[Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

2nd of Cylus 723

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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

Cylus Snow

Consequences post for the Weather Events from 2nd – 10th Cylus in Scalvoris. Please see the Calendar if you are unsure of that that is.

The posts in this tracker have impacted in a variety of ways. Please see below for the following
  • Whole Island - this is the base line for the consequences across the whole island. Anywhere not mentioned in the rest of this post can be assumed to fall into this category.
  • Specific Places - where specific things have happened / threads have been done / are in this tracker - then the result of them is here. But please note - this is ONLY true once the threads are finished and at least up for review. Because of the nature of this, we need to prioritise these threads.

  • Whole Island:
    • Supplies get sent in from Gennadiya / the Order of the Adunih - these save lives and make a major difference. Kura sending Elements / Rupturers etc around the island really helped!
    • Around the island, the bottom line is that people died. Elderly, vulnerable, ill and very young people were the worst hit. However, thanks to the help of the Alberach and the Order of the Adunih,
    • The number of people who died was reduced thanks to the work of Kura and Gennadiya.
    • The number of people who were injured was increased by the boiling water turning to ice. Please note that places like Harvardr etc, where the leaders have high fieldcraft did not follow this advice.
    • The reputation of Kura and the Order of the Adunih and Gennadiya have increased positively.

    • Gennadiya
      You gain the following Mark Progression:
      Sru'Alubosa (Moderate) Standing for 'nature form,' the user is capable of turning their body into pure stone or wood. They must be in direct contact with sturdy, natural objects containing stone or wood. Other natural objects such as earth and sand are not encouraged, however, at higher levels, the substances may be maintained for short periods of time. Potential loss of the body/body part is high if the user is not familiar with that natural component.
  • Egilrun:
    • Number of threads: 7
    • There has been a MAJOR impact for Egilrun! The people of Egilrun worked together and there have been major shifts in terms of the balance of power.
    • Woe has been a major driving force for this and the people of Egilrun now completely accept him as their leader.
    • Egilrun got an early drop on what was happening and Woe took full advantage of this!
    • Woe got organised quickly and efficiently and he used all the resources open to him.
    • Egilrun experienced minimum casualties and losses.
    • Woe:
      • Congratulations! You have, with this series of threads / plotline and the way you dealt with it, achieved Tier 2 in both Socialization and Psychology. Please PSF to confirm and have your abilities signed off in one link. Well done - you really did well in this!
      • Ziell is very happy with Woe's actions here. You are granted:
        • - The final favoured Ezere ability (Prophetic Insight (Minor) - The ability to foresee a major event that will take place within another person's life during the next season upon coming into physical contact with this person (hand touch for example). This must be planned with and agreed to by the person you're roleplaying with. )
        • - Adored status
        • - The first 3 abilities of Adored.
          • -- Peaceful Intent -- Sometimes, people are hard to be angry at. For the blessed of Ezere, this is common. A blessed individual exudes an aura of calm wherever they go. People find it difficult to be angry, much less hold a grudge. While not an infallible ability, it imparts a certain social buffer that allows a blessed to speak their mind without raising tempers or make mistakes without inciting frustration. While this ability can be counteracted by the blessed doing anything someone could construe as hostile, either emotionally or physically, the blessed of Ezere rarely get pulled into fights. This ability even extends to their travels along the road. Animals will not view a blessed as a threat or prey unless the Blessed harbors intent to harm them.
          • -- The Peacefather's Skills -- The character is granted an extra six skill points which may be spent only on the following skills: Socialization, Meditation, or Investigation. Any skill points granted by this Mark can break the 250 (or 100 if fast track) point cap on skills. Within these skills, the points may be spent how the pc chooses.
          • -- Snow-steed -- Although aloof, Ziell understands the importance of companionship. Often ones mount can be their closest ally. This ability binds a spirit of ice and snow to the user that is ordinarily imperceptible to others (save for the sensation of a cool breeze). An Adored of Ziell can bind this spirit into snow and ice to temporarily give it form. During the colder months, the spirit often takes the form of a white steed, (or an appropriate mount animal) and can maintain this form so long as winter's influence is maintained. During the warmer months, however, this form can only be attained by gathering ice and snow before binding the spirit and the mount form can only last half a trial before 'melting'. Afterwards a full trial must be endured before binding them into a steed form again. The spirits have the intelligence of small children and are naturally inquisitive. To those who are able to see spirits, they manifest as faces hidden in the comet of snow and wind that gusts around their Adored. The spirit is always loyal to the Adored but will visit no violence as part of its pact with Ziell.
      • Moseke is very happy with how well Woe tended to life and healing. He is granted the last three abilities of Adored level Sevrath
