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"Step Right Up!"
An Etzos "EVENT"
Ymiden 41, arc 717
The loud ringing of the bell surely drew nearby folks to the small open courtyard; word of mouth making its way to the ears of the rest. It was mid-morning of the 41st trial, and the exuberance of the voice proclaiming "Come one, come ALL! Try to best the cunning of Lewis Parren, and be rewarded in strange and wonderful prizes!" promised diversion from the rigors of the trial's anticipated drudgery.
What the curious would find was a round, walled-in space, about 15 yards across, covered with a form-fitted carpet. In the center of the carpet was a small, wide-based pedestal, about a foot high, with what appeared to be a simple glass ball atop it. The top of the pedestal was a cup, so the ball could not just be tapped and expected to roll off onto the carpet. At the top of the wall, many benches had been placed for spectators, but none were allowed at the carpet level; that was for contestants alone.
What these contestants were challenged to do, at the cost of 10 gold nel per try, was to simply retrieve the glass ball and hand it to Mr. Parren. Whichever bauble was being offered as a prize was then given as reward for their resourcefulness. I use this word, because contestants were not allowed to step upon the carpet, not place any additional weight upon it, nor use magic or divine abilities of any sort in the process of obtaining the ball.
Mr. Parren stated in no uncertain terms that he intended to interpret these restrictions liberally, and demonstrated this by eliminating the first contestant because he allowed a single toe to rest upon the edge of the carpet as he considered how he would achieve his goal. The grinning host collected his 10gn, amid loud protests by the ex-contestant, and informed him that he was free to try his luck again tomorrow, and that he would be here until the 50th.
There would surely be other rules as well, but the words "Oh, did I forget to say?..." were to become a common feature of his challenge...
So step right up, ye worthies of Etzos. This trials prize is a simple-looking headband that has an empathic sensory ward, that vibrates ever so slightly when ever someone within 100' is looking upon the wearer with deliberate intent of some kind. It could be good or bad, but it is focused upon you!
What the curious would find was a round, walled-in space, about 15 yards across, covered with a form-fitted carpet. In the center of the carpet was a small, wide-based pedestal, about a foot high, with what appeared to be a simple glass ball atop it. The top of the pedestal was a cup, so the ball could not just be tapped and expected to roll off onto the carpet. At the top of the wall, many benches had been placed for spectators, but none were allowed at the carpet level; that was for contestants alone.
What these contestants were challenged to do, at the cost of 10 gold nel per try, was to simply retrieve the glass ball and hand it to Mr. Parren. Whichever bauble was being offered as a prize was then given as reward for their resourcefulness. I use this word, because contestants were not allowed to step upon the carpet, not place any additional weight upon it, nor use magic or divine abilities of any sort in the process of obtaining the ball.
Mr. Parren stated in no uncertain terms that he intended to interpret these restrictions liberally, and demonstrated this by eliminating the first contestant because he allowed a single toe to rest upon the edge of the carpet as he considered how he would achieve his goal. The grinning host collected his 10gn, amid loud protests by the ex-contestant, and informed him that he was free to try his luck again tomorrow, and that he would be here until the 50th.
There would surely be other rules as well, but the words "Oh, did I forget to say?..." were to become a common feature of his challenge...
So step right up, ye worthies of Etzos. This trials prize is a simple-looking headband that has an empathic sensory ward, that vibrates ever so slightly when ever someone within 100' is looking upon the wearer with deliberate intent of some kind. It could be good or bad, but it is focused upon you!
OCC: So here's the deal. Obviously, if someone solves the puzzle right away, I don't want everyone being able to read it here. That would take all the fun out of it. So any that wish to try their hand should PM me with what they want to try. If they hit on the right approach, and there may be more than one. I will simply announce that they succeeded. Those that fall short will be instructed to post their attempt, and I shall post the sad follow-up detailing why it failed.