• Memory • I'll just have one...


The capital city of the of Rynmere, here is seated the only King in Idalos.
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I'll just have one...

She wondered if her previous compliment was possibly the worst in history. Literally the worst ever. Elyna half expected the young man to turn on his heel and walk out of the room, laughing at her. She could have kicked herself. Your attire is very nice? Might have well of told him he had good shoes, or a nice smile; lame. All of it, ridiculous. Also, totally beneath her, she decided and sat up a little straighter. Trying to wrestle control of a heart that beat too fast. The ends of her fingers felt numb, fizzy. The Skyrider tried to be sensible, putting the sensation down to the lack of oxygen in the room, or the heat from the fire and then he was closer.
The young woman drew a shaky breath as the last bit of air vanished. There was nothing except his face the rest of the world dim behind him. “It’s a little,” she struggled for the words. Nothing, literally nothing but blankness came into her head. No words or syllables. What had he asked? Something about the wine, he was waiting for an answer. Her fingers shook beneath his and she forgot about the bottle. It hung, limp from her hand, resting on the tabletop.

His nose touched the tip of hers and the world seemed to stop. He wasn’t a theif? He seemed pleased by that, well why wouldn’t he. Her mind rambled and her body was pulled tight as a bow string. His brushed against hers and it was all she could feel. The smooth motion of his mouth and the heat of his breath.
“Oh,” it was a soft noise of surprise and the young woman blinked at him. No one had ever done that before. That, was it? A first kiss…it hadn’t been so frightening after all. In fact…it had bene quite nice. If her body wasn’t pulling her in all kinds of different directions…there was a need that was more demanding than the rest and Elyna, neck and cheeks flushed crimson offered Hunter Gawyne an uncertain smile. Had it been alright? Had he liked it too?
Elyna tested her tongue against her bottom lip again before she drew a breath, “excuse me,” she whispered. The bottle was set carefully to one side and she edged carefully forward and hesitant, pressed her lips back against his. Could he hear her heartbeat? She was certain that everyone in the other room must be able to.
word count: 420
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Hunter Gawyne
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I'll just have one...

Oh? What did oh mean? Was she pleased he kissed her, or was she surprised? Happily surprised? Sadly surprised? There were just too many questions lingering on in the teenager's mind after the kiss that he could not answer in the time he had. He needed more time. He needed time to stop, at that very moment, just as he pulled backwards from her and their hearts raced at the same pace, as their breaths caught one another in the air. It was the embodiment of perfection, that feeling, if only he could make it last forever.

Then she whispered only inches away from him, and that perfect feeling he felt moments ago was gone. It had been replaced with something even better, something so beautiful he couldn't describe it, not even in his mind. That was how he wanted to spend the rest of his life. Standing, next to the billiard table, his body pressed against hers as their mouths danced in the rhythm of their heartbeats. Could she hear it? It was like the most beautiful melody one could play on a violin, except in touch, not hearing.

Then it ended, as they separated and breathed in the musty air of the dark room. He didn't want to breathe that air, he didn't want that smell in his nose, nor that taste in his mouth. He wanted Elyna, just Elyna, and nothing else. The world he experienced then started and ended with Elyna, and there were only shadows of what was once important.

"Please" He whispered, not even capable of finishing the sentence before his lips were on hers again and his hand circled her body. What was he planning on saying? Please, what? Did it matter?
word count: 293

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I'll just have one...

Come and get your Loot!

(There's plenty more where that came from)


  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +5
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Acting: Pretending to Like Noble Functions
  • Detection: Snow on a Partygoer's Shoes.
  • Hunter Gawyne: First Kiss
  • Hunter Gawyne: Is Very Attracted to You
  • Hunter Gawyne: Same Approximate Age as You
  • Negotiation: Meet Noble Obligations to be a Skyrider
  • PC: Hunter Kendrick Gawyne; Noble Guest at Party
  • Seduction: Disregarding Protocols can be Titillating
  • Seduction: Wine and Innocent Touches
  • Socializing: Hesitant Hopes of Attraction
  • Sociology: Glamorous Clothes are the Most Uncomfortable
  • Sociology: One Glass of Wine is Insufficient
  • Stealth: Behind an Open Door is No Good If it Gets Closed

Loot, Loss, Fame, Injury, Devotion:

Not much more than a bottle of wine that no one will miss 8-)


See Below
PM me with any comments or concerns :)



  • Story: +5
  • Collaboration: +5
  • Structure: +5

These points can NOT be used for magic.


  • Acting: Pretending to Like Noble Functions
  • Appraisal: The Material and Cut of a Fine Dress
  • Elyna Burhan: First Kiss
  • Elyna Burhan: Same Approximate Age as You
  • Etiquette: Remembering Proper Use of All Those Titles
  • Leadership: Taking the Romantic Initiative
  • PC: Elyna Burhan: Xiur Skyrider
  • Politics: More Rights as a Noble Guest Than as a Host
  • Seduction: Disregarding Protocols can be Titillating
  • Seduction: Wine and Innocent Touches
  • Socializing: Hesitant Hopes of Attraction
  • Sociology: How do Such Boring Galas Become Tradition?

Loot, Loss, Fame, Injury, Devotion:

Nothing to speak of


Absolutely delightful with all the hesitance and second guessing.
Sorry to say though that such threads are not skill-heavy.
Though you could see the eventual kiss coming, each post was mostly just the same aim getting a little closer each time, with more self-doubt and inner questions than knowledge. :oops:
Don't get me wrong, it was realistic for that very reason, and charming to boot.
PM me with any comments or concerns :)
word count: 328
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