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16th of Cylus 718

Once an isolated and dying township, an influx of academics, adventurers and thrill seekers have made Scalvoris Town their home. From scholars' tea shops to a new satellite campus for Viden Academy, this is an exciting place to visit or make your home!

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A Snake in the Grass (Roland)

16th of Cylus Arc 718
Even in the chilly air of Cylus the town square of Scalvoris town was set alight with activity. People of all sorts were milling around; a sea of colors and sounds washed over the young mage. It was a welcome sight, reminding Sephira of her childhood in the Faldrass marketplace. Children dashed through the crowds, playing games with each other while they took in the offerings of the marketplace.

Sephira glanced across the square and leveled her gaze at a duo of Land Troop soldiers who were posted opposite of her. She was finishing up her final day of training with them and she had been assigned to patrol the town’s center for the afternoon. There had been reports of a conman wandering the marketplace trying to sell some sort of concoction to unwary buyers. While not exactly against the law, they were hoping to locate this individual and ‘gently’ encourage him to take his business elsewhere.

The mage straightened the velvety red fabric of her coat; the leafy green temporary badge of the Land Troops glinting from its position at her collar. Admittance as a full member of the Flame Troops meant training in each branch of the Elements before she could graduate. Today was a stepping stone toward her end goal.

A dozen or so paces away from the mage was a textile saleswoman. Rich fabrics dyed in opulent colors hung from every inch of her stand. Most of the fabric was simply cotton or hemp but there were a few lengths of silk and velvet carefully displayed in the back of her stand. A young Biqaj man approached the merchant, his pointed ears bedecked in glittering piercings, and his hands decorated with numerous rings. The man’s hair was a vigorous red with several braids woven throughout it and decorated with gleaming glass beads. His clothing consisted of billowy crimson silken pants and a half-robe of layered fabrics of differing varieties that was belted at his waist with a black satin sash. The Biqaj seemed to have cobbled together his outfit himself, though homemade, the fabrics were richer than most. A couple layers of silk could even be seen peeking out from the draped robe. His chest was half bare exposing a jangling cascade of necklaces made from cheaper metals that they appeared.

My good lady, what beautiful wares you have!” The man said to the fabric merchant in a thick rolling accent. His voice was loud enough to be heard at some distance. The fabric merchant eyed him critically. “How might I help you sir?” she inquired in a tight voice.

I have come in search a spool of the most vibrant, softest velvet madam, and how fortunate that you seem to have it.” The Biqaj announced with a leer in his eye.

Velvet is sixteen gold nels per yard sir, that spool is forty yards, I trust you can pay.” The merchant responded, eyeing the man suspiciously.
But I have something better than nels my lady, I have this.” From the depths of a silky sleeve the Biqaj plucked a palm sized vial of soft blue liquid. The bottle was made from a slightly iridescent glass that gave the contents a shimmery appearance.

This serum is from the distant reaches of Idalos, it restores the beauty of youth to even the most haggard countenance! Its effectiveness has no equal! Of this I swear on my own name, Kelan Ishadi’ madam. ”A crowd was beginning to form around the opulently dressed man, hoping to see what might happen in the moments that came next.

Hogwash, if I ever did see it.” The merchant responded with a dismissive shake of her head. “Prove that it works, and I’ll consider trading”.
The Biqaj’s bright blue eyes lit up as he turned to the crowd. “Do I have a volunteer?!” he cried.

A few hands shot up, some more hesitant than others. Kelan pointed into the crowed, his jewelry jangling at the motion. “You there my lady.
A thin graying woman stepped from the crowd; her hair had clearly once been a pallid blonde hue but had been diminished by age over the arcs. Her face was beginning to fill with wrinkles that were deepest around her eyes where crow’s feet had begun to form.

With a flourish Kelan Ishadi’ swept her to his side with a wave of his silken arm and opened the shimmery vial. An exotic fragrance wafted from the glass container into the crowed, smelling of coconut, pineapple and a hint of rosemary.

With his knuckle, the Biqaj man collected a healthy dab of the lotion-like substance before brushing it on the volunteer’s cheeks. He rubbed it in carefully, paying special attention to her harsh wrinkles and lines around her eyes. The crowd watched in captivated silence as the showman pulled a damp cloth from his sleeve and proceeded to wipe the mixture off her face. A gasp ran through the crowd as the lines creasing her face were wiped away with a simple motion. It was as though all her imperfections were melting away as he cleaned her face, removing the beauty serum now that it had done its work. The volunteer smiled, her face soft and youthful in appearance, gazing in wonder at the miracle in a bottle.

