[Endor] Similar but Not the Same

an introduction. (Alice)

62nd of Zi'da 717

The seven Duchies of Central Rynmere and their respective baronies, cities, towns, villages, and landmarks each overseen by a Duke of one of the seven noble families and ultimately controlled by the King of Rynmere.
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Velaine Krome
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[Endor] Similar but Not the Same

Similar but Not the Same

62nd of Zi’da, Arc 717
So far, Velaine had kept to her best behavior.

Being in Nathaniel’s home as his betrothed had been unsurprisingly exhausting. Despite Maderson’s initial surprise at her sudden arrival, the older woman had been eager to show her off to every other Endor available. The Krome could barely keep track of all them. The fact that Nathaniel was quite busy with his mine also didn’t help – it meant more chances for his mother to ambush her for a sit-down. Her face was starting to ache from the sweet smiles she had held all time.

Still, it was role she had accepted. Velaine had to show that she would be the perfect wife, the sort Nathaniel’s parents expected her to be. All sweet and innocent. Smart but submissive. After all, they needed to believe that this was the perfect match. That Titania Krome was a gentle girl, someone who will devote herself and obey her husband. That Nathaniel would be the only one in charge once they assumed the title duke and duchess.

This trial started rather pleasantly, at least. Maderson had spared her from a breakfast in the dining room and a servant had told her that her things would be arriving from Krome.

Velaine smiled as she saw her house’s carriage rolled in front of the estate. The servants’ familiar faces as they scrambled to bring down all of her things was a welcome sight after spending her trials with strangers. There were a bit more baggage than what she originally packed, so

An older servant presented himself then in front of her, one she knew well. Willem bowed and cleared his throat for a moment. “Lady Krome, under the request of Baroness Krome, we have also brought your pet along.” As if on cue, Chrome’s small figure jumped out of the carriage and circled his mistress with a happy bark.

She let her surprise show as she picked the overexcited creature up. “Really? I was thinking of leaving Chrome at home since he can get a bit mischievous.” Still, the young woman could not help feeling a bit better as the little wolf nestled comfortably against her chest, licking her fingers in greeting.

Willem lowered his voice. “Between you and me, my lady, I do not think your mother likes animals very much.”

“I’m not surprised,” the young woman replied with a light laugh. After a solid thank you, Velaine instructed them to find the estate’s servant to help direct them to her chambers. Now that Maderson was leaving her alone, perhaps it was the time for her to finally explore the building alone. The Endors had always been one of the more secretive houses, perhaps she could find something interesting.

With the small pup in her arms, the young woman walked back inside, wondering where she should go first.
Last edited by Velaine Krome on Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:05 am, edited 2 times in total. word count: 491
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[Endor] Similar but Not the Same

Velaine had escaped breakfast, but Alice hadn't.

"Oh, Alice, darling, you haven't had the chance to know Titania, have you?"

Maderson Endor had the peculiar talent of turning a question into a command. "I'd hoped you would arrange a meeting between us today, Aunt," She hadn't, but there wasn't any use in pretending she had any other plans today.

"Don't be silly. I would hope you'd be more than capable of introducing yourself," Maderson carefully scooped a blob of yogurt into her mouth. Alice lips faltered into something that was almost a frown -- but she was too poised to show too much emotion. "Then I'm excused?"

"Yes. Your uncle and cousin will be spending the rest of the day in the mines, so do us all a favor and keep Titania company, would you?" The older woman sighed, a quiet sound that betrayed her age.
Alice had never liked animals.

"They did say you were pretty," She offered the woman a smile; she wasn't entirely sure if this was Titania Krome, but her guess was as good as the wolf nestled in the woman's arms. "And you brought your pet!" Alice's smile and eyes widened, her surprise real. She breathed, her tangle boiling in eels of silver fear. Alice worked quick, strumming up her confidence and resolve, reminding herself that the animal was only a pup. And they were in Endor.

If she wanted to, she could order it killed.

"I'm Alice, Nathaniel's cousin," she didn't offer a hand, but she managed a quick curtsy. "I was only just told of your arrival -- not that my ignorance is any kind of excuse. You'll have to excuse my rudeness for not attending to your arrival."

She chanced a quick to the wolf pup. Grey coated with a white belly and she thought it would make a wonderful cap. Or coat lining. Or anything that wasn't breathing and had teeth. She'd heard the rumor, same as any other noble, that the Krome was wild and without poise. Titania seemed like her, raised in privileged and with a generous education, but then, Alice would have never brought an animal inside the house.

"How are you finding Endor? Not too cold, I hope?
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[Endor] Similar but Not the Same

Chrome stirred in her arms as they went deeper into the building. He lifted his head in curiosity, inspecting their surroundings. The pup whined softly at the unfamiliar rooms before snuggling back against her. At least someone felt out of place in this land more than her.

