• Graded • Who let the dogs out!?

Woof, woof, woof, woof! (Mara, please!)

15th of Ashan 717

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Who let the dogs out!?

15th of Ashan, 717
2nd Break
The dog tried to bark, yet its maws were not strong enough to fight the strength of the hessian fabric that wrapped around it. It growled, however, and shook its head in attempts of escaping the improvised restraints. The canine now tried to incorporate itself, but it couldn’t fight the vice grip of Kovic’s hands, which held its paws in pairs. It struggled, desperately trying to break free, pleading to the Mortalborn that cared nothing for its pleas. It tried again to whine, to appeal to the mercy of his captor, but it was vain, for Kovic knew better than anyone how animals worked. The dog whined now, but were it free, it’d try to bite. It was only fear what made it so submissive, but were the fear gone, it would be a predator once again. Well, it’d be a predator if stray dogs were predators by default.

Soon enough, the dog began suffering. The intensity of its whines lost volume but gained meaning, for the dog, with its last strengths, now tried to break free. It was then when Kovic saw it at last; the formation. Something moved inside the dog’s torso; something new, terrifying and majestic. It grew quickly, and soon enough it was pressing from within the dog’s filthy furs. The teacher recognized it almost immediately: it was a head. Said head grew from within, pressing against the fur with strength, and soon enough it began biting its way through. Blood poured out as the malformed head escaped the makeshift womb, revealing the horror born within the dog. A greatly malformed head, with an uneven bone structure and defective and uncomplete flesh. It bit at the air quite poorly, its fangs awkwardly bent outward of the head. It had no tongue nor eyes, and not even eye sockets for that matter.

It kept growing, and it now began to drag the suffering dog’s insides with it. First, it was some of the ribs, until the heart was also starting to peak out of the dog’s chest. It was then when Kovic quickly took the dog’s head and broke his neck. Enough was enough, he thought. If he ever suffered as much as that dog, he’d want his neck snapped as well. Now that the animal was dead, so was the formation it had started growing within it. After inspecting it closely, he found something similar; the dog’s mass had been repurposed. This was a major discovery for him; he could affect other living creatures with his Perfect Organism. All this by only feeding a finger to a dog. His possibilities were now endless. Now, Kovic needed to know if he could control those mutations, that ‘growth’, and create something usable.

Something crunched under his feet, and Kovic finally addressed the issue; his fodder was running low. The dog’s corpse he had been crouching on top of was now drained, being little more than a rug at this point. Every soft tissue and bone was missing, leaving only the fur and a dark red stain on the soul below. Thankfully, a new corpse was available to satisfy his caloric needs. Standing up, Kovic slowly extracted his bare feet from the drained corpse. As he loft them, the root-like formations grown from the plant of his surprisingly clean feet dangled hungrily around, craving for more fodder. Carefully, Kovic transferred himself from one corpse to the other, crushing the bones of the recently perished canine with his body weight. Once the surface was stable enough, he crouched down, and his formations dug deep inside the torso to begin their draining once again.

The third dog, and the last test subject, watched. Were it scared or unaware of what his fate was, its expression gave no hints. His maws were tied and a leash kept him tied to a tree without much of an option. It was somewhat agitated, in truth, but its tail also flailed in excitement. It seemingly cared more for food than death, and in that sense, Kovic could easily relate. He rose his hand up and, placing his other palm below it, he began letting go of his fingers. They fell, one after the other, into his palm. Five big and delicate fingers, which the dog watched with utmost desire. It had been starving for a while; not only when Kovic and his aura had come along, but also when it wandered the streets avoiding the ‘dog cooks’ that so eagerly hunted them. How could he not feed it? Kovic was a merciful being. Sometimes, his better nature made him oblige to the needs of the genetically inferior.

