Although he didn't reasonably expect that the much larger and stronger man would simply turn his back, take off his jacket, and then take a single lash without retribution, the ex-slave had to admit he was surprised when Fridgar rushed him with the vigor of a raging boar. He managed a humiliating squeak before being pinned to the wall by his collar, by the force of Fridgar's arm. Meanwhile, the behemoth removed the keys from his belt.
"Yeah, no hard feelings..." Woe managed through wheezing breaths taken while being nearly crushed against the wall. And he was being truthful. He felt somewhat bad for lashing the guy in the face, essentially sucker punching him. In his opinion the man had served his rightful time in the pen. Perhaps ten lashes were excessive for a little drunken misconduct and rabble rousing in the jail.
As the man let him go, Woe slid to the ground, trying to regain his breath. This wouldn't look good to the supervisor, and he'd likely get 'coached' or some such about entering the cell. The main idea behind it was to deliver corporal punishment so that the huge Lothar wouldn't stir up further trouble in the jails, and he could be released immediately. But that was a concern for another day.
"Don't forget to lock the cell behind you, Fridgar. It'd look there was some complicity involved if I was free while you walked without serving a full sentence..." Ho boy, was Fridgar going to let out the other prisoners? This could turn out to be a full-blown blunder.
"Yeah, no hard feelings..." Woe managed through wheezing breaths taken while being nearly crushed against the wall. And he was being truthful. He felt somewhat bad for lashing the guy in the face, essentially sucker punching him. In his opinion the man had served his rightful time in the pen. Perhaps ten lashes were excessive for a little drunken misconduct and rabble rousing in the jail.
As the man let him go, Woe slid to the ground, trying to regain his breath. This wouldn't look good to the supervisor, and he'd likely get 'coached' or some such about entering the cell. The main idea behind it was to deliver corporal punishment so that the huge Lothar wouldn't stir up further trouble in the jails, and he could be released immediately. But that was a concern for another day.
"Don't forget to lock the cell behind you, Fridgar. It'd look there was some complicity involved if I was free while you walked without serving a full sentence..." Ho boy, was Fridgar going to let out the other prisoners? This could turn out to be a full-blown blunder.