The plot development forum is designed for players and groups to keep track of their plot lines, goals they wish their characters to complete in each season, and anything else that may tie into your character's past, present, and future. Please remember that this is not the Personal Journals forum and should not be treated as such. All information posted within this forum should be information that ties back to your character within the Standing Trials Roleplay.
- Become best friends with the Empress: Daliane will benefit from a relationship with the Empress and I feel they would get along. He is not very religious but in a way, Daliane is righteous. He is truthful, honest and law-abiding too (but also vain and arrogant). I do not know how to make this goal happen but I want him to at least meet the Empress.
- Improve one's fame: This could be accomplished with his acting career. Hopefully, Daliane will get much better at acing, take a lot of the lead roles and be noticed by the people of Andaris City.
- Become a better Actor: In order to make the goal above happen, he must get better.
- Immortal Lover:He's so much better than everyone, the immortals should just like him just because. One of the hardest goals I believe I have given my character, this might take some time. I imagine he would catch the eye of an Immortal the same way Hyacinth caught Apollo's eye. Instead, Daliane would catch an immortal's attention with his charm and skills in pleasing the same sex. Which immortal do I want him to seduce though?
I think the immortal of seduction or the seasonal ones would suite him. I have a plot in mind for Zanik; watch out man, I'm coming for you.
- Purchase a large estate
- Gain a familiar bond: Daliane knows a lot about his mother's culture. He knows of the Sev'ryn people's way of life, he knows about the special bond many form; he just needs to explore this side a bit more.
Short Description: The immortal of the Sev'ryn. The Sev'ryn do not worship her but she is the reason they exist. Moseke's domain is earth, stone, nature and life. She is a very generous and loving toward most (if not all) mortals.
Daliane's connection with god: Daliane does not know too much about this Immortal, all he knows is that she lives amongst his mother's people and created them. He is very curious about this Immortal though. There is not really a connection there...yet.
Plans(To think about?): I want Daliane to gain her mark. He is very fond of animals and nature, I feel this Immortal would almost be his patron. In order to gain her mark, I would like to do a few threads that have Daliane get involve with nature. He could plant a tree, help a wounded deer, or maybe clean up a dirty beach.
-Do a few threads with his mother: From his mother, he should learn more about the Immortal.
Short Description: The immortal of beauty, jealousy, sight and adultery. A little self-centered and a shopaholic.
Daliane's connection with god: The. Immortal. Of. Beauty. Daliane cares deeply about his appearance and knows he is absolutely gorgeous. He may know more about Edasha than Moseke because he cares deeply for his own beauty. There is not too much of a connection but Daliane has much respect for this Immortal.
Short Description: Immortal of Strength, Seduction, Music.
Daliane's connection with god: While being fostered by House Venora, Daliane was under the care of a crazy, sexual and seductive woman named Bianca Venora. This woman spoke highly of the immortal and has been marked twice by him. Through him, Bianca taught Daliane about pleasure and the arts of seduction. Suprisingly, he has no connection with Zanik yet. Daliane acknowledges his existence but never got the chance to recognize him.
Plans(To think about?):He is on my hit list. I would like Daliane to be marked by this immortal at least. Through Bianca Venora, this is possible. She could introduce Daliane to this Immortal and hopefully, Zanik likes what he sees and marks Daliane.
-Threads with Bianca Venora: To improve his skills in seduction, I would like to do some memory threads or ones taking place in present time, where Daliane works with Bianca on his skills. If he works hard enough, he could attract Zanik.
I'm obsessed with Ziell and dis is where my plans for him will go
Summary of Ziell (Daliane's POV)
Since Daliane was raised to believe in Rynlism, he does not exactly see Ziell as a god nor does he believe that's what the profound mortal wants to be viewed as by those he's blessed. To Daliane, Ziell is just a greater race with beyond greater powers. Daliane doesn't exactly know enough about Ziell to get a good judgement of him but thus far, Daliane believes he is a good guy who wants nothing but the best.
What's so special about him? (Daliane's POV)
His looks. The first thing Daliane noticed about Ziell is his great looks and attitude. The trial he laid eyes on Ziell, he knew he would crush on the Immortal for as long as he lived. Not too many people (mortals and immortals) are like Ziell in Daliane mind and from what he's learned so far, Ziell's heart is always in the right place. "I may not know a lot but I know Ziell has a beautiful soul and I would like to get to know that beautiful soul better."
What are your plans?
If you're in chat, you'd know that I constantly talk about Daliane being the lover of one of the Immortals. Frankl,y I do not care who but Ziell would be a good choice. I feel like Daliane would lift his spirits being so close to Daia personality wise. If it's possible, I would like to schedule at least one thread every two or three season and in those threads, Daliane will get to know Ziell better and their friendship will slowly change.
