Rouya's Plot Notes

The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.

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Rouya Lisko
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:49 am
Race: Human
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Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Rouya's Plot Notes

Starter Quest
So you've decided that you'd go your own way from your family. That's all right and good, and leaves you open to new possibilities. One such possibility comes in the form of a request. You might not be one to take specific requests for growing, but this promises nel and future business that could do you well in the future. Only problem is - there isn't much to this request. All that's wanted is something "unique". What that uniqueness is - is up to you.
Creativity Challenge Ideas
Link to Page
  • Have your character create something in a thread using a skill they do not possess, could be anything from a cake, to an arrow, to a torch. Never tried basketweaving, shoemaking or knitting? Give it a go!
  • Create a time when your character was seen as weak, or showed signs of weakness in front of another PC. (This can be Memory or Present time).
  • Create a location. (You could develop one for a city or ic. with A dream? A story/plot? You decide! Paint with words here people!)
  • Create a creature. (You could develop one for a city or ic. with A dream? A story/plot? You decide! Paint a picture with words!)
  • Have your character create a short term goal and then reach said goal by the end of the event.
  • Create a tense/awkward situation that your character has to manage to get through somehow by using a skill they've never used / have no points in.
  • Have your character encounter a unique regional-specific fauna.
  • Include somewhere in a single post the words: heartbeats, tango, dullard, phantom, and wonderland.
  • Save an animal/or any being of any race from anything from theft, to death.
  • Take a moment and go back to your characters past. Write about a memory of theirs either in a memory thread or them remembering in a current one. Include important figures from your pc's past and explore an area / aspect / situation you haven't explored so far with them.
  • Expand your characters knowledge on something they wouldn’t normally try to learn about. (identify what that is, then gain 5 knowledges in it. These can be skill or non-skill knowledges)
  • Have your character fail horribly at something/then have them try again and again until they don't fail. (Note: this can be the same 'thing' they fail at as above, or it can be different. Up to you!)
  • Use a moment from your character’s past to learn something new about to-trial!
  • Train/practice a skill your character has been meaning to work on.
Boxcode credit to Alikan
word count: 446
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Rouya Lisko
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:49 am
Race: Human
Profession: Chef
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Re: Rouya's Plot Notes

Useful Links
I'm tired of constantly going through link after link trying to find specific links. So I put them here for easy access.
Time Stamping/Calendar
Quacia Information
Boxcode credit to Alikan
word count: 36
User avatar
Rouya Lisko
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:49 am
Race: Human
Profession: Chef
Renown: 0
Character Sheet
Plot Notes
Wealth Tier: Tier 1

Re: Rouya's Plot Notes

Skill Goals
not in any particular order
  • Fishing
  • Brewing
  • Vinting
  • Rhetoric
  • Intimidation
Boxcode credit to Alikan
word count: 16
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