Kovic untied the dog’s maws and allowed it to eat the Mortalborn severed fingers. They looked delicious even to him, but so did the rest of his body; not because of that he tried to cannibalize himself. At least, not when he could avoid it. As the dog ate, Kovic looked at the growth progress of his fingers. The bone was growing already, and the lump was becoming smaller and smaller. It was always interesting to see those things, for the Mortalborn believed he was learning surgical skills by knowing the organization of the body. When the dog finished eating, Kovic untied it and shushed him away. Now the dog would be off somewhere, and when the growth began, Kovic would try to mentally control said canine or, at least, whatever it would grow inside it.
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Who let the dogs out!?

Mara hated Etzos. The filth, the decay. The thin veneer of control the government had over its people. Its pretending that the Immortals weren't there, did not matter. They were all fools. And yet Mara needed to be here. She needed to find what she could on this mysterious organisation, the Cauldron, and see what they had there. What she could use. She'd heard whispers through her work, but no leads. Not yet. She'd find them, though. Mara always found what she needed, eventually. All was possible, through her lady. Secrets did not stay secrets long to an Audnev.

Mara walked through the streets that early morning. The night time and dawn were friends of hers, when the shadows were long and people whispered in corners. It was there that she would find tantalising hooks into unknown realms, corners and minds for Mara to pry into with hungry fingers. She was desperate for them. A morning walk, a very early morning walk, and who knew what she would find?

And she did find something. A strange sight. A man, tall, brought, skin pale and muscles glistening, sat, watching a dog trot off patiently. Mara slowed, her footsteps light, her head cocked to the side like a child delighting in a new spectacle. She caught the dog wolfing down some meat, though what it was, she could not see, and the man simply watched passively, like he was waiting for something. Mara, suspicious as she was, did not think the man was just sitting there for the fun of it. Why would he, at such an early hour, and with a gaze as trained and specific as his?
No. He was doing something. She knew it.

Mara took a moment, and then a split decision. Stalking forward, she moved, lithe and beautiful, but dangerous. "You, man," she called, approaching the stranger. Her accent was heavy, a testament to her broken Common and that she hailed from another land. "What you do to dog?" And as she got closer, she noticed that on one of his hands, his fingers were stubbed, as if they had been cut off and healed over. But she also saw the skin was pink and fresh, as if they had only just healed. "Where are fingers, boy?" The man looked older than her, but he was still just that, to Mara. A boy. Most males were.
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Who let the dogs out!?

When Kovic was approached, he cared not to address the female. Instead, he closed his eyes and tried to focus on the dog, on its walk, on the bobbing of his head and the movement of his eyes. It seemed hopeless, and after trying some more, he found it was. It was then when his blue eyes opened, serene and stoic, and looked up at the female. Female, human, young, above-average height. Thin in physique, black hairs and strangely hued eyes. Her attitude appeared calm, yet her behavior betrayed a hint of buried fury – or so Kovic thought. Her accent is what betrayed most about her, and that was her foreign origin. It betrayed even more than her poise, which was correct, but also reflected something Kovic couldn’t quite read. Nonetheless, he knew more about her than she knew of him.

“Good evening,” he’d greet with a soft and modulated voice, as he stood up above the corpse of the dog. He stepped off the flesh, but nothing strange could be seen from his soft and clean feet. No blood, no stains, nor anything that wouldn’t be considered a foot. He then rose his hand and showed it to the female, the flesh gaining their usual hue with every passing thrill. “Here are my fingers, miss.”

The Mortalborn now proceeded to slip his somewhat girly-smooth feet inside his shoes, eyes still focused on the female. Perhaps a small smile of amusement was present beneath his beard. Nevertheless, there seemed to be no panic present after being caught mid-deed. What had she seen, anyway? Nothing she could explain. Nothing anyone would believe. Not from a stranger, and certainly not from someone less socially valuable than him. She’d be alone with his secret until said secret devoured her.
“I only fed the dog, nothing else,” he confessed. “I mean him no harm. Do you want to go see?”

