Wherever Yo-lande

The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.

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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:35 pm
Race: Eídisi
Profession: Bookbinder
Renown: 30
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Wherever Yo-lande

The Creed
  1. Do not plot further than a season in advance
  2. Do not take on more threads than you can deal with, anything over 5 is too much for one time
  3. Make sure to start and finish your job thread by the end of the season
*List is subject to change and additions.
word count: 53
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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:35 pm
Race: Eídisi
Profession: Bookbinder
Renown: 30
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Wherever Yo-lande

Job Threads
The Theme

Each season, Yolande's job thread should contain an unusual/infrequently used word in the title, beginning at 'A' and ending at 'Z'. The theory is that then the thread should contain some of what that word means in an effort to give me some kind of framework for job threads that usually fall apart for me!
Trial Period
-Vhalar & Zi'da
*Table to be filled out at the end of each month (excluding October)

November (Vhalar)
Thread No Kinda A Little Yes
Written in?
Found difficult?
December (Zi'da)
Thread URL No Kinda A Little Yes
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January (Zi'da)
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Continue? Y/N
word count: 126
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Approved Character
Posts: 49
Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:35 pm
Race: Eídisi
Profession: Bookbinder
Renown: 30
Character Sheet
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Wealth Tier: Tier 1




Wherever Yo-lande

Below is the beginning of a development for Viden, due to be a bookbinders/printmakers & papermakers workshop. It's posted here so that I can work on it before submitting it to the place it's supposed to go.
Folio House
Developed by Yolande
With credit to Pash Raj'oriq
The Folio House is, contrary to it's name, not a house but a set of rooms found in the Prime Antheneum. However, it has only one function: the production of books. Some of the greatest minds and scholars live amongst the frozen walls of Viden, but their knowledge would be lost forever if it were not for the expertise of the masters of Folio House. It is here that ideas are turned to words on a page, gloriously bound and made subject to man.

The House caters primarily for the scholars and students of the Academy, as it has close links to this institution. Its main production are books destined for the library or for the hands of students. Occasionally, the masters of the House open the doors to allow amateur authors to publish a work, but they do not often do commercial printings and bindings. This might seem to be misaligned with the Prime Antheneum itself, but with the view of encouraging diversity, Folio House limits its scope so that others may take up their own, individual niches.
Folio House is accessible from the second floor of the library. One immediately knows they are approaching Folio House by the door that acts as an advertisement and a proud symbol of who they are and what they do. The door is in parts wood, and in parts interchangeable parchment. Two wooden frames hold unique artwork and literature segments in the door itself, so that new works and features can be displayed even as you are reaching for the handle. These change every new season, sometimes displaying a poem, othertimes a fragment of lore or a beautiful drawing.

As you enter into Folio House itself, the first thing you come across is the Reception. Here lies the desk where the administration, the book-keeping, the clerk and the receptionist dwell. Any and all requests are dealt with here, or are at least referred to the master or mistress in charge, whether they be book repairs, prints, or bindings. It is a busy space, and a neat, heavy bench lies across one wall for visitors to sit upon should the wait be a long one. A couple of illustrious paintings hang on the wall, one of the first master of Folio House, and the second of the current master.

Behind this room lies a small corridor that branches off into the two workshops. On the left is the Printing Room, and on the right is the Binding Room. The entrances to these rooms once held doors, but they have long since been removed in favour of ease of access between the two disciplines.

The Printing Room
As would be expected, the printing press dominates the room. Surrounding it lies all the paraphernalia associated with such a device- the metal typesets and inks required to render text on the pages. The paper itself is brought in freshly made each day, and sits in a stack that gradually depletes over the course of the day. The last page to be used means the end of the working day for the printers, although there is the usual tidy up and cleaning of the equipment afterwards that usually makes the day just that little bit longer. This room is well-lit with small but plentiful windows that sit high up on the walls. Underneath these are rows of shelves and cupboards that hide the myriad array of typesets in neatly labelled wooden boxes. A crowded desk sits in the corner for the head printer, who uses it to keep track of exactly what has been printed and when. The records stack behind the desk, with the earliest at the bottom of the substantial pile.

The Binding Room
This room is somewhat larger than it's sister, and has the equipment required for binding books instead. It has also doubled up as a book and manuscript repair room too, as time has progressed and the older volumes in the Library's possession have become damaged in the process. Several desks house glue, leather, boards of wood, string, paper, and engraving tools, as well as gold foil. Three different sized book presses line up against one wall, and a sewing frame sits happily beside them. As book binding is rather much towards the end of the book creation process, there is also an illustrator's and decorations table that houses paints and oils and other artistic equipment. The Binding Room has a large amount of variety when it comes to professions, as there are many skills required to bring a book to fruition.


Name: Neath Hdyr
Created by: Yolande
Race: Eidisi
Birthday/Age: 12/Zi'da/647th arc (70 arcs)
Title: Master Printer
Skills: Expert Printmaking, Expert Bookbinding, Expert Writing, Expert Mathematics
Details: Neath is the overall overseer of the Print Room and to some extent the Binding Room. He grew up with a purely academic background, his early childhood was filled with the wonders of numbers, and he grew obsessed with them in his youth. He sought to understand the various connections of statistics in particular, and made a name for himself as an author of several books on the statistics of various aspects of life in Viden. Neath enjoyed a prosperous life as a lecturer at the Academy, but in his 50's the man sought change. He grew frustrated as he struggled to understand any further than already had in his chosen field. It was a blow to the man, who was ambitious and driven, to come across such a stumbling block as his own ignorance. He had two options: continue struggling onwards even as his career was already beginning to show signs of decay, or take on another profession. In an unlikely set of circumstances, Neath took up a job as a printmaker's assistant in the 697th arc. By the 705th arc, he had secured his brilliance and taken the title of Master, which he has held happily to this day.

Neath is jovial but studious, prone to ignoring you if he finds something more interesting to occupy his time. However, unlike most Eidisi, Neath is rather open-minded when it comes to other species and values his human colleagues as much as his Eidisi ones. There is an odd manner to his actions however that hints at his restless, seeking nature. Although his mathematical skill means the ledger is meticulously neat and organised, there is a niggling suggestion that Neath still places his personal quest for statistical know-how above all else. This has lead some to resent the man... although most that get to know him would soon endear themselves to his friendly attitude.
Permissions: Seek moderator approval if wishing to use Neath to gain a job at this location.

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Note about location or NPCs needing moderator approval here. Yes? No?
word count: 1194
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