[Mature] 'Intensive Care'

Fridgar does some exercise in Ilaren's name, gets arrested and meets up with an old friend

20th of Cylus 717

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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[Mature] 'Intensive Care'

Although he didn't reasonably expect that the much larger and stronger man would simply turn his back, take off his jacket, and then take a single lash without retribution, the ex-slave had to admit he was surprised when Fridgar rushed him with the vigor of a raging boar. He managed a humiliating squeak before being pinned to the wall by his collar, by the force of Fridgar's arm. Meanwhile, the behemoth removed the keys from his belt.

"Yeah, no hard feelings..." Woe managed through wheezing breaths taken while being nearly crushed against the wall. And he was being truthful. He felt somewhat bad for lashing the guy in the face, essentially sucker punching him. In his opinion the man had served his rightful time in the pen. Perhaps ten lashes were excessive for a little drunken misconduct and rabble rousing in the jail.

As the man let him go, Woe slid to the ground, trying to regain his breath. This wouldn't look good to the supervisor, and he'd likely get 'coached' or some such about entering the cell. The main idea behind it was to deliver corporal punishment so that the huge Lothar wouldn't stir up further trouble in the jails, and he could be released immediately. But that was a concern for another day.

"Don't forget to lock the cell behind you, Fridgar. It'd look there was some complicity involved if I was free while you walked without serving a full sentence..." Ho boy, was Fridgar going to let out the other prisoners? This could turn out to be a full-blown blunder.
word count: 272
Words Like Violence, Break the Silence


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[Mature] 'Intensive Care'

Still smiling, Fridgar nodded. "Good thinking." He spoke in regards to the idea of locking him up. Leaning in to his ear, the lothar whispered "And, to make it look more believable... I could claw you a little, if you'd like...". The Lothar emphasised his creepy offer by dragging the tips of his claws along Woe's chest lightly, they pulled at the fabric of his clothing and scraped at his skin light enough to cause discomfort but not pain. A sinister laugh left the large male's lips as he pulled his head back "I'm mostly kidding, don't worry." his grin spoke otherwise.

Woe might notice that the Lothar's breath smelled of dead things and raw meat, almost sickening in intensity. Dropping his paw on the small man's shoulder, Fridgar would smile warmly before turning for the cell door and calmly exiting the cell, his back bleeding in trickles down his bare skin. "Good luck to you, Woe. I hope we meet for better reasons next time." He would nod before pulling the door shut and locking the cell after fumbling for the right key. 'If there even is a next time.' Came his thoughts as he walked off with a final wave.

As he made his way through the prison, plenty of other prisoners would burst into tears, begging for the keys he carried. He'd look to the guard at the desk on his way out before face palming. "Oh shit!" The Lothar had completely forgotten about that guy. The Guard looked to him confused before realisation struck him. "Halt! Back to your cell, prisoner!" Fridgar growled. "Don't you know who I am?" the guard drew his sword "Fridgar, the three onyx bounty on your wall." The guard looked to the bounty wall before looking back to Fridgar with a glint in his eyes- he was about to be rich after all.

"On your knees, now!" The guard commanded, speaking from the diaphragm. Fridgar spat on the floor and flipped the male off "Fuck off, cunt." he snarled, widening his stance. Seeing red, the guard rushed Fridgar with his sword overhead. Ready for it, Fridgar caught the smaller male's wrist and squeezed, prompting the smaller guard to drop the weapon. The sword cut down his chest as it fell and Fridgar yelped in surprise at the sudden pain, but was otherwise unphased.

"Unhand me, cretin!" The guard demanded, thrashing his body in Fridgar's unmoving grip. Fridgar lifted the male from the floor by his wrist, dangling the clump of meat and bone before him - almost appetising. Seeing this, the guard cried out "Get off, mutt!" while thrashing his body. He froze when a clawed fist ruptured his abdomen in a violent thrust. Shallow wheezes escaped his mouth while trailing blood as the unfamiliar sensation of a paw reaching under his ribs and gripping his heart filled his shaking form. "Did you just call me a mutt, Iron hand dog?" The human's insides were warm around his fist, it was almost a shame to have to remove his paw. In a swift yank, Fridgar ripped the organ from the males body and held it up to his face as the light faded from his eyes.

