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Finnegan O'Connor
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The Doran Chronicles: A Song Of Finns And Dorans

A Song Of Finns And Dorans

The Temple, Etzos Underground, Ashan 16th, arc 718

Nothing good ever came out of the underground and nothing good entered it either. It was said that all who crossed the threshold from the world above into the underbelly of the city were given an invisible mask to wear. The cynics however suggested that it was not those who entered that wore masks, but rather those that left, for in the civilized world they restrained themselves, shook hands, smiled friendly, pretended to care.

No one cares. That was what Finn thought as he travelled the slippery semi-dark of the underground, making sure not to stop or draw unwanted attention. No one cares about anyone except themselves.

This was no less true with Zipper. She had offered, or commanded rather, to help. He’d accepted, but when he’d paused to think why she was coming to his aid, why she’d always come to his aid at the last moment, he knew it couldn’t be selfless love. He knew for sure now it wasn’t that. Not since he’d read the letter his mother had written to Zipper, the one he’d hunted for so long, the one she had finally given him two trials past.

It read: ...Your brother will need you. He will need your protection always, your attention always, your love always. I so dearly wish I wouldn’t have to ask these things of you but he cannot survive without you and you not without him. You must be the mother that he never had and will never have. He has no one else. You have just each other...

There was a bend in the road that led to a dark, unlit section of the underground. Not many people dared to venture there, but Finn knew that there was a slight drop after a few paces through the muck, and then another bend, this time to the right, hard to find, a pain in the ass to climb and crawl through, but nicely hidden from sight. Then there was a slide, or sewer-pipe rather, downward before landing in what was simply known as “The Temple”. Finn readied himself for the sudden end to the slide and landed smoothly on the other side with a crack of his kneecaps.

The rats that lived there squeaked and scattered, leaving only the hollow echo of his landing for company. When they’d first discovered The Temple they thought, just like everyone else, that they were the first to find it. They weren’t, of course, as evidenced on one midsummer night when they’d sneaked off to stash some stolen goods, only to find a gaunt beggar having taken up lodgings in their secret temple. There was no one there now though.

A small crack in the ceiling let in some light from above making the wet, mossy stone under his feet glitter with a thousand little stars. The bells of Etzos tolled in the distance. It was time. As if on cue, she tapped him on the shoulder.
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The Doran Chronicles: A Song Of Finns And Dorans

He spun around, eyes wide then breathed a little sigh of relief as he stared into the stoic, unmoving eyes of Zipper O’Connor.

“I’m screwed.” His voice sounded hollow against the ancient walls, trapped somewhere between despair and a cool matter-of-factly tone as if those two words had always been the expected outcome. Sighing, he buried his hands in his hair, trying to think of where to begin.

“Why would you be?” she said, brushing past him. “You’ve done nothing wrong for the past few breaks. A rare occurence, I know.”

“It’s too much,” he gasped. “I can’t keep track. I am spying for Vuda on the Sons of Justice who are making me spy on Vorund who thinks I’m interested in working for him again and- aaggh..” He screwed up his face. “I feel like I am this close to messing it all up.”

“Southside Vorund?” She asked, lifting a very well-trimmed and very incredulous eyebrow.

“Yes, South. Why?”

“I know what this is about,” she said, her tone grim. Grim and completely, utterly annoyed. “How many fronts does the Turkey cunt intend to fight on? He’s opened one with the Prince, a second one with the Southern cartel, and he’s intending to open a third with middle-”

“I don’t follow,” Finn said with a pained expression, “Middle-cleft? What’s he doing there? Why is he bothering with Vorund at all?” The look he fired at Zipper was now closer to desperation. “I don’t get it.”

“You’ve never been able to keep secrets.” she said. He suspected that she didn’t leak all that so seemingly casually to him too; she was probing him.

