• Location • The Academy Registry

Post here if you are studying at the Viden Academy

Stronghold of education and learning, this fortress is in one of the coldest areas of Idalos and home to many knowledge seekers in a variety of disciplines. However, unknown to most, below the city are those who suffer for the sake of science. While all are welcome, not everyone will be treated as they expect.

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The Academy Registry

The Academy Registry
The Academy Registry is located to the right of the main entrance of the building as you enter. None can miss it; it is undoubtedly one of the most frequented rooms in the entire building, visited by students, pupils, parents and staff alike for a whole host of reasons. It is here that students have to come to register for classes, request a change of Institute or main area of study, obtain copies of their certificates, or make payments at the beginning of each cycle. Parents may come here to enquire after their young children's progress, or enrol them in the next level of education. And staff come here to apply for a vacancy among the team, as well as collect any wages they are due.

Additionally, the room through a small, unassuming door behind the Registrar's desk is designated to storing the records of the thousands of students who have come through the University's doors during its long history. These records are normally not accessible to the public, although officials of the university or of the government are free to browse them as they see fit.

Much like the rest of Videnese building, the Registry shines with a cold, blue light - a reflection of the blue sky against the pure white snow that lies constantly on the grounds of Viden. The room itself is a large one, narrow but very long, with chairs lining each wall for those who are waiting to see the Registrar. At the end of the room sits a large, wooden desk. Its owner is an aging human man with a thick head of hair gone completely white. His colourless, grey eyes appear cold as he gazes down at all who approach his desk, and it is obvious that he brooked no nonsense. Any half-way intelligent individual approaching should be able to tell immediately upon seeing him that patience is probably not one of his strong points. The engraved copper plaque on his desk proclaims him to be J. Gilson, Registrar.

"What task may I assist you with today?" he asks as the next person waiting stands from their chair and approaches the desk. Hands clasped before him, he peers over his half-moon spectacles at those who stand in front of him much like a teacher might gaze at a wayward child who knows themselves to be in trouble.

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[center][font size=150][b][u]The Academy Student Registry[/u][/b][/font][/center]

[b]PC Name:[/b]
[b]Age, Race & Gender:[/b]
[b]Institute:[/b] [i](e.g. Science)[/i]
[b]Subject:[/b] [i](e.g. Medicine)[/i]
[b]Level:[/b] [i](e.g. Certificate)[/i]
[b]Part Time Work:[/b] [i](if applicable)[/i]
[b]Additional Comments:[/b]
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The Academy Registry

1st Vhalar 717

Maebella had just applied for a job through the Employment Contractor but this errand was even more important. At long last, she had the opportunity to continue onto Tertiary level education. It wasn't something that would come cheaply but it would be well worth the investment and the young woman had worked hard to scrape the necessary funds together for this.

Ordinarily, the Eídisi girl wasn't prone to strong sentiments but as she stepped through the entrance of the Viden Academy, she felt a mixture of awe and powerful nerves. It was a ridiculous way to feel, totally irrational but for once, she doubted herself. What if she had gotten some detail wrong?What if she tried to enrol and discovered that she couldn't? As she walked into the room to the right of the entrance, she told herself to remain calm, reminding herself that she wasn't someone that made mistakes. She took a seat along one wall of the lengthy room, joining the others who'd arrived before her.

Maebella had no way of knowing how long she'd have to wait as an interaction with the Registrar could last anything from a few bits to something closer to a break depending on the situation. She couldn't tell how long each person ahead of her in the queue would take but it gave her plenty of chance to think.

The girl took her journal out of her bag so that she'd have something to do during her wait, poring over her notes on various stories that she'd read in the Prime Atheneum. She quickly became absorbed in the task, her head only snapping up attentively when there was the sound of footsteps as one visitor left and another approached the desk. It wasn't clear how long she waited but others entered the room and took seats across from her as time ticked away.

Finally, it was her turn. The female Eídisi hastily shoved her journal in her bag and moved swiftly to take her place before the Registrar. Her eyes flicked down to the copper plate, noting the name as the man addressed her. Aware of their potential audience, she kept her voice soft as she responded, "Mr. Gilson, I wish to enrol in the Academy for the Cold Cycle."

