• Graded • Bonemaker: Flame

58th of Ashan 717

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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Bonemaker: Flame

Continued from Here.

58th Trial of Ashan, Arc 717

Neronin had been exhausted from the events of the past few days. He held spent wholly too much time down at Noth’s cave, or gallivanting around the outskirts of the city hunting Gavrel with Kovic. Neronin hadn’t seen hide nor hair of either Gavrel and his thralls nor Kovic since that night a few trials previous in the woods. Neronin walked through the streets of Etzos toward his small, humble home. He hadn’t been there in days and looked forward to a night’s rest in his own bed, as opposed to the rough dirt floor of the headquarters cavern.

As he approached the narrow alleyway in which his house was tucked between a few others, Neronin wondered vaguely where Gavrel was now. Did he have Kovic? Did old Maws finally meet his end? Would he be able to outmaneuver the old master? As Neronin’s head filled with doubts about his predicament he turned the corner down the alleyway. Then he stopped.

His house was on fire. The orange flames licked out of the open door and the light from them brightened the opposite wall. Neronin gasped and began running. He skidded to a halt outside his door and looked inside, shielding his eyes with one arm. The door was ajar and it seemed to be on fire, his one room house was ransacked. Neronin kicked at the door and watched as it fell off it’s hinges. He coughed heavily as he stepped inside.

His eyes burned from the smoke and Neronin dropped to his hands and knees. He saw the table was upturned and the wall along the left had caught flame too. The chest in which he stored his belongings was opened and long flames danced from within. He hurried over to it, spitting up black ash and gasping for air. The contents of the chest were charred cinders by now. As he peered inside he saw a black mass that he knew to be his journal. It lay open atop the other contents which where his clothes and various tools, inkwells, quills, and tinderbox.

As Neronin turned to check the the hiding place where he stored his money his eyes fell on the only part of his house that wasn’t covered in dancing light from the few fires. In the corner where his bed was, as if waiting for him to notice, was a shadowy figure. Neronin recognized it. He had once made one of those figures rip a man apart. The haunt stood atop his bed, the light from the flames not illuminating its dark, shadowy silhouette. The only features Neronin could make out in any detail were the glowing purple eyes. Gavrel.

Neronin knew Gavrel stared back at him from those eyes. He knew he had sent the haunt to ransack his home, to murder him. Neronin felt his magic boil up in him along with his rage. His home! Gavrel had come and attacked him in his home! The necromantic spark within him burned with the emotions he felt. As the Haunt burst forward, claws manifesting on the ends of long tendril-like appendages Neronin threw a Sap at the thing. He watched as the shadows burst when the spell hit it and the thing screamed almost imperceptibly. The shadows swarmed around the spell, recoiling from it in all directions. He watched the Haunt slip across the ceiling and the wall. It moved towards the door and reformed itself silhouetted against the doorway. Neronin began summoning his power again, the green light of his witchbrand flickering as he did so.

The Haunt’s purple eyes bore into him, the undead hunger there even though it was only shadow and magic spun together. The thing seemed to be reforming it's clawed weapon appendages, but Neronin was ready for it. He sent another burst of the dark Sap spell at the thing and watched as it shifted aside and the miasma blew past. Neronin threw his magic into his own shadow, summoning for a second time ever the Haunt that he had used to kill so long ago. The two shadow monsters lunged at each other and Neronin watched as the black battle began.
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Shadow and claw raged a muted combat in the doorway to his burning home. Neronin was now coughing uncontrollably, the smoke thickening inside the small space. He had made no attempt to salvage the home, his rage setting his mind on vengeance. He threw another Sap and the enemy Haunt to push it back. It worked. Both shadow monsters moved out into the street and Neronin felt his own shimmer and weaken as his concentration did the same. He stumbled out of the home and gasped at the fresh air, feeling the coolness fill his lungs. He coughed uncontrollably as the enemy Haunt solidified its claws once again. It was lunging at him, but the insubstantiality of its form was no match for his magic. Neronin thrust his hand out to protect himself with a wave of dark miasma. The Haunt shrunk away from it and slid back into the shadows of the wall. Neronin saw the thing’s dark purple eyes drifting back along the wall.

“Oh no-“ He coughed up black ash. “You don’t!” He hissed after it as he resolidified his own Haunt and sent it after the thing. He concentrated temporarily and felt his mind spiral through the magical tether into the form of his own Haunt. He rode the Link, not giving any orders so as to avoid slowing the thing down as it gave chase. He simply watched the shadowy form of the Haunt as it fled from the scene. He saw the fringes of the Haunt blurring as bits of shadow slid off its form.