        • -- Lemun Suna (Moderate) -- Standing for 'seed sleep,' the user is capable of causing drowsiness in an opponent by blowing lightly on their palm. Small, pollen-like seeds are released from the palm into the opponents face. These spores have a sleepy effect on any that succumb to the pollen including the user. At this level, this ability will subdue an opponent for 1 break (hour).
        • -- Ivy's Touch - The character must be in direct contact with some form of flora to use this ability. The user is able to manipulate the plant into thick vines that are easily controllable. These vines can be used to climb, used to entrap animals and people, or kill. There are a number of uses for these vines, and once made, they will not dissipate unless willed by the user. Depending on the kind of plant the character is using to make the vines, they can be poisonous to others.
        • -- Protective Spirits (Moderate) - The character is able to summon small sprites, familiars, and/or wisps to aid them in combat, healing, or whatever purpose they see fit. The user may only summon a few creatures at a time and, as they practice this ability, will be able to summon larger, more powerful creatures. The summoned creatures may act according to their will and what they see as right or wrong. They must be persuaded or convinced to do the user's bidding. Using this ability is exhausting on the character should they summon a powerful creature, though they will adapt to the strain through practice. It is required that characters present a number of offerings for the summoned creature(s).
      • Chamadarst is very pleased with Woe's progress and, as such, he bestows upon Woe his final reward - Woe becomes Chammy's Champ! Please let me know how you'd like to do the thread for that. Your options are:
        a) Happy to take this post as evidence, don't need / want more than that.
        b) Would love a modbomb this Cycle to have it happen!
        c) Would like a thread about it!
        Up to you entirely. Let me know!
      • SECRET PLOTLINE UNLOCKED: Woe has garnered more than enough support for him to now be unequivocally in charge of Egilrun. The people there (including the crafters and guilds etc) are very aware that his actions saved lives. Therefore, Woe is now in an interesting political position. He has the following options open to him:
        - Make a play for Alberach
        - Make a case for disbanding the Council completely.
        - Make a case for Egilrun being an independent area, not under Council control.
        - Disband Centipede and the whole anti-mage feeling.
        - Strengthen Centipede and the whole anti-mage feeling.
        You could do more than one of these things - but each one will "dilute" the effectiveness of the others.
      • +10 Forged Points. Please post in the Forged Tracker, claiming that.
      • Please also post any threads which you posted in this tracker which have been reviewed but not given Forged points.
  • Sweetsong:
    Number of threads: 9
    Pig Boy will look at this.
  • Scalvoris Town:
    • Number of threads: 3
    • Kura's quick actions helped a lot - especially the homeless in Scalvoris Town. She had a major impact on the outcome for Scalvoris Town and for Scalvoris generally.
    • Supplies were given out quickly and distributed to those who need them. Scalvoris town experienced greatly reduced losses. However, there were more injuries because of the boiling water which then froze.
      • Kura:
      • Kura's reputation has increased significantly.
      • The people of Scalvoris Town especially feel a strong affinity to her.
      • Her position as Alberach is strengthened across the island - significantly more so in Scalvoris Town.
      • She gains the following mark progression:
        • Velduris:
        • -- Tough Skin -- This skill works on two levels, a passive and active level. The passive form increases the durability and resistance of the adoreds flesh, making it harder for environmental hazards like thorns, sandstorms, or extreme heat or cold to have a serious effect on the adored. The active version grants the bearer a temporary wolf pelt that enhances the effects of Tough Skin even more.
        • -- Scent of the Alpha -- Whether men believe it or not, many ascribe to similar hierarchies as wolves. An adored can smell a leader on the skin of a slaver or the armor of a knight and track that scent to whomever truly has the allegiance of those beneath him. Alternatively, the Adored can sense when one is a leader in their own right or an omega with no allegiances at all.
        • Telka:
        • -- Mentor's Assistant -- Even the best teachers will find themselves in need of an assistant from time to time, and there isn't always one available through normal means. This ability allows the Blessed to call on a Spirit of Mentorship that will be as skilled as the Blessed in the skills they are trying to teach, guaranteeing the Blessed will never be without help if they need it. This ability only works when the Blessed is genuinely trying to teach a skill to another person.
        • -- Gift of Cheer -- Saoire's domain of Gifts is not merely one of physical goods, but of the happiness and joy that comes with both giving and recieving a well meant gift. This ability allows the Blessed to give both themselves and anyone they're with a feeling of joy and good cheer, banishing negative feelings like sorrow, anger, and fear.
        • -- Catch and Return -- Sometimes, merely stopping an offensive strike is not enough render it harmless. In such cases, all that can be done is to make sure it doesn't harm anyone besides the one who attacked. Catch and Return creates a temporary Gateway that takes in any attacked and rebounds it towards the attacker. This is most effective against ranged or supernatural attacks, but it does bounce back physical melee attacks as well. This ability can be used once a break.