The young woman was more than ready to explore the bears’ territory, but then a flash of red caught her eyes. Sure enough, a rather glamorous woman with startling red hair was coming her way. Velaine didn’t recognize her, so they probably haven’t met – the woman was someone she probably wouldn’t forget so easily. By her confident walk through the halls, she could only guess that this was another Endor.

“They did say you were pretty.”

Velaine blinked at the girl’s sudden comment. She didn’t try to hide her mild surprise. “Thank you?” This they was probably mostly Maderson – which wouldn’t be surprising. The older woman seemed rather fixated on that part of her. Then again, most nobles had this obsession for beauty. And admittedly, beauty had its own appeal and if wielded right, it could serve as an advantage.

The Endor in front of her probably knew that as well, judging from her graceful mannerism and impeccable style. Not to mention that she held a smile of someone who was well aware of her allure. Velaine should know because it was a mask she often donned.

“I’m Alice, Nathaniel's cousin.”

“Titania, officially. Most people can call me Velaine though,” the Krome replied with a smile and a curtsy of her own. The name sounded somewhat familiar, so her betrothed must have talked about her before. Alice reminded her of Nathaniel a bit in her directness. Perhaps all the Endors were raised that way? “Nathaniel’s betrothed, but you probably already know that.”

She waved away the woman’s apology with a soft smile. “Don’t trouble yourself with it. I did arrive here somewhat unannounced.” In her arms, Chrome perked up and leaned forward, wanting to inspect this new stranger.

The young woman tugged her pup closer to her chest, running her fingers through his soft fur. From her experience, most noblewomen weren’t so fond of animals. Even if Velaine thought that her small pet was harmless and absolutely adorable. While she enjoyed watching them squirm a bit when she let her little wolf wander around, this wasn’t her home and she was a guest here. She also hadn’t missed the way Alice was eyeing Chrome.

“It’s definitely a change from the forests of Krome,” Velaine admitted, recalling the mountains she had passed on her way here. Even with a glance, she could tell that the land was harsh and unforgiving. “But not an unpleasant one and I’m used to the cold.” She had come prepared, after all. In fact, a white fur cloak was already draped over the young woman’s slender shoulders.

“Oh!” the young woman said, as if she just remembered. “I was on my way to drop off my pup. If you don’t mind, I’ll just make a quick stop by my room so we can talk without this little guy getting in the way.”

Once they began walking, the brunette tried to start up a conversation. Her eyes glistening in mint green, Velaine turned to the female Endor. “Are you close to Nathaniel? I think he might have mentioned you once or twice.”
Last edited by Velaine Krome on Thu Jun 14, 2018 11:06 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 581
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[Endor] Similar but Not the Same

Alice didn't know what to make of the pretty girl with soft features. She'd expected something larger and fearsome, a predator to match her cousin. "Are you surprised?" She asked, a quick curl spoiling her lips into something cruel. Her magic reached, unfolding Velaine's tangle, delicate like silk. Subtle, soft pinks colored the dewy splendor of her emotion. "Don't you think of yourself as pretty?" She was surprised, if only just. At least she wasn't feigning modesty like most of the nobility would -- at least, all but Venora.

Alice shrugged, "Perhaps not so unannounced. I'm sure you've understood how excited Mader --," she paused, catching herself, "Forgive me, but my aunt has been nothing less than ecstatic at your arrival, as my cousin." She frowned at the wolf, catching the primordial swell of instinct and savagery. All white and black, some stronger and others faded. A few grey, and a rarer still, a very muted recognizable color. Happiness. Curiosity. There were others, more rigid and still than a human's emotion. Experimentally, she strummed at one, watching the animal for a reaction. "Does your friend have a name? He does seem an interesting fellow."

Interesting as in why haven't you made it into a cloak.

"Oh? It is a delight to find commonalities in new places, isn't it? I am biased towards the cold -- perhaps I would enjoy Krome and its forests.." Alice offered a smile, almost sincere. "I heard the most wonderful things from Nathaniel. He was quite taken with," Her eyes flashed in the firelight, "scenery."

She nodded, following Velaine to the guest quarters. "I would like to think he considers us close. He is one of the few in my family I haven't wanted to strangle," Alice giggled, true emotion, wind hitting against silver chimes. "And what of your family? Your brother recently married into the Andaris line, no? Were you very close to him?"
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[Endor] Similar but Not the Same

“I suppose, I try to be,” the Krome replied lightly, slipping a strand of brown hair behind her ear. When she had returned to Rynmere, Velaine had been a lot more self-conscious about her appearance. When surrounded by pretty things, it was difficult not to want to be pretty yourself. Even with her blade-sharp smile, Alice was a representation of that idealized beauty in the nobility. A part of her wanted to return the Endor with a challenging smirk, but she reminded herself that she still had a role to play. “But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it?”