The crowd went crazy, calling for the merchant to go through with the trade and to buy a vial themselves. At the edge of the chaos Sephira was watching, her eyes narrowed at Kalen Ishadi’. He was very likely the man they were looking for, but now it would be almost impossible to extract him from the salivating mass of people.
This was going to be problematic.
word count: 965
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Roland Demira
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A Snake in the Grass (Roland)

While Roland had yet to officially take courses in Appraisal, he was learning on his own by taking time each day to visit the market. While there, he would study the various stalls and their prices, the wares and their quality, comparing them so as to understand what differences made for a lower or higher price. On this particular dismal trial, he found himself inspecting various lengths of fabric, paying attention to cut, quality and style. He felt that he was coming along nicely and every trial was a solid day of learning, not to mention the tuition he was saving.

Soon, as he knelt down to look at a few rolls of fabric, he heard a bit of a commotion going on behind the rack. he simply remained where he was, though he did manage to push a few rolls aside and witness the words of the biqaj merchant. He felt bad for a moment that he hadn't used the man as a study in fabrics, as he seemed to be wearing most of everything in the market. A bare chest in Cylus? Surely a sign of lack of self care. He asked for a spool of velvet and Roland looked over at the lady who ran the stall. She seemed to glance his way a bit, so he changed positions, walking in a crouching manner to another area. He was now facing away, but still listening intently. When the merchant said he had something better than money, Roland had little choice but to slowly stand and turn on his heel to see what could possibly be better than coin.

As the man showed off his little blue vial, Roland watched as the crowd started to close in on him, their attention rapt to his words and motions. Roland moved in slow motions, angling forward and then sideways, slowly approaching the man and circling him at the same time, while politely smiling and nodding to those in the crowd that he was gently moving out of his way. Soon, he was perhaps three yards away, standing slightly to the side and behind the man as he continued with his display. A volunteer was selected and Roland noticed her. He hadn't noticed her before but he also wasn't paying attention to look for her. As the woman approached, her demeanor was a little off. She stepped up displaying her haggard and wrinkled features. Someone who actually wanted to hide their aged appearance might stoop or shy away such direct observation, but this volunteer seemed to enjoy the attention.

She moved with ease to his side, almost as a dance partner might. Roland continued to circle until he was now perhaps two yards away from the volunteer. While the merchant did his 'magic', wiping at her face, the Scalvoran noticed something very interesting. His attention was on something very different and very telling as the crowd clamored in excitement. Roland watched as the young woman flourished away from him as he moved closer to the crowd and the trade stall. Taking care to be gentle, he put his charming smile on and took the lady by the elbow. "Bravo! Bravo, man! He tugged at the young lady, though she started to pull away from him. He looked at her and was very sure about his words. "Do you want to yell for the guards? Please, I dare you." A look of fear flashed over her face as she weakly moved with Roland to the side of the merchant. He clapped a hand on his shoulder, surprising him so greatly that he nearly fell over.

Shooting a glance at the woman, he said "Stay," pointing to the spot that she stood on. "Let's all hear it for Kalen Ishadi!" Everyone clapped and cheered thunderously, even Kalen himself. "Yes, let's all see this magic work a second time." Here we have his lovely volunteer, cured of her age with the magic ointment, but did anyone notice him rub the ointment on her hands. Notice how her hands are free of spots and lines, just as her face. How did that happen?" The crowd moved in on the 'volunteer' as she looked around like a bird surrounded by bigger and hungrier birds.
word count: 713
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A Snake in the Grass (Roland)

The Element watched curiously as a gentleman stepped from the crowed and carefully led the woman a few steps away from Kelan. The man possessed a degree of poise that set him apart from the gaggle of people surrounding the conman. Watching with pursed lips Sephira noticed that the gentleman had mouthed something to the volunteer while gently extracting her away from Kelan.

Pushing through the crowd the mage moved toward the scene; the press of the crowd was suffocating. More and more her Rupturing spark seemed to feed off her emotions, allowing them to impact its behavior. Sephira could clearly feel the spark’s desire to simply throw her into a blink portal so to leave the oppressive crush of people. It had become a struggle to keep her emotions untangled from her magic; through sheer force of will she was normally able to keep some level of control over her spark. Although as time passed the mage was concerned that perhaps her spark would begin to exert its control over her. Her master had only spoken on the nature of sparks briefly, he himself had almost ceased in his practice of magic when she met him on that mountain for fear that it would take away who he was if he developed his power further. It had been a topic Elias had often avoided speaking on and Sephira desperately wished that things had been different. She felt as though she was flying blind into a future she had little control over.