        • Xypha:
        • -- Identify -- By observing or hearing a gestured or verbal language, the Favored Xypha instinctively knows the name of the language and the region where it is most commonly used. Additionally, this allows the Xypha to know the place from which the speaker hails as well. Often used for determining intent, this ability does not allow the Xypha to understand the language, if they do not already know it.
        • -- Perfect Copy -- Communication and Language are important domains to Yvithia, and with this ability the Favored Xypha can accurately copy any document he or she has ever read, whether they remember the exact details or not. This also transcends language barriers, so that they may write what the document said, even if they have no real knowledge of the language. They cannot understand what they've written, but instead regurgitate the information verbatim.
      • +10 Forged Points. Please post in the Forged Tracker, claiming that.
      • Please also post any threads which you posted in this tracker which have been reviewed but not given Forged points.
  • Beacon:
  • Number of threads: 2
  • Eliza offered help to a lot of people and this will have had a large impact both on her reputation and throughout Beacon. Beacon experienced greatly reduced losses as Eliza effectively targeted the people who would have been harmed.
  • Eliza
    • Mark Progression:
    • Vinynza
    • Bright Eyes -- The Blessed is able to look into any level of natural brightness with no debilitating effect. This means no attempt to dazzle him with natural light will work. He is able to enjoy this resistance for ten bits (minutes) per trial for each ability he has in this mark. Magically created dazzling effects may work against him however.
    • Shimmering Blank -- The Blessed can generate the mirage-like shimmer that makes distant details or features unseen. But he can use it to make things much closer go unnoticed, by having the light rays that would expose them be caught up in an updraft of light refraction. This ability can affect an area of volume equal to one hundred (100) cubic foot for every tier of this blessing the Blessed one possesses. Technically, this effect will last as long as the sun is in the sky, but is less likely to be noticed during the hottest part of the trial.
    • Bellinos
    • Genetic Memory (Minor) -- As a domain, Remembrance is often overlooked by those who follow Vri. Although of vital importance, few pay it the proper homage it’s due. Most take it for granted. Those who follow Vri know differently, however. Memory is a record of the past and in that past, answers to current problems can be found. This ability relies on the creative powers of the player to help describe, but can be immensely valuable to the marked. Entering into a meditative trance, a marked of Vri can step ‘back’ two generations of their lineage seeking the answer to a problem. These answers come in the forms of visions, snatches of imagery and experience. Some with this ability spend many trials poring through the lives of their parents and their parents parents, hungry for experience and knowledge. This ability cannot be used on those who are already alive as they must have passed through Vri’s hands to be applicable. If one's father still draws breath, this ability cannot look into their lives. Only the dead may whisper their secrets through genetic experience.
    • Durge's Stain -- For the marked of Vri, Death becomes a tangible force. Those with this ability require but a few moments of concentration to know if death occurred in a building or locale around them. They will always know exactly how many have died and the area in which the body fell. Even if the death is ages old, a marked of Vri can find the exact spot they breathed their last. Without a body, the marked can determine little else but vague impressions in the nature of the death (Violence, age, sickness), but this ability has been used before to aid investigations on where the scene of a murder really happened and whether further investigation is warranted. The marked, when touching the spot of death, can determine the age, name (The name the deceased most identified with), and sex of the individual who passed.
    • Gwelliph
    • Self Reflection -- Upon being granted this ability, the Gwelliph may dedicate a mirror to the twins and may use this to commune with the “essence” of the Immortals. While looking into the mirror, when faced with a decision, the Blessed speaks, apparently to their own reflection. This then replies and they are able to discuss with another how they should approach a situation. The “reflected self” is often quite opposite to the Blessed, reminiscent of how the twins themselves are. Should the mirror be broken, the Blessed may dedicate another ~ only one mirror may be in effect at any time.
    • Show Yourself -- When this ability is used the eyes of the blessed turn a weird mesh of black and white, making it hard to hide. When thinking of a victim of any kind of abuse, attack or crime which the marked is aware of (they must know at least basic details), they sees a glowing red trail to the victim of that crime. This might lead the marked to a missing person, the owner of stolen property or to the body of a victim of a hidden murder. If the victim can not be found (perhaps their body has been destroyed, for example) the trail will take them to where the victim last was. The glowing red trail does not, however, take into account the environment and so is always in a single straight line directly towards the victim. There is no time limit on how long ago this crime was committed. This ability may be used once a trial and will last until the victim is found or the search abandoned. No more than three of these may be active at any one time at Favored, five at Adored and seven at Exalted.