Neronin felt a sense of alarm as he realized the Haunt was slipping away. He would have no way to track Gavrel at all! Neronin thought quickly. What could he do to hold onto the trail? He couldn’t pin the thing down or else interrogate it to find Gavrel. He knew Gavrel would just break the Link. The Link! Neronin began to gather his magic again, the ether came slower and more chaotically than normal, now that he was in the Haunt’s Link. He surged his mind forward and into that of Gavrel’s Haunt. His own disappeared in a shower of shards of inky blackness.

He felt the familiar struggle against Gavrel’s control. He felt the necromancer bolster his own command by instinct. He had fought over command of a thrall before with Gavrel, days ago. But Neronin didn’t want control of the Haunt. He wanted Gavrel. Neronin urged his magic to slip past Gavrel’s own forceful control. He fought against his instinct to fight for command and instead focused on the Link. He could sense, somehow, that Gavrel was there, in that Haunt, just as he was there. They were both Linked to the Haunt, both struggling to command. Then Neronin felt it. The subtle tug of an ether tether. He followed and followed, spiraling even further away. He felt the splitting pain in his mind and somehow tasted iron. It meant his mouth was bleeding, back in his body.

Neronin finally reached the end of the Link. With nowhere to go, his mind raged with the agony. The link was not meant to sit in, but to traverse. He could not enter Gavrel’s mind, and the Haunt seemed to be too far gone to return to. Neronin got the fleeting glimpse of a dark room and a window. A hunched man stood silhouetted in the window, Gavrel.

Neronin could barely make out the features in the shadows. He was only able to see the necromancer for a moment, a heart beat. Then his mind was reeling and his vision went black. He felt an immense rushing feeling and then a beating on his chest. Neronin could do nothing to dissipate the ache in his mind, and he was unaware of occupying any form. His mind went black as he was forced from Gavrel’s Link. He cringed in upon himself in the pain, its raw pulsating his only sensation. Then that drifted away into something like a dull ache and the battering on his heart was the only sensation.

Neronin coughed up slimey blackness as the impacts against his chest continued. He was aware of his own body only because of the pain in his lungs and his head. He spat up more and groaned, trying weakly to raise his arms to defend his aching chest against the incessant impacts. His arms found other arms.
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“It’s okay, sir! You made it out of the fire.” A voice said. Neronin opened his eyes. He was laying on the alley floor a few yards from where his house was burning. Am old man he dimly recognized as one of his neighbors was crouched over him, both of his hands gently laid on his chest. “You look like death itself.” The man said, barking a quick laugh. Neronin blinked at him and then rubbed ash from his eyes.

“What?” He croaked, trying to sit up. The man gently pushed him back down, which probably was for the best. As he moved Neronin felt a wash off nausea overcome him, twisting quickly to the side and wrenching up blackness.

“That’s better, get it all out.” The old man said. Neronin was becoming vaguely aware of other figures, men and women who were throwing bucketloads of water onto his house. Neronin watched them work, his mind still aching from the exertion of his magic. From what he could gather, the people had come across him when investigating the fire and assumed he had passed out from the smoke. He might have, now that he had returned to himself.

“My home?” Neronin asked, his voice just as raspy and weak. He fell into a fit of coughing and the old man frowned and waited for him to finish. He gave Neronin a few hearty slaps on the back, for which Neronin was thankful. More black sludge trickled out of his mouth and Neronin spat it onto the ground in disgust.

“It’s gone. I’m sorry.” The old man began. “We didn’t see the flames in time to save much more than the foundation and the brick of the fireplace. If you need a place for the night, we can get that done. But it wont be here, lad.” The old man’s voice was gentle and full of sorrow. It was so genuine that Neronin did not lash out at him.

“My… my chest?” Neronin asked, his voice less than hopeful.

“Gone to bits of black coal now.”

Neronin felt a shuddering gasp escape him. His notes. All his research into his craft. The journal he had kept since the days under Gavrel, all gone. All he had of his research was in his mind. He would have to redo everything. Neronin rolled and pushed himself to his feet with tremendous effort. The old man straightened next to him, placing a protective hand on his shoulder. Neronin leaned precariously, but righted himself by bracing a shaking arm against the wall. “Shit.” He said simply, surveying the blackened remains where his small house once stood.

“Aye, ain’t good, that.” The old man said, sighing heavily. “At least you survived though. Mind, you had us worried. Pale as death you are, lad. You ought to see a doctor, that blackness don’t look good.”

Neronin turned his attention from the house to the old man. “What? What black?” He glanced at the ground. “It’s just ash, I’ll vomit it up eventually.”

