• Closed • Well this is... awkward (Alys)

A bit of isolated practice outside the city turns out to be not quite so isolated.

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Well this is... awkward (Alys)

“I like to think I’ve got a good grasp on my faculties in regards to my sanity.” He responded with a chuckle.

He was about to go on his mocking of the book before her he gave her question a legitimate thought before shrugging noncommittally. “I believe that other people believe in them. Are they real? Possibly. A sorcerer can hardly doubt the existence of something that seems implausible. However they haven’t done anything for me have they so why should I care about them? To answer your question more directly, yes I believe they exist. I just don’t see much point in their veneration. So answer number two sums it up.”

That much was true. As a sorcerer he had the capacity to make the impossible reality, so why bother praying to some distant figure when he could just learn to do something himself. Magic was something that uplifted the common man to the level of being able to stand on par with the Immortals, or so his Uncle claimed. For Oscar is was simple apathy that accounted for his lack of caring about the Immortals. If he could get some humor out of it then all the more merry for it really.

The path out of the grove was rather short and soon enough well-traveled roads could be seen. He wasn’t going to be getting much practice in today it seemed but ah well. He’d trade that for the company of a beautiful woman any day of the week. The sun was still high in the sky, the heat beating down upon him pleasantly. Not humid either. Just a nice crisp sunny day. His gaze turned towards Alys at her second question and he frowned. Back to the magic again it seemed. Oscar really wasn’t fond of this line of questioning.

“It’s a… magical item. Nothing special in the grander scheme of things. Would be rather pointless to try and explain more than that, without a grounding in Arcana would likely fly over your head. No offense meant, it’s just sort of the way things go. As for what I was doing. Also hard to explain without you knowing things about Arcana. It’s a bit like asking someone to explain complex mathematics to someone that lacks the ability to count. Again, no offense meant there.” Oscar remarked.

Still he could guess that answer was definitely not going to satisfy her so he threw her a bone. “I can tell you I was trying to use magic to skip rocks across the pond though. Just going into the specifics of how… well, yeah. Really, you are better off not knowing. That particular brand of magic is… taxing. Now, if you knew magic that’d be another story.” He stated at length lightly, tucking the book under his arm as they walked.

This was yet another reason he hated when people actually found out he was a sorcerer. Oscar stopped just being Oscar then and became Oscar the sorcerer. It was amazing how that one little fact could change someone’s opinion so quickly. Though to be fair, the reputation of magic creating madmen was not quite unwarranted really. Situations like this one though, when the person had an unhealthy interest in the matter, were pretty bad.
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Well this is... awkward (Alys)

Alys considered his answer on the Immortals and was surprised, “maybe I am too worried about things then...because I think if I were to believe in Immortals, even purely because it would be foolish to doubt plausible existence…I wouldn’t want to offend them, just in case,” her smile spread slowly once more and she lifted a single bronzed shoulder in a shrug, “but maybe I am simply too afraid,”

As they walked, their hands brushed or bumped by accident which had Alys creating a little more distance between them and watching the taller man in a sideways glance. His answer about the magical item, his conduit was frustrating at best, and arrogant towards rude at worst, but the young woman took great care to keep her expression outwardly neutral and only slightly intrigued by his words. It seemed he wasn’t going to give anything away so easily, and he’d left her no route to pursue her course of enquiry. Not without exposing more interest then was safe. Damn.

“But why would you want to skip stones across the pond with magic?” Another innocent and sidelong glance, “surely it is easier to just throw them…do you know how?” The young woman grinned suddenly, “because I’m afraid that I don’t. Perhaps, if you know you could show me some time? Without any magic of course,” her voice lowered as they crested a rise on the landscape. Another half break away, but in view down the hill was another copse of trees beside the river. The smoke from the cottage rising clear into the sunny afternoon sky.

