• Information • Ymiden Seasonal Events 716

The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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Ymiden Seasonal Events 716

Ymiden Seasonal Events 716
Ymiden Weather in Rynmere

Trial 1-11

Sun and very light showers, like a fine mist in patches overnight. The days are warming up considerably and are a lot longer with the sun rising earlier and setting later, expected to last throughout the hot season. Fields are green and healthy but hilltops and the high grounds in Warrick, Venora, and Andaris are starting to turn a golden colour. There is some concern about water reserves for farming but all this heats means the rivers will be fit to burst as snow from the Burning Mountains melts and heads out to sea.

Trial 12-18

Cloud cover provides some relief from the fine weather this season, keeping the fields green and lush. Ymiden is expected to be hotter in Rynmere than usual and people should start making preparations now to ensure that they have enough clean water in their households to see them through what should be the more mild part of the hot cycle. Engineers from across Rynmere are helping to install a pipeline from Zor river to the capital to try and met their dream of fresh, running water in the crown by 717, midtown by 720, and lowtown by 726.

Trail 19-83

On the 51st trial of Ymiden a water restriction is enforced in all regions outside of Burhan. Farmers are worried about water reserves used to keep their crops alive and believe that if things continue down this path they may have to sacrifice part of their crops to keep livestock fed. The country will not see anymore rain for the foreseeable future, and farmers may be forced to start selling livestock in order to keep their farms running at a profit. Anyone caught taking more water from the rivers than allocated will be fined twenty gold nel.

1 Ymiden:
On the first day of summer, the people of Rynmere honour The Sacred Seven, when the founders of Rynmere are celebrated for their discovery, loyalty, conquest, memory, justice, knowledge, and perseverance, but this is not a day of feasts, instead all Rynlists across the land who believe in the values of the Creed of Silence go without speaking or eating for the entire day in order to pay homage to their saints, Andaris, Venora, Warrick, Krome, Burhan, Endor, and Gawyne. Most businesses are closed on this day and people are free to stay home from school and work without fear of reprimand. On this day Andaris City and many of the regional outposts resemble a ghost town.

13 Ymiden: Moderated.
The Fighting Arena is packed for the seasonal tournament and locals are shocked to find that an ex noble has found himself in the line-up alongside the current lord commander, both forced to fight to the death in an attempt to earn their freedom. The Queen makes an appearance, sat in the royal viewing platform alongside her husband, who is still recovering from an injury he sustained in Ashan.

21 Ymiden: Moderated.
House Warrick hosts a Jousting Tournament inviting knights, nobles, and sportsmen from across the country to join in and enjoy their hospitality. Veljorn Burhan makes an appearance.

27 Ymiden:
Rumours of an uprising against the king reach the capital from the far west of Rynmere. Informants believe Veljorn Burhan leads an army at least two thousand (2000) strong, well fed, supplied, and funded by three of the seven noble houses.

39 Ymiden:
The people take a vote for the King to act against or stay his hand regarding the uprising in the west. Some of the nobles are interviewed by the local paper to hear what they have to say.

44 Ymiden:
The body of a woman is found outside the city Library with both of her eyes missing, and hands clutching the book of a children’s story about the tale of the lost Labyrinth of Rynmere.

51 Ymiden:
A water restriction is enforced in all regions outside of Burhan. Farmers are worried about water reserves used to keep their crops alive and believe that if things continue down this path they may have to sacrifice part of their crops to keep livestock fed.

53 Ymiden:
The Circus has moved on from Andaris to the region of Venora and will be open for the next nine trials. Locals are encouraged to go and make the most of the fun and exciting activities on offer.

63 Ymiden:
A number of Jacadon young have been going missing and their numbers are noticeably on the decline. The sole survivor of an attack on a caravan that was taking Hunter’s Pass from Warrick to Endor reports the seeing Scorn flying outside of Hunter’s Grove.

76 Ymiden:
A young woman working as an extra is killed during a play at the Theatre in Andaris City. People seated in the front row saw a strange young man, tall, thin, and dark of skin, fleeing the scene with the murder weapon, a dagger, in hand.

81 Ymiden:
A strange sickness has broken out in Lowtown. Children can’t stop coughing and aren’t sleeping well. With three elderly already reported dead, doctors are being told to take extra care and wash their hands between patients.

Rynmere Fashion:
Popular this season, hats, corsets, sword canes, and the colour yellow.

