The Spider Looms

Vera catches up to Jeremiah, her objective to reign him in for treatment

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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The Spider Looms

...Continued from A Knight in Drunken Armor

1st of Ymiden, Late Afternoon

The web at her fingertips pinged her mind with information as she walked the city streets, bathed in the warming, waning afternoon sun. Around her, people were getting their affairs in order for the day. She didn’t want to be out here in the dark, so she knew to be poignant and track her quarry with haste before the world fell to the other side of the light - a time which she knew all manner of miscreant and neerdowell would skulk about, a time the Webspinner was not willing to risk due to her unfamiliarity with it and how poorly armed she was for such an environment.

The web told her that the shirtless Jeremiah had slumped down in an alley two city blocks away. She walked comfortably, honing in on him. She had the suspicion that he was tired from running, and possibly out of his right mind due to inebriation. Vera knew she had to play this carefully, or he would escape again and further delay the inevitable, potentially turning it into the questionable. Her mind went to the order, which Jeremiah now had. I wish I had held on to that, I could have used it to persuade another knight to my cause. It would have been more damaging to the patient, but at this point I’ll do anything to get him to the Infirmary.

As Vera got closer, she paid more attention to the information trickling in, concentrating on it. She couldn’t get any glimpses of a weapon on him, so at least he was less dangerous - although, she knew, he could easily overpowered her. But would a knight do that, especially one that helped that woman in the bar? Maybe I need to reaffirm that the treatment plans were negotiable. The wide, shadow-encrusted alleyway loomed ahead, scraps of wood piled against the wall. Jeremiah was hiding behind the wood, and she spotted his boot sticking out with her own eyes. “Jeremiah,” Vera said. “We can talk about your treatment, it’s very much negotiable.”
Last edited by Vera on Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:02 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 355
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The Spider Looms

Jeremiah let slip a muffled curse from his hiding spot, standing tall with a slight misstep that caused him to stumble to the side towards the wall. “You fox, I can’t believe you found me. Don’t you understand? I can’t go, I owe debts-”

Vera swiftly interrupted, “-And what do they hold over you that you cannot seek treatment and avoid them for thirty trials or so?”

He pursed his lips, sweat glistening from his skin as he stepped into the lighter area of the alley. “Clever one you are, you caught me in my lie as well.”

Stepping closer to Jeremiah, Vera cocked her head at him as she concentrated, the aura of temptation beginning to radiate from her. When it reached him, information began to flow through it into her mind. She could tell that he was hiding something now, and much like that girl from before he desperately wanted to get away. “What is there to be afraid of? Change is a good thing, and I promise you will be well taken care of. Will you come with me?” She placed her hand on his naked shoulder, his eyes staring into hers and she into his.

“To the infirmary, that is.”
Last edited by Vera on Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:03 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 207
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The Spider Looms

Jeremiah broke her hypnotic gaze as he suddenly tore his vision away, Vera’s aura dissipating upon the fracture of her concentration. “As tempting as it is, I must decline.”

“You know what this means, correct?” Vera asked. “You have orders, to disobey them would result in the revocation of your rank within the Iron Hand. Whatever it is you’ve done or gotten yourself into, I’m sure I could help you with it. Tell me.”

Jeremiah turned, toned muscles tensing and hips swiveling as he sent the arc of a punch into the cobbled stone wall nearest to him. His palms flat against it, he drooped his head downward. “I’ve killed a man. I thought he was a Necromancer, but he had a kid. He - he was following me.” Whimpering followed, wet tears pouring from his eyes onto the alley stone floor. “I don’t deserve to live here, in Andaris. I want to go elsewhere, to absolve myself of this wretched sin.” He hammered the wall with his fist again, an emotional wreck.

Maybe the patient really is delusional? Terry could have been right, bastard’s lucky. “Nobody needs to know,” Vera said, attempting to talk him down. Her eyes traced down to his abdomen, and she spotted the gruesome scar that had been mentioned in Terry’s evaluation. Looking up and away from it, she tried not to pay it any more heed. “A psychologist cares only about your treatment. Your secret will be safe with me, and when you are released I could arrange for a better … occupation for you. One that helps people and isn’t so hard, so you aren’t overburdened."
Last edited by Vera on Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:04 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 280
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The Spider Looms

“I can’t…” Jeremiah said.

Her patient was like a crumbling wall before her, his many barriers falling to their foundations. “You can. All you have to do is say you can do it, and it shall be done.”

He repeated himself. “I can’t, I can’t, I just can’t!” He turned around to face her, but his head hung low and he brought his hands up to his head, pinching his skull.

“You and I both know that’s not true. All you have to do is give it a try - you are not irredeemable, you are not a monster, and you are certainly not a failure. You could sit here and cry, or you could do something about your predicament.” Vera stepped forward, her hands placing themselves on his raised wrists and dragging them down to expose his wet face. “This is not the face of someone worthless, nor is it the face of evil.”

Jeremiah wrenched his wrists from Vera’s hands and turned away to step deeper into the dead-end alley. He pinched the bridge of his nose to stifle his tears and looked up towards the sky. “Fine … I … I’ll do it.”
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The Spider Looms


Detection: 2
Intimidation: 1
Persuasion: 2
Psychology: 1
Webspinning: 1


Jeremiah: Liar
Intimidation: threatening loss of position or livelihood


Short and sweet, enjoy the rewards.
word count: 29
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