“Not true, you just don’t know what you don’t know, that’s why it’s a se- Oh nevermind...” A headache was coming on and he massaged his temples furiously, hoping that perhaps his jumbled brain would magically reorganize itself and make sense off all the places, people and plots he had to keep track of in his head. “I need your help,” he admitted. “Please.”

She gave him a look that suggested she was thinking about the long list of things she would rather do than this.

“A Southside operative called Kas-”

“I know him, Kasoria,” he made an impatient gesture, “Go on…”

“And you just flat-out told me you knew him. See, that raises questions: why does a 12 arc old boy know one of the most vicious southern killers? Will you throw out this information just for the base approval-”
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The Doran Chronicles: A Song Of Finns And Dorans

A Song Of Finns And Dorans

The Temple, Etzos Underground, Ashan 16th, arc 718

Thirteen,” he corrected. Maybe she was allergic to the number, though admittedly, he had been twelve or eleven at the time. Not that she needed to know. “See, I can keep secrets. I met him on a job. Not for him, someone else. Took him to a doctor even, he was pretty roughed up…” For a moment his eyes turned to soft focus as he remembered that cold Zi’da day, then he snapped out of it. “Now, what’s Kasoria got to do with Gangui? Why does he want to know about what the bleeding heck Vorund is up to…what’s it matter to him?”

“If you would let me finish.” Again: the terse tone that shut him up straight away. “Old Kas had a job at the docks and Vorund didn’t see the need or the courtesy to give pre-warning this time.” She narrowed her eyes. “Didn’t give me a pre-warning. The usual measures and precautions weren’t in place and Gangui, like a hound baying in the throes of a sniffed period, was on the scene soon enough. Now he’s ranting about, I don’t fuckin’ know, cuckoo copycat killers or a new breed of serial killer in town. By some incredible miracle, he’s managed to connect it to Vorund and co.”

She was surprisingly honest and open with him: about her own connection to the Southside boss, Kasoria, and even her corrupt dealings. He always knew she was a crook of a guard but this went leagues deeper than he suspected. Would she kill for gold? Of course. He had no doubt about that; but how much was the price of her soul?

One quick look at her face already told him she regretted telling him and so he refrained to ask the question at the forefront of his mind: how did she know? Or, more pressingly: how much else did she know? He always thought she was a magical thug that hid behind her paperwork when she needed an excuse to ignore him, but now he wasn’t quite so sure.

“So he wants to target Vorund, eventually?” He clicked his tongue. “I don’t know whether that’s brave or stupid.”

“He wants to wage war in a place he has no jurisdiction over, in a turf that will not favor him, against people that have thrived there their entire lives.”

Surprisingly, Finn nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly that Gangui was, by the looks of it, picking a fight he was doomed to lose. “So Vorund has the south, Gangui has Foster’s.”

“So he thinks,” Zipper scoffed.

“Noth-” he stopped there and flashed an apologetic smile. Oh yeah, he knew Noth rather well, he was an O’Connor after all. “Noth has his cave and - What do you know about Noth? I’ve never been able to figure out what he’s trying to achieve. Just getting by with robberies if you ask me… except, that doesn’t warrant such a large bounty. Not even close. He has to have done more, but I don’t know what.
Last edited by Finnegan O'Connor on Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:21 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 534
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The Doran Chronicles: A Song Of Finns And Dorans

She simply ignored him and looked away. She knew something. She knew a lot more than something but she didn’t think to share it with him. “One cunt at a time. Focus on your crappy assignment at hand first. I have a meeting with Kassy and a shitstain of a Southside underboss called Ilos in a few trials over Vorund’s ‘conduct’. I’ll feed you enough to keep the oaf happy. Remember: not a peep. I am the only one you can trust in this. Everyone -everyone- else is an enemy or a tool of the enemy.”

“Fiona…” Cold and clammy digits brushed against her hand but didn't reach out. She didn’t reciprocate either. “Be careful with Kasoria, okay? Gangui might be a madman, but he’s the saint of reason compared to Kasoria. If Kas got orders to harm you, he will, no matter what, and he’ll make a mess of it too.”