How Rumours Work: If you have an interest in following up on a rumour, reply to this thread with a link to your own thread where you character goes looking for more information and you will receive a PM or a reply with a lead. If you aren't sure where to start, have your character go looking at the source (one of the taverns).
Rumours from The Blacksmith Arms
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Yosef was arrested by the Moseke Knights on the 19th of Ymiden. No one has seen or heard from him since.
 ! Message from: Kingdom
King Cassander is said to be very displeased with his wife, Freya. A merchant from the west told me he has sent the royal guard abroad in search of a new queen.
 ! Message from: Kingdom
I've seen a lot of them Aukari types working down at the docks lately. No good, bad tempered, bastards they are. Something fishy going on if you ask me.
Rumours from Ye Olde Inn
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Brice lost over three hundred slaves last season due to his ships being intercepted and attacked. Some say they have joined the rebel army under Veljorn's banner.
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Faction VII are said to be trapping Tunäwä and taking them as slaves in the north. I wonder what they are up to?
 ! Message from: Kingdom
A ship bearing the crest of Hiladrith arrived in port. They pay in gold for silence and ten men disembarked. It is whispered they hide blades and shields of beautiful craft and were welcomed by a royal servant. (Moderator: Plague)
Old Guard Rumours from Ashan
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Old Guard Bribe (Ashan) That dead guy they found outside the monastery? He was in that underground tavern just the other night, mad drunk and looking for a fight. Saw two girls follow him out, a couple of lovers I think?
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Old Guard Bribe (Ashan) I saw a man walk into the sea when I was a boy, strange huh? His wife told everyone he was hearing voices.
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Old Guard Bribe (Ashan) You can get two loaves of bread for the price of one at the marketplace if you arrive before the seventh break.
Rumours discovered through bribing guards this season:
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Sabine: "The King seeks land to the east. We’ve been farming it for many arcs. Perhaps he seeks to make his claim more official?"
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Tristan Venora: "Yosef was making weapons for Veljorn Burhan’s army. My guess? He will be the next to die in the Arena."
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Peake Andaris: "Someone has been stealing bodies from the Graveyard. The King’s Royal Guard will patrol the grounds for the next season to make sure no more bodies go missing."
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Peake Andaris: There is a secret door behind the front desk on the floor at the city Library.
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Peake Andaris: Ask for cider at the local brothel.
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Nivasi Zyq'Dariav: I overheard Judge Pavoo Burhan talking about a secret meeting on the evening of Ymiden 40th at The Blacksmith Arms. Why would a bunch of nobles want to meet in a place like that?
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Nivasi Zyq'Dariav: House Krome is allied with House Burhan over this rebellion going on in the west. Never a good sign when the richest house in the kingdom gets into bed with the most fortified region in Rynmere.
 ! Message from: Kingdom
Nivasi Zyq'Dariav: I found this old riddle. Can’t make any sense of it. You take it.
My first's in adventure but isn't in trip,
My second's in river but isn't in ship,
My third is in chalice but isn't in cup,
My fourth's in ascending but isn't in up
My fifth is in error but isn't in flaw,
My last is in talon but isn't in claw,
My whole is a beast who will eat you for dinner,
Unless in this riddle game you are the winner.
How Bribes Work: There are ten secret rumours every season. Five of them are silly, non-important rumours that lead to nothing, three are handy, and two lead to big plots or treasure. To purchase a rumour send a PM to Kingdom with the rumour you would like, numbered between 1 and 10 (with 5gn already deducted on your ledger). If the rumour has already been taken, your character will be thrown in the dungeon for three nights for 'trying to bribe a city guard'. There is an option to escape jail time by paying an extra five gold nels to the guard.
Rumours that have been bought will be put up for everyone to see but can only be acted upon by the player who bought them. You're more than welcome to plot with said player to join in on chasing rumours, but saying the numbers used for rumours that have been bought will get you excluded in participating from buying any rumours for the following season.

Any of the ten rumours that are left undiscovered at the end of the season will become next season's tavern rumours.
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Ymiden Seasonal Events 716

13 Ymiden:
Fade Away
Open for players to join as audience members or fighters (PM for the latter).
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Nivasi Zyq'Dariav
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Ymiden Seasonal Events 716

Chasing up
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King Cassander is said to be very displeased with his wife, Freya. A merchant from the west told me he has sent the royal guard abroad in search of a new queen.

thread can be found here
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Ymiden Seasonal Events 716

The Tournament is up and begun!: 21 Ymiden:
House Warrick hosts a Jousting Tournament inviting knights, nobles, and sportsmen from across the country to join in and enjoy their hospitality!

If you would like to compete in the tournament, please add your name to the roster by replying to the OOC Social Thread, along with the events you would be competing in. For example;
David Smith: Ranged combat: Longbow
David Smith: Unarmed combat
David Smith: Jousting

If you would like to take part in Melee combat, or Ranged combat, please list your weapon of choice. Blades would be put against blades etc and Longbows wouldn’t compete against throwing knives.

Please only sign up for a maximum of two events and make sure that in your posts to the event, you include a post in which you take part in the competition, against an NPC. However please do not write the conclusion of your bought as I intend to roll dice, add statistics etc and tell you if you’re going to lose or win and progress to the next stage of the tournament. Fate is cruel folks, Injuries may be awarded! But also…so might prizes…

At the 12th break, all preliminary rounds will be cease and the jousting will begin!
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Ymiden Seasonal Events 716

Faith is investigating the dead lady in front of the steps of the library here. It's an open thread if anyone wants to join!
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Life, Death and the In-Between .
Locked Request an XP Review Claim Wealth Thread

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