are times when they are not enough. Some herbs lose their healing benefits when exposed to heat. Lemon balm, St. John's Wort, and nettle are all good examples of this type of herb. When these herbs are needed, a cold infusion is a better choice by far than an herbal tea or infusion.

Cold infusions are made quite simply. Take a cup of the desired herb, and grind or crush them. Then place them in a quart sized jar. If desired, you can add a teaspoon of flavoring such as sugar, wine vinegar or honey to sweeten the infusion. But since exposing the infusion to the cold will bring out the natural sweetness of the herbs you are using, additional sweeteners may not be needed. Fill the jar with water, but make certain that you leave an inch and a half of room at the top. If the liquid freezes, that room will be needed as the liquid expands. Shake the jar well, and label it. Once this is done, you simply expose the infusion to the cold. In Zi'da and Cylus, all you have to do is place the jar outside, but in warmer seasons, an ice box or ice shed will be needed.

Tei'serin paused in her reading and made a mental note to save up for an ice box. They were expensive, and the ice would need to be replaced at least once a season, but if it would allow her to better help her patients, the expense would be well worth it.

There are two methods to making a cold infusion. Freezing the infusion is the faster of the two methods. Once the liquid is solid, allow it to defrost gently before you strain out the herbs. If you do not want to freeze it, or do not have access to an ice box, you can leave the jar outside overnight during the cold seasons. After the first night, shake the infusion and taste it to see if it is strong enough for your needs. If it is not, leave it out overnight for another night. When the infusion is ready, strain out the herbs.

Cold infusions can be stored in liquid form for up to three trials safely. Keeping them frozen until you need them will extend their shelf life considerably. When frozen, they will last up to one hundred and eighty trials.

When she had finished taking notes, Tei'serin went back to reread everything she had just read so she would understand it better. She didn't want to risk missing something by not reading everything through more than once. That could lead to mistakes that would hurt her patients.

word count: 1099
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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Re: [Treth] Last Light


Tei'serin winced as the baby kicked vigorously. The distraction from her study made her aware of how stiff her muscles were getting. It was only to be expected after a few breaks work of studying, especially in her current condition. But that didn't mean that she resented having to take time out of her study time to stretch out her stiff muscles any less. Nor was she looking forward to the pain that it would cause her.

Putting it off would only make it worse, though. And Tei'serin was well aware of how much a hypocrite she would be if she neglected her own well being after all the times she encouraged people to take herbal concoctions that tasted terrible because it was for their own good that they did so. So she stood, and stretched for several bits, wincing with every move as she did so. Then she walked around the cottage a few times before sitting back down at her desk. With that out of the way, it was time to get back to her studying.

Sage is an herb that is valued for its healing properties, but it is also a popular seasoning for cooking. When used as a seasoning, sage is sweet and somewhat bitter, with a pine like flavor and aroma. It is often described as having eucalyptus and citrus notes. The herb has a warm, musky scent that goes especially well with turkey.

Sage can be used for cold symptoms such as sore throats, coughs, fevers, and sinus congestion. It is also good for digestive problems such as loss of appetite, gas, stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, and heartburn. Older women can use it to help with relieving hot flashes, and women with heavy menstrual cycles can use it to slow heavy menstrual bleeding. As a gargle, it is good for gingivitis, cold sores, and soreness of the mouth, throat, tongue, and gums. When it comes time to wean a child, even this can be a benefit as it helps to deal with the ache of breasts when they are full of milk. And if used topically, it can help to eliminate body odor, and ease muscle aches, as well as the itch of insect bites.

Pregnant women and nursing mothers should not use this herb because it can dry up their milk. People who are prone to seizures shouldn't take the herb either since sage may trigger a seizure in someone who is prone to them.

Tei'serin wrote detailed notes as she read, pausing every so often to make sure she had gotten everything that she needed. When she was finished, she still had plenty of time to kill, so she flipped through the pages of her book until she found another promising looking herb to study.

Stinging nettle has been used as a food, fabric, medicine, and cosmetic for generations. Although touching the leaves of a wild stinging nettle can cause skin irritation when the nettle’s stinging hairs are crushed, cooked, or boiled their stinging abilities are eliminated, and makes them safe for consumption. This herb is useful in reducing inflammation, and the pain caused by inflammation when used externally. That makes it good for treating a number of ailments such as arthritis, rheumatism, aching joints, sprains, strained muscles, and back pain.

As a tea, stinging nettle will help cure mucus congestion, skin irritations, water retention, and diarrhea. And it is good for digestion because it stimulates the stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and gall bladder. Stinging nettle will also ease allergy symptoms. It makes a good gargle for mouth and throat infections. It will help to clear up acne and eczema and promote the healing of burns if used as a salve. Nettle juice will even ease the stinging of the rash brought about by contact with the plant's own bristled leaves.

