• Graded • The hold up in the Bank of Ne'haer

Ilinis and Yrmellyn are in the bank when robbers attack.

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Yrmellyn Cole
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The hold up in the Bank of Ne'haer

It seemed to actually work! Yrmellyn could hardly believe it was true, but she kept tuning in to the lock and listened with her attunement to the oddly clicking and metallic “music” she perceived it as. It wasn’t really what people would normally mean with sound, which they could hear with their ears. It wasn’t what people ordinarily would consider music. I was a magical experience of the lock...she would maybe find a name for it someday, but not right now in this stressful situation. Yrmellyn found it enough that she was somehow able do something, however weird.

The eidisi man proudly announced that there were only three more sets to go. The painter didn’t know what “sets” meant, but she figured her fellow involuntary lock picker knew at least something about what he was doing. She dismissed the possibility that he was just trying to fake it until he could make it. That was one scary thought. It was no idea to let it paralyze her. Actually, the spark of magic that was now in charge of Yrmellyn Cole’s brain seemed to approve of her being rational and not giving in to impulses to panic. It didn’t surprise her, because it wasn’t the first time she had felt the spark support her in situations when she needed to...not be emotional. It had helped her back in Cylus when she had been instrumental for the death of an insane mage in Rynmere’s criminal district. The spark had also been active that evening when she had broken out of the odd thrall she had been held in by professor Doran Thethys in combination with the content of an unknown potion they had tried to investigate in the laboratory of the university of Rynmere. She could feel the presence of the spark now too, colder and harder than the steel of the lock.

Her own mental power held her in an iron grip.

She stayed composed.

The eidisi started to move things again. She glanced at him. The man was looking like a very savvy vault lock operator indeed. It was perhaps partly due to his blue skin: everybody knew that eídisi were smarter than average and some also said they were even colder than the ice of that frozen city up north the race originated from.

She didn’t even know his name. He had seemed to work for the bank though.

The “sound” Yrmellyn received from the lock went more complex now. A kind of “screeching” sound joined the initial clicks. It sickened her to listen to it. The words “tortured metal” came to her mind and the sound spilled over to her sense of smelling and gave her an artificial whiff of burnt metal and something else unpleasant. She felt like she and the lock shared an acute wish to make this terror stop, so she lived her hand and told the eídisit to stop.

“Stop! Not that way! Turn that device the opposite way for immortals sake, or you will soon make an alloy of...devices. Just turn that...thing... the opposite way!”

She really hoped it would help. The magical sensations of screaming metal on the verge of a dramatic meltdown were killing her. The silence when it stopped was as shocking as the “sound” it had replaced. It remained to see if the peace would last, because she couldn’t know if the eídisi had just stopped temporarily and was about to resume what he had been doing, or if he would pay heed to what she had told him to do.

If he decided to not listen to her, and continued in the same manner a before the pause, he would see the painter stiffen like lightning had hit her. If he would do as she has asked him to do, Yrmellyn would seem to relax visibly for no obvious reason, and start to hum silently in concert with a secret and metallic music no one else than she could hear.
word count: 678
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The hold up in the Bank of Ne'haer

Flipping another of the pistons, Ilinis sighed. How many bits had passed since they started? Sure, they were making progress, if the woman next to him could be believed. Yet all the same, this process was time consuming. He started to turn one of the gear wheels again when his hand rapted hard against the metal door. He cursed for what seemed like the hundredth time that day. There was too much going on at once. It was annoying. Tiresome. Stupid. He kicked the door in anger. Why was he even trying to open the damn thing? The save his own skin? Wouldn't the honorable thing to do be to forget about opening the door and attack the robbers in an attempt to protect the patrons of the bank?

He realized it wasn't even a matter of honor. It is what someone brave would do. Say damn the consequences and act alone to try to protect innocent lives who need protecting. His eyes narrowed. He hadn't felt anger like this in awhile; it was usual something that only occurred when he had been bested at his own game, as he had now. Forget about the woman and her insane plan to "listen to the lock", they were running out of time. If he attacked the robbers, perhaps some of them would make it out. First he would need to get one of them close enough to him to stab -- that way he'd have a body-shield to block crossbow bolts. He smirked. Yes, that would work. Lie, say the door was open, but it needed some more force to be pushed open. Get one of them over here. It was perfect.

He started to fiddle with the gear on the door more, turning it more aggressively than earlier. Suddenly, the woman next to him had an outburst that he should turn the wheel the other way, otherwise it would turn non-functional as a glob of alloy. The panic on her face made it seem like she truly believed it. If it were true...perfect. They would never steal the treasures of the bank. He looked the woman next to him in the eyes, and while forcing the wheel in the direction she cautioned against, said, "Good."

The wheel was harder to turn, yet he forced it onwards in its journey. Suddenly there was a loud clanking noise and the metal grew hot under his touch. He continued to spin the wheel until it wouldn't budge anymore. Then, he slowly turned to the nearest guard. "The wheel seems stuck. Could you help me give it a push?"

