☠ Cervantez was not all to happy at what he learned, and the more he heard it and thought about it, the more it pissed him off. Who the fuck had the audacity to bring back something it took three arcs for him to kill and bury. Scouting the place out he learned the different shift changes, the strength of there forces as well as their defenses. He analyzed them all for several fourteen trials straight, using what stealth & investigated skills he could. Soon it would be time, waiting for nightfall and the perfect cover, putting on a black glove and ordering Njama to wait in the wings as to not draw attention to himself. Like the assassin he was trained to be, Cervantez snuck his way onto the door of the meeting hall, using his great-sword to deliver a vertical slash to the first guard, and catching his partner in momentum with an upward slash across his abdomen, and ensuring that he had an escape route just encase things got complicated. Kicking down the door shortly after killing the outside guards, Cervantez entered the room. His presence within the meeting hall shifted the atmosphere drastically, as those within had not known he was coming. It was a surprise he silently reveled in. Seeing their hidden dismay, feeling their creeping dread, it truly put a wicked smirk on his face as he took in the sights. His eyes moved across the many faces that adorned the room. He could see many faces and races mingling among each other. He was the only one not an official member. His hand gripped the great-sword as he closed his eyes and focused on the many whispers in the room upon his arrival. Many went for their weapons, others where shocked he appeared, some thought he was grandstanding to get some attention if was trying to join them. As if he'd be so boring and transparent as to make a power play here of all places, and to a group of wannabes, they could never be what the Black Skeleton Company was. He may be a degenerate but he wasnt a monster. He respected that some things should just be left dead and bury, but it seemed that these fools did not. Standing in the doorway he peered at every man and woman before him, a total of 20. His eyes fell on the largest of them, the ithecal, the one that had seemed to be putting this group together. Cervantez respected him for his ambition, but loathed him for picking the wrong company to replicate. This will better be worth me coming out here. He mumbled to himself. The air within the building was so thick with tension he could cut it with his Great-sword that's for sure. ☠
☠ Un-amused the Ithecal looked Cervantez over, chuckling at him Thats some entrance you had there, care to explain what the hell it was for? The lizard man asked, seeing the dead bodies behind Cerv and becoming even more upset. And explain why you killed my squad mates? The ithecal asked. Cervantez looked at him then back at the bleeding corpses behind him. I guess you can say I did do that because they are apart of a relic that should have never been revived. And I plan on replicating the same on you. He said in a cocky and confident tone. Slowly moving back outside. The Black Skeletons surrounded him and the streets where filled with armed men & woman. The Ithecal remained in the doorway, watching to see how things unfolded. One figure loomed overhead on a nearby building, roughly 6 maybe 8ft away. "You are one brave bastard to come here by yourself. This area belongs to us. We chose this name in honor of the greatest assassin company to ever set foot in Yaralon and wont let a Kata shit like you come and cause trouble for us. If you know what’s good for ya, get on ya knees and beg for forgiveness!" The words of this man caused Cervantez to scoff. As if any of you scavengers are worthy of me begging, let alone the name you so ungraciously dug up. He said his flaming eyes burning in annoyance. Of course his words only served to piss them off more. One such idiotic soul thought it would be best to attack Cervantez, a mistake they'd only make once. When the man lunged with the weapon in his hand, Cervantez used the the forked tongue of his massive weapon to catch the man's weapon had and with a forceful swing into the ground, crush it. Screams of pain and anguish filled the night air as the mercs surrounded him and went in for the attack. ☠
☠ Soon the area was filled with a flood of mercenaries as Cervantez began the deflect and fight off all of that came within range. He made his way to the square of the market area as the 20 or so mercs were following right behind him, along with the Ithecal leader of the company. Without hesitation Cervantez rushed the group, decapitating the unfortunate first 6 mercs in the front of the group by delivering well places slashes to their necks as the other mercenaries rushed him. His methods of using the weapon were unrefined but it was all he knew how to do, and the best way to learn was to. As the others began to surround him, he'd simply crudely ducked and rolled onto the nearby stand, using it as a springboard and launch himself back into the fray, cutting 5 more mercs down in the process each with a somewhat sloppy and hacking of a slash. Three of them in the group were ranger like ones, throwing knives and whatever else they could find at him. Cerv wasn’t fazed as he could handle such, if not match them. With some effort, he was able to dodge the incoming projectiles though some manages to kiss his skin, but no significant damage could be made due to his thick hide. He quickly moved in and was able to put them down, killing them with heavy slashes that viciously cut them down. With 14 down already, only 6 more remained and then there was the Ithecal. Cervantez now surrounded by the remaining six, watched as they began to circle him like wolves circling a wounded animal, waiting for the moment to end it all. It was several moments before they all went to attack him at once. He figured they believed that if they could overwhelm him they could win, but they like the others, were sadly mistaken. With quick pivot in his stance he motioned for them to come at his. As the first one came into his strike zone he delivered a stabbing lunge to the first one, then caught the strike of the second attacker and deflected it. Using the same momentum he used it to bury the great-sword into the third attacker, with those three down, he ducked and dodged the kicks from the fourth and effectively dismembered them along with the fifth attacker by lopping off his arm mid swing. The six one grabbed him from behind to which only pissed the necromancer off more, and with that Cervantez now had the woman's neck in his grasp. Tossing her into the air, he impaled her on the great-sword then flung her bleeding body onto the floor. Now his attention turned to the Ithecal, who was moving in slow pace toward Cervantez. ☠