The man nodded, shuffling papers about as he sought a blank piece of paper. "Very well. I'll need your name and age, what manner of education you wish to pursue and if you are engaged in work, it would be helpful to inform me," he explained quickly, his voice sounding bored; he'd probably had to go through this same process hundreds of times before.

She provided him with the information he'd asked for, pointing out that she'd only just applied for a position of work in the Academy. She'd hoped he'd look at her through new eyes, perhaps glance up at her quickly when she said that but he simply wrote it down without a flicker of interest in his manner. At least there didn't seem to be any problems and Maebella found that she felt a lot calmer now; her fears had been quite baseless.

Once the Registrar finishing filling out various pieces of paperwork, he requested the necessary fee for the cycle, a sizeable amount of gold nel that the Eídisi parted with gladly. With that done, there were just a few things to finalise and then she was sent on her way, the young woman shining with pride as she left, certain that everyone would be able to tell of her higher status when she walked among them. She was well on her way to achieving a Letter in her chosen subject now that she was officially part of the Viden Academy.

The Academy Student Registry
PC Name: Maebella
Age, Race & Gender: 28, Eídisi, Female
Institute: Arts
Subject: Literature/Literary Arts
Level: Letter
Part Time Work: Nothing official just yet!
Additional Comments: I've applied for Maebella to work as an assistant researcher within the Academy, which can be found here
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The Academy Registry

1st Day of Zi'da
717th Arc
Merely two arcs ago you had your name plastered across dozens of research proposals set up by the Academy.” The Lord Talius stood over his son, who was rested upon a fur-covered chaise in the large, bright receiving room of the family home. “You were young, but a prodigy. A motivated youngling who, the city knew, had the potential to succeed in the world of academics. Tenured academics wanted to take you on in your continued development.” The scion continued to read the large tome which rested upon his knee, staring resolutely at a single word on the yellowed page. “It was a unique opportunity, Virikai. One-

-Which was offered purely because of my relation to you. Because of the great Verity Talius, supreme Delegate and Right Hand to the Immortal of Intelligence and Communication herself.” It was with a biting tone that Virikai used, something he would rarely use when addressing his father, but his irritation was growing. “Regardless, it was not my choice to leave my studies, if you recall…

The scion trailed of with a wince as his father slammed his hand down on the wooden armrest, silencing his rebellious child. “It was your choice when you decided to socialise with one of Audrae’s despicable children, you insolent child!” The man, normally so cool and collected, spat furiously. In their own home, there was no show to present to the public, and arguments between the pair were not uncommon. “Worse, you were caught!

Silence reigned as Virikai stared resolutely at his book; he was not reading, but he refused to look up to meet his father’s hard gaze. Eventually, Verity’s breathing evened out, and then he continued, “It seems, however… that you are not the only one with an interest in Linika Amarinthine…” The young scion’s eyes, now wide in wonder, shot up, slamming his book shut and giving the Delegate his full attention. “Yes, I have met your… associate. As has Yvithia. She has been favourably Marked by the Immortal.
Verity Talius has refused to share any further information than that, other than forgiving him for his misdeeds from two years previously. Virikai was trusted once again by his father, and allowed to continue his studies. With his head held high, he strode through the hall and through the door to the Academy Registry. There was a queue of people waiting to see the clerk, but the young heir ignored them, marching past them and leaning over the desk to collect a new registration form.

Without looking at the Registrar or any of the irked members of the waiting queue-line, he walked away to a secluded corner and filled in the form with his neat script. Once filled out, he glanced over it again before stalking back up to the desk, once again neglecting to heed the waiting students and parents, and dropped the form onto the Registrar’s desk. The Registrar looked up but said nothing, and Virikai inclined his head, the only acknowledgement he would supply, before turning and striding out of the room.