In the distance, barking could be heard. Multiple dogs barked at something, scared, panicked. Dogs were growing in popularity within the Outer Perimeter, for people these trials feared flayers would break into their homes at night to steal their soul. In such cases, Kovic could only cringe at the exhibitionism shown by the fellow flayer, who seemed eager to make the product of his addiction a show. It wasn’t until one specific bark came through, a terrifyingly loud and guttural bark, that the real panic ensured. Canines all over the Outer Perimeter composed the symphony of fear, which only proved to Kovic a lesson he couldn’t quite identify. Perhaps it was pride. Perhaps it was mere accomplishment. Whatever it was, it was monstrous, and yet it made him more human than he ever was.

The barking was replaced by something else, the sound of death. A dog whinned, as a feral growl grew from somewhere in the Outer Perimeter. The other dogs now made their fear known, chains rattling as, apparently, they tried to rout. The whines from a dying dog made themselves known in the night, as whatever beast had attacked it made the attacked dog fall mute. Chaos was ongoing, and Kovc was eager to see the creature he had created. The Mortalborn may have some bastards roaming the world, but he had never felt as a father. Now, as the monstrous growls of the creature he had perfected howled in the night, he knew he was meant to create. Many believed him to be a destroyer, but, in fact, he was a creator.

The teacher shrugged, and gestured forth with his hand; he extended an invitation of sorts towards the female. He did so politely and with self-instructed manners, and he didn’t hesitate.
“Shall we see?”
Last edited by Limbo on Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:48 pm, edited 1 time in total. word count: 626
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Who let the dogs out!?

Mara stayed back, but still, watching the man rise above the dead dog. Mara's eyes flicked toward the corpse, then back to the man, and she knew. She just knew he had had something to do with it. The man brought his fingers up, wiggling them a little, but the skin was pale and pink like a newborn babe's. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, and it seemed like the mark prickled with suspicion, arousing her to the fact that the man was clearly hiding something. That much was obvious.

"No fingers before, but fingers now," she stated, matter of fact, her arms crossing as she rose an eyebrow. "I know. I saw. You some kind of witch, boy?" Her tone was imperious, as though she was waiting for him to prostrate himself in front of her and beg forgiveness for all his wrongs. And honestly, Mara felt as though he should. Even as he bent to put his feet into his shoes, Mara's eyebrows stayed high in disgust. To walk the dirty streets of Etzos with nothing to protect your feet? Honestly. Disgusting. Boys.

"If you feed dog," she asked, slowly. It was like she was speaking to a child, even if the man's Common was better than hers. "Then why dead dog at feet? What you do to dogs, boy? Do not lie." Of course, he would lie. They always did, and Mara always knew it. His voice was too modulated, too polite, to be telling the truth. No one without something to hide would speak so easily to a stranger, especially in Etzos, where no one trusted anyone. And yet he was so polite. What other reason could he have other than to throw Mara off the scent of what he was really doing?

But still. Curiosity abounded. Slowly, Mara nodded, but she kept her sharp gaze trained on his face, flicking down to the dead dog. The howls around them only confirmed what Mara suspected; something was happening to the dogs, and it was clearly to do with the man. "Lead on," she said, falling into step beside the man, but making sure there was a safe distance between them if she needed to fight. "Show what you did to dogs, boy."
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Who let the dogs out!?



A shame that this didn't get finished, it looked like it was about to develop into quite the interesting interaction between the two of you! Again, though, with so few words (less than half those required for a thread), I can't award you maximum points. Let me know if you've got any questions, I'm a pm away!


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~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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Who let the dogs out!?

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Sorry this thread died. You all are some crazy kids, that's for sure.



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Injuries + Overstepping



Skill Knowledge:
Psychology: Animalistic Psychology
Medicine: Recognizing malformations
Unnarmed Combat: Breaking a neck
Unnarmed Combat: Restraining an animal’s maws
Mortalborn Ability (Perfect Organism): Kovic’s flesh mutates creatures
Mortalborn Ability (Perfect Organism): Cannot control mutations on other creatures
Acting: Playing it cool
Research: Using live subjects

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