“Not that, lad. That.” The old man said, indicating Neronin’s neck. Neronin felt his blood go cold. He grabbed at his throat. He had an idea what the man walk talking about, but he asked anyway to keep up appearances.
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“What- what do you mean?” His voice was whispered and weak with nerves.

“Got veins black as night, like the ash is in your blood or somethin’. All the way up to your jaw, lad. I sent for a doctor a few minute ago, but he ain’t roused himself yet I expect. Don’t ya worry though, he’ll be around soon.” He said reassuringly.

The man had clearly mistook Neronin’s shocked gaze for concern about illness. Neronin knew exactly what the affliction was, and no doctor could help him. He was worried about closer inspection of his malady. He glanced quickly around, looking to see if anyone else was hurrying towards the ruin that had been his home. “I’m fine! No need for a doctor.” He barked out as he hurried towards the house. The old man followed him, rambling out objections.

Neronin pushed his way into the ruin, his eyes flickering across the floor. He was searching for something, the most precious thing he had besides the already smoldering journal. He found what he was looking for, the blackened flat stones that were the base of his fireplace. The squat alcove of brick and stone seemed to be the most substantial bit of his home that was left. He fell to his knees and pried at one of the flat stones with his fingers. It came loose and Neronin tossed it aside with a grunt of effort. The people who had helped put out the fire were gathering around curiously. Neronin knew he had to work quickly or else he’d be coming up with answers to questions he didn’t want to hear.

Neronin pulled the leather sack of money from its hide-away and was glad to find his savings hadn’t been affected by the fire. He opened it and reached in, pulling out a handful of coins. He hardly checked the amount before passing them around the to people, his neighbors.

“Thank you, thank you all. Please take it, it’s fine.” He wanted them in good spirits when he left. A few things were good deterrents of suspicion and hostility, chief among them was money. If he left without an explanation, especially before the guards arrived, these people would be suspicious of him. But if he diverted their attention to gold, they might just think him rattled.

He edged his way away from the ruin, his mind on the flash of Gavrel and his need to leave this area. “Where are you going? The doctor is coming!” The old man said, hurrying after him.

“No, please. I have to… I have a doctor already. My, my brother is a physician. I need to go tell him about the house.” Neronin lied quickly.

“I can go get him for you-“

“No! No, you’ve done enough. Here, take this. Many thanks, friend.” Neronin said, shoving three golden nel into the man’s lined and calloused hand. He flashed a weak smile and thought that this time at least he had meant the word.

Neronin hurried off, tucking the sack of money under his cloak and away from any prying eyes. He was already thinking of retaliation. Neronin had lost his home and almost everything he owned, save the clothes on his back and his money. He needed to retrieve his undead, and he needed to get Mongrel as well. Neronin grinned viciously, for he saw more than just Gavrel in that image. He had seen a window, and in the distance of he had seen the eastern side of Etzos silhouetted against the diminishing light of the sun. He knew where to find the old necromancer’s hideout now.

I’m coming for you, you old carcass.
So I'm thinking loss of house and all the items in there. He's got his clothes and his dagger and all his money minus the 12 gold nel he gave away.
Made by Kovic
word count: 662
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Pash Raj'oriq
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Bonemaker: Flame

Thread Rewards
Skill Knowledge:
➳ Necromancy: Link: Tracking mages via the Link
➳ Necromancy: Sap: Disrupts Haunts
➳ Discipline: Not letting the smoke get to you
➳ Discipline: Resisting the urge to control undead
➳ Deception: Distracting with money
➳ Endurance: Fighting through the effects of smoke inhalation

Other Knowledge:
➳ NPC: Gavrel: Hiding out east of Etzos

Loot: -#allyourthings (So, negative loot. Whatever possessions didn’t burn, that’s all you’ve got left. Good thing dead bodies are free.)
Overstepping: You’re now on the line between light and medium overstepping. GraveTouch, which you wrote about here, has made you pale and cold. You run the risk of making it permanent, so be careful!
Fame: N/A
Devotion: N/A

Points: 10 These points can be used for magic.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡
Crazy Necromancy fighting! The combat was a fun read, though I’m sorry to see that Nero lost his house in the fire. I suppose that means it’s time to find a real lair, eh?
word count: 162
Rakahi | Rakahi Pidgin | Common | Xanthean

Because of his Competency in Empathy magic, Pash exudes an aura of calm emotion that is always "on." While it's not strong enough to overcome extreme emotions and it also loses strength the more people he's around, it's still up to you how that affects your character in whatever situation we're in. PM with questions!
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