It was only when she had finished her last words that Velaine realized something was off. Cold, foreign tendrils gliding across the mess of her tangle. An experience that she could never quite describe – like an unknown, unseen touch across her skin. It was something she hadn’t felt in a long time, something she didn’t expect to feel here in her own betrothed’s home.

Velaine had to go against all of her instincts to stiffen and tear her gaze away from the redhead in front of her. Instead, the young woman summoned all of her will to smile as easy as she could, pretending like nothing was happening.

As Chrome suddenly lifted his head and tried his best to reach for Alice again, the young woman used that as an excuse to break eye contact and took a step back from the woman. “Down, Chrome. It’s not polite to go sniffing people without their permission.” Her own magic sparked as she tried to wrangle the yellow serpents of fear bursting out of the realization. Usually a simple knot would have sufficed, but Velaine decided to link the threads into a tight hem. That way her control of the sudden anxiety should be more complete. “That’s his name, unfortunately. Chrome. I am afraid I am not very creative in naming pets.”

Velaine tried to bury the lattice deeper in her own tangle, overlapping it with the jumble of her other emotion-threads. She needed to make sure that if this intruder decided to dig through her again, the meshwork would not be noticed. No one could know that the Krome was a weaver of her own emotions, not even a fellow mage.

The question Alice posed proved a useful distraction. “Like every older brother and younger sister do, I suppose. He can be overprotective over me and I probably annoy him all the time. I am certainly happy that he found true love in an arranged marriage.”

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for them to reach the guest room that had been assigned to her. Velaine gave the fierce woman a sheepish smile. “It will only take a bit. I’ll have to make sure he’s not to get overwhelmed with the new place.” While she wanted to close door behind her after she entered, she doubted it would be very polite. The young woman simply left it hanging open as she let Chrome down on the bed.

A thousand thoughts were racing through her head, but her hem worked to keep her without excessive worry for now. She needed to think with a levelhead. Velaine couldn’t be perfectly sure that the curious fingers sorting through her tangle had been Alice’s. But then, there was no one else in their vicinity that she knew of and frankly, the female Endor was the only one she had been focusing at the entire time.

Whoever it was, at least she could tell that he or she was merely curious. Investigating the Krome’s tangle lazily, without any true intent.

Shite. Velaine probably should have taken the time to quilt her own tangle, making it more difficult for unwanted visitors to shift through. But then again, had she done that, another Empath would have easily recognized her as someone practicing the discipline. Right now, her only choice was to ignore the disturbance should it come again and let them mess with her tangle without a fight. Sound rather awful, but the Krome would do it if there was hope that her little secret was kept hidden.

Running her hand across her pup for one last time, Velaine took a deep breath and turned to face Alice again. She walked toward the other woman calmly, a light smile poised on her lips. “What about you? Do you have any siblings that you’re fond of? Or is Nathaniel the only one you can tolerate?”
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[Endor] Similar but Not the Same

Alice challenged her with a laugh, "I'd heard that beauty was subjective, but only in art." The nobility was a product of interbreeding and inbreeding and while the results were pretty, usually, they weren't the most diverse lot. Each one of them pale and fragile creatures, glass and crystal growing up from split stone. "We, while some of the more silver-tongued suitors might argue otherwise," she offered Velaine a knowing eye-roll, "Aren't paintings or statues to be considered. My freckles will always be against me, even if I enjoy their novelty. There is a standard to the beauty of us, but," she paused, her lips curling after a sour giggle, "Of course you know that. We all do."

Her lips cut into a pout, her sister-to-be breaking eye contact. She'd been distracted enough to forget about the tangle offered before her; now she only had the wolf. "Lack of creativity isn't a sin," she shrugged, her magic entwining with the pup, a few strands of wild instinct floating in loose tangles. Alice pulled here and there, the colors dulled by a lack of intelligence, only the very base shining through -- perhaps it felt too safe to feel anything other than contentment. "Do you raise them? Or is he your only? I remember...," Alice chuckled, the sharpness of her eyes softening with a light memory.

"Once, a while ago, one of the lesser Andaris had asked me if Endor raised bears," It had been at a gala, hadn't it? Before the civil war, before the betrayal of Venora. Certainly before Viden and Marjorie, "I hadn't dignified his question with a response and he complained something vicious to my mother. He'd thought himself clever, and to be fair, I was punished for my rudeness." She'd hated the etiquette lessons at the time, a doomed hour of her every day stolen because she was too cruel for court -- her mother's words. "I can't remember his name for the life of me, although because of it, I can't stand the house now. Or the capitol. I think I much prefer the mountains to anywhere else."

She waited, considering Velaine as she left the wolf pup in her quarters. She thought she fit Nate's ideal nicely, tame and pretty, but there was something dreadful about their prospective union. Alice had always hoped Nate would meet his match in every way -- but this woman had softened her every edge, it seemed.

