• Memory • To hear it sung upon the sea [Laiken]

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Pash Raj'oriq
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To hear it sung upon the sea [Laiken]

Saun 39, 709, Late Afternoon

Beach outside of Ne’Haer

The new year was coming, as was an end to the oppressive heat of two suns. Tomorrow would bring quite the family gathering, practically their whole clan sprawling out on the beach with food and drink to celebrate the setting of the suns, to reflect upon the past year, to give themselves new names, to make promises, and, of course, just to party. Pash was excited, for his sloop—The Muse as he’d planned to call her—was almost finished and would be ready for her first real sail in another ten-trial or so if the weather proved itself willing to cooperate despite the season’s near-unbearable heat.

Escaping as early as he could from the oppressive heat of the shipyard, eager to get to the beach if only for a hint of a breeze and the cool of the water, Pash wanted to pause at his home to grab his lute, though he knew doing so would attract the attention of his siblings, if no one else. The house was quiet enough, and the aspiring musician crept past the hearth and up the stairs toward the room he still shared with his brothers (much to his chagrin), assuming his mother was still at the market with her woven goods and his brothers and sister with cousins or elsewhere.

Stepping carefully over his youngest brother, Kadem’s, general mess to get to his humble corner of the room, he snatched up his grandfather’s old mother-of-pearl inlaid lute and slid it over his shoulder. Slipping back out of the room, he turned toward the stairs and nearly stumbled over his sister who was already laughing at him, hands on her hips,

“Where are you going?” Closest to him in age, they were barely two arcs apart and had probably spent arcs of their younger times at odds with each other. Now, of course, Pash understood her mock-anger question as insistence to invite her with him, not a threat to tattle at his potential escapade.

“Me? Just to the beach, Unja. Come swim and sing with me—then you can’t tell anyone.” The taller Biqaj winked in a conspiratory fashion at his sister with her sun-washed brown hair and now-mischevious emerald gaze that mirrored his own. He moved as if to skirt past her, the grin on her face his answer,

“I didn’t want to do any washing anyway. Let’s go before anyone else notices.” She all but shoved him down the stairs, one hand catching the strap of his lute and allowing herself to be led once more into trouble by the older boy who never seemed to have any qualms about doing so on any trial. Ever.

Once out of the house, Pash picked a direction to head down the beach, aware that he’d have to pass a few more homes along the way, most of these various houses belonging to their clan, their extended family. In Saun’s baking heat, most of the houses were open to the breeze, windows flung open and porch doors hoping that some of the sea’s soothing coolness would drift their way. Aware that this meant passing in view of other folks who may want to join them in their escapades, the aspiring musician kept an eye out for familiar faces along the way.
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            Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

            Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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            Laiken Raj'ryn
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            To hear it sung upon the sea [Laiken]


            It was a day hot enough to melt a person, or at least that's what it felt like to Laiken. He'd caused too much of a commotion with his parents and had been kicked out to go play outside and get his energy out, but it was so hot that most people didn't want to come outside and play with him, leaving him to wander about on his own. He didn't mind the heat....much. He figured if he got too hot, he could just go jump in the water to cool off again. Deciding that he wanted to earn some nel to get something to drink, he set himself up outside and started to dance and sing, cavorting about with as much energy as a young boy not quite a man could muster. By the time he stopped, he was practically drenched in sweat, but he had enough nel for several drinks if he spent it wisely. Grinning, he spun off back towards where many of his family and extended family made their homes, his nose guiding him to one of his cousins places as she had just finished baking molasses cookies. With some pleading and cajoling, and of course the classic puppy dog eyes, she shooed him off with half a dozen of the cookies in a bag in his hands and a big grin on his face as he ran off.
            "Th' wolves will chase ye by th' pale moonlight
            Drunk 'n driven by Chrien's hunger
            Drive yer son like a rondel spike
            Into th' water, let it pull 'im under
            Don't ye lift 'im, let 'im drown alive
            U'frek speaks like a furlin' thunder
            Let that fever make th' water rise
            'n let th' river run dry"
            Laiken sang out loud and proud as he skipped down the sidewalk, a hand in one pocket protecting the nel he'd worked to earn, and the other clutching his cookies. It was by sheer coincidence that he encountered Pash and his sister, considering he'd been running all over the place. But he'd recognize his favorite cousin anywhere and he sang out loudly, "Seq’at!" Before dashing over to fall into step with him, a huge grin lighting up his face. "Nje’lu? Wha' are ye up t' on this scorchin' day? Can I join in th' fun?" For he knew without a doubt that whatever Pash was up to, fun would surely follow.
            word count: 414
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                      Pash Raj'oriq
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                      To hear it sung upon the sea [Laiken]

                      “Es’jah, Laiken!” Pash returned a grin at the younger boy’s greeting, his cousin’s enthusiasm always a welcome addition to whatever misadventure he often found himself caught up in, whether intentional or not.

