Thread Name: [Treth] Lovers Run Amuck
City/Area: Ne'haer/Treth
Notes/Warnings: NA
Requested Rewards:
Linguistics: is the study of languages
Linguistics: language families are groups of languages that share similar characteristics
Medicine: how to make an herbal tea
Medicine: Plantain; the leaves, and the juice can be used as topical substances in poultices and lotions for treating sunburns, stings, insect bites, snakebites, poison ivy breakouts, rashes, burns, blisters, and cuts
Medicine: Plantain; heated salves applied topically to swollen joints, sore muscles, sprains, and sore feet, can ease the pain caused by these ailments
Medicine: Plantain; when made into a tea and drunk, it can help ease sore throats, and coughs, or it can be swished around the mouth to help ease mouth sores
Non Skill Knowledge
Plantain: is a clumped perennial herb which grows to roughly about 10cm in height
Plantain: is edible
Plantain: can grow in places where there is very little light
Saikuru: a beautiful herb
Saikuru: can be dangerous
Saikuru: also known as Noble's Blessing, and Farmer's Friend
Saikuru: grows to knee height on the average human
Saikuru: produces large blossoms that are sky blue in the center of the flower with darker outer petals that range in color from purple, to dark blue, to black
Saikuru: the sky blue portion of the petals glows under the light of the moon, making this distinctive flower easy to spot in the dark
Saikuru: can be found almost anywhere
Saikuru: isn't poisonous
Tei'serin: loves to read
Lazy trials can be good trials, too.
Even the tiniest detail can be important.
Being small can be an advantage at times.
Love turns people into idiots.
Ne'haer Holiday: Celebration of Love
Loot: Infinity Rings given to you by an old merchant touched by the affection you hold for your significant other. Legend says that Infinity Rings have a special charm connected to them that allows the bearers of the rings to feel the others emotions. This is only a rumor, however, some attest to the legend's truth. This item cannot be sold or given away, +2 Bonus Skill Points (though since Tei'serin doesn't have a significant other, maybe it's a gift so she can give one to the person she falls in love with someday?)
Fame: Positive for doing a good deed, and maybe for refusing to participate in a bad deed.
Devotion: none
Collaboration: No
Magic EXP: No