“There lies our destination.”
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Well this is... awkward (Alys)

A chuckle left Oscar’s lips. “Why would an Immortal bother with someone like, say, me and care a whit about what I, or indeed you might say? They are by definition, more powerful than you or I. Do you care about what an ant might think of you? Unlikely, in fact you probably don’t even register it’s there as you stomp on by. You’ve probably passed hundred on your way here. Much the same with Immortals if you ask me. Can probably go your whole life without being noticed by them as they walk on by.” He stated at length.

Fortunately she seemed pleased enough to drop the subject of magic, at least insofar as figuring it out. This was a great relief to him. There were about a hundred different reasons why him telling her specifics about magic was a bad idea. The biggest one was that he was an Acolyte. If he were a Sorcerer, then hey he was supposed to recruit. As an Acolyte he was supposed to learn and improve. Not that Oscar had the first idea how he’d teach what he did. Really it just kind of… came to him, like it was a natural thing to figure out magic.

“Why does an archer practice with targets? Why do warrior’s spar? Practice makes perfect. Like any skill it’s not just something you are automatically good at. Sure, some have talent. Can only coast by on talent for so long. Best way to get better is to, well, do it. So that’s why I was skipping rocks with magic. To see if I could.” Oscar answered with a shrug. Wasn’t exactly something foreign he liked to think. Everyone had to improve somehow. Oscar himself wasn’t exactly… driven in most respects but he liked using magic enough that practice rarely felt like a chore.

He looked off into the distance and smirked. Looked like he had a bit longer to remain in Alys’ company then. When she wasn’t pushing him towards talking about the whole magic thing, she was downright engaging. Usually when the subject of Immortals came up most seemed fairly religious enough to where he just kept his mouth shut. Pleasingly she seemed at least somewhat open minded. Didn’t hurt she was easy on the eyes.

“Such a long distance for a delivery. Should invest in a cart for things like this. Allows for bulk deliveries as well and more ease of carriage. Then again, not an ideal choice perhaps for a book peddler. Maybe cabbage farming. Or smithing. Then again, I’m not complaining about the company. Figured I’d be lazing the day away.” Oscar remarked.

The man nodded. “Also I can indeed skip rocks. Not exactly a champion, but I’ve got the basics. All in the wrist motions. I’ll have to show you some time.”
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Well this is... awkward (Alys)

Alys smiled in response. He made a valid point. Why would an Immortal bother with her life? Why should she bother with the ants below her feet? And yet, the woman knew that she coveted the idea of catching the attention of such a being. She dreamt of elevation beyond her humble means and origin. Above else, she longer for power. What better way to cement power than the providence of a greater being than any of the mere mortals that filled her days.

“It seems that you would hope not to catch the attention of such a being,” she replied and let her arm swing, brushing her hand against the back of his as they walked. Wary of showing too much keen interest in the Arcane power he had demonstrated, Alys remained quiet on the subject. Despite her desperation to glean as much knowledge from the young man as she could. There was only one thing for it, she would need to make his acquaintance again, gain his trust over a longer period of time.

“A whole cart for just one book?” She returned to safer conversation with a soft laugh, “I don’t think it would be worth the cost, but I’m frustrated that my Father deemed it worth my time to be sent so far out today,” a sigh passed rosy lips and another glance was shy extended towards the young man, “though the journey is not without it’s positive outcomes. Perhaps I can visit you at the University? Or you would join me in my next sojourn from the city?”

They were gaining ground on the small cottage and Alys approached to knock on the door. An elderly lady, bent double and with snow-white hair opened the door a crack and Alys gestured to Oscar to present the book.

“We’ve come from Andaris madame, delivering the tome you ordered from Rynmere’s Shelves,” she spoke slow and loud for the aged woman to hear her. Knowing how heavy the book was, she accepted it from Oscar . The woman grinned, toothless and nodded, encouraging them both inside.

Alys, glancing at her new companion shook her head, “thank you, but we must be off. I’ll just put this on your table though. It’s heavy,” she explained and stepped into the cool shade of the home for a few trills, deposited the book and retreated. Still mute the woman waved them off as Alys backed away. The door slammed shut behind them and the young woman let out a sigh of relief.