The Academy Student Registry

PC Name: Virikai Talius
Age, Race & Gender: 30, Eídisi, Male
Institute: Insitute of Science
Subject: Developmental Neurology
Level: Certificate
Part-Time Work: Assistant Researcher in the FRA
Additional Comments: Letter in Medicine awaiting complete approval, but completed in 715, when the character was first made. Bringing this PC back, so will continue studying.
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The Academy Registry

2nd Trial of Ashan, 718
He was back again, filling out the paperwork to update his status as a student in the Viden Academy Registry. This time, however, he was not met with the same internal shame and humiliation that he had faced last time. This time, he was not returning after a two arc break, he was not followed by whispers of people wondering why he had been absent, people who very much wanted to spread rumours but would not risk the wrath of one of Viden’s most powerful families.

This time, he was… not met with smiles, as such, but at least it was a more positive experience. He was finally proving his worth, gaining his Certificate just brought him that small step closer to where he wanted to be. He could not be complacent yet - there were many things he wanted to achieve, and his Diploma was going to be made ever-harder by the self-imposed research project he was applying to undertake, instead of formal classes. But it would be worth it in the end.

Secretly, he also wanted to take up additional studies in Politics - it would make a massive difference to his time working with his father, preparing to take over the mantle one day. Not that he expected to be part of the Directorate, he had no such ambitions, but that did not mean he could shy away from his duties as the Talius heir. But the idea of additional qualifications - or even just learning for the sake of learning - was becoming more and more appealing to him. Maybe he would soon look upon the idea. But not yet.

Form completed, he approached the desk. For the first time, Virikai actually stood in the queue. It was only one person long, granted, as he had decided to get an early start. When it was his turn the registrar smiled and accepted the form from him. They did not share pleasantries, for which he was exceedingly grateful, and he left with much more dignity than his previous visit.
The Academy Student Registry

PC Name: Virikai Talius
Age, Race & Gender: 31, Eídisi, Male
Institute: Institute of Science
Subject: Behavioural Neurology & Cognition
Level: Diploma
Part-Time Work: Researcher in the FRA
Additional Comments: Certificate in Medicine awaiting approval but things have been done so that's nice.
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The Academy Registry

12th of Ymiden, Arc 718

It had been approximately two and a half centuries since the son of Ziell had last studied at the famed Academy of Viden. He had just begun his research into the art of alchemy back then. He had eventually ended up teaching a few classes, but most of the people that were alive now would never know. He had gone by a different name back then, he had looked different, and he had kept his divine heritage a secret. He hadn’t planned on ever getting involved with the Academy again as some of the memories connected to it were exceedingly bitter, but the political climate in his native Rynmere was just not conductive to his research anymore.

He had entered the Academy, stating that he had previously been employed in Rynmere and Etzos. He had claimed that he was largely self-taught and sought to perfect his knowledge of alchemy and make use of the resources that the Academy offered - accommodation close to the Academy, access to their laboratories and to all floors of the Prime Atheneum, including the magic section located on the third floor that was closed to those that were not affiliated with the Academy, as he had recently discovered.

The trial before, he had met with the Dean and a few professors in order to discuss his previous research – and a special arrangement that would allow him to acquire a Diploma within the cycle and proceed to obtain employment as a professor, a necessity, in light of his research. He had briefly wondered if any of them were aware of who he was – the Hero of Oscillus that had dared to attack an Immortal – but if they were, they had remained silent so far. Perhaps, he wondered idly and with a hint of amusement, they would knock on his door one trial, when they thought he least expected it, and proceed to interrogate him.

Much about the city had changed, but a few things, such as the bureaucracy, had stayed the same. No matter, he offered the Registrar a curt nod before he stated, “I have been approved to acquire a Diploma in Alchemy.” and handed him the documents that confirmed that he had indeed taken the exams for a Letter and Certificate before he proceeded to fill out the form, briefly hesitating when it came to stating his name and age. Doran was not a unique name though, as he had discovered the season before.
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The Academy Student Registry

PC Name: Doran
Age, Race & Gender: 396, Mortalborn, Male
Institute: Science
Subject: Alchemy
Level: Diploma
Part Time Work: -
Additional Comments: Doran has been approved to start at Diploma level due to his having 100 Alchemy and close to 50 Knowledges. The fees for the Letter and Certificate exam have been paid. I’ve filled out the form truthfully for the sake of keeping OOC records and such, but as long as he is at the Academy, Doran will pretend that he is a human male in his thirties. His being a Mortalborn is not public knowledge.
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The Academy Registry

20th Ymiden, 718
So it was that Zana found herself in the great Viden Academy. She had no real wish to be here, specifically, but she had a lot to prove and, as such, she was quite determined to make it work. She had decided that she was going to become an alchemist and use that to become rich while finding a rich man or two along the way.