Eventually the woman made her way to the forefront of the group, allowing her to be within a few feet of the unfolding scene. The woman who had been Kelan’s volunteer seemed to cower before the surrounding people as the gentleman asked why the rest of her body appeared so very young even though her face had seemed covered with signs of age before Kelan had administered the ointment.

Kelan Ishadi thrummed his hand nervously against his leg while his other hand shook the blue iridescent vial lightly. “It is a miracle of the ointment good sir; it takes only a few drops to fully restore youth to the entire body! But of course a man of your bearing can clearly see the quality and value of what I offer!” Turning away from Roland, Kelan narrowed his view on the fabric merchant. She was a woman of middling age with a few wrinkles of her own. She eyed him suspiciously, but with a glimmer of interest in her eyes. The crowd was full of murmurs and whispered questions as they watched the exchange between the two.

“Surely I have shown that I speak the truth madam. This miracle in a bottle is yours in exchange for the spool of velvet.” He bowed deeply while holding the vial of ointment out to her, allowing the glass to be caught in a beam of sunlight so it cast an array of iridescent colors across his hand.

The Element had seen enough, and she was fairly sure the gentleman from earlier had as well. The woman would need to be subtle in how she proceeded. Stepping just out of the crowd toward the ornately dressed man she placed her hand on the hilt of her saber in a very relaxed but obvious way. Hopefully he would get the message. The mage looked briefly at the gentleman from earlier, giving him an appreciative nod along with a faintly sly smile.

“I believe...it would in no way be unreasonable to ask you to give us another demonstration Mr. Ishadi.” The Element said crisply with an amused tone to her words. Sephira tapped her chin thoughtfully. “In fact I think this gentleman should select the next volunteer.” She lightly waved her free hand toward Roland, meeting his eyes as she spoke in the hope he would play along. Her eyes swirled between a mixture of crimson and golden brown.

Glancing back to Kelan she smiled sweetly. “Of course a man of your bearing must grasp the importance of ensuring a fair trade...
word count: 683
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A Snake in the Grass (Roland)

The worm squirmed on the hook. 'Who is going to eat me? Why can't I return to my darkened tomb of soil?'. Roland sucked at his teeth as the salesman quickly turned on the question. Probably a question he had encountered before. "Thank you for noticing my bearing, Sir. I do indeed realize the value of things and if your concoction is as powerful as you proclaim, I will be happy to purchase the lot of it for you and purchase this spool of velvet as well." The crowd oohed and aahed over the bold offer. He watched on as the man blatantly ignored him and nearly bowed to the merchant. Why wouldn't he just cut and run?

Too late, as the Elements made themselves known in the form of a well dressed and beautiful woman. Now why weren't there more Elements like this, rather than the usual plodding and stone faced lot that filled their numbers? He caught her glance and returned the nod, his own sly smile a perfect companion for her own. As if her mere appearance wasn't enough of a motivation, soon her crisp voice chimed out and she had made the fine decision to join Roland in his little game. Would she ever be up for any other games? Time would tell in whispers. Waving back at the Element, Roland stepped up and continued in his torment of Ishadi. "Thank you. Let's all be thankful to be in the presence of law and order in Scalvoris!" Like a hyena sniffing out the wounded straggler of the herd, Roland moved in between his prey and the merchant, gingerly plucking the vial from Ishadi's outstretched hand.

Holding the vial out to the crowd, watching their gathered gaze on it, Roland spoke louder so that all could hear. "There is only one who needs to try this magical substance. She is the one who is being bartered with, so it is only fair that she be the one to test the goods. It is the only fair trade, in my humble opinion." Looking at Ishadi, his smirk widened as he stepped forth to the fabric merchant. Handing her the substance, he stepped back. "If you don't mind, madam, just apply a little as you would like. I am sure you have some scratch fabric that you can wipe the age away with." He stood nearby, looking at the lovely Element as Ishadi faltered and the merchant set about in her task to reclaim her youth. he was probably looking at the well dressed military too long, but did anyone care? Why should he be robbed of his little pleasures in life?
word count: 450
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A Snake in the Grass (Roland)

The fabric merchant plucked the glittery vial from Roland’s outstretched hand, palming it as she peered at it critically as if she was inspecting a fine diamond. Her wrinkled face creased into a frown while she removed the glass stopper from the bottle.