    Number of threads: 2
    As I'm involved in this, I can't give the overview. Therefore, I'm going to ask Basilisk to do so. :)

    Number of threads: 2 (+1 ongoing)

    1 outstanding thread. Rewards will be given when thread is up for review.

word count: 3001
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

Focusing on my PCs. Replies will be slow!

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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

PCs involved: Vega
PC Role in this: Settlement leader, I guess?
Link to thread: There' Snow Privacy.
Brief summary of what’s going on: Vega gets a medical area set up and organises her cousin Huw on the drapes and privacy for stuff. Then, Vega and Huw agree that he's going to set up the forge from the ship in Sweetwine and teach people.

What impact are you hoping this thread will have? Medical tent, privacy etc. These things are important. I hope it'll have a lot.
How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? Very. And very
This thread is: Finished.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
The medical tent is supplied with the necessities and privacy is enforced. This will lead to a great boost in morale, as well as much much greater survivability through the snowstorm and aftermath.

Safety overall is increased greatly by this.
word count: 152

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

PCs involved: Darius and Faith
PC Role in this: Settlement leader and Guest
Link to thread: A Cold Reception.
Brief summary of what’s going on: We get sorted! Lots happening.

What impact are you hoping this thread will have?Lots, hopefully!
How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? Very. And very
This thread is: Finished.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
Okay lots got done in this one thread :)

First, the shelter in Hopetoun Hole, being an inland cavern and not a tidal one that is subject to the tides and dangersthereof, was a good place to take shelter in. Further, this is a fairly well trafficked way between Hopetoun and the Barony and other settlements in Faldrass, given the proximity to the Shellknight Lodge.

Medical needs are seen to, as are nutritional. You covered a lot of ground here, and it's much more likely that there are to be fewer casualties as a result.
word count: 160
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

PCs involved: Vega
PC Role in this: Settlement leader, I guess?
Link to thread: Gatherin' Supplies.
Brief summary of what’s going on: Vega, Starr, Gilna go hunting and get some Deebra, Bakers Wheatwort and Steppers.

What impact are you hoping this thread will have? Quite a bit - getting Deebra, Bakers Wheatwort and Steppers for the frozen settlers.
How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? Very. And very
This thread is: Finished.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
This pretty much ensures the continued survival of the people through and beyond the snowstorm, as they have gathered enough food to last them. Nobody will starve, at the very least in Sweetsong, that includes some visitors who take shelter there, lost amidst the storm as they arrive. Should you wish, this can lead to an increase in settlers if you thread out the consequence. Otherwise, doing well thus far!
word count: 151

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm

PCs involved: Vega and Jasper
PC Role in this: Settlement folks
Link to thread: Collective Livin'.
Brief summary of what’s going on: Vega raises the temperature for a day, she calls a meeting, gets bossy, we get everyone moving into the central camp, which we get built. Jasper oversees getting people shifting, Vega makes a covered walkway.