So, she took her form with her to the desk. She had two forms this trial. One for studying a Letter in Alchemy, for which she'd brought the money to pay for and the other? Well, it was for getting a job. A research assistant, preferably in the Alchemy department, she had written, so that she might be able to gain valuable experience.

She didn't want either of those things, but they were means to an end. Learning alchemy was very much something she did want and she thought the research assistant job sounded like a marvellous opportunity to have some money taken off her fees and meet boring old men who'd had plenty of time to accrue wealth to spend on her during their twilight arcs.

Win, win.

So, with a winning smile, she made her way to the desk.
The Academy Student Registry
PC Name: Zana Delroth
Age, Race & Gender: 65, Mortalborn, Female
Institute: (e.g. Science) Science
Subject: (e.g. Medicine) Alchemy
Level: (e.g. Certificate) Letter
Part Time Work: (if applicable) Research Assistant (am about to apply in the OOC)
Additional Comments:
Tell me, who's more important than you? You're the apple of my ancient eyes...
How could the world be so cruel? I'll make you my own precious jewel
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PC is currently inactive. I hope to bring her back soon!
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Re: The Academy Registry

1st Trial of Saun, 718
Once agin, he returned to the vast halls to enter the Registry. No longer a bright-eyed student staring at the ceiling in wonder as he entered tertiary education for the first time, Virikai was an old hat at the process. So used to it was he that he'd actually sent a slave to pick up the paperwork the trial previously. He had enough things to do, what with juggling official work with his father, Research down at the Facility for Retrospective Analysis, his studentship within the Academy, occasional shifts in the Infirmary to keep his clinical skills up to date, and now teaching as well...

It was a wonder he managed to spend any time with his fiancée at all, when he thought about it. No, the Talius scion did not have the time to stand in line and wait his turn to register at the Academy. He had never had the time in the past, but at least now it was justified.

The registration document, filled out the this morning in haste over a mug of coffee before heading deeper into the Fortress for the day ahead, was in his hand. The lordling did not make eye contact with anyone as he strode forward purposefully. He had places to be, surely everyone knew that. For the first time, however, as he approached the front desk, he actually smiled down at the registrar as he handed over the document holding his details. Of course, he ignored the person already talking to the registrar, but it was a step closer to social acceptance, he supposed.
The Academy Student Registry

PC Name: Virikai Talius
Age, Race & Gender: 31, Eídisi, Male
Institute: Institute of Science
Subject: Clinical Neurology
Level: Charter
Part-Time Work: Researcher in the FRA
Additional Comments: Diplima in Medicine awaiting approval but things have been done so that's nice.
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Re: The Academy Registry

The Academy Student Registry
Cuau approached the front desk. He wasn't really sure how this all worked. His forms were rather messy, as he had gotten distracted trying to figure things out. He put them in front of the woman and nodded at her. "Hey." he said. "So, I'm wanting to study at the Academy this season. I...I'm not sure I can cover all the costs but I'm willing to work." He couldn't cover the costs. That he knew. But he needed some way of learning. The Viden Academy wouldn't keep out a promising student just because he was poor, would they?