Kelan Ishadi was worriedly wringing his hands as he watched his control over the crowd grow tenuous. A bitterly cold wind wove through the marketplace, seeming to suck the vibrant showmanship from the man. He stood hunched in the thick press of the crowd, Sephira watching him from the side with a suspicious glare. Mr. Ishadi’s game was quickly coming in an end and she was expecting him to bolt at any moment.
The mage briefly made eye contact with the gentleman who had forced Kelan into silence with a few deft words. Her eyes flashed in subdued amusement at their game of toying with Mr. Ishadi. It was a refreshing experience to have a partner who could keep up with her antics, even if he was just a civilian.

Snow had begun falling lightly in the market square as a new winter storm began inching toward the town. Sephira hoped that they might resolve this issues soon before people left the market and began taking shelter. Revealing Kelan as a conman and the purveyor of an impressive ruse would do more to stop any of his future criminal activity than simply arresting him. Better that the people of Scalvoris see him for what he really was, so they would not fall for his tricks again.

The fabric merchant dabbed a small amount of the ointment into her hands, the fluid glistening on her fingers. She looked to Roland, meeting his eyes with a look of appreciation for ensuring that this would be a fair trade. She then took the ointment and rubbed it on her face, paying close attention to the smile lines creasing her cheeks and the crow’s feet around her eyes. The crowd grew silent in anticipation as the merchant pulled out a piece of scrap cotton cloth and began wiping away the ointment.

When removed she placed her hands on her face to feel if some transformation had taken place but the crowd was swift in alerting her to whether or not the ointment had taken effect.

“She’s the same...” one voice whispered in the crowd.

“Still looks like an old bag of raisins.” The hoarse voice of a man commented gruffly, as if unsurprised at the result.

The merchant balked, horrified at the reactions of the crowd, frantically feeling her face for some change to occur.

“You...you liar!” she cried, with a pathetic whimper while pointing an accusatory finger where Kelan had been standing moments earlier, but he was gone.

The bottle of ointment clattered to the ground as she turned, looking for the brightly ornamented man; the cheap blue glass shattering into dozens of pieces. Sephira looked to where her quarry had been standing. He had bolted as she had expected. The crowd was turning heated, cursing the conman’s name as they searched the immediate area for the man.

Sephira pushed a few steps through the crowd to make sure the conman had fled. A sprawling network of alleyways and backroads wound toward the harbor. If she were him, she would get on the first boat out of town. The Element shrugged off thoughts of giving chase. He had been forced from the market and would not likely return to Scalvoris Town for some time. Her mission was accomplished.

Turning back to the stall it appeared that the crowd was beginning to disperse. She approached Roland, her hand resting on the hilt of her saber. “Very well done Mr?” she waited for a trill for the gentleman to provide his name.

“I’m Sephira.” The mage said, introducing herself as she gave a faint tilt of her head to Roland.

“The Elements appreciate your help; we had been hoping to force him from the market peacefully for the last few trials. Mr. Ishadi was no hardened criminal, but he had been a nuisance. You handled yourself quite well.” There was a sincere appreciation in her voice. It was rare to see a civilian make such an effort to ensure that other's were not taken advantage of.

word count: 724
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A Snake in the Grass (Roland)

What else was there to do but enjoy the show? Roland watched as the old bag rubbed her face with sweet water in vain, a frown of disappointment on his face when it didn't work. The game was up for that clown and one less cheater on the block was less competition, though a guy that obvious was barely able to wear that moniker. Of course, when the obvious end came, he had turned tail and ran. Roland actually admired the man's skill for escaping, if nothing else. Nevertheless, it was time to speak to the Elemental beauty that had, so far, limited their interactions to hand and eye signals.

Now that the unfortunate business had been settled, Roland could put his attention to amuch more worthy and satisfying task. Hadshe simply been a striking woman,he would relish the opportunity to speak with her. However, the fact that she was an up and comer of the Elements only sweetened the pot. He wanted to remain cordial and restrained in his reaction to her, but with each step drawing them closer, she became less political pawn and much more disarming lady at arms.

"Demira. Roland Demira. It is indeed a pleasure to meet such a lovely addition to the ranks of the Elements. I dare say, if half of the force looked like you, many of the criminals might just give up, choosing to try to court you rather than fight you." He looked idly at her saber. Listening to her thanks and appreciation, the natural smile that hung on his face only grew in self love. "Well, it's up to the citizenry to get involved if we are ever going to lighten the stain of the Pirate Lords. It's still a fresh wound, but I'm sure with enough effort and the hard work of dedicated people like you, it can happen." He could hear the catcalls out to the merchant and he made eye contact with some of those people, giving them a thumbs up and making grins. He may not have made the cut to be Gunvorton's Kind of People, but Scalvoris Town seemed to do him right.