What impact are you hoping this thread will have? Quite a bit - getting people together, etc etc
How prepared is your PC and how likely to survive in this weather? Very. And very (for both of us)
This thread is: Finished.
 ! Message from: Pig Boy
The extra organizational input have trickled down into every other aspect that followed. Food gathering, medicine hoarding, privacy ensuring, and safety. All of these have drastically improved the outcome for Sweetsong. Good job you two. Plus the initiative bonus have helped.
word count: 143

Vega's skin has a reflective metallic sheen with a red glow. Her eyes still swirl biqaj colours, but one colour is always bright red which glows like fire. She has a bright red glow in her chest, situated directly under the mark of a heart (Daia mark) in the middle of a glowing silver dragon on her chest (Xiur). She's unnaturally warm to the touch
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm


  • Number of threads: 9
    • The Sweetsong Settlement not only has gotten away without any casualties due to Vega and Jasper's incredibly prolific work, they've managed to help drifters and wanderers in the wild, offering them shelter as they arrive sometime in the midst of the Snowstorm. These visitors will stay on into the next cycle, where you may have threads to incorporate them permanently into the settlement if you wish. Up to 20 individuals have been saved and brougth into Sweetsong in this way. These are among those protected during the Pirate Attacks.
    • Vega and Jasper got early warning on the snows falling, and thus improved their organization throughout the disaster.
    • Vega and Jasper are seen as especially respectable by the Settlers of Sweetsong and of people living in the vicinity in general, and around the island. It will not be hard to get more people to adopt the mode of living they have in Sweetsong, as obviouosly their method works.
    • Vega:
      • You have been awarded Tier 2 Field Craft! Please PSF this so that it can be finalized.
      • Next six powers in Daianya, as Daia is mightily impressed by the community you've built and the prosperity you've fostered.
        • From Whole Cloth - The Daianya has a special connection to the domain of Tailoring. By calling upon Daia's aid, they can materialize an entire outfit twice a season. By taking a small cut of cloth of that piece of fabric or their own outfit, they are able to apply an outfit from the same fabric to another individual. The outfit is of quality consistent with their skill in Needlework. They must be either clothed themselves or else holding a source of fabric in order to produce this effect.
        • Companionship Bracelet - The Daianya can stitch a bracelet of any fabric, imbuing it with the thoughts and kindness they feel toward a specific individual. With an act of concentration, they can then create a perfect duplicate of this bracelet, for themselves. As long as both their companion as well as their self wears the bracelet, no matter where they are, they can pull the Companion to their location once a cycle. The Companion can refuse the summons, but if they do their bracelets will break, and it will take a cycle before the Daianya can stitch another bracelet for that person. If for any reason the other person isn't wearing the bracelet when they are called upon, the bracelet will break.
        • Wild Dance - When Daia was resurrected, she was infused with a portion of Moseke's boundless life force and reverence for things that grow from the earth. This has spilled over into Daia's domain of dance, in that the Daianya is able to help plant life around them grow without hindrance, in the absence of any additional maintenance, as if they were growing in their natural habitat. They can do this once a season, and the effect lasts the rest of the cycle. It doesn't mean the plant life that grows will necessarily be of better quality than the original gardener brought to the table, but it does mean they won't have to spend nearly as much time caring for the plants, feeding them, or protecting them from pests. The Daianya must spend the better part of the Trial, during the daylight hours, dancing for the plants, in their presence. Mechanically, this must be the focus of a thread in order for the intended effect to take place.
        • The Heart of Prosperity - Success and good fortune are the hallmarks of prosperity. The Adored of Daia will find with the revelation of this ability, that they can extend Daia's good fortune on their companions. Once a cycle, so long as the adored is accompanied by friends and companions, their friends will enjoy good fortune and success.
          The Daianya may identify a stated goal once per cycle - which must be identified in the thread review request - dedicating it to Daia, which must involve one or more companions. The task itself may need to be agreed to by the city mod. This means that their efforts when directed toward the accomplishment of this goal (which cannot be aggressive or harmful to the prosperity of a community or region) will produce effects that are a full skill level in excess of what they'd otherwise be capable of. This doesn't increase the effective skill levels of those involved, but merely produces an effect consistent with greater ability/skill.
        • Vivid Step - The Daianya is able to produce a general healing effect that takes hold for every bit they dance. Every bit they spend dancing, they can produce a healing effect that heals one minor wound per bit for a group of companions who witnesses the dance in close proximity. At Exalted, this dance heals moderate wounds, and at Champion it heals Major wounds.
        • Halcyon Days - While some may rely on wealth or material success in order to mitigate life's misfortunes and sustain their livelihoods, the Daianya brims with optimism that effuses and spreads to their companions, uplifting them even in the midst of one would consider abject poverty. The world regularly seems to drop good fortune and success into their lap. Not only will they enjoy better fortune in their general endeavors, but they will also spread prosperity to all of their neighbors as well. Neighborhoods, where the Daianya resides for more than a season will begin to enjoy a general upgrade in the standards of living, so long as those neighbors have lived there for at least a season as well. Drifters and visitors are not so affected.