Stinging nettle can help nursing mothers produce milk. But pregnant women should not take it because it can cause miscarriages, or early labor. When applied externally, it is safe for people and animals alike, and can relieve rheumatism in both. And if you simmer a handful of young nettles for two breaks in a quart of water, then strain, and bottle the liquid, you'll have a potion that will make hair soft and glossy when used regularly as a scalp conditioner.

Tei'serin felt stiff again, so she stood and began to stretch her muscles out once more. As she did so, she noticed that it was getting late. The ceremony of last light was tonight, and if she and her family were going to honor it, there was work to do. So she put her book away, and went to look for her mother and younger sisters.

word count: 795
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Tei'serin Nji'ryn
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Re: [Treth] Last Light


She found Sorin instead.

"Did you just get back?" she asked in concern.

Tei'serin tried to count the breaks he had been gone. There was more than enough time for him to have ridden to the village and back.

"Yeah. I stayed in the village for a while to visit with my...err...the Gardeners."

Tei'serin nodded. That made perfect sense.

"It's okay if you call them your parents, you know. I'm sure that Mother would understand. You've lived with them for longer than you've lived with our mother, haven't you?"

Sorin nodded.

"Yeah. But I don't want to hurt her feelings. She's my mother too. It's just..."

Tei'serin could understand how Sorin felt. She loved her mother, and she was overjoyed to have her back. But it was strange, too. She hadn't seen her mother since she was five arcs old. In a very real sense, she had grown up without her mother. That didn't mean that she loved her mother any less, but she wasn't sure how to treat her mother. She was an adult herself now.

Accepting her younger siblings into her life was easier in a way. She had never known them...before. So it was like meeting more family members for the first time instead of trying to rekindle a relationship that had changed out of all recognition.

"It will all work out...for all of us." Tei'serin told her brother.

"Ms. Nji...umm...Tei'serin's really smart, Sorin. And she's our teacher as well as our sister. So you'd better listen to her." Keiaris stated firmly.

Tei'serin looked up to see her sisters standing in the doorway, and she had to bite back a laugh. Keiaris's hands rested on her hips as she spoke. And Meiarin nodded in agreement, her eyes fierce, as if daring them to argue with her sister.

"Well, if we're going to go watch the last of the sun's light fade, then we had better go get the candles we'll need once the sun has set, hadn't we? Where's Mother?"

"Getting the candles." Dae'nira told them.

She appeared in the doorway behind her children a few trills later. The only candle they needed to put out was the one Tei'serin had been reading by, so they did that, and stepped outside to watch the sun set. None of them spoke. As the last bit of light faded away, Tei'serin and her family were all lost in their own thoughts of what the new arc might bring. And they remained that way for several bits after it got dark.

"The girls and I made some hot apple cider to celebrate with. Would anyone like some?"

That was all that needed to be said. As one, everyone grinned as they turned to head back inside where the fresh hot cider awaited them.

word count: 498
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Re: [Treth] Last Light



Name: Tei'serin Nji'ryn


Cooking; Ingredient: Sage
Medicine: how and why cold infusions are made
Medicine: herbal decoctions are like infusions, but they are made with hard or woody plant parts such as roots, bark, seeds, berries, and mushrooms; they are made by adding a handful of the desired root or herb to several cups of water and, bring it to a boil. Then reduce the heat to a gentle simmer, and allow to reduce for at least thirty bits; the longer the herbs/roots simmer, the stronger, and more beneficial the decoction will be, so five to six breaks of simmering will give you a better decoction than thirty bits will
Medicine: uses for sage as an herb
Medicine: who shouldn't use sage; sage should not be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers should not use this herb because it can dry up their milk, and since it can trigger seizures, people who are prone to them shouldn't take it either
Medicine: uses for stinging nettle as an herb

Non skill
Stinging Nettle: simmer a handful of young nettles for two breaks in a quart of water, then strain, and bottle the liquid; this will give you a potion that will make hair soft and glossy when used regularly as a scalp conditioner
Sage: is sweet and somewhat bitter, with a pine like flavor and aroma. It is often described as having eucalyptus and citrus notes.

Nehaer Holiday: Ceremony of the Last Light
Ceremony of the Last Light: is on the 89th of Zi'da

Loot: NA
Injuries: NA
Renown: NA
Magic XP: NA

Points: 10
- - -
Comments: I love teas and infusions so this was a fun thread for me! I liked reading with Tei'serin, she's a quick learning and a dedicated student but you manage to keep the undercurrent of desperation even then and it makes for an interesting read. I think seeing the family at the end, all celebrating together was a neat finish, seeing as it was my first thread with Tei'serin I'm ready to read more!

If you feel I've missed anything or if you have questions about your review, please don't hesitate to send me a quick PM or ping me in Discord. Thanks!

**Made by the magnificent Kes
word count: 388
ન'ઊળઇ૯ ૧એ૪ઇ૮ ઔનઌઈઇ પઇ, પબ ઇબઇ૮ ૯રશ૧ મકઇ ૧એબ. --Korva
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