30th Cylus 718
following: this
following: this
She'd slept four straight breaks not moving in his arms at all, simply resting and healing, her breath tickling his neck and her relaxation complete. He knew, of course, that this was the longest, and the deepest, she'd slept since the night before the one on the docks when she'd died and her legs had been snapped, one at the knee and the other at the thigh - the last time she and he had slept tangled up together in each other had been the last time she slept properly. However, curled into him as much as she could be, she mumbled something against him and then woke with a start and a gasp of surprise, yet she looked better than she had since he'd scooped her up in the warehouse two trials before. "Hey, you," Vega said with a smile, looking up at him; the colours in her eyes were slowing, finally. The last two trials, they'd been swirling a mass of colours constantly and at a speed which he'd never seen before. But as she woke there, the colours were slowly changing and more like her usual upon waking. "I'm sorry, 'ave I been asleep long? Your arms must be goin' dead. Sorry." Leaving a trail of kisses on his jaw, she mumbled. "But you know, you're comfortable. Gah. Sorry." Sitting up, and stopping herself from tormenting him and her, Vega propped herself up on his chest and looked at him. "I forgot. Jus' for a trill, I forgot about my stupid legs an' I thought.. well, you know what I thought. But I forgot. That's good, innit?"
Her expression was half tortured and half a wicked grin, yet she couldn't resist asking. "Are you startin' to feel like that alley cat tom, yet?" With an almost pained expression, she asked something she'd already asked a few trials ago but he hadn't answered then. "What's the timescale for this, Arlo? Cos I'm gonna beat it, heal in half the time, but some idea would be good." If he gave her a number that was too big, she told him, she was going to get testy. "I don't mean like, fully healed. Jus' until I can.. well.. you, really, we, I suppose. Schnizzle my snoot an' butter my biscuit, but... how long, Arlo?" She gave him what she considered a companionable thump on the shoulder, just because she could and then lowered her head back onto his chest.
Once she was fully awake, and she admitted that she felt better rested than she had since what she called "the whole leg-snappin'-burnin-up-dead-then-alive-thing," Vega asked him, somewhat grouchily because she didn't like having to ask, if he'd help her get a wash. She needed nothing from him in terms of washing herself, thank you very much, she was quick to inform him, but the soap and water might be an issue. While he got that ready, she brushed her hair and tied it back, something she hadn't done since he'd brought her back to the Wanderlust and when he got back she asked for a clean dress, not a nightgown. "I don't 'ave to be in bed, do I? As long as my legs are in front of me an' immobile? I could sit on a chair an' use the bed as a stool? Or jus' not be in bed all the time. It's not good, an' I need to stop it." She breathed in, though and admitted to him a basic truth, which she figured he already knew and which, if he didn't, he had a right to. "I want to stay in bed. It feels safe an' I'm nervous about bein' out of there. So that means I need to shift my ginger butt. Help me with this dress, would you?"
As he did, her limited mobility meaning that she needed him to tie the back of it, as twisting at the hip like that would be very much against doctor's orders, she held her hair up out of his way and was quiet until he'd finished. "Take me dancin', Arlo. When this is done, an' I'm doin' up my own dresses, an' sortin' out my own washin' and all that. Take me on a date, an' on that date, take me dancin'?" She breathed in and smiled, turning and kissing him gently. "Shake a tail feather with me. But come on, show me what's next in yer bag of torturin' Vega." There was nothing wrong with her speed as she poked him, hard, in the very spot where her pinch from earlier would have undoubtedly left a bruise. "An' it's not jus' me. We're both doin' it, so I hope you've got enough for two. Yer gettin' flabby, I noticed earlier." Nothing, of course, was further from the truth and she'd had a difficult time getting her hands off him. But as she looked at him, she knew that he understood; she needed him to be doing this with her - for all sorts of reasons which he probably understood better than her. Either way, she had a reputation to maintain.
"I can't be 'avin' a flabby man. Do yer worst, Creede."