                      Unja eyed the bag he was carrying curiously, close enough to the pair that the fresh, warm smell of something sweet carried in the oven of Saun’s hot air. She giggled, elbowing her brother in the ribs so he would notice, “Looks like Laiken’s brought us all something delicious. How kind.”

                      “Lemmy, ‘cause we’re off t’ th’ beach for some swimmin’ an’ some music, I think. I’ve had a song stuck in m’ head for trials an’ I’m can’t seem t’ get it all out o’ there. I bet you’ll have some ideas, seq’at.” The shipwright’s son pointed in the general direction of his intended destination, having passed through most of the residences and a few lingering pastures and vegetable gardens baking in the sun. He didn't even feel the need to give the younger boy permission to come along—of course he could—and Pash immediately included him in all his thoughts for the trial. The cobblestones eventually gave way to sandy streets and scraggly ocean grass, and after a few windswept dunes, they all stood on a ridge facing the surf.

                      The tide was washing back in as the afternoon would wear on, though in this season it was always far lower than any other, the moons banished by so much sunlight. A few rocks made a natural jetty to the north of them, waves crashing and spraying against the dark stone all the way out into the sea. A few of the big rocks crawled up the shore, providing a bit of shade in their height and also having curious places to climb and sit and explore.

                      Pash didn’t ask so much as lead the way, slipping his lute from behind him and strumming a few chords, bumping Laiken’s shoulder with his own to imply he should listen while his sister rolled her eyes and ran fingertips over the last of the tall, stiff sea grass,

                      “A’ight, so—” the older boy played a few bars, his fingers moving slowly over the courses plucking strings. It’d been only two or three arcs since he’d picked up playing the lute from his grandfather—Laiken’s grandfather, too, since he was a cousin from his mother’s side—and the old man had been impressed enough with his musical talent to give Pash the instrument he’d made and played for decades. It was a handsome gift and one the shipwright’s son treasured greatly.

                      It took several tries, however, to get the melody right from his mind to his hands, certainly talented but still in need of practice and patience,

                      “—So, I’ve got this, eh?” He played the snippet of song again, the rocks looming into view as they walked. Pash then presented to Laiken two possible directions the tune could take, the first direction languid and watery while the second direction clearly began to build into a more robust, dance sort of tune, “But I’m no’ sure where t’ go from there.”

                      “Snacks, that’s where.” Unja was already climbing on the rocks ahead of the two boys, nimble and quick with her wild heart clearly set on devouring all of Laiken’s cookies, her Rakahi words full of mischief, “And the first direction has my vote, if it counts.” She smirked, aware that her brother hardly ever wanted to listen to her advice any more than she wanted to listen to his, “It sounds like the sea, so I think we should go swimmin’ instead.”

                      Pash laughed, the heat of Saun enough to incline him to agree with his sister, ”No’ such a bad idea. M’haps I’ll let th’ sea inspire me—“

                      “Last one in’s a scuttled ship!” Unja shouted, already squirming out of her dress and leaping over rocks, far ahead of the two boys.

                      “I’ll scuttle both yer ships!” A familiar voice hollered from the grassy dunes behind them, Traek’s sweaty, flushed self huffing through the sand, Pash’s cousin having caught onto his absence and clearly not wanting to miss out on the fun. Behind him followed a few other friends, waving and grinning. The heat of the day had been enough that the shipyards had let the younger ones go, and there was only one place to end up for a Saun afternoon—the sea.

                      Always antagonizing each other, Pash was quick to slip his lute off and set it against a rock, glaring with challenge at his older cousin, “Gotta catch me first, jhi’nat!” The taller boy was laughing as he tugged off his clothes and kicked off his sandals before turning to also climb the rocks. His already calloused hands felt for grips on the stones that littered the beach, rushing to climb over them before Torim caught up to him, before his cousin could grab a limb and haul him back into the sand. He knew the older boy was stronger than him in some ways, the shorter, bulkier Biqaj more brute strength than finesse. Pash was quicker, but no less impatient.

                      Hissing as he skinned a knee, he made it up the rock and began to hop and step his way out over the water, ready to make a dive for it even as his dark-haired cousin and friends began to scramble after Pash and Unja toward the cool refreshment of the water.
                      word count: 943
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                                Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

                                Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
                                User avatar
                                Pash Raj'oriq
                                Approved Character
                                Posts: 1200
                                Joined: Fri May 05, 2017 5:31 pm
                                Race: Biqaj
                                Profession: Tankbard
                                Renown: 315
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                                To hear it sung upon the sea [Laiken]

                                The rocks were large and smooth, close together as if some Immortal or dragon had tossed them there, forming a natural walkway several feet above the beach and a natural bridge into the shallow bay. The youths all laughed and grinned, chasing each other to see who would truly be first into the calm, brined water.