His hand went to his hip, inside his coat, and his fingers grazed his throwing knives. Soon.
word count: 467
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Yrmellyn Cole
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The hold up in the Bank of Ne'haer

For a moment the insane mental scream of melting metal spread over the mage’s mind like lava from an erupting volcano spreads over the ground below, turning every sentient being in its way to ashes before they know what hit them. The impression made her stiffen like she had been hit by lightning, and she experienced a feeling of existing in an unreal and soundless stillness where time had stopped. It’s fully probable that this lasted on for fractions of a trill, but no matter how brief it may have been it etched a salient memory into her brain, this moment, this only moment when she hovered between life and death, like a moth that had come to close to fire.

The spark inside her flared up without any conscious act of willpower and abruptly cut off the connection to the lock .

She lost contact with the metal as she fell away from the door, and landed on the floor, still alive. She was hardly able to understand what happened. Yrmellyn Cole was for time being down and out, though not unconscious, even if it could look so to others. She was aware, but immortals only knew when and if she would be able to function normally again.

In the odd and blurred state she was in she did things she would normally not even have thought of doing, as it was so incredibly weird that it could hardly be described. She turned the still active attunement inwards to herself, listening for something, searching for someone, trying to get in touch with the magic spark itself, like it was a person she could speak with. She tried to find it, tried to see it, tried to see an image of the spark. It had saved her. She felt like this meant she was special now, closer to the power she carried inside her, a personal friend of the magic itself. Little did she know that sheer chance had happened to propel her into a rare domain magic discipline named schism. It’s existence was unknown to her. She had no name for what she did. She just knew that the spark had reached out for her and in response she reached out to the spark. For a moment she imagined that she nearly, but only nearly, saw something, like a mirror image already gone from a rippling water surface, far away. Thus she experienced the magic of schism, in the aftermath of what she would later think of as a near death experience.

It was over.

She seemed to have gained a small amount of energy and clarity and realized she needed to let the attunement fade out before any more impressions reached her, from within or from outside. The beginning headache and nausea of overstepping had started to grow in her. Yrmellyn Cole has survived, but not without consequences.

Her memory was coming back to inform her about the place and situation. She was in the bank of Ne’haer. Three robbers were pointing their crossbows at the hostage. The blue freak she had been teamed up with had sent the look into an inner meltdown, and she could hear him say: "The wheel seems stuck. Could you help me give it a push?"

The blue man is bat crazy, she thought dizzily.

This might be their death. This thought triggered a memory of another time, back in Rynmere in Culys, of how she and Saeri LaChasse running for their lives, and how she had drawn the pistol crossbow.

She lay on the floor, immovable, playing dead.

Come what may.

To the painter it had felt like all this had taken long time, but it wasn’t really so. To other people the situation was that she had seemed like struck by lightning and fallen to the floor, and the eídisi had right now called for more support. A clanking sound resounded in the room when one of the robbers lost self-control and pulled the trigger of his crossbow, likely the one named “Wingnut”, to judge from the angry swearing of the man she thought of as “Eagle”.

Yrmellyn felt incredibly weary and weak and the headache was constantly growing towards migraine, but she was able to think again. Obviously one of the robbers was in love with the big ledger, but seemed like a total novice at shooting with a crossbow, as well as at robbery. As far as Yrmellyn understood it, that one must be temporarily unarmed now, due to foolishly firing his crossbow at the door. The door, yes, that door, with the destroyed and stuck lock...what would the robbers do when they found the door impossible to open?

She hoped that “Peasant” would still be reluctant to kill people... he hadn’t shot Deimos so maybe he wouldn’t shoot anybody else either, at least not to kill them. “Eagle”...she wasn’t sure, but she was under the impression that he could be more dangerous than the other two. Then again, he had also seemed more in control of himself. Perhaps he would find it better to leave quickly than to take time to execute hostage when there was nothing to win and it would just delay their escape?

The tall woman spoke, in a surprisingly controlled and efficient tone: “Down, Sybil!”

The child sobbed, and next moment Yrmellyn felt the young girl land on top of her, across her upper body, her small body and her big unruly hair half covering the painter.
word count: 925
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The hold up in the Bank of Ne'haer

Ilinis was not prepared for what happened when he turned forced the lock on the vault. When the woman collapse, he felt himself staring at her. What happened to her? Why did she seem like she was in pain? ...More importantly, if she was down for the count, what was he going to do now? He quickly took his hand from his coat. There would be no fighting from him. There were too many and now with the woman out, and only an injured man, and a child and its mother around, it was hopeless.

The robber that had seemed reluctant to kill was about to approach the vault to assist at Ilinis' request when the leader held out an arm, stopping the man's progress. No. You're not going up there. This whole thing has gone south. And look at the woman," he said gesturing to Yrmellyn, "Either the vault has some sort of defense or she's dying. Plan B, as we discussed."

The crazed robber cursed, "Why?! We'll get nothing! I'm not getting executed because of y--"

"Silence!" the leader roared, "Knock them out. See if they have anything valuable. But we're not leaving empty handed, you dolt. We have that book."