          They will not need to work as hard or as long in order to achieve a successful result. They will find things are easier in general, lowering the difficulty of tasks by a full skill level. In order to benefit from this effect, one must own residence within the neighborhood and reside there for a full season before the Halcyon Days take effect, or else contribute positively to society in some way.

          Criminals and those detracting from the prosperity of a neighborhood are not affected by this skill. At adored this ability affects those who contribute positively toward a society in the neighborhood or town where the Daianya generally resides. At Exalted, it extends to an entire city. At Champion, it extends to an entire region.
    • Jasper
      • Eldloga's involvement during the snowstorm of 723 has bolstered his capabilities, to the tune of a new spiritual ability that Jasper will have access to so long as he is bonded to Eldloga: Who Warms the Sun? While this ability doesn't warm Jasper himself or offer him any protection against the cold, others around him, especially those who are allied with him or share a friendship with him, will experience a pleasant warmth, regardless of how cold it gets.
      • A gift from Sweetwine: A wine bottle, that can be used to carry a message on the wind to anywhere in the current region (Anywhere in Scalvoris if he's in Scalvoris, etc.)so long as Jasper is outdoors. This bottle is useable three times a trial.
      • Sweetwine's respect: Sweetwine takes particular favor for Jasper, given his offer of Eldloga's service. This results in an extra 20 Forged points should Jasper accept the offer of Song-Forged, in addition to the 10 points awarded to both Vega and Jasper.
    • Vega and Jasper: Please put in for 10 forged points in the Forged Tracker. In addition to Jasper's extra 20 points for his rewards
word count: 1269
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Re: [Tracker: Cylus 723] Snow Storm


  • Number of threads: 2
    • Hopetoun weathers the storm. There are minor illnesses, but thanks to the medical aid and proper nutrition and shelter, they are able to stand the cold with no casualties.
    • Due to Faith's tireless (Literally) efforts and staying up for no less than four nights helping with the prep and carry through for the storm, in preparing food and shelter, they've deemed the days Cylus 2nd to Cylus 6th Faith's Vigil: A celebration that started in Hopetoun as a result of Faith and Darius' tireless efforts in ensuring the survival of a once-in-a-generation blizzard. Faith was said to remain awake for no less than four nights to ensure that the people would have food. The Celebration involves lighting four candles for each night of the celebration. The first night involves the lighting on the 2nd of Cylus. There, the family comes together to prepare a meal for themselves and their immediate neighbors, or helping with chores, gathering gifts for giving, or just generally making themselves useful to their community. At the first bell of every morning one candle is snuffed, and the people involved render the assesmbled goods, gifts, food, or planned aid to their neighbors, giving forewarning if necessary. Until the last night, when the final candle is snuffed, which is generally a time for a household to conduct prayer and give thanks.
    • 10 forged points (please post to the Forged Tracker, claiming that)
    • Many start to see Hopetoun as a great town of the land of Scalvoris. Calls for either council representation or else greater involvement across the island increase.
    • A special gift from Saoire arrives at the beginning of Ymiden. An adored-level signature item. PSF tagging Pig Boy if you claim the signature item.
    • A tier 6-8 masterwork ship, crafted by Cadouri hands arrives at Hopetoun, bearing the gift that is meant for Darius. The Ship is part of the gift.
word count: 326
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