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19th of Saun 717

Etzos, ‘The City of Stones’ is a fortress against the encroachment of Immortal domination of Idalos. Founded on the backs of mortals driven to seek their own destiny independent of the Immortals, the city has carved itself out of the very rock of the land. Scourged by terrible wars of extermination, they've begun to grow again, and with an eye toward expansion, optimism is on the rise.

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19th Trial of Saun, 717 Arc
Farmlands outside of Etzos

They had grown in power. He and Noth and their small faction they called Al’Angyryl. They had become a more secure entity and recovered slightly since the near disaster that was their attempt to rescue the Don. Neronin hadn’t brought out his Marrow mask since that night. But with three strong minions, his Maimers, in tow he felt on top of the world. Neronin had, since creating them, felt much more secure. He wore the mask again, tonight.

The necromancer walked through a rocky field just before dusk. The three hunched figures of his undead flanked him. The hood of his robe beat against the side of his head as the twilight wind moved around them. Neronin strode with dark purpose towards the road he knew many farmers used to return home after a day’s work in the fields. There was a small cluster of farms not three leagues down that road, and he meant to intercept one such wagon.

As he approached the road, Neronin sent a wave of will over to his thralls, making them crawl into the bushes on the side of the dirt road. Neronin himself took up a casual, patient stance on the side of the road. He was eager to test his monsters again. To reassert himself as an embodiment of nightmare. The rush from such dominance was enticing. After many days spent cooped up in the museum, and further nights spent in practice in Noth’s Cavern, he was ready to stretch his legs. So to speak.

When the sounds of a wagon approaching could be head beyond the near bend in the road Neronin’s eyes shot to the spot. He stepped out into the middle of the road and waited, his hood half hiding the skull mask he wore. As the donkey turned the bend and revealed a wagon with what looked like a father and grown son and three workers in the back, Neronin waited for them to see him. When the father, who was driving the donkey on, saw him he leaned forward and frowned. He was clearly trying to make out Neronin’s features, seeing if he recognized the man blocking his path. Neronin held up a hand in greeting while lowing his head slightly to make certain they didn’t see his mask.

Neronin felt his undead notice the living. He felt their eagerness to consume. In that moment he felt closer to the undead than the living. In that skull mask, Neronin was one of them. He was just as monstrous, but the difference was he bore it inside himself. I will be feared, then respected, then avoided. He thought with a cold conviction.

Neronin lowered his hand and tilted his head back as the wagon came to rest in front of him. His mask was clearly visible to the farmers now, all five of whom suddenly looked fearful.

“Who are ya?” The father asked, his voice hoarse and his eyes wide. But his hands fell to the quarterstaff at his side and his jaw clenched. Bravery. Neronin silently commended the man for his nerve. Not many would have the same reaction.

Neronin waved two fingers and his undead clawed their way out of the nearby bush. Each gnawed hungrily at the air, reaching for the men with clawed hands. Their eyes glowed with the green light of his magic. Neronin began to gather his power, igniting the spark within him. The thing had grown so much in its bond with him. He now felt as though it was as much a piece of his soul as anything could be. When the green power flickered through his blackened veins and nearly his whole body flashed ghastly undead, Neronin was no longer alarmed. He knew this to be the spark closing the gap between them. It was power manifesting itself.
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Neronin let his thralls loose. The farmers were scrambling over themselves to get away. The father, who seemed to be the man in charge, was the only one to attempt to face the monsters. He swung his staff at the nearest. It was caught in the hand of the Maimer, and pulled from his grip. The thing swiped at him with a huge clawed hand and it ripped flesh. Blood splattered the wood of the wagon as the old man slumped down against the wagon wheel, panting. The beast leaned down and sunk its sharp teeth into the man’s shoulder. He screamed weakly as it ripped his flesh from him and consumed it. Neronin watched this with avid fascination. He felt the flush of satiation in the thing, but the hunger burned on.

The son had leapt from the wagon to sprint across the nearby clearing towards the trees. But he had been no match in speed for the second Maimer. The thing had lunges to swipe at the young man’s feet and he had stumbled. It had crawled up his screaming, thrashing form, ripping and tearing at his back as it went. It paused to tear a slab of flesh from him and gurgle it down.

