The Sound of Nature

Alistair please!

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The Sound of Nature

Trevor was never one to consider how his antics seemed to carry across unto others, but when he admitted that he accepted the consequences of his actions; it seemed as though the nature of that very act spoke to Alistair. The fellow mage quickly seemed to approve and admit, that both he and Trevor were indeed alike in some aspects. While it only, in a sense, gave Trevor incentive to declare himself the in the right, he ultimately felt vividly intrigued with the fact Alistair seemed to admit it. Quite easily after hearing those spoken words the fellow mage relaxed, his posture more at a comfortable ease which could've gone ignored.

But Trevor couldn't. Seeing such unrestrained behavior brought an uplifting sense of pleasure in the Defier, and it would quickly become more noticeable with the warmth generated in the wind. The very air around Trevor felt naturally warm but it was the breeze alone, which carried that warmth to share it with Alistair. As though one shared with him an immaterial blanket, which felt mutual as the Defier could only smile in return. "You're too kind." He answered back to the Rupturer with a modest look away, only to return his gaze later after he listened closely on the matter of the elements. "Lonely? I suppose some would see it like that, and I can't fault one for doing so. But the elements and I get along quite well, therefore I can't say that it's as lonely as some assume it to be."

Yet he couldn't help but laugh a little, amused by the company that his current visitor offered. "One wouldn't need the Elements to determine that I'm sure. It's not a terrible idea to be sure, just a little unusual to... associate with actual people again. After keeping to myself for a while, finding capacity to trust in others hasn't been an easy thing. Although," At that note he smiled flagrantly to the mage, "you certainly feel a little trustworthy to me. It'll be nice to indulge in that thought further, until I run out of things about myself to talk about that is." He mused with a brief shrug as the staff rested inside the crevice of his arm, while he buttoned up his shirt and proceeded to pull his cloak over his shoulder.

He gave a very interested look at Alistair when he asked about camping here, as it proved to be a rather odd question towards the Defier. "What? Like staying out here for a while? Don't see why not I suppose." He answered briefly as the cloak at last rested in the fashionable manner he wanted it to, with the fabric folded and tucked so that it only rested over his left shoulder. "This place isn't really mine to say who can or can't come visit, I've merely found it a place of refuge when I need personal time with the Elements." At that point Trevor could only twerk his mustache in contemplation, as he didn't feel quite sure embellishing on his own exile seemed bearable at the moment.

"You haven't disappointed so far," He mused with once more a dainty smile to the man, "I'm quite sure you and both have much enlightening things to share about with one another. Shall we walk or would you prefer to stay? Whatever you decide I'm willing to tag along with, and you have the liberty to ask whatever comes to mind first as well. Since we both have plenty to discuss."
Last edited by Trevor on Wed May 30, 2018 5:04 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 607
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The Sound of Nature

Score. He'd managed to charm Trevor, of that he was certain. The man spoke in words like It'll be nice to... or It's not a terrible idea... but Alistair could sense that internally, Trevor was more than fond of the idea - just unwilling to act all too giddy about his newfound company. The mage grinned as he agreed to each of his requests - both in being his friend, he supposed, and allowing him to occasionally pitch a tent for the night. Feeling very accomplished, Alistair nodded eagerly, stepping forward to pat Trevor's shoulder enthusiastically.

"Alright," he responded, somewhat psyched up for both the camping he'd force Trevor into, and the walk - he'd already decided - that they were about to go on.

Offering the somewhat enigmatic mage a firm shake of the hand, and a welcoming posture, the mage looked out into the distance - through the forest. There were still some paths to walk without much turmoil or overgrowth, and he remembered that one was not far from here. "Firstly," he began, "I'd like to decide on the walk." If that wasn't already clear from his glances towards the Willow Woods, he had made it so.

"And secondly, I'm glad you've offered me questions. Because, I have many to ask... and I'm certain that you will not disappoint either," the man stated. Stepping forward... north, towards the path coming in from Ki'eiran, he beckoned with a single gesture for Trevor to follow him.

