“I like to think I’ve got a good grasp on my faculties in regards to my sanity.” He responded with a chuckle.
He was about to go on his mocking of the book before her he gave her question a legitimate thought before shrugging noncommittally. “I believe that other people believe in them. Are they real? Possibly. A sorcerer can hardly doubt the existence of something that seems implausible. However they haven’t done anything for me have they so why should I care about them? To answer your question more directly, yes I believe they exist. I just don’t see much point in their veneration. So answer number two sums it up.”
That much was true. As a sorcerer he had the capacity to make the impossible reality, so why bother praying to some distant figure when he could just learn to do something himself. Magic was something that uplifted the common man to the level of being able to stand on par with the Immortals, or so his Uncle claimed. For Oscar is was simple apathy that accounted for his lack of caring about the Immortals. If he could get some humor out of it then all the more merry for it really.
The path out of the grove was rather short and soon enough well-traveled roads could be seen. He wasn’t going to be getting much practice in today it seemed but ah well. He’d trade that for the company of a beautiful woman any day of the week. The sun was still high in the sky, the heat beating down upon him pleasantly. Not humid either. Just a nice crisp sunny day. His gaze turned towards Alys at her second question and he frowned. Back to the magic again it seemed. Oscar really wasn’t fond of this line of questioning.
“It’s a… magical item. Nothing special in the grander scheme of things. Would be rather pointless to try and explain more than that, without a grounding in Arcana would likely fly over your head. No offense meant, it’s just sort of the way things go. As for what I was doing. Also hard to explain without you knowing things about Arcana. It’s a bit like asking someone to explain complex mathematics to someone that lacks the ability to count. Again, no offense meant there.” Oscar remarked.
Still he could guess that answer was definitely not going to satisfy her so he threw her a bone. “I can tell you I was trying to use magic to skip rocks across the pond though. Just going into the specifics of how… well, yeah. Really, you are better off not knowing. That particular brand of magic is… taxing. Now, if you knew magic that’d be another story.” He stated at length lightly, tucking the book under his arm as they walked.
This was yet another reason he hated when people actually found out he was a sorcerer. Oscar stopped just being Oscar then and became Oscar the sorcerer. It was amazing how that one little fact could change someone’s opinion so quickly. Though to be fair, the reputation of magic creating madmen was not quite unwarranted really. Situations like this one though, when the person had an unhealthy interest in the matter, were pretty bad.
He was about to go on his mocking of the book before her he gave her question a legitimate thought before shrugging noncommittally. “I believe that other people believe in them. Are they real? Possibly. A sorcerer can hardly doubt the existence of something that seems implausible. However they haven’t done anything for me have they so why should I care about them? To answer your question more directly, yes I believe they exist. I just don’t see much point in their veneration. So answer number two sums it up.”
That much was true. As a sorcerer he had the capacity to make the impossible reality, so why bother praying to some distant figure when he could just learn to do something himself. Magic was something that uplifted the common man to the level of being able to stand on par with the Immortals, or so his Uncle claimed. For Oscar is was simple apathy that accounted for his lack of caring about the Immortals. If he could get some humor out of it then all the more merry for it really.
The path out of the grove was rather short and soon enough well-traveled roads could be seen. He wasn’t going to be getting much practice in today it seemed but ah well. He’d trade that for the company of a beautiful woman any day of the week. The sun was still high in the sky, the heat beating down upon him pleasantly. Not humid either. Just a nice crisp sunny day. His gaze turned towards Alys at her second question and he frowned. Back to the magic again it seemed. Oscar really wasn’t fond of this line of questioning.
“It’s a… magical item. Nothing special in the grander scheme of things. Would be rather pointless to try and explain more than that, without a grounding in Arcana would likely fly over your head. No offense meant, it’s just sort of the way things go. As for what I was doing. Also hard to explain without you knowing things about Arcana. It’s a bit like asking someone to explain complex mathematics to someone that lacks the ability to count. Again, no offense meant there.” Oscar remarked.
Still he could guess that answer was definitely not going to satisfy her so he threw her a bone. “I can tell you I was trying to use magic to skip rocks across the pond though. Just going into the specifics of how… well, yeah. Really, you are better off not knowing. That particular brand of magic is… taxing. Now, if you knew magic that’d be another story.” He stated at length lightly, tucking the book under his arm as they walked.
This was yet another reason he hated when people actually found out he was a sorcerer. Oscar stopped just being Oscar then and became Oscar the sorcerer. It was amazing how that one little fact could change someone’s opinion so quickly. Though to be fair, the reputation of magic creating madmen was not quite unwarranted really. Situations like this one though, when the person had an unhealthy interest in the matter, were pretty bad.