“Well…now I only have to get back.”
word count: 437
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Well this is... awkward (Alys)

Oscar’s expression turned into a smirk. “If they notice me, I won’t be an ant by that point. The man that taught me told me once that magic is the means by which mortals might stand on par with the Immortal. Not sure I care for that really, but it would be nice to just not worry about meddling in my life. I want to just live my life how I want to. That’s all.”

Gravitation was a purely destructive magic. That was all it was good for really. There was no other use for it aside from tossing aside obstacles in one’s path. Maybe that was why Oscar wasn’t so good with it. Ensorcellment involved study and working in a workshop, attunement was just a matter of opening one’s mind to another world. Gravitation however was just so… violent. It fed on his passions, his anger, evoked feelings of euphoric bliss in his mind. All magic was generally just a tool. What mattered was the person that wielded it. Meaning a skilled Gravitation user could be a force of devastation and carnage. Not something Oscar desired.

That said, the idea of gods steering clear of him due to his magic was appealing. An idea that was laughable with his ability to toss rocks across a pond but hey, never hurt to dream big. His Uncle had long ago hammered away his Rynmere devotion to the Immortals. They had no place in the lessons he had to teach. Oscar supposed that made him a tad arrogant in regards to matters of faith. Ah well. Everything the Seekers did was beneficial at large. Why worry about it too much?

When they arrived Oscar smiled in a charming manner to the woman, unwavering even at the aging woman’s garish smile. He bowed his head respectfully as the door shut before setting his hand behind his head again and looked at Alys. “I’d have no problem with you paying a visit, just warn me first. So I don’t look awful. I’d also be happy to join you. I typically have free time until I don’t.”

He nodded back the way they came and started walking. As they did he closed his eyes. The young man started pulling in breath through his nose and out through his mouth. He calmed his mind as he reached within himself and pulled the Sight up over his senses. The young man winced as the world around him, already bright, was transformed into a multicolored swirl. Ambient mana lingering in the air swirled, like the wind was made visible in an almost turquoise color.

His eyes turned towards Alys and his blinked, his Sight flickering for a moment. There was something about her… something familiar. Something that brought a frown to his lips. His Sight was weak, but even the most novice of Attuners could recognize a sorcerer from a non-sorcerer. Oscar dismissed his Sight and turned his gaze straight ahead. The young man said nothing for a long moment before a smirk came to his lips again.

“I’ll have to visit your father’s bookstore. Wonder if he has more abstract works around.” The young man mused, not remarking on the possibility his Sight had glimpsed. Another Seeker maybe? Was this a test perhaps? Too many uncertainties. He didn’t even know what her art was. He just knew that she was indeed possessed of magic of some kind. Which meant she was lying to him here. The art of deception was impressive in this one. If the whim to test out his Sight to see the world around him hadn’t struck, he might never know.
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Well this is... awkward (Alys)

On a par with Immortals? Alys blinked at Oscar as they walked before shaking her head. Surely that couldn’t be possible? Or could it? Could magic be so powerful? The woman had very few strong memories of her mother and couldn’t remember anything so specific. But the power, the draw of Arcana was powerful, intangible and possessive. She moved her thumb over the ring on her finger and felt a small shiver of excitement. Magic could make her a goddess…wishful thinking anyway.

“I suppose that’s what we all want, to live as we like… but there are always expectations,” she spoke from experience and realised she trod lightly on the boundary of her own persona and the truth beneath. She shook herself in an attempt to make a better separation.

“You can give me a tour maybe?” She suggested, pleased that he had agreed to her request. With some savings in the bank, Alys hoped that she could attend a course at the University. Eager to put more distance between her current position and lowly origins. Qualifications would help and separate her from the lower city, so would the business she hoped to create.

“My father collects…oddities,” she was oblivious to any change in his mood and smiled at him, “I collect books. I’m hoping to open my own shop with only books in the near future. He travels a lot, brings back items from his adventures,” she realised she was talking too much again, and lowered her lashes, coy, “well I’m sure you’ll find something to take your fancy…”
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