• Closed • Planning and Plotting

Katie, Kura, and Faith get to talking.

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Kura Wolfsdotter
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Kura cocked her head to the side as Faith said that it was her bad idea to make, then grinned as she said she'd talk to Padraig about it. "I have every trust in him." she said, grinning slightly. Padraig could convince Faith it was a bad idea, Kura was certain of that.

"Thought you might." she said when Faith said she liked the ideas on how to strengthen the invocation. She fell silent as Faith spoke to Cally, evidently answering a question. Cally, for her part, grinned widely when Faith said that Padraig could see her now, but didn't speak. It appeared that the ghost was, in fact, happy to use non-verbal means of expressing herself from time to time. However, Kura had put together what Cally had likely asked Faith. "Talkin' about how I usually know where she is now? You're right, I feel Cally as a...warm spot. Like the warmth of her heart is still goin', even without a body." she said, smiling slightly. "If she means how I keep indicatin' where she's at by pokin' her in the nose, that's fairly simple."

Kura turned in her seat to look at where Cally was, the ghost looking back at the Mortalborn in curiosity. "You're 5'5", and you hated gettin' sore feet, so you were always wearin' shoes with cushioned soles, addin' an extra inch to your height. You also have an average length nose, but you lean forward slightly, pretty much all the time." Kura said, before smiling slightly before turning back to the table and looking at the menus Katie had brought. After a moment, she frowned. "And stop tuggin' at your earlobe, you'll pull the scar tissue." she said, irritably. Cally, who had been doing exactly that, pulled her hand away in shock.

After a moment, however, she looked at Faith again. "She does know I don't have scar tissue anymore, right?" she asked in utter bewilderment before she caught a look at the small grin Kura had. After a moment, the ghost laughed. "I'm surprised she remembers all that, you know? It's been thirty years, but she still remembers that much about me. Before we met, I had begun to worry she'd forgotten me." Cally said, looking very relieved.

When talk turned to wedding outfits, both Kura and Cally gave Faith an amused look as the girl apparently realized how complicated and formal she was making her wedding. Kura, however, spoke seriously despite her amusement. "Oh, I always ask, Lass. When I was...oh, I'd guess around GrandPad's age, I officiated a weddin' with a savage tribal theme. I wound up wearin' rabbit furs and deer leather and officiatin' the whole affair over an alter made out of bones with bits of meat still hangin' off 'em." she said, before pausing in thought. "...And that's fairly normal compared to the one I was a witness for in the mountains once. The locals wrote up the traditions for me, but I'm still not entirely sure some of that was legal, even with the grooms consent." she said, looking thoughtful before shaking her head.

Cally, meanwhile, was looking at her with supreme interest. "I'd heard about the tribal weddin'. Even got her to show off the outfit once. She looks good in skimpy furs, by the way." she said, giving Faith a slightly teasing grin. "But I've never heard of this mountain weddin' before." she said, before trailing off. After a moment, she looked at Faith again. "Ask her about it sometime, please?"

As Faith said she wanted the wedding to be perfect, and for people to be comfortable, Kura grinned slightly. "Lass, there's perfect and then there's perfect. You wouldn't happen to be basin' your weddin' plans entirely around what you've been readin' in books, would you, lass?" she asked, her tone kind. Faith, for all the progress she had made since that dream so long ago, still had trouble with concepts that many people took for granted, now including weddings, it seemed.
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Planning and Plotting

Faith couldn't hide the chuckle as Kura said that she had every faith in Padraig. She didn't bite, though, just grinned at her friend and said nothing else. After all, Faith was beaten and she knew it; the least she could do was accept defeat gracefully whilst pretending it hadn't happened at all.

The conversation between Cally and Kura caused a smile of pleasure to light the young woman's face, but Faith kept quiet. In that moment, though, she thought of something and she made a mental to speak to Padraig about it. The conversation between the two of them, the Mortalborn and the spirit was frankly adorable and rather heartbreaking all at once and Faith decided then and there that she had spent too long not working this out fully. She would have to turn her attention to it, and more completely.

At Kura's explanation, though, Katie raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Faith glanced at her, realising that Kura had spoken about what she'd done when she was Cyrus' age and Katie just smiled and said nothing, apparently paying her drink a lot of attention. Faith answered, though, and she was very serious. "I don't know anything else to base it off, Kura." Faith had never attended a wedding, never considered having one. Katie reached out and touched Faith's arm and smiled.

"It's alright, little doll. You and Padraig will work it out. Put the books away and become a little girl." She smiled at Faith and Faith looked rather surprised at the idea.

"When I was a little girl, I used to imagine what my wedding would be. You never had that. You never had the conversations with other little girls, never got to just imagine. I think that's what you should do, for a little while, now?"

Faith looked at them both with some surprise on her face, "Stop planning and just imagine?" It sounded like a crazy notion, except it made perfect sense to her. Perfect sense to how she worked. Faith looked at Katie in some surprise as she realised that and then she nodded. "So, use the fact that I've no frame of reference as a strength. I've got no preconceived ideas, hold no notion of what must be. Just .. give myself time to imagine first and then plan?"

Katie nodded and Faith turned to look at Kura. "I can do that. That sounds wonderful and decadent and self-involved, but I can do it. I know, though, that we want you to wear what you want to wear. What you're comfortable in. Except," she added, with a grin, "no skimpy furs, please? Although I'm sure we'd all like to hear about the mountain wedding. Would you tell us? And then, maybe we can meet up again next season, and I'll have imagined and have more idea about what we want, not what I think we ought to do because the books said to?" Did that make sense? She certainly hoped so.
word count: 515
Life, Death and the In-Between .
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Planning and Plotting

Kura had opened her mouth to respond to Faith's comment about not having anything to base her wedding on, but Katie beat her too it, and Kura kept silent. When Faith came to the conclusion Katie was leading her too, Kura nodded. "Aye, lass. A weddin' isn't like a recipe or an operation. It's a family thing, after all, and there's never been a formula for that. Things like that, they work off feelin's and the heart, not logic and the head." she said, smiling gently. "Odds are, you already know what it will be, but you've got it buried under minutiae. So you just be takin' a step back for a bit to let that clear, then see what feels right." she said, smiling warmly at her friend.

When Faith commented on the clothes, Kura nodded. "Definitely not. I wasn't comfortable in that outfit to begin with." she said, before grinning slightly. "Given how you and Padraig keep findin' trouble, though, I was thinkin' maybe wearin' my armor." she said teasingly. She would do no such thing of course, but as a precaution, she'd have the bow and axe close to hand. The two of them really were a magnet for all sorts of things, some good and some bad. The three blessings Faith had were proof enough of that.

"And aye, I'll tell the story about the mountain weddin', but it's a bit of a long one, so I'll tell it when we meet up next." she said, grinning slightly as she leaned back in her chair. "So, we have ourselves a plan to be goin' forward with, then? Faith stops plannin' for a bit, I make sure my house gets finished soon, Katie keeps bein' lovely, and Cally stops tuggin' on her damn ear?" she said, her tone cheerful. Cally, meanwhile, jumped and took her hand away from her ear, then stuck her tongue out at Kura.
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Pash Raj'oriq
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Planning and Plotting

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Skill Knowledge:
➳ Baking: Wedding cakes
➳ Business management: Greeting people in your place of business
➳ Business management: Holding meetings in your business
➳ Business management: Sample menus for functions
➳ Cosmetology: Wedding dresses
➳ Cosmetology: Colour schemes
➳ Meditation: Stop thinking, just imagine
➳ Persuasion: Start at a point and don't deviate
➳ Persuasion: Recognise your own weaknesses
➳ Research: Using books to determine customs
➳ Sociology: Scalvoris wedding customs

Other Knowledge:

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A

Points: 15 | These points cannot be used for magic.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡

Skill Knowledge:
➳ Cosmetology: Choose your outfit color carefully
➳ Detection: Noting movements which might be a clue to profession
➳ Detection: Spotting details
➳ Interrogation: Clear, straight questions
➳ Investigation: Considering possible reasons when things don't add up
➳ Investigation: Determining how clothing can change height.
➳ Negotiation: Planning something mutually acceptable
➳ Negotiation: Making sure that simple & elegant doesn't become over the top
➳ Negotiation: Use others to strengthen your argument
➳ Persuasion: Tell someone you need their help first.
➳ Persuasion: Give examples of why you're right
➳ Persuasion: Use your age wisely

Other Knowledge:

Loot: N/A
Injuries: N/A
Fame: Generous Kindness +2
Devotion: N/A

Points: 15 | These points cannot be used for magic.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Ah! Ladies’ day out doing wedding planning things. Squee. This was a fun read, thank you, and full of all the various ups and downs and crazies that come with the process. Har.

If you see anything I’ve missed or have a question, please feel free to drop me a PM!
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