Perhaps it was inevitable, no amount of good intentions can prevent nature from taking it’s course, nor could all of those who were mutated resist using their newfound forms for evil. One such mutant given over to being a monster crawled out from the tunnels, perhaps rhe’d been evil to start with, most of the underground were there for less than ideal reasons, but perhaps it was the aversion that even the others warped by the malefic meal gave her drove her over the edge. She’d never been pretty but… now her own reflection was horrifying to her, her words left her mouth…. Mouths… as garbled guttural sounds. She’d never been happy, she’d avoided paying for her crimes by hiding below ground, waiting out the search for justice below ground. But now did it really matter? There were things she wanted, and she’d be damned if the fates would take everything from her, first her home and now her looks and body? Her twisted form shambled out in the night in the furthest ring of the underground.
Her exit was witnessed however by a lone watchmen. His face twisted in horror at the twisted form that was before him even as he leveled his halberd at the monster and called out for his alleys the weapon was snapped from his hand by the whip like tongues that protruded from her mouth, his small scream was then silenced by her tentacles lashing around and snapping his neck.
Fight and flight were the basist instincts of anything with a heart, and right now, Symbri decided flight was the best option. Recoiling back Symbri turned and vaulted away, running up a low wall to perch on a single story building. The night was still young… there had to be other people around…. But theyed just witnessed a guard get mangled, no… she should… no had to do something about this.
Pullling her mind together Symbri watched the monster that eyed her warily, it had stopped approaching when she’d scaled a wall, but it wasn’t going to stop, turning away from her it looked at it’s own reflection in the glass of a storefront. The sad hollow sound that erupted from the monster made Symbri almost want to feel pity for it. But the mangled body of the guard said that this monster was anything but friendly it was a threat and that alone meant she had to take it out.
Leaping from her perch Symbri ran at the beast while it was distracted cursing the fact that range was her weakest suit. Closing on the mutant Symbri didn’t even know how she was going to kill or defeat it. Did it suffer from the other weaknesses of humans maybe she could break it’s legs slow it down and give help time to arrive.
But the moment she was in range the creature reacted. One of it’s whip like tongues lashed out to strike her. Expecting a stinging whip like strike Symbri crossed her arms before her. But what she encountered was like an iron beam, the force knocked her back sending her tumbling and caused her to roll. She was fast enough to rise and dodged the second attack the slammed into the ground beside her, but her arms throbbed and her body shook, it was fast, and it could see at multiple angles. Dancing backwards Symbri looked about for an easy answer.