Their meeting was not solely for the purpose of pleasure. Perhaps Trevor viewed it that way, but Alistair did not. There, too, was business - he wanted to discover his origin, his ambitions, motives, and what he'd lost his grace as a result of. Alistair was not a manipulative man, but he was one that sought opportunity. Trevor... was opportunity, just as all mages were. Opportunity for himself, for Alistair, and for Acadia.
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The Sound of Nature

Trevor couldn't help but notice the sudden glee that Alistair displayed now, almost as though their new friendship seemed to inspire something in the man. It was both a little alarming and invigorating at the same time, mostly due to the fact Trevor himself didn't know how to process everything completely. He couldn't deny that there existed comfort in being able to chat with the fellow exile, but at the same time he realized that they were still practical strangers. Two separate people that, while alike in several aspects, were still different at the end of the Trial. "A walk it is then." He agreed to nonetheless since it he did offer to join earlier.

It'd be a method of killing two birds with one stone; since Trevor would both venture into the wilds a little, and spend that time learning more about a fellow mage. His mentor would probably be pleased to see him make the effort, since he often stressed that Defier's needn't solely resort to personal relations with just the elements alone. It would seem that there would be a flood of questions to expect very soon, since Alistair declared himself curious well enough. The notion however merely brought a laugh before the fire mage nodded, his lips upturned yet again before he proceeded to answer in turn.

"Disappointment isn't a quality I'm known for usually, as I could always find something fascinating about myself surely." He jested as he started to follow along after the man, a little anxiously at first until he felt the breeze brush against his back. It wasn't in the manner of urging him to follow, more or less a reassurance that he wasn't truly alone out here. That even with this man who was somehow both friend and stranger, now, Trevor wasn't placing himself in immediate danger by heading out with someone he just met. As unusual as it felt to grasp at this concept and tread less shallow water, the sense of adventure somehow allured and excited Trevor as he tagged along.

"Lead the way then." He nodded forward in a more generous tone, curious to see how far out they were going to head from the city's wall.
word count: 381
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RP Medals


The Sound of Nature

Trevor D'ael Reverrik
Defiance: Communing With The Elements
Meditation: Imagining The World A Better Place
Philosophy: The Ideals of Peace
Rhetoric: Antics Reality and Daydream
Meditation: Finding Refuge in Nature's Solitude
Philosophy: The Chaotic Nature of Nature
Defiance: Impressionable Notions From the Elements
Defiance: Listening To The Elements
Defiance: Some Consider Defiers Lonely

Alistair: The Fellow Exile
Personal: Meeting Another Mage

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: N/A

Points 15 - these can be used for Defiance
Doctor Alistair var Radomir, once Lord Venora of Oxentide, The Shrike, The Sunless, The Dreamer, Deoch Daire, Armage, and Lord Proctor
Running: Sprinting from a crowd of vicious children
Running: Breathing evenly while angry
Running: Running through tall, rural grass
Running: Remaining balanced despite emotions
Running: Running through unadulterated areas can be dangerous
Endurance: Being stoned by children and surviving
Caregiving: Children might need to be beaten
Discipline: Maintaining relative composure under gang bullying
Tactics: Capturing an enemy to reduce enemy morale

Personal: I Look Like a Lotharro?

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: 5 - concerned parents have been asking their neighbors about a foul-mouthed Lotharro who, purportedly, assaulted a young girl

Points 15
Ah, the awkward "trial" joke was so bad! Trevor and Alistair have a lot in common - the moustache and the warrior bear, haha. But overall, nice little meeting thread, if not a little weird. Alistair, your "pitch a tent" killed me; I'm sure it wasn't intentional but I could not. Trevor, you have a pleasant writing style and spend a little more time with details than most, which is a neat change of pace - especially because, for Trevor, the environment is more a character. Good thread!
Please edit your grade request, thank you!
word count: 291
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