☠ It was finally time to end this farce, it had gone on long enough. The Ithecal was by himself now, and it was just him & Cervantez staring each other down. As he walked forward towards the ithecal, he was being filled with anger and disgust, so much so it could fill the air. It pissed him off to see someone trying to revive such a vile group, one having too many bad memories to allow to be reborn. He had the scaly bastard cornered and knew he was dangerous, but he was more than ready to take him down an put this matter and chapter of his life to rest. He didn’t come this far for nothing after all. You have caused me so much grief, I cant believe one person could take down my entire one company in one night. he said in disbelief, shaking his head. How is a single person able to do so much damage? He pondered as stopped 40ft or so from the necromancer. Fuck you that’s how! Cervantez said with a biting tone. Enraged Ithecal came charging, using its speed to close the distance between them in a short matter of time. The necromancer came charging in as well, both warriors blades clashing and dancing with each strike to land a blow on the other, erupting in a cloud of dust & sparks. Cervantez was doing his best to hold his own against the larger foe, one who's speed was giving him an edge, for every cut Cerv could land, the Ithecal was landing two of his own. I cant allow you to revive that company, I made sure to kill them all, and I plan for it to stay dead, even if it means killing every copy cat that tries. He said during his best to keep up with the ithecal. He saw an opening and went to ram his massive blade through the scaly flesh, but was sent flying into a nearby wall after being smacked by the ithecal's tail. Hitting the hard surface he slumped to the ground, barely holding on to his weapon. My my, what an impressive warrior you are you despicable piece of shit. The lizard teased as he walked over to the downed necromancer, taking Cervantez by the foot and lifting him into the air with his tail. Is that all you have lizard breath, give me a little more than just a swat with ya ass! Cervantez taunted as he brought his sword up and relieved the ithecal of his tail. Cerv scrambled to his feet and got some distance from him, and turned and got into position. Writhing in pain the Ithecal roared and came charging, but his demeanor was unrefined now, the loss of his tail and his anger impairing his talents somewhat. The two clashed again with their swords, a dance of grunts, dust being kicked up, and the zing of sparks with clash of blades. You are good Ithecal but not great, the prey can never outwit the predator. He said as the ithecal swung his sword and unintentionally over extended his reach, and taking advantage of this, Cerv to his sword arm, well he tried. The necromancer's blade went 85% through the thicker hide, but achieved the plan of disarming the lizard.....hehe disarming. Cerv kicked his sword away from the ithecal, then proceeding to stab the being in the shoulder with the detached arm. His stature became silhouetted as night clouds gave way to a moon whcih was eclipsed by a fracture. The blue-green hue of fire in Cervantez's eye sockets gave the necromancer a terrifying glow, one that was are more terrifying than it already was. Using the sword as leverage, he picked up the ithecal with his strength and threw him across the square. I wouldn't try anything ithecal, it wont end well no matter what you try. He said as he approached him and with raising his weapon high in the air, brought it crashing down to sever the ithecal's legs to ensure there was no escape. The only one who is to blame for this mass massacre is you......as well as anyone else wanting to bare the name of the Black Skeletons. He said, palming the ithecal's head as his eerie flamed eyes gazed into the bestial. Cervantez laughed at the display of fear on the ithecal’s face, it now setting in that he had no were to run, he was going to die very soon. Truly commendable this one was, and it irritated Cervantez that someone as capable as him, would choose the wrong company to emulate. He kicked bestial in the chest, then begins to punch his face in. Once finished he took a step back amazed as the lizard being was still breathing. He was defiant to the very end. Why…..why…do…this? He asked, coughing up blood between words and bleeding out from the severed limbs. A smirk painted his blood splattered face. Why you ask? Because scavengers like you are nothing more than a cancer that should know better than to dig up a mans past, one that he has spent his entire adult arcs trying to bury! You had no right.......you had no right to revive that company......a company that allowed me to suffer and become bitter and corrupted! Cervantez roared, tears pouring from his hollowed eyes. So it is only necessary to dispose of you all before you gain any fame and recognition. He said taking hold of his great sword. Any last words filth? He asked, only to be answered with the ithecal spitting on his shoes. With a snarl he drove his great-sword into the ithecal's chest, then took hold of his skull. The flame of his eyes blaring he siphoned the fleeting life energy from the ithecal, flaying the beast's soul from him. It was punishment to wrap up the already brutal death of the warrior. The feeling, the sensation of flaying filled the Lotharro and it felt invigorating, enticing to say the least. Cervantez was intrigued by the phenomenon and wanted to know more. But the act itself was tiring, not to mention taking down an entire mercenary company 20 strong. After flaying the man Cervantez check his body for anything of value, find a pouch with nel in it. He figured it was more than compesation given the trouble he went through to dismantle this company. Beaten, bruised, and aching all over, Cervantez called for Njama, in which the hound came trotting from his hiding space only to lick his master's cut up face. The Lotharro wasnt worried, some rest was all he needed, his genetics being the only good thing coming from being lotharro. Astride Njama the hound would begin its march home with his exhausted master. ☠