“Kassy and I have an understanding, if nothing else” she said. “The same cannot be said for what passes for a professional relationship with a shrieking mad turkey jester.”

Once perhaps the place had been a little courtyard, buried later and then forgotten. Four small, low walls surrounded a pit in the center of the underground room. Might’ve been a fountain once. He walked over to the heart of The Temple and sat down on the edge of one of the walls. There was a hesitation in his voice that hadn't been there before, but he masked it well, “Any idea what Parhn does with all the information he gets from Vuda? They know about Vorund. They know about Noth, yet they're allowed to live. Why? Why doesn't The Black Guard just eradicate the known gangs?”

“Mostly because they do such a great job of checking each other,” she said. “Mostly because crime isn’t the enemy; it’s a herd of bulls you have to learn how to herd when they get too rowdy, geld when they get too bold, breed when they start turning their attentions elsewhere.” It was only now that he noticed that she had a huge sack slung over her left shoulder. “And we treat them like this mostly because the Etzori system has failed so badly and we’re left bullfighting instead of eating steak. We’re trapped in the equivalent of a self-perpetuating etheric feedback loop with no start or end.”

A nod was the only acknowledgement he’d heard anything she’d just said as his attention had shifted toward the bulbous, cotton sack hanging over her shoulder. He pointed at it. “What’s that?”

He was expecting a coy answer. Instead he got the truth: “All the Dorans that didn’t make the cut. They’re here for target practice.”

“Target practice?” The frown faded a trill later as her intentions dawned on him. “What with?”

“Ether.” She dropped the bag on the ground with the sound of a dozen Dorans clattering in agony, only to be silenced. “You know how to feel, you know how to melt - now you’re going to learn how to kill at range.”
word count: 532
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Finnegan O'Connor
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The Doran Chronicles: A Song Of Finns And Dorans

A Song Of Finns And Dorans

The Temple, Etzos Underground, Ashan 16th, arc 718

“Killing isn’t part of the job,” he pointed out.

“Dramatic liberty; let’s call it self-defense if it makes you feel like less of a man.”
“Fine.” He stood up, put a few feet of distance between himself and the sadly smiling pile of Dorans and summoned a little flame to the palm of his hand, the fire crackled and sizzled, but didn’t hurt his skin. “You might want to take a step back.”

Instead she took a step forward towards him and yanked him by the arm with such force that he thought she was going to yank him in for an elbow straight to the face. Instead, he felt the fiery whisper of the fire die instantly. Not fade, not wither away, flat-out die in his palm. She relinquished her grip with an equal amount of gentleness and he staggered back, rubbing his sore arm.

When he looked up at her face to protest, the fact that there was nothing resembling Fiona in her eyes stopped him.

“Don’t do that again.” she said in a tone that was just too normal, too casual. “You’ll be bringing up an ether missile to the fore today.”

“How did y-?”


“I don’t know where to start, what to do,” he protested before turning toward the Dorans again, considering for a trill to call on the wind to spread them out a bit more so he wouldn’t blast them all in one go. Except, the wind had fled. That familiar, wispy voice was nowhere to be found, nor was the low rumbling of the earth, the cackling of the flames or the soothing tones of the water. He opened his mouth to demand answers, but then thought better of it. She wouldn’t strip him of the elements permanently, that would just weaken him, and if anything, she seemed hellbent on achieving the opposite.
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The Doran Chronicles: A Song Of Finns And Dorans

“Set the Dorans up. I’ll demonstrate.” she said. “Oh, there’s a few failed carvings of you too; they were made as companion pieces for the Alchemist Doran toyline. Your hair was stupidly hard to mimic.”

He’d already wondered what the smaller lumps of aggressively chipped wood were, maybe some misshapen sheep, but with copious amounts of imagination, he could see what’s she’d been trying to do. “I’m not that plump,” he noted as he set up the Doran’s and sad Finn’s to be blasted into oblivion.