While giving her plenty of space, Roland did manage to saunter over a side step or two. "So Sephira, would you like to discuss your ideology of the city over drinks some time?"
Last edited by Roland Demira on Thu Apr 12, 2018 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 399
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A Snake in the Grass (Roland)

The Element laughed lightly at Roland’s comment. The gentleman certainly had a silver tongue that he had no problem employing to both unravel conman and compliment women. Sephira shrugged off the compliment, she made an effort to appear well dressed and put together but she really paid little attention to her looks.

“But I’m so much better at fighting than courting.” She teased with a wry smile. It was actually completely true.

She had once bit a boy she liked when she was twelve arcs old; she left bite marks and everything. She had thought it was a compliment.

“It is good to meet you Roland; it is refreshing to see a citizen so committed to keeping the peace. Mr. Ishadi would have likely swindled the woman if you had not intervened when you did.” She spoke with a disciplined tone of voice and posture, trying to avoid getting too familiar with the civilian. He had been incredibly helpful, but Sephira was on duty and had little time to chat.

Before she could wave goodbye and move on her way, Roland approached her, the mage crossed her arms and peered at him curiously. To be quite honest the Element barely spent any time outside her work simply enjoying herself. Ever since her master’s death she had been so focused on training and burying herself in her job that the mage had gone all this time without finding new friends to replace the ones she had left behind on Faldrass.

Biting her lip nervously the mage finally nodded to the man. “I wouldn’t object to one drink.” She replied with a thread of uncertainty running through her voice. Before she could continue, the fabric merchant from earlier came shuffling over to the pair with a thin package wrapped in tissue paper in her hands. Her wrinkled face bore a relieved and grateful smile, yet her eyes appeared somewhat crestfallen.

The woman clapped Roland on the shoulder. “I can’t thank you enough sir, that blasted man nearly robbed me blind.” She smiled momentarily at Sephira before pulling out the tissue wrapped object in her grasp and offered it to Roland. “It’s the least I could do sir, take em. I made em for my grandson but they didn’t seem to fit. It’s just a small token of my thanks.”

Inside the wrinkled tissue paper rested a pair of sturdy black wool gloves. They were quite simple, but well-made and looked quite warm. A bit of muted embroidery was inscribed on the back of the gloves in a dark gray thread that was barely detectable against the black wool, it was the image of a moon encircling a lone winter fox.

Without another word woman scurried back her stall to begin closing up as the end of the trial drew near.

Sephira watched with a soft smile playing across her face as the merchant gave her token gift to the man. It was good to see a kindness repaid, it was a rare thing to see in Scalvoris Town, but hopefully something that Roland would not forget.
We can end it here if you like. Feel free to make a wrap up post. Really enjoyed the thread. Let me know if you'd like to do another sometime. PM me if you want me to submit for your review/rewards when I post up my request.

Note: Roland has decided not to do a wrap up post.

Note to the Reviewer: + 1 pair of Black Wool Gloves to Roland if that's alright
Last edited by Sephira on Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 601
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A Snake in the Grass (Roland)

I love the relationship these two have! It's a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the interaction between you both. Lots to really like about this thread, I love the difference between what you say and what you think, both of you - great descriptions of npcs and the environment too. I particularly enjoyed Roland's almost-asking-you-out moment and Sephira's ok-one-drink response. I look forward to reading more of you two! Enjoy your rewards and drop me a pm if there's any questions.


XP: 15

Renown: 10 (stopping a conman)




Investigation: Deducing that the ointment was a fake
Intimidation: Making a silent threat with a sheathed weapon
Leadership: Encouraging others to take the lead
Etiquette: Accepting the offer of a drink to make a friend
Detection: Noting the gathering crowd
Psychology: Using words to box in an enemy
Tactics: Using the crowd to corral a criminal
Persuasion: Persuading the crowd to demand another demonstation
Discipline: Resisting the urge to chase after the conman

People: Roland Demira: Gentleman with a silver tongue
People:Roland Demira: The sly fox
People: Roland Demira: Helped stop a conman



XP: 15

Renown: 10 (stopping a conman)


Pair of gloves (black)


Appraisal: Realizing the worth of someone's wardrobe
Appraisal: Discovering that someone is being swindled
Detection: Noticing the sound of a crowd gathering
Detection: Noticing the lack of consistent age lines
Etiquette: Being polite when bumping into others
Etiquette: Asking a woman to join you for drinks
Intimidation: Ensuring the silence of others
Rhetoric: Using words to control a large group
word count: 272
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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