Still at last, Fridgar crushed the heart in his grip, forcing it to slip with the lubricant effect of the blood and splatting on the floor. Finished, fridgar whipped the male's corpse overhead and span it like a lasso. Bones cracked and popped as the flesh threatened to give way as he picked up momentum. Then, Fridgar let go and set the body flying into a wall, splatting on impact and painting a portion of the wall red. Walking for the door, Fridgar would lick at the red on his hand idly, not seeming to realise. The beast's subconscious saw no difference between the humans and the animals he slaughtered.

His next destination was his old house, he needed to get to his first aid kit to disinfect his wounds. The air of Cylus was freezing cold, biting all over his bare upper-half. To combat the cold, he broke into a run and headed for the city's main gates, Rey'nas old home was beyond the walls in the woods, that's where he kept his things. Once there, he'd use the vial of alcohol to clean himself then bandage or stitch his wounds.
word count: 745
Whenever one finds oneself inclined to bitterness, it is a sign of emotional failure.
-- Bertrand Russell
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Kaladis Anar
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[Mature] 'Intensive Care'

Treasure Time!

Name: Fridgar


Acrobatics: Timing Between the Whip Strikes Just Right.
Deception: Leaving out the Tricky Details of why the Fight Started.
Detection: The Eyes Always Tell.
Etiquette: Its polite to Warn them before a Tavern Brawl.
Etiquette: Taking your Lashings is sometimes the Best thing to Do.
Medicine: Alcohol and Stitches to Treat your Wounds.
Intimidation: Threats of Flying aren’t just Threats.
Intimidation: I’m Mostly Kidding.
Persuasion: Friendship Should make someone Think Twice.
Resistance: Your Abs don’t Feel an Average Gut Punch.
Resistance: Your Backs Been Lashed Before.
Rhetoric: My Religion has Rights Too!
Sociology: Prison Riots have a Life of their Own.
Socialization: Bantering with Guards
Strength: Bars meet Fridgar!
Unarmed Combat: Table Edges make for Good Weapons.
Unarmed Combat: Thrown Men also make for Good Weapons.
Unarmed Combat: A Claw Fatality.

Loot: None.
Injuries: The flesh wound to your chest will take one week to fully disappear. The lashes will take 2 weeks to disappear fully and will leave a mild scar. Chrysalis will remove both injuries and any scaring.
Fame: Total: -15
-2 Tavern Fighting (Again) | -3 Damaging Prison Property. | -12 Savagely Murdering a Prison Guard in the prison itself.
Devotion: +2 For Ilaren!

Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5

Magic: No points here may be used for magic.

Comment: You might want to add more bounty here for killing the prison guard as you left, someone would most likely trace it back to you eventually. I suggest another Onyx or two as it was done savagely in the prison itself but it’s totally up to you. Great thread overall, loved the creative use of the table edge and such in the beginning. I also enjoyed the fact I never knew whether he was going to strike, like a lion with a sore paw.

Any questions, comments or feedback please pm me.
Name: Woe


Deception: Reminding him to Lock the Doors as he Leaves.
Discipline: Keeping your Cool while Being Crushed.
Etiquette: The Rules are the Rules.
Investigation: Assessing the Situation in the Cells.
Intelligence: Weighing the Probability of the Story.
Logistics: Understanding the Many Functions of the Prison.
Negotiation: That Lash will Count as Two.
Psychology: They Always Say they are Innocent.
Rhetoric: Giving the Squire an Easy Way Out.
Socialization: Bantering with the Prisoners.
Torture: Understanding when Physical Resistance might be too much for Torture.
Torture: Before you Start Whipping them, Restraints are a Must.
Whips: Aiming Through the Bars.
Whips: Lashes for Punishment.

Loot: None
Injuries: You will feel sore where he held you for a three trials, but suffer no permanent harm.
(It was none specific, so it is your choice where).
Fame: Total: +3
+2 Carrying Out Your Duty. | +1 Forgiving a Friend even though he’s just Attacked you.
Devotion: None.

Story: 5
Collaboration: 5
Structure: 5

Magic: No points here may be used for magic.

Comment: You’ve a couple of less knowledges not because the posts were any lesser, there were just fewer paragraphs to draw from. All easy to read and follow, you play the reluctant jailer well. Those jails might need an extra guard or two after today!

Any questions, comments or feedback please pm me.
word count: 537
NPCs: Ralari - Alaya| Themes: Social - Dreams - Nightmares
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