When all was set-up he retreated to a safer distance and watched as Zipper prepared to strike.

She raised her hand up and lightning danced across her fingertips…. Right before a violent explosion of color ripped forth from her hand, as wide as she was tall, and lanced out towards the Dorans and Finns.

All of them.

The beam took them all into the shimmering light that shifted dozens of colors in between trills. There was a sound not unlike something being flash fried and there was nothing left when the colors dissipated. Visual static crackled shrilly in the path of the energy beam, as if reality itself was fracturing in the wake.

He had seen her make much, much smaller ones before, which meant…

She was showing off.

“Go grabs a few more Dorans and Finns.”

Slack-jawed, he did as asked before returning to his spot beside her. The pressure was now on him, not that she could reasonably expect him to manage something as powerful as-
word count: 264
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Finnegan O'Connor
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The Doran Chronicles: A Song Of Finns And Dorans

A Song Of Finns And Dorans

The Temple, Etzos Underground, Ashan 16th, arc 718

That’s not the goal right now, he reminded himself. If he managed to even bring a slight crackle of lightning to his finger-tips, he’d be plenty happy. The access to his second spark had long remained untouched, like a toy that he’d been excited to get for ages and then forgot about a week later. Navigating to that source of power didn’t come so easily as he’d rarely touched upon that power again, unsure how it worked and even less sure how it could help him. It was still there though, buzzing somewhere underneath the surface. All he knew was that, if he wanted to, he could touch upon the raw ether of objects and bend them out of shape, make them become something else, weaker or stronger. How he was supposed to shape raw energy into a missile though...

Arms raised in much the same fashion as she had, his brows furrowed in concentration and his muscles tensed more and more and more and-


Well, one of the Dorans started to look a little more worn out than it had, but only slightly so, and even then the effect hadn’t been intentional.

“You are an Etherist. The Becomer borrows form, the Empath weaves emotion. The Grafter melds flesh-

“Shut up I’m concentrating.” The first drops of sweat already appeared on his brow and he kept gnashing his teeth, urging the ether to come out.

“No YOU shut up! I’m giving you a pep talk and you are damn cuntin’ well taking it.”

A snarl played at his lips and it grew as soon as he realized that her tactic seemed to yield the slightest improvement. A little jolt of electricity seemed to pass through him, tickling the fibre of his very being, then shooting up toward his fingertips and… fizzling out there. A single spark flashed into existence, but disappeared just as soon without causing any harm. “Say something mean,” he growled, digging in again to make the ether come out. He didn’t want to admit it, but it helped.

It was a bit disheartening but completely unsurprisingly to realize she could cough up personal verbal knifes on demand even without cause.

“I don’t need you anymore. Thanks to Doran, I have a real kid.”

His head snapped around. “What?!” But he quickly returned to the task at hand with a relieved “oh.”

“I’m sorry you sister has to beat you instead of the mom.”

Something stirred inside, a deep-rooted bitterness that was so easily roused by Zipper’s voice. He grappled with it for a moment, trying to subdue and tame the raw powers it brought forth.

“People only talk to you because they want to sleep with me.” she said. “Oh wait, that’s one’s true. You know everyone just tolerates you, right?”

With a bang and a flash the first ether missile shot forward, blasting not one but two of the Doran’s high into the air, chipping away entire chunks of their matter.

“You’re only here because I wasn’t physically strong enough to give mum a personal abortion.”

Bang. Now it was a Finn, and a particularly ugly one at that, who suffered the unspoken retaliation, his head was blown off and what was supposed to be the chest and legs was reduced to charred remains, barely holding together. Before Zipper even managed another snide comment, he’d already set his gaze on the one Doran who remained standing and he imagined that fat, bearded face to look like Zipper’s instead.

“You know I went into the meeting with Doran expecting a favor for letting you go. But you know what? He was more than happy to drop you off at my feet. Something about ‘being completely worthless’.