PC Name: Cuauhtemoc
Age, Race & Gender: Male Ithecal
Institute: (e.g. Science) Science/Technology
Subject: (e.g. Medicine) Chemistry and Engineering
Level: (e.g. Certificate) Novice/New Student
Part Time Work: (if applicable) Would love some!
Additional Comments:
 ! Message from: Whisper and Banshee
Cuau, we have discussed your application to the Academy and I have taken the liberty of approving your study here, funding pending by another PC in exchange for services rendered.
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Re: The Academy Registry

1st of Vhalar, Arc 718

The Mortalborn approached the front desk and inclined his head in a greeting to the man that sat behind it. “Mister Gilson”, he spoke. “I’ve decided to pursue a Charter in Alchemy. I assume that there is a form?” he asked and raised an eyebrow. Of course, there was. The people of Viden seemed to be quite fond of bureaucracy. But no matter. He took the piece of paper that the mortal gave to him and quickly filled it out before he handed it back to him.

The Academy Student Registry
PC Name: Doran
Age, Race & Gender: 396, Mortalborn, Male (Doran will mostly pretend that he's human though)
Institute: (e.g. Science) Science
Subject: (e.g. Medicine) Alchemy
Level: (e.g. Certificate) Charter
Part Time Work: (if applicable) Associate Professor & Alchemist.
Additional Comments: -
 ! Message from: Whisper
Crack on, buddy boy :)
word count: 146





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Re: The Academy Registry

Timestamp: Vhalar 1st, 718th Arc

Raven had just gotten off the boat and sent her bags ahead of her to the family home. Her first order of business was to enroll back into the academy and the female looked forward to delving back into the heavy tomes. To pour over the thousands upon thousands of pages and to spend time amongst the thousands of books that were stored in the Prime Atheneum. The female pushed through the doors and found herself surrounded by familiar walls, ones that she had missed greatly since her time from before she was sent away. Her father had been adamant in trying to get her to be a Lady, to be a woman with no ambitions of her own, however her mind couldn’t stomach the boring lifestyle of a Lady of pleasures. Instead, she chased the path of an intellect.

Intellectual notes, theories and thoughts of crazy men and women, were stored in these walls and the woman couldn’t wait to pour over them once more. To spend hours once more in the halls, simply reading, researching and note taking. Oh how much so many things could be taken from her time here and she didn’t have a great deal of time to simply enjoy the present moment. For she was sure that a family member or servant would find her to remind her that her father would be waiting for her to show up and face him.

Booted steps carried her over familiar flooring as she approached the male behind the desk and a feigned smile curved upon her darkened lips. Ah, Gilson, the registrar, the man was still here after all this time? Perhaps Viden didn’t or wouldn’t change much, even if she did leave for a couple of years. How much had her father or brother changed? Probably not much at all, the female surmised as she felt the familiar facade simply fall into place once more. A Talius didn’t take to being told orders and this man seemed like he wa going to start something that she was going to finish. ”Ah, Lady Talius. You have been gone for some time, here to drop a note off to your brother perhaps? Well, I’m no messenger and he isn’t here.”

The male’s tone had a brow curve upwards, while the smile that she had feigned, curved into a smirk. ”You dare to take such a tone with me Registrar? You obviously know who my father is and I won’t take a no for an answer. Regardless of my time away from Viden and the Academy; if I have to come back at a later date, it won’t be to exchange pleasantries, but rather, a talk with Lord Fahe about how to replace you.” Raven said as ice leaked into every word that she spoke of. While she may have been sent away by her father to ‘become’ a Lady, she wasn’t going to take slack from anyone, regardless. Not that the female actually realise just yet, was how much involvement she would eventually have with the Fahe’s.

The Registrar's eyes narrowed in upon the female before he gave her the forms that she needed to fill out and fill out she did, all the while paying no mind to the queue, for she didn’t take too long. Time was not something that she had in this present moment. Upon filling them out, she handed them back to the Registrar, gave him a pointed look as he scowled at her and she turned to leave. The woman was back and this time, she was going to give as good as she got.
The Academy Student Registry

PC Name: Raven Talius
Age, Race & Gender: 26, Eídisi, Female
Institute: Institute of Languages
Subject: Cryptography in Linguistics
Level: Letter
Part-Time Work: Assistant Researcher for Viden Academy.
Additional Comments: N/A
word count: 661
"Cold, Emotionless and a little bit Dark"
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