No wonder her aunt loved her so.

"Oh, we have our moments. To be honest, that's bound to happen," Her eyes sharpened back to jewels, her magic trying to catch Velaine's eyes. The tangle, oh the tangle, it seemed like the only thing she cared about some days. "I'm one of four, so it was really a matter of chance that I'd end up getting along with one of them, but I've always favored Nate out of all my family. He can be trusted, for one." Reliable might have been the better word, but she was here to soothe any worries Velaine might have about her betrothed. Her cousin hadn't escaped the rumors of his trips to the capitol -- or his deviance with other nobility.

But for all that her family sequestered themselves from the world, Nathaniel had always been available. A fearsome man, yes, but one with a sense of loyalty and familial duty. "He can be, sometimes, a bit of a traditionalist for my taste, but I do care for him," she paused, eyeing Velaine, "And he is so very happy to have found you."

Well, she supposed he was happy to have been matched with the Krome -- but that didn't sound nearly as romantic.
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[Endor] Similar but Not the Same

The female Krome smiled mildly at Alice’s retort. It was a rather unexpected answer, admittedly. At least it gave her a little insight of the young woman standing in front of her. While Velaine was occupied with keeping up appearances, the redhead’s candor was almost refreshing – if she hadn’t sense the sharp edge to it.

Listening to her story, the Krome could actually relate. More than few people had also asked whether her house bred wolves. She didn’t know about the Endors, but her answer was an absolute yes. Krome took pride in their magnificent, gigantic wolves. Something no other land possessed. She imagined the scene in her head, Alice leaving an Andaris hanging, not deigning to answer his question. No doubt that this woman was not like most noble ladies.

At Alice’s last comment, Velaine shrugged. “That’s too bad. As a sister of a newly-made Andaris, I have to say they aren’t so bad.”

Velaine knew that she could not avoid the Endor’s eyes for too long, lest she noticed something was off. But that would mean letting herself be vulnerable, letting the redhead read her reactions to every word exchanged between them. That would also mean letting the young woman could find out that the Krome wasn’t as timid as she tried to be. To make it worse, if the empath tried to mess with her tangle, she would have no way of defending it without revealing her own magic.

Saints, this was supposed to be an innocent talk. All she had wanted was to gain a little insight about her betrothed from a member of his family.

Steeling herself, the she-wolf finally locked her dark blue eyes with Alice’s as they started walking – she simply followed wherever the Endor might lead her. If she felt that cold fingers once again, there would be no doubt in her mind that Alice Endor was an empath. “Traditionalist… How so?” The question was followed by an honest curiosity, an undeniable interest. She really did want to learn more about the bear she was betrothed to, after all. “If you don’t mind me asking, what is he like? I mean, other than what you’ve told me. What does he like to do, what things he doesn’t like and all that. Honestly, I don’t know who else to ask.” Nathaniel had been an only child and asking his parents was out of the question.

While Alice didn’t seem like the sort of woman who would mind Velaine not being the picture-perfect lady, she wasn’t comfortable of the idea of someone else knowing that she was putting a farce in front of the Endors, Maderson especially. Nathaniel was well-aware of her hidden temper by now, but he had actually preferred her that way – and so she had nothing to worry about. On the other hand with Alice…

No use in thinking about that. For now, she would have to make sure that the Endor never had the chance to search too deeply and find her hem. Velaine would try breaking off their eye contact as much as possible, without making it too obvious. She could deal with her emotion being read.

It will be fine. Everything will be fine. Just play along, let her do whatever she wants.

Perhaps if the empath dug deep enough, she would find a thin string of pulsing annoyance. It was a familiar frustration for having to always keep her cool, watch her words. And then there was the annoyance of being so vulnerable right now, unable to do anything but pretend nothing what going on. With the effort of keeping her fear and worry in check with hem, it would be far too easy to bring that annoyance forth instead.
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[Endor] Similar but Not the Same


Etiquette: Keeping Your Best Behavior
Meditation: Stilling Your Mind
Meditation: Pushing Away Excessive Worries
Empathy: Noticing When Someone Tries To Read You
Empathy: Recognizing Another Empath
Empathy: Managing Strings of Fear
Empathy: Quilting Is Important To Ward Off Unwanted Visitors
Empathy: Avoiding Eye Contact So Empathy Doesn’t Work On You
Empathy: Pulsing Strings of Annoyance

Alice Endor: Nathaniel’s Cousin
Alice Endor: An Empath
Alice Endor: Blunt With Her Words

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: N/A

Points 15 - These points may be used for Empathy.

Comments: Many apologies for the wait! Lovely use of Empathy; I love to read Velaine's interactions with the strings!

Alice, please PM me once you return with your requested knowledges! Thanks boo.

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