                                Unja was nimble, careful. Pash was reckless but observant, watching where his sister stepped even as he picked up speed. As he passed her, he chanced a glance over his shoulder, Torim was gaining, though he wouldn’t overtake Unja, the Vy’ryn pair having had way too much of a head start. The rest of their friends were either already in the water, unconcerned with a chase over the rocks, or slowly following after the three, not feeling the need to compete.

                                The taller boy moved passed his sister, who snatched at him, aware that the end of the rocks was up ahead, and her fingers barely grazed his tanned skin. With a laugh she attempted to catch up with him, if only to make sure she could shove him roughly off the edge of the rock and send him ungracefully falling into the deeper waters below. Pash was laughing, unaware, and so as he began to coil his body to spring off from the edge of the last rock and dive, a pair of hands roughly made contact with his back and he yelped, hearing Torim’s loud laugh of approval as Unja succeeded in tipping him off balance. Left with only enough time to leap away from the edge with the force of her shove, the tall Biqaj hit the water below with all the grace of a wet blanket, salty sea stinging his back and legs as he hit with a hiss of air and a whine of pain.

                                Surfacing with a toss of sun-bleached hair, he shouted tauntingly, “Still first!”

                                Grinning wickedly for but a trill or two before his grin turned into an expression of surprise, his cousin diving after him with a yell that promised more trouble, not less,

                                “Doesn’t matter!”

                                Pash quickly kicked backwards, attempting to put some distance between himself and the diving older boy, aware that Torim still would want to hit the water and not his younger cousin’s lanky, muscled body. That would hurt.

                                Torim dove into the water with a much more enviable and perfect form, the older boy a strong swimmer like he was a strong combatant, disappearing into the warm, deep blue water with a trail of bubbles as he used his momentum to swim toward Pash. Unja was graceful, as always, and a few other young Biqaj followed after her into the water. Near the rocks was just deep enough for diving and swimming but not so deep to invite too many predators while the tide was low. Fish and sea grass made their homes in the sand and rocks below. The water was colder as it got deeper, but clear and bright in the heat of Saun.

                                The boy knew his cousin was after him to pull him under, so he sank down before the older boy could get a chance, disappearing under the next rolling wave and opening his eyes in time to have Torim barrel into him, one arm moving to wrap around his waist. The stronger, bulkier boy charged the surface for a breath, gasping some air into his lungs and barely giving Pash a chance to do the same, before he dove them both back under with a laugh, making to drive them both down to the sandy bottom with a few powerful kicks. The water pressure shifted in their ears and both boys were grinning, the younger wrestling to get free from the tight grip of his dark-haired cousin.

                                Pash attempted to throw his weight to one side with a twist of his hips and a kick, spinning them in the weightlessness of the water and bringing his other leg up to force space between them, forcing Torim to choose between holding his breath and letting Pash go or holding his cousin and getting a knee in his diaphragm to force all the air from his lungs. He let go, eyes wide and wild with the sting of the brine. Close to the bottom, the taller boy rolled and planted his feet on a rock, faster to shove off and propel himself back upwards, folding his arms at his side to make him more like a harpoon launched from a ballistae than to make strokes, the strength of his kick off enough to launch him past his cousin.

                                Torim sank to the bottom a little slower, shorter, before he too could twist his body and kick off another rock, quick to chase the younger boy back toward the surface where the silhouetted forms of friends could be seen making their way toward shallower water or back to the rocks to climb and jump off again into the lazy waves.

                                The pair chased each other for several bits, surfacing and wrestling, neither of them able to get the upper hand on each other in the sea. It was fun for a while before the boys returned to the rocks to see who could leap the highest or the farthest, who could do the craziest stunt, or who could splash the biggest. The heat of Saun was forgotten as the group of young Biqaj enjoyed the cold sting of the salty water and the breeze.

                                Eventually, they were all back on the beach, drying quickly in the sun and oven-like temperatures, sharing cookies and other food, laughing and trying not to burn their bare skin on hot sand. Once the food was consumed, it didn’t take much convincing for Pash to play some music, Unja willing to lend her voice in song and a few others joining in with clapping hands and songs of their own, dancing and playing and enjoying themselves in the shade of the rocks as the suns moved across the sky.

                                By late afternoon, the young Biqaj were all spent after another dip in the sea and poking around the rocks for sea life to explore. Aware that eventually parents and siblings would want to see them home, the crowd would slowly disperse back over the dunes and toward home.

                                Off Topic
                                I just wanted to close this thread out with a bit of something so it didn’t sit around ignored. Thanks!
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                                          Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

                                          Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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                                          Pegasus Pug!!!
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                                          To hear it sung upon the sea [Laiken]


                                          LOL - love some of the very vivid imagery you've got going on here - 'last one in's a scuttled ship' made me chuckle. I loved how you portrayed young Pash- different but still recognizably himself, which is not easy to do in a memory thread. Really interesting to see his relationships with his relatives, too. Lots of competition and laughter - a perfect afternoon! Nice thread, I enjoyed it.
                                          word count: 134
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