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Please stop in here and introduce yourself to the community! We'd love to get to know you!

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Not just a nice guy.

Welcome to Standing Trials, Sam!

You don’t have to feel guilty about still being active on Mizahar. I used to be incredibly attached to my PC over there, in fact I still miss him tremendously because he is my favourite character ever, but the fact that a lot of the people I liked decided to migrate helps.

I’m familiar with Shimoje. You were one of the more interesting new players. I used to admire the speed at which you posted while I barely seemed to be able to make one post a day. Sadly I was never able to RP with you as I had my character in a different city and was probably already on my way out when you had your most active time over there.

I’m curious as to what kind of character you’ll make here on Standing Trials. Did you already decide on a starting city?

Anyway, I’m glad that you decided to give Standing Trials a try. I’ve really enjoyed my time here so far, and I hope you’ll do the same. :)
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Welcome to Standing Trials, Sam!

I hope you enjoy your time with us!
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Thanks guys; I have the basics of my character down in my CS and am starting outside of Desnind if applicable. However, as much as I enjoy conflict and resolution it might prove to be a bit bold. I am still learning of the risk factors involved within Standing Trials, and all that it has to offer. If worst comes to worst I will make more of an original character.
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Hi Sam! Welcome to Standing Trials! :D

Awesome introduction. A few things:

1. I completely echo Tristan when I say not to feel guilty about still being active on the other site. You do you. We're just pleased you've decided to give our lovely community a try! I hope you have a blast here. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in creating the lore, building out the world, and participating in plots where you're able to tangibly affect the city you're in.

2. I can't emphasize enough how much I adore the phrase "poet warrior" or "scholar warrior," and I really like that you identify with that term. Very cool!

3. I quite like your roleplaying philosophy. I do a similar thing with my PCs. I most enjoy developing their character, giving them challenges/lofty goals, and putting them in situations where they probably won't come out on top.

4. I see you've started in Desnind! I think you'll enjoy yourself there. The city is really cool, and Nymph is a wonderful mod. I'm looking forward to seeing your stories develop.

If you have any questions while you're getting settled, please don't hesitate to reach out to myself, the other staff members, or the friendly folks on chat!

word count: 221

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Welcome to the site! Sev'ryn are the best and we all know it.
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Welcome to ST! We're really glad to have you and hope you enjoy writing with us!
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Thank you! I am sure that I will particularly enjoy writing with all of you. I will also try to share some of my adventures outside of here with you guys as well. I made a journal of sorts that others are free to reply to as well!
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