The bout of crackling energy that shot from his fingertips now was different than the ones before. Not much larger and still pathetic in comparison to what Zipper had managed but, one of the electrical fingers didn’t shoot toward Doran, but rather intentionally grazed Zipper’s cheek. When the dust settled, nothing remained of the Doran figure. It was as if he’d never been there.

“Fiona…” His voice sounded hoarse, tired. It was as though some invisible supports had been taken out from underneath him and he gasped and coughed for air.
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The Doran Chronicles: A Song Of Finns And Dorans

“Careful,” she said, walking over to him and offering a distant hand. She didn’t retaliated for that little slight across her face, so he must have done something right. “Don’t want to overstep.”

Out of all the things he’d want to do again, overstepping was at the very bottom of the list, he’d nearly killed himself last time and the elements had only cautiously returned many trials after. All trust he had build had then to be rebuild again, from scratch. And then there was the physical discomfort too. “I know,” he said with a grimace.

“Well, since I was so interrupted last time,” She passed a finger over the little char mark on her cheek. “The Grafter melds flesh, the Honer transcends the body, the Dustforger creates to supplement their failings, but the Etherist? The Etherist governs the lifeblood of magic itself: ether. We were the first, our spark beats closest to the heart of Emea itself, and to master Transmutation is to master- Ya know what? That last line was full koan shit, but heed the rest of it.”

He wasn’t about to try again, choosing instead to mull over her words in his head. To his surprise, she hadn’t said a thing about Defiance. Nothing nice, nothing mean, just flat-out ignored the subject which, given her predisposition toward insults was rather a welcome change of pace. “Thanks,” he muttered as he stared at his hands for a trill. For one reason or another, what had appeared an unfixable mess at the start of their little meeting had now become much clearer. He knew what to report back to Gangui, what to tell Mr. Tagley, and what to say to Kasoria should he have the misfortune of meeting him, and the little gears in his head had even started to construct a plan involving a certain Prince.

A curious little glint crossed his eyes. “What’s a house in Rharne cost?”

“Apparently the same as the average house in Etzos. It’s odd.”

“How much money do you have?”

“Enough for that and more.”

He appeared relieved to hear it, even though she lied fairly often he doubted she’d lie about her wealth. Being that she seemed to have a fine grasp of Etzorian on-goings, he imagined she was paid rather well for the intelligence she provided. “Let’s go home.”

As if to signal the session had ended, she kicked off her sandal, flipped it into the air, launched a tiny crackling ether missile at the sack, and then positioned her feet just in time for the sandal to land snugly back on.

“Show off.”
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The Doran Chronicles: A Song Of Finns And Dorans


Intelligence: Gaining intel from both friends and foes
Intelligence: Grooming a child into an operative
Intelligence: Leaking intel to gain intel
Intelligence: The breadth and depth of a city-wide network
Politics: Greasing the wheels of the system
Politics: The role of crime in society
Strength: Carrying a huge sack of Dorans
Transmutation: Ether Missile - Launching the Missile through the feet
Transmutation: Ether Missile - The Maximized beam of a Master


Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Renown: N/A

Points N/A - Jk 15


Acrobatics: Smooth Landing At The End Of The Slide
Tactics: Revealing Secrets At The Appropriate Time
Intelligence: Keeping Track Of What To Say To Whom
Intelligence: The Tribulations Of A Double-Agent
Transmutation: Unintentional Corrosion
Transmutation: Anger Stirs The Inner Ether
Transmutation: Conjuring A Spark Of Ether
Transmutation: Ether Missile
Transmutation: Ether Missiles Are Easy To Overstep

Location (Etzos Underground): “The Temple”

Loot: N/A
Injuries: Exhaustion and aching for 2 trials
Renown: N/A

Points 15 - Can be used for magic

Comments: My little boy is becoming a mage like his father! So cute. Please slay all those who oppose us, my child.

Zipper, your job is done. You may leave now.
word count: 207
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