The other three had fared a bit better simply because there was only one Maimer giving chase to all three of them. It was bounding between them as the men stumbled away, running with all their strength. Neronin brought his power out from within and blinked to them. He reached out and grabbed one with a Withering touch. The man screamed and attempted to beat his hand off of his through, but Neronin swatted the defenses away. He poured the Wither into the man, watching him choke and his eyes widen in fear as his skin began to rot and decay away under Neronin’s grasp. It was not fast, but it was enough to panic him. When Neronin finally threw him down, the man reaching up and wrapped both hands around his own neck.

He was staring up into Neronin’s eyes when the third Maimer bounded up and tore his head from his neck in a thin, pulsing fountain of blood. Neronin watched his beast gnaw at it. The other Maimers were hunting down the remaining two farmers. Neronin willed the close on to grab the body and pull it back to the wagon. He supervised the thing while it piled the bodies in the back of the wagon.

The other two returned, padding soft and silently along with corpses of their own slung over their shoulders. Only the old man remained alive, still coughing and staring weakly up at Neronin. The undead eyed him hungrily, their maws gnashing. Neronin walked up to him and crouched down in front of him.

“I’m Marrow.” Neronin finally answered the man’s question. His tone was conversational and he inspected the grievous wound on the farmer’s shoulder. Neronin felt one of the Maimer’s approach and crouch down next to him as he willed it to be so. He watched the thing reach out and press its clawed hand against the man’s bloody wound. He held the man still as he screamed and thrashed. The Maimer released him at Neronin’s unspoken command and then pressed the handprint against the wagon’s side, leaving a red mark there. “Was that your son?” Neronin asked the man, peering over his head at the still corpse of the young man in the wagon.

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The man shot a look of hatred at Neronin then. He nodded but said nothing.

Neronin grimaced, though the man wouldn’t see it through his skull mask. “Well, do you have any more?”

“W-why?” He rasped, his face tightening with the pain.

“Well if you do, they’re getting his portion of your attention from now on. His love. He’s quite dead, you see.” Neronin said, patting the man’s muscled shoulder consolingly.

“If you hurt… them.” The man rasped, he was having trouble speaking, his face having drained of blood. Clearly the man needed medical attention. Next to them, the Maimer had finished scrawling something on the wagon. It backed away to join the other undead.
“Oh, not to worry. I have no vendetta against you and your family. You are only the ink for my message.” Neronin told him. “I doubt we’ll ever meet again. Unless you’d want to?” The necromancer asked him, his voice light.

“No, please. Never.” He rasped.

“I’d thought so.” Neronin said. He reached down and pulled the man up, attempting to get him to stand. “Up you get, greybeard.” Neronin said, his voice strained with the effort. “You’ve got to get home in time for dinner. Got to spread the word, you know.”

The old man clambered onto the wagon with Neronin’s help. He looked more scared now that Neronin seemed to be letting him live than he had before. The undead watched his progress with unblinking, hungry eyes. “Why let me live?” The old man asked breathlessly. His eyes were still filled with hatred as they scanned from Neronin to the undead. “I’ll come for you, mark my words.”

“If I’d killed all of you then who would carry the message.” Neronin said.

“What message?” The old man asked, his shoulder dripping blood over his torso.

Neronin gestured to the wagon before turning to leave with his undead. There, on the side of it was the bloody hand print, and below it was one word etched in blood.

Made by Kovic
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Ewwwwww! Bad man! Great thread, though, and I really enjoyed reading it. You painted a beautiful, awful picture of Nero's / Marrow's actions and it was really intriguing to see. As a means of advertising, he's certainly found an efficient one! This was a very gruesome tale and I have to say, I hope that the father and Nero meet up again. He'd make for a very cool vigilante npc hunting down your faction. Or something. :) Great thread, well written. Do drop me a pm if you've got any questions.


XP: 10 (solo) these points MAY be used for Domain Magic (Rupturing)

Fame: -10 as Marrow.
Devotion: Nope




Necromancy: Using Thralls to write messages
Rupturing: Blinking to close distance to Prey
Intimidation: Use undead to scare folk
Intimidation: Build a dark persona
Leadership: Reigning in your undead
word count: 147
~~Red in hoof and claw... ~~

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