Last edited by Daliane Andaris on Sat Apr 01, 2017 4:53 pm, edited 4 times in total. word count: 299
Name: Lucas Freedom Race: Mixed race (Avriel/Human) Age: 20 arcs Born: 30th of Skills: Strength(26), Endurance(16), Intimidation(16), Unarmed Combat(26), Flying(16) Other Information: Lucas was considered a disgrace the moment he was born. Both Lucas' mother and father hated him. Lucas' mother was a human slave to a powerful avriel man (his father) who used her for pleasure. Not in a billion arcs did Lucas' parents ever thing he would occur and when he did, they were disgusted. The avriel sold his mother to some merchant. Lucas' mother was able to escape somehow from this merchant and give birth to Lucas on the outskirts of some city. She left him there hoping he would die but Lucas managed to survive thanks to an old couple who happened to stumble upon him. The couple was turned off by his raven black wings and legs covered in feathers but raised him as if he were their own anyway.
On his 12th birthday, the old couple were killed in a terrible house fire meant for him. Angry, Lucas fled the city in hopes to find somewhere else and start a new life.
He came to Rynmere, got a job with a shopkeeper and lived in a very small apartment. Aging quite well, might I say, Lucas decided when he turned eighteen to farther his education. The mixed blood was on the right track at first. But somehow during his time going to school, he started to gamble and visit the brothel. Being part avriel, he paid more for pleasure than others.
Name: Lila'Belleira Race: Mixed Race (Sev'ryn and something else) Age: 5 arcs Born: 45th of Skills: Animal Husbandry, Intelligence, Singing, gardening Other Information: Lila was raised by her single Sev'ryn mother in mid-town, where her mother owned a small flower shop. Lila worked in this shop beside her mother and lived a comfortable life until the Civil war happened. Safely tucked away, Lila watched her mother die in the hands of one of Vlejorn's soldiers then she watched her house and mother's shop burn to the ground. After the war ended, Lila was found hiding in the corner of the monastery crying and covered in her own waste.
A timid girl, Lila will never be the same. She hardly trust anyone and hides from people that look remotely similar or dresses like the man that killed her mother.
Get a frickin' job: This will happen the first season he is there. Daliane needs the money! I cannot make up my mind when it comes to the job he should pursue there. Acting is sort of out of the question since the city follows a different standard of entertainment than Rynmere. Luckily, Lotharro seem to care as much as he does about animals and their wellbeing. Daliane could possibly get a job on a farm or somewhere he can be heavily involved with animals. Another job idea is...prostituting. Daliane would not exactly be a prostitute per se since Daliane will not be willing to give up his body, virginity and dignity for the sexual pleasure. If he is somehow recruited by the Rigid Rooster and Luther values his purity, Daliane could possibly just show his body to people and maybe allow them to touch it. No. Intercourse.
Fields of Gauthrel: My poor non-lotharro Daliane will not be able to avoid the Fields of Gauthrel. Not being able to mind his own, Daliane will step outside Uthaldria and into dangerous territory that will (hopefully not) kill him. If I could possibly get a staff member to agree to a modded thread, I want Daliane to find himself in a semi-dangerous situation where he comes face-to-face with a dangerous beast. Or maybe a not so dangerous beast?
Learn about Lotharro culture: Daliane needs to be a tad bit more educated. He cannot lollygag in Uthaldria forever. He needs to know these people's language, what they do and how they do it. What's reincarnation? Why is it so important? What's the difference between a bond with a lotharro and a bond with someone of another race? These are all things Daliane needs to find out from either books or a lotharro.
Learn some some sort of combat skill or how to wield a weapon: That experience on his journey to Desnind has deeply affected him. No, he isn't violent and he may never have enough in him to harm someone. But he should learn to defend himself and others if the time comes. He'll need to find an awesome lotharro to teach him!
Meet the High King:Marry him Daliane comes from a noble family. That should get him somewhere??not really.
Learn some sort of magic skill
Dedicate some time to Thetros: It is his sanctuary after all? Why not thank him for it.
Daliane needs a strong Lotharro, he's taking offers.
Sorry it's been awhile since you've last heard from me...things did not go as planned in Uthaldria. What the people say about it is true-- the lotharro men are a dream but their land is a nightmare for the common folk. I had not stayed more than a few trials before encountering death multiple times. After the fourth or fifth encounter, I knew I wanted to leave yet did not know how. Instead, I took shelter in a rather large nonetheless kind man and his family's home. I did my best to help them although hard labor is not my sort of work. You cannot imagine what I had to do in order to keep a roof over my head. I spent many nights crying to the seven.
Finally, my prayers were heard and one day while running errands with the large man's wife, I overheard a lotharro talk of going to Rynmere. He wanted to be a knight! I had gotten too excited and out of that excitement, promised the man he would become one if he took me back to Rynmere with him and returned me to House Andaris. The man too got excited and asked me several questions. I don't remember them...but in the end, he took me on his journey.
Our first stop is Etzos then we should be home soon!