• Out of Character • [Desnind] Chat Beneath The Trees
Come chat and make friends beneath the trees!
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- Zemos
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[Desnind] Chat Beneath The Trees
If any players are around during Ashan, I just made a thread anyone can join, concerning the children getting ill on the 8th. Feel free to hop in. It's here. Or don't you care about some sick kids? 

word count: 40
- Chevnoavi
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- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:22 pm
- Race: Avriel
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[Desnind] Chat Beneath The Trees
Can you deal with a no doubt emotional Avriel? The children are her friends.
word count: 14
- Zemos
- Approved Character
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- Race: Sev'ryn
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[Desnind] Chat Beneath The Trees
I can deal with it, my character will just have to deal with it however he can. 
I'd love to have you join the thread.

I'd love to have you join the thread.
word count: 26
- Rose Greenwood
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[Desnind] Chat Beneath The Trees
I may dust off Rose and join in your thread Nzi. She's a healer at the medicine house, so maybe she can be of some use. I'll try and get you a reply tomorrow.
word count: 36

- Chevnoavi
- Approved Character
- Posts: 38
- Joined: Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:22 pm
- Race: Avriel
- Profession: Huntress
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
[Desnind] Chat Beneath The Trees
All this with the children made me think of this song
word count: 11
- Ent
- Posts: 239
- Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:40 pm
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[Desnind] Chat Beneath The Trees
Hey hey everyone, we now have the roster up for the hot Cycle, I am hoping to get the calendar up shortly so please bear with me!
word count: 27
- Ent
- Posts: 239
- Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:40 pm
- Race: Mer
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
[Desnind] Chat Beneath The Trees
Please join me in welcoming our newest Mod, Eclipse, to Desnind! She is going to join me and try to make sure you all get the plots you deserve while you are here. We will have the calendar up shortly and both myself and Eclipse will be running an event that all are welcome to join in with. Also, Eclipse has a love of our little green friends so be sure to watch out for them causing mischief under her guidance. Any questions and requests can be directed to the two of us in PM and we will get to them ASAP!
word count: 102
- Eclipse
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[Desnind] Chat Beneath The Trees
A New Challenger Appears!
“A beauty masked, like the sun in an eclipse, gather's together more gazers than if it shined out.”
William Wycherley[/color]
William Wycherley[/color]
Hello Desnind citizens and visitors! I'm sorry that it took me so long to introduce myself! I am the new face around here and you'll be seeing a lot of new development for Desnind here soon! I've got a lot of idea's and just like Ent said, I have an extreme love for Tunawa's! I actually have Sinnammyn and Juniper, and am also planning a few dev. things for Tunawa in the near future. I can't wait to get the ball rolling on everything that I have planned. I'm super excited to bring life and energy back to Desnind. I used to play in this area as a Sev'ryn called Sen'nuk Te'sune! Don't be surprised if you see that name flung around here and there for some plots I have in mind! I think that we're going to have a lot of fun guys! And I'm planning on running my event in Suan! (I know some of you are still journeying to Desnind!) And I think it will be a great introduction for you guys to get to see me working as a mod! If you have any questions for me, please feel free to contact me. Discord is the easiest way to get to me but if you send me a DM here don't worry! I'll get to you! All of you lovelies are important to me and I can't wait to see what adventures we create together!
word count: 283
- Ent
- Posts: 239
- Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:40 pm
- Race: Mer
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 1
Re: [Desnind] Chat Beneath The Trees
Hey everyone, I am just wondering if we might be able to get a head count on who plans to be around in Desnind next Cycle? Whether you will be new here in the cold Cycle, staying on from the hot or a resident who has always been here, make sure to put up a post here so I know!
As always keep on writing, message me if you need anything and I love you all!
As always keep on writing, message me if you need anything and I love you all!
word count: 77
- Ent
- Posts: 239
- Joined: Wed Dec 28, 2016 1:40 pm
- Race: Mer
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- Wealth Tier: Tier 1