Ilinis interrupted as his voice cracked,"W-wait! Don't take the book! The vault is almost open! If you give me more time I can--"

The reluctant-to-kill robber slammed the bottom of his fist into Ilinis' face. Ilinis slammed back into the vault, his head crashing into the heavy metal door. The robber stood over Ilinis' crumpled frame and shook his head. "At least this way you won't get yourself killed. Thank the Immortals today."

Darkness took Ilinis. He had failed the bank.


Lost 25 GN from robbery
Last edited by Ilinis on Wed Nov 01, 2017 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 310
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Yrmellyn Cole
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The hold up in the Bank of Ne'haer

Yrmellyn Cole was already looking knocked out, perhaps even dead, where she lay on the floor without moving. The robbers didn't care to hit her in the head because it would be wasted time. They just took her money, the nine gold five silver nels in her pouch. The painter’s eyes were shut, so she wasn’t able to see whom of them did this, but she felt a strong a smell of herbs and spiced. It seemed like some kind of male perfume, probably not too expensive, but okay if you weren’t too picky. It made her feel a bit more awake for a little while, but she remained still and she didn’t open her eyes.

Yrmellyn heard the robbers "take care of" the other hostages, even the small girl, and "Eagle" said "You have the client records? The ledger? Looks heavy! There must be a lot of nice information there!"

She heard the robbers continue search the room and the other people in order to steal random valuables.

One of them must have kicked the door because a metallic sound rang out like a bell. Then they left, obviously taking the big ledger with them. Even in her groggy state Yrmellyn found it weird that that bank robbers would be so interested in a ledger. What was it with that book that was so interesting to them? She felt too tired to even try to guess the answer.

She had survived, but she knew she would be sick for days, due to the overstepping and to the mistake of trusting the blue freak to follow her instructions and turn the...things ... the right way. He hadn’t paid heed to what she said so if she would suffer from side effects after this accident it was his fault! Why had she thought she could trust someone who had already confessed to lying about being able to open the door? The questions jammed in her dizzy mind. The headache had grown to violent migraine, her whole head and face throbbed with pain.

She opened her eyes. Migraine flashes blinded her. It was the kind of Migraine attack only overuse of magic could cause. She knew she would have to stay in bed for days. She ...

Finally she passed out for real. Ledger: Lost - 9 gold nels, 5 silver nels in the robbery
word count: 397
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The hold up in the Bank of Ne'haer



Really enjoyed this. Loved how it got worse and worse for Ilinis with every subsequent post even as he tried to stall. Still, you saved the vault even if they did get away with the book.


XP: 15/15 (Cannot be used for Magic)

- 1 for failing the Bank of Ne'hear in its hour of greatest need :c
- 1 for getting the bossman knocked out


-25 GN

Minor concussion


Skill Knowledge
Detection: Even being the most observant does not help with the unexpected
Deception: Lying to make yourself trusted
Deception: Buying time for a plan
Deception: Pretending you’re doing something
Psychology: Signs of Agitated Behavior
Psychology: Signs of Mental Stress
Psychology: Dominance in Groups (Who the leader is)
Acting: Committing to the role
Mathematics: Multiplication under pressure
Interrogation: Threats are motivation
Interrogation: Painting a Picture of their fate
Thrown Weapons: How to palm a blade, concealed

Other Knowledges
Ne’haer: Bank of Ne’haer (Vault has defenses)
Ne’haer: Bank of Ne’haer (Vault lock is ridiculously complicated)
Ne’haer: Bank of Ne’haer (The Ledger)
Misc: You don’t mess with people who haven’t planned well
People: Yrmellyn Cole (Strange ability to pick locks by sound)
People: Yrmellyn Cole (A few screws loose)


We only took 5ever to get to this


XP: 15/15 (all da magic)


Repercussions long past
Minus 9 GN 5 SN

Minor concussion


Skill Knowledge
Business Management: To ask potential clients to pay via a bank account
Common Sign: The shorter the better, when you are a novice
Common Sign: To read short and easy sign messages from another person
Common Sign: To give simple answers of one or a coupe words
Attunement: To open up attunement slowly and cautiously to avoid shocks
Attunement: To let the impressions of the environment stream through you awareness
Attunement: To dampen the full impression in favor of singling out the vital few keys
Attunement: Tuning in to crafted items of metal
Attunement: Attunement backfire effects can feel like being struck by lightning
Attunement: To turn attunement inwards to your own mind and the impressions from inside
Attunement: To randomly discover another magic by attunement in an altered state of mind
Discipline: To stay composed when being threatened by armed enemies

Other Knowledges
Ne’haer Location: The Bank of Ne’haer
Ne’haer NPC: Deimos, a banker
PC: The blue banker
Ne’haer NPCs: The three bankrobbers (“Eagle, Wingnut, Peasant”)
Ne’haer NPCs: The hostages in the robbery (Fat man, Tall woman, Small girl named Sybil)
The vague backfire memory of meeting your own inner magic spark
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