98 Vhalar, 715
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All Rakahi Pidgin translations are at the bottom of each post.
"Ze. I ent done with’is face." Knuckles bloodied, the shorter Biqaj was clearly drunk with his dark hair mussed and his cheeks flushed, fingers curled into the collar of a battered man as they stood on the street outside of an overcrowded tavern that still rang with the tinkling of broken glass an the shouts of the fighting going on inside. The dark-haired man wavered on his feet, silver blood shimmering in the darkness as it flowed from some gnarled mess in his scalp from a chair. He struggled against his cousin as the taller musician attempted to drag him away,
"S’ no’ worth it, Torim." Pash grumbled, the ache in his left bicep becoming a groan of fiery pain as he shifted his hips against his cousin and began to forcefully shove him, the other drunk Biqaj staggering backwards and forced to drop the unconscious sod who’d bashed his head and probably broken a few of his ribs. The younger Biqaj made sure to shove a calloused palm against those ribs, the pain causing Torim to howl, tears welling in his eyes as he almost fell over.
Pash smirked, "Now, I said let’s tack, jhi’nat." He had no interest in being around when the rest of the bar fight spilled outside, both of them bleeding and far too inebriated to last long. Instead, he moved to support his shorter cousin who was, Immortals be damned, so much heavier than himself with more than just muscle. The two made a sorry, silvery pair, grunting and grumbling and laughing stupidly as they meandered their way through the streets some break after midnight, stumbling and trying not to pass out in some alley they wouldn’t want to be caught in here in Bayward.
Finally, the docks were in sight, but as they stepped foot onto their worn, salty surface, Torim began to struggle, shouldering out of Pash’s grip and barreling him over as he turned to hurl the mostly alcoholic contents of his impressively large stomach all over the docks, narrowly avoiding his younger cousin with but a bit of foul splatter and a hoarse, gurgling laugh,
"B’ Ilaren’s tits, I’m so gunnl’d. Eja’yo." The dark-haired bastard was laughing more, swaying dizzily on his feet even as he reached a hand up to feel the blood run down his face and his other meaty hand toward Pash to help him up,
"Qes, y’are." The taller, younger man chuckled, rolling his eyes, though Torim’s tug on his bicep sent a fire up his shoulder and his words became a guttural noise of pain, the silver that stained his shirt testament to someone having stabbed him. He raised his other hand and curled his calloused fingers into a fist, tensing as if he was about to swing it at his shorter, bulkier cousin, about to punch him simply because of how much everything hurt. Growling, he stopped himself. Barely, "But so ‘m I an’ we’re gonna have t’ take care ‘f ourselves, y’ djout."
"We’ll be fiiinnneeee." His cousin waved a hand, sidestepping his own vomit to shove the both of them towards Pash’s sloop, The Muse, "I trust y’ worldly knowledge since y’ve been off sailin’ all o’ Idalos without me."
"Havakda." The seafaring musician rolled his eyes and growled, refraining from telling Torim where to shove his drunk optimism, considering they’d been battered enough, "I still can’t believe y’ bought them a round."
"Well, y’ were playin' an’ they looked like they needed a bit o’ loosenin' up." Torim confessed, the rather rough looking table had definitely been on edge, and while Pash played his lute with a real skill, the shipwright’s son could sense the tension in the air and had hoped buying the pirates some drinks would have allowed them to enjoy their evening, not get angrier and slide into violence, "I still don’ know what in Chrien’s ire they were fightin' ‘bout anyways."
"Doesn’t matter. Jus’ a buncha’ gy’at goin' ‘bout life th’ wrong way stealin’… chunta!" Pash hissed, moving to help his cousin over the railing of his sloop before he staggered over as well, barely keeping himself from sprawling onto his deck as he lost balance, his legs like gelatin and his body tired, sore. He felt his sleeve soaked with his shimmering, silver blood, surprised that what he thought was a little cut could just keep flowing. Knife wounds were always a pain in the ass.
Rakahi Pidgin Translations
Let's tack! = Let's get out of here quickly. Let's flee.
Ze = No
Jhi’nat = Derogatory term for "ass", often used by Biqaj when threatening to punish their children.
Gunnel’d = Drunk. Really, really drunk. Puking over the rails of my sloop drunk.
Eja’yo = I’m sorry. Shortened form of Eja’yoama.
Yes = Yes
Djout = Jerk, chump in this context; literally: lowlife, dirty, filthy
Havakda = Fuck off.
Gy’at = Outsiders, non-Biqaj
Chunta = Dammit!
Ze = No
Jhi’nat = Derogatory term for "ass", often used by Biqaj when threatening to punish their children.
Gunnel’d = Drunk. Really, really drunk. Puking over the rails of my sloop drunk.
Eja’yo = I’m sorry. Shortened form of Eja’yoama.
Yes = Yes
Djout = Jerk, chump in this context; literally: lowlife, dirty, filthy
Havakda = Fuck off.
Gy’at = Outsiders, non-Biqaj
Chunta = Dammit!