Finn O'Connor
:: 3rd Ashan, 717
"Paplo?" Finn scratched the back of his head to consider the question in full. "Well, strange ain't the right word perhaps," he chatted, "more like, different, like you!" he blurted. "Meaning no offense!" he quickly added, in case the half-bird had any second thoughts about trying roast orphan. "You see, I sort of drew his face on the chalkboard." By itself the statement appeared wholly innocent, but given the devilish little smirk that accompanied it, Noth would know that there was more to the tale. "I added some, what's the word... oh, embellishments!" The smirk now turned into a toothy grin as he was about to unveil the essence of the story. Leaning in a little bit, he lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper and said, "I drew a turd on top of his head!"
Reassuming his former posture, Finn gazed out into the cave for a while as he dug through his memory of what had happened next. "The weird thing was, he didn't like it. I don't mean that he didn't like what I had tried to draw, but he started criticizing how I had drawn it. Then, he brought out this real big whip of sorts and I thought he'd try to hit me, but he said he'd have the other kids hit me instead. Weird stuff like that. And then guess what happened? He let me choose if I wanted to clean up the toilets for punishment, or go to a museum with him!" Finn let out a little laugh, clearly starting to feel more at home in the presence of the malformed Avriel. "That's what I meant with strange, he always does something unexpected. I think...I think I quite like him, but I wouldn't trust him! He probably just does whatever strikes his fancy whenever he thinks of something..."
A brief silence lingered between them and Finn started to regret his choice to decline the meal. Where his voice remained silent however, his gut betrayed with a gentle rumble. Eager to pretend he wasn't half starving, Finn was quick to answer Noth's second question.
"The orphanage is fine I suppose," he shrugged. The truth was he'd never really known anything different and had little to compare it to. "A bit dull though, which is why I wander off most of the time, which they dun' like but," he gave another shrug, "I dun' really care what they think. They make me do lotsa chores, tryna keep me close and behind the fence, but I always find my way out. There's only old Fred what guards the gate and he's got a peg leg. Dun't think he ever caught me...He does see me get in and out though, sometimes, and if I am lucky he'll forget telling the caretakers, if I am not so lucky..." he snapped his fingers in front of Noth's face and made whipping sound. "Doesn't really work though, cause if they do that, it hurts to sit and that's what they want, they want me to sit still."
His expression shifted from indifference to a frown of concern and empathy as he caught onto the meaning of Noth's last few words. "So you're one too? An orphan I mean? Why didn't you...?" It seemed a silly question at first. Obviously a monster like Noth could not possibly live a normal life amid the other children. Especially not the children of an orphanage who had very little worth fighting for except for their social ranking. Finn could already imagine it, Noth would have been laughed and sneered at, made fun of until he'd jump out of a window, trying to fly away but instead crashing into the ground below. There'd be no one at his burial, no one but the caretakers who had never wanted to take care of such a mishappen being and were now forced to stay out in the cold to bury the little shit.
Finn tried to blink the fire behind his eyes away. "I'm sorry," he said in a low voice. "It must be hard for you, if everyone thinks you're a monster..." He looked to the goose, then back to Noth, then back to the goose. How obvious it all seemed now. This Avian was not a monster, but a lonely, dejected creature with only a goose for company. His hand trembled as he reached out, still not quite sure if he Noth wasn't a man-eating monster after all, but then it was already too late, his hand rested on the monster's back and he gave a light, encouraging pat.
"So what is your name?" he asked tenatively as his hand slid away. If the bird replied, Finn would grow silent again, giving the name some thought before venture to ask the question that had been on his lips all this time. "Noth?"
he'd ask carefully, "how did you lose your other wing?"
Reassuming his former posture, Finn gazed out into the cave for a while as he dug through his memory of what had happened next. "The weird thing was, he didn't like it. I don't mean that he didn't like what I had tried to draw, but he started criticizing how I had drawn it. Then, he brought out this real big whip of sorts and I thought he'd try to hit me, but he said he'd have the other kids hit me instead. Weird stuff like that. And then guess what happened? He let me choose if I wanted to clean up the toilets for punishment, or go to a museum with him!" Finn let out a little laugh, clearly starting to feel more at home in the presence of the malformed Avriel. "That's what I meant with strange, he always does something unexpected. I think...I think I quite like him, but I wouldn't trust him! He probably just does whatever strikes his fancy whenever he thinks of something..."
A brief silence lingered between them and Finn started to regret his choice to decline the meal. Where his voice remained silent however, his gut betrayed with a gentle rumble. Eager to pretend he wasn't half starving, Finn was quick to answer Noth's second question.
"The orphanage is fine I suppose," he shrugged. The truth was he'd never really known anything different and had little to compare it to. "A bit dull though, which is why I wander off most of the time, which they dun' like but," he gave another shrug, "I dun' really care what they think. They make me do lotsa chores, tryna keep me close and behind the fence, but I always find my way out. There's only old Fred what guards the gate and he's got a peg leg. Dun't think he ever caught me...He does see me get in and out though, sometimes, and if I am lucky he'll forget telling the caretakers, if I am not so lucky..." he snapped his fingers in front of Noth's face and made whipping sound. "Doesn't really work though, cause if they do that, it hurts to sit and that's what they want, they want me to sit still."
His expression shifted from indifference to a frown of concern and empathy as he caught onto the meaning of Noth's last few words. "So you're one too? An orphan I mean? Why didn't you...?" It seemed a silly question at first. Obviously a monster like Noth could not possibly live a normal life amid the other children. Especially not the children of an orphanage who had very little worth fighting for except for their social ranking. Finn could already imagine it, Noth would have been laughed and sneered at, made fun of until he'd jump out of a window, trying to fly away but instead crashing into the ground below. There'd be no one at his burial, no one but the caretakers who had never wanted to take care of such a mishappen being and were now forced to stay out in the cold to bury the little shit.
Finn tried to blink the fire behind his eyes away. "I'm sorry," he said in a low voice. "It must be hard for you, if everyone thinks you're a monster..." He looked to the goose, then back to Noth, then back to the goose. How obvious it all seemed now. This Avian was not a monster, but a lonely, dejected creature with only a goose for company. His hand trembled as he reached out, still not quite sure if he Noth wasn't a man-eating monster after all, but then it was already too late, his hand rested on the monster's back and he gave a light, encouraging pat.
"So what is your name?" he asked tenatively as his hand slid away. If the bird replied, Finn would grow silent again, giving the name some thought before venture to ask the question that had been on his lips all this time. "Noth?"
he'd